Target graphics memory allocation fix for egl, target EPOCHEAP fix for wserv_nga and Zoom2 rotate fix.
// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#ifndef __FONTINDIC_H__
#define __FONTINDIC_H__
#include "GlyphSel.h"
/** Defines the maximum ammount of text thats can be shaped at one time.
Change this number to suit optimisation, as increasing it or decreasing it may
make Devanagari text faster/slower.*/
const TInt KMaxTextToShape = 16;
enum TIndicCodeType
// These values must not change without also changing
// KStateResponse table accordingly
EIndicCodeOther = 0,
EIndicCodeCombiningSign = 1,
EIndicCodeIndependentVowel = 2,
EIndicCodeConsonant = 3,
EIndicCodeDependentVowel = 4,
EIndicCodeVirama = 5,
EIndicCodeNukta = 6,
EIndicCodeZWJ = 7,
EIndicCodeNuktaConsonant = 8,
EIndicCodeIndependentVowelA = 9,
EIndicCodeDependentVowelCandraE = 10,
EIndicCodeConsonantKannadaBengaliRa = 11,
EIndicCodeSplitVowel1 = 12,
EIndicCodeSplitVowel2 = 13,
EIndicCodeTamilLengthMarkAU = 14,
//Gurmukhi specific types: EIndicCodeGurBeraer* for specific bearer
//EIndicCodeGurDependentVowel* for dependent vowles which can be combined
//with corresponding bearer to form an independent vowlel
EIndicCodeGurBearerA = 15,
EIndicCodeGurBearerU = 16,
EIndicCodeGurBearerI = 17,
EIndicCodeGurDependentVowelA = 18,
EIndicCodeGurDependentVowelU = 19,
EIndicCodeGurDependentVowelI = 20,
EIndicCodeConsonantMalaChillu = 21,
EIndicCodeConsonantMalaChilluNA = 22,
EIndicCodeConsonantMalaRRA = 23
struct TIndicCodeMapping
TInt16 iFirstCodeInRange;
TInt16 iCodeType; // From TIndicCodeType
/** Holds the types of all the symbols in the devanagari range, so that we can
work out where the syllable boundaries begin and end. */
static const TIndicCodeMapping KDevCodeMap[] =
{0, EIndicCodeOther},
{0x901, EIndicCodeCombiningSign},
{0x904, EIndicCodeIndependentVowel},
{0x905, EIndicCodeIndependentVowelA},
{0x906, EIndicCodeIndependentVowel},
{0x915, EIndicCodeConsonant},
{0x929, EIndicCodeNuktaConsonant},
{0x92A, EIndicCodeConsonant},
{0x931, EIndicCodeNuktaConsonant},
{0x932, EIndicCodeConsonant},
{0x934, EIndicCodeNuktaConsonant},
{0x935, EIndicCodeConsonant},
{0x93A, EIndicCodeOther},
{0x93C, EIndicCodeNukta},
{0x93D, EIndicCodeOther},
{0x93E, EIndicCodeDependentVowel},
{0x945, EIndicCodeDependentVowelCandraE},
{0x946, EIndicCodeDependentVowel},
{0x94D, EIndicCodeVirama},
{0x94E, EIndicCodeOther},
{0x951, EIndicCodeCombiningSign},
{0x955, EIndicCodeConsonant},
{0x958, EIndicCodeNuktaConsonant},
{0x960, EIndicCodeIndependentVowel},
{0x962, EIndicCodeDependentVowel},
{0x964, EIndicCodeOther},
{0x200D, EIndicCodeZWJ},
{0x200E, EIndicCodeOther}
/** Holds the types of all the symbols in the Kannada range, so that we can
work out where the syllable boundaries begin and end. */
static const TIndicCodeMapping KKanCodeMap[] =
{0, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xC82, EIndicCodeCombiningSign},
{0xC85, EIndicCodeIndependentVowel},
{0xC95, EIndicCodeConsonant},
{0xCB0, EIndicCodeConsonantKannadaBengaliRa},
{0xCB1, EIndicCodeConsonant},
{0xCB4, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xCB5, EIndicCodeConsonant},
{0xCBA, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xCBC, EIndicCodeNukta},
{0xCBD, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xCBE, EIndicCodeDependentVowel},
{0xCC5, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xCC6, EIndicCodeDependentVowel},
{0xCCD, EIndicCodeVirama},
{0xCD5, EIndicCodeCombiningSign},
{0xCDE, EIndicCodeConsonant},
{0xCE0, EIndicCodeIndependentVowel},
{0xCE2, EIndicCodeDependentVowel},
{0xCE4, EIndicCodeOther},
{0x200D, EIndicCodeZWJ},
{0x200E, EIndicCodeOther}
/** Holds the types of all the symbols in the Gujarati range, so that we can
work out where the syllable boundaries begin and end. */
static const TIndicCodeMapping KGujCodeMap[] =
{0, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xA81, EIndicCodeCombiningSign},
{0xA85, EIndicCodeIndependentVowel},
{0xA8E, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xA8F, EIndicCodeIndependentVowel},
{0xA92, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xA93, EIndicCodeIndependentVowel},
{0xA95, EIndicCodeConsonant},
{0xAA9, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xAAA, EIndicCodeConsonant},
{0xAB1, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xAB2, EIndicCodeConsonant},
{0xAB4, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xAB5, EIndicCodeConsonant},
{0xABC, EIndicCodeNukta},
{0xABD, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xABE, EIndicCodeDependentVowel},
{0xAC6, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xAC7, EIndicCodeDependentVowel},
{0xACA, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xACB, EIndicCodeDependentVowel},
{0xACD, EIndicCodeVirama},
{0xACE, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xAE0, EIndicCodeIndependentVowel},
{0xAE2, EIndicCodeDependentVowel},
{0xAE4, EIndicCodeOther},
{0x200D, EIndicCodeZWJ},
{0x200E, EIndicCodeOther}
/** Holds the types of all the symbols in the Gurmukhi range, so that we can
work out where the syllable boundaries begin and end. */
static const TIndicCodeMapping KGurCodeMap[] =
{0, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xA01, EIndicCodeCombiningSign},
{0xA04, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xA05, EIndicCodeGurBearerA},
{0xA06, EIndicCodeIndependentVowel},
{0xA0B, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xA0F, EIndicCodeIndependentVowel},
{0xA11, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xA13, EIndicCodeIndependentVowel},
{0xA15, EIndicCodeConsonant},
{0xA29, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xA2A, EIndicCodeConsonant},
{0xA31, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xA32, EIndicCodeConsonant},
{0xA33, EIndicCodeNuktaConsonant},
{0xA34, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xA35, EIndicCodeConsonant},
{0xA36, EIndicCodeNuktaConsonant},
{0xA37, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xA38, EIndicCodeConsonant},
{0xA3A, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xA3C, EIndicCodeNukta},
{0xA3D, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xA3E, EIndicCodeGurDependentVowelA},
{0xA3F, EIndicCodeGurDependentVowelI},
{0xA41, EIndicCodeGurDependentVowelU},
{0xA43, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xA47, EIndicCodeGurDependentVowelI},
{0xA48, EIndicCodeGurDependentVowelA},
{0xA49, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xA4B, EIndicCodeGurDependentVowelU},
{0xA4C, EIndicCodeGurDependentVowelA},
{0xA4D, EIndicCodeVirama},
{0xA4E, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xA59, EIndicCodeNuktaConsonant},
{0xA5C, EIndicCodeConsonant},
{0xA5D, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xA5E, EIndicCodeNuktaConsonant},
{0xA5F, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xA70, EIndicCodeCombiningSign},
{0xA71, EIndicCodeCombiningSign},
{0xA72, EIndicCodeGurBearerI},
{0xA73, EIndicCodeGurBearerU},
{0xA74, EIndicCodeOther},
{0x200D, EIndicCodeZWJ},
{0x200E, EIndicCodeOther}
/** Holds the types of all the symbols in the Bengali range, so that we can
work out where the syllable boundaries begin and end. */
static const TIndicCodeMapping KBenCodeMap[] =
{0, EIndicCodeOther},
{0x981 , EIndicCodeCombiningSign},
{0x985 , EIndicCodeIndependentVowel},
{0x995 , EIndicCodeConsonant},
{0x9B0 , EIndicCodeConsonantKannadaBengaliRa},
{0x9B1 , EIndicCodeConsonant},
{0x9BA , EIndicCodeOther},
{0x9BC , EIndicCodeNukta},
{0x9BD , EIndicCodeOther},
{0x9BE , EIndicCodeDependentVowel},
{0x9C9 , EIndicCodeOther},
{0x9CB , EIndicCodeDependentVowel},
{0x9CD , EIndicCodeVirama},
{0x9CE , EIndicCodeOther},
{0x9D7 , EIndicCodeDependentVowel},
{0x9DC , EIndicCodeConsonant},
{0x9E0 , EIndicCodeIndependentVowel},
{0x9E2 , EIndicCodeDependentVowel},
{0x9E4 , EIndicCodeOther},
{0x200D, EIndicCodeZWJ},
{0x200E, EIndicCodeOther}
/** Holds the types of all the symbols in the Tamil range, so that we can
work out where the syllable boundaries begin and end. */
static const TIndicCodeMapping KTamCodeMap[] =
{0, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xB82 , EIndicCodeCombiningSign},
{0xB83 , EIndicCodeIndependentVowel},
{0xB84 , EIndicCodeOther},
{0xB85 , EIndicCodeIndependentVowel},
{0xB92 , EIndicCodeIndependentVowelA},
{0xB93 , EIndicCodeIndependentVowel},
{0xB95 , EIndicCodeConsonant},
{0xBBE , EIndicCodeSplitVowel2},
{0xBBF , EIndicCodeDependentVowel},
{0xBC6 , EIndicCodeSplitVowel1},
{0xBC8 , EIndicCodeDependentVowel},
{0xBCD , EIndicCodeVirama},
{0xBCE , EIndicCodeOther},
{0xBD7 , EIndicCodeTamilLengthMarkAU},
{0xBE4 , EIndicCodeOther},
{0x200D, EIndicCodeZWJ},
{0x200E, EIndicCodeOther}
/** Holds the types of all the symbols in the Telugu range, so that we can
work out where the syllable boundaries begin and end. */
static const TIndicCodeMapping KTelCodeMap[] =
{0, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xC01, EIndicCodeCombiningSign},
{0xC04, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xC05, EIndicCodeIndependentVowel},
{0xC15, EIndicCodeConsonant},
{0xC3A, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xC3E, EIndicCodeDependentVowel},
{0xC4D, EIndicCodeVirama},
{0xC4E, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xC55, EIndicCodeDependentVowel},
{0xC57, EIndicCodeOther},
{0xC60, EIndicCodeIndependentVowel},
{0xC62, EIndicCodeOther}
/** Holds the types of all the symbols in the Malayalam range, so that we can
work out where the syllable boundaries begin and end. */
static const TIndicCodeMapping KMalaCodeMap[] =
{0, EIndicCodeOther}, // NOT USED D00 - D01
{0xD02, EIndicCodeCombiningSign}, // Modifiers
{0xD04, EIndicCodeOther}, // NOT USED
{0xD05, EIndicCodeIndependentVowel},
// {0xD0D, EIndicCodeOther}, // Reserved
// {0xD0E, EIndicCodeIndependentVowel},
// {0xD11, EIndicCodeOther}, // Reserved
// {0xD12, EIndicCodeIndependentVowel},
{0xD15, EIndicCodeConsonant},
{0xD23, EIndicCodeConsonantMalaChillu}, // NNA
{0xD24, EIndicCodeConsonant},
{0xD28, EIndicCodeConsonantMalaChilluNA}, // NA
{0xD29, EIndicCodeOther}, // Reserved
{0xD2A, EIndicCodeConsonant},
{0xD30, EIndicCodeConsonantMalaChillu}, // RA
{0xD31, EIndicCodeConsonantMalaRRA}, // RRA
{0xD32, EIndicCodeConsonantMalaChillu}, // LA, LLA
{0xD34, EIndicCodeConsonant},
{0xD3A, EIndicCodeOther}, // NOT USED D3A - D3D
{0xD3E, EIndicCodeSplitVowel2},
{0xD3F, EIndicCodeDependentVowel},
// {0xD44, EIndicCodeOther}, // Reserved D44 - D45
{0xD46, EIndicCodeSplitVowel1},
{0xD48, EIndicCodeDependentVowel},
// {0xD49, EIndicCodeOther}, // Reserved D49
// {0xD4A, EIndicCodeDependentVowel},
{0xD4D, EIndicCodeVirama},
{0xD4E, EIndicCodeOther}, //Reserved D4E - D56
{0xD57, EIndicCodeTamilLengthMarkAU}, // EIndicCodeDependentVowel for Telugu ???
{0xD58, EIndicCodeOther}, // NOT USED D58 - D5F
{0xD60, EIndicCodeIndependentVowel}, // RR, LL
{0xD62, EIndicCodeOther}, // NOT USED D62 - D65, digits D66 - D6F
{0x200D, EIndicCodeZWJ},
{0x200E, EIndicCodeOther}
/* Holds all parameters specific to scripts */
struct TIndicScriptProcessorParameters{
TUint32 iLanguageCode;
TUint32 iScriptCode;
TUint iUCLow;
TUint iUCHigh;
TUint iMapLen;
const TIndicCodeMapping *iCodeMap;
static const TIndicScriptProcessorParameters KIndicDevParameters = {
0x48494E20, //KHindiLanguageCode,
0x64657661, //KDevanagariScriptCode,
0x0900, //KDevLow,
0x0970, //KDevHigh,
static const TIndicScriptProcessorParameters KIndicKanParameters = {
0x4B414E20, //KKannadaLanguageCode,
0x6B6E6461, //KKannadaScriptCode,
0x0C80, //KKanLow,
0x0CFF, //KKanHigh,
static const TIndicScriptProcessorParameters KIndicGujParameters = {
0x47554A20, //KGujaratiLanguageCode,
0x67756A72, //KGujaratiScriptCode,
0x0A80, //KGujLow,
0x0AFF, //KGujHigh,
static const TIndicScriptProcessorParameters KIndicBenParameters = {
0x42454E20, //KBengaliLanguageCode,
0x62656E67, //KBengaliScriptCode,
0x0980, //KBenLow,
0x09FF, //KBenHigh,
static const TIndicScriptProcessorParameters KIndicTamParameters = {
0x54414D20, //KTamilLanguageCode,
0x74616D6C, //KTamilScriptCode,
0x0B80, //KTamLow,
0x0BFF, //KTamHigh,
static const TIndicScriptProcessorParameters KIndicTelParameters = {
0x54454C20, //KTeluguLanguageCode,
0x74656C75, //KTeluguScriptCode,
0x0C00, //KTelLow,
0x0C7F, //KTelHigh,
static const TIndicScriptProcessorParameters KIndicGurParameters = {
0x00000000, //KGurmukhiLanguageCode,
0x67757275, //KGurmukhiScriptCode,
0x0A00, //KGurLow,
0x0A7F, //KGurHigh,
static const TIndicScriptProcessorParameters KIndicMalParameters = {
0x4D4C5220, //KMalayalamLanguageCode,
0x6D6C796D, //KMalayalamScriptCode,
0x0D00, //KMalaLow,
0x0D7F, //KMalaHigh,
/** This is the default glyph selector class for Devanagari characters in the
range 0x0900..0x097F.
class GlyphSelector_Devanagari
static TBool Process(TGlyphSelectionState& aGss, RShapeInfo&);
/** This is the default glyph selector class for Kannada characters in the
range 0x0C80..0x0CFF.
class GlyphSelector_Kannada
static TBool Process(TGlyphSelectionState& aGss, RShapeInfo&);
/** This is the default glyph selector class for Gujarati characters in the
range 0x0A80..0x0AFF.
class GlyphSelector_Gujarati
static TBool Process(TGlyphSelectionState& aGss, RShapeInfo&);
/** This is the default glyph selector class for Bengali characters in the
range 0x0980..0x09FF.
class GlyphSelector_Bengali
static TBool Process(TGlyphSelectionState& aGss, RShapeInfo&);
/** This is the default glyph selector class for Tamil characters in the
range 0x0B80..0x0BFF.
class GlyphSelector_Tamil
static TBool Process(TGlyphSelectionState& aGss, RShapeInfo&);
/** This is the default glyph selector class for Telugu characters in the
range 0x0C00..0x0C7F.
class GlyphSelector_Telugu
static TBool Process(TGlyphSelectionState& aGss, RShapeInfo&);
/** This is the default glyph selector class for Gurmukhi characters in the
range 0x0A00..0x0A7F.
class GlyphSelector_Gurmukhi
static TBool Process(TGlyphSelectionState& aGss, RShapeInfo&);
/** This is the default glyph selector class for Malayalam characters in the
range 0x0D00..0x0D7F.
class GlyphSelector_Malayalam
static TBool Process(TGlyphSelectionState& aGss, RShapeInfo&);