Corrected typo.
// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Client side interface to the plugin
#include <e32std.h>
#include "../SERVER/w32cmd.h"
#include "CLIENT.H"
EXPORT_C RSoundPlugIn::RSoundPlugIn()
/** Default constructor. */
EXPORT_C RSoundPlugIn::RSoundPlugIn(RWsSession& aWs) : MWsClientClass(aWs.iBuffer)
/** C++ constructor.
After calling this function, Construct() must be called to complete construction.
@param aWs Connected session with the window server. */
EXPORT_C TInt RSoundPlugIn::Construct(TUid aUid)
/** Second phase constructor.
Creates the server side resource and initialises the client's handle to it.
This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
@param aUid Optional UID. This can be ignored unless you intend to use the CommandReply()
function. If you do intend to use CommandReply(), this should be the plug-in DLL's third
UID. CommandReply() will return the value ESoundWrongPlugIn if the plug-in DLL identified
by this UID is not loaded.
@return KErrNone if the function was successful, otherwise one of the system wide error
@panic TW32Panic 17 in debug builds if called on an already constructed object.*/
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iWsHandle == KNullHandle, Panic(EW32PanicGraphicDoubleConstruction));
TInt ret;
if ((ret=iBuffer->WriteReplyWs(&aUid,sizeof(aUid),EWsClOpCreateClick))>=0)
EXPORT_C void RSoundPlugIn::Close()
/** Sets the handle to zero and frees the resource owned by the server. */
if (iBuffer && iWsHandle)
EXPORT_C void RSoundPlugIn::Destroy()
/** Closes (by calling Close()) and deletes the object. */
delete this;
EXPORT_C TBool RSoundPlugIn::IsLoaded(TBool& aIsChangeAble) const
/** Tests whether a key or pointer click plug-in DLL is currently loaded.
If one is currently loaded, aIsChangeAble returns whether or not
it can be unloaded.
This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
@param aIsChangeAble If a plug-in is currently loaded, this returns ETrue if it
can be unloaded and EFalse if it cannot. This depends on whether the
KEYCLICKPLUGINFIXED keyword is specified in wsini.ini for the plug-in.
@return ETrue if a plug-in is currently loaded, EFalse if not. */
TUint reply=WriteReply(EWsClickOpIsLoaded);
return reply&EClickLoaded;
EXPORT_C TInt RSoundPlugIn::Unload()
/** Unloads the plug-in if one is currently loaded and if it can be unloaded.
This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
@return KErrNone if the function was successful, KErrNotSupported if it could
not be unloaded.
@capability WriteDeviceData */
return WriteReply(EWsClickOpUnLoad);
EXPORT_C TInt RSoundPlugIn::Load(const TDesC& aFileName)
/** Loads a new plug-in, replacing the existing one, if any.
This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
@param aFileName The filename of the plug-in DLL to load.
@return KErrNone if the function was successful. KErrNotSupported if the currently
loaded plug-in could not be unloaded or aFileName does not refer to a loadable plug-in.
@capability WriteDeviceData */
TInt length=aFileName.Length();
return WriteReply(&length,sizeof(length),aFileName.Ptr(),aFileName.Size(),EWsClickOpLoad);
EXPORT_C void RSoundPlugIn::SetPenClick(TBool aEnabled)
Sets whether pointer clicks should be enabled or disabled.
By default, pointer clicks are enabled.
@param aEnabled ETrue to enable pointer clicks, EFalse to disable them.
@capability WriteDeviceData */
EXPORT_C void RSoundPlugIn::SetKeyClick(TBool aEnabled)
Sets whether key clicks should be enabled or disabled.
By default, key clicks are enabled.
@param aEnabled ETrue to enable key clicks, EFalse to disable them.
@capability WriteDeviceData */
EXPORT_C TBool RSoundPlugIn::PenClickEnabled() const
/** Tests whether pointer clicks are enabled, as set by SetPenClick().
This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
@return ETrue if pointer clicks are enabled, EFalse if they are disabled. */
return WriteReply(EWsClickOpPenClickEnabled);
EXPORT_C TBool RSoundPlugIn::KeyClickEnabled() const
/** Tests whether key clicks are enabled, as set by SetKeyClick().
This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
@return ETrue if key clicks are enabled, EFalse if they are disabled. */
return WriteReply(EWsClickOpKeyClickEnabled);
EXPORT_C TInt RSoundPlugIn::CommandReply(TInt aOpcode, const TPtrC8& aArgs)
/** Sends a command to the plug-in DLL and may receive a response.
If the correct plug-in is loaded, its implementation of CommandReplyL()
is called and its return code is returned by this function.
Specify an opcode of zero if you just want the identity of the plug-in DLL
being used.
This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
@param aOpcode Opcode understood by both the window server client and the
plug-in DLL. If an opcode of zero is specified, this is intercepted by the
window server, and the third UID of the plug-in is returned. This allows
the caller to identify the plug-in DLL being used.
@param aArgs Packaged arguments which are passed to the plug-in via the window
@return KErrNone or another of the system error codes, as returned by the
plug-in's CommandReplyL() implementation. ESoundWrongPlugIn is returned if no
plug-in is loaded, or if the plug-in identified by the aUid parameter in Construct()
is not loaded. */
return WriteReply(&aOpcode,sizeof(aOpcode),aArgs.Ptr(),aArgs.Length(),EWsClickOpCommandReply);