author Gareth Stockwell <>
Fri, 22 Oct 2010 22:42:40 +0100
changeset 211 3804ba25b23f
parent 0 5d03bc08d59c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Refactored eglbringuptest to separate EGL and VG code This allows for a more complex demo (e.g. one which includes animated rendering) to be implemented simply by writing a new class derived from CEglRendering, and modifying CWsApp::ConstructL to create an instance of this new class.

	_ZN26CTGraphicsScreenComparison4NewLER15CWsScreenDevice @ 1 NONAME
	_ZN26CTGraphicsScreenComparisonD0Ev @ 2 NONAME
	_ZN26CTGraphicsScreenComparisonD1Ev @ 3 NONAME
	_ZN26CTGraphicsScreenComparisonD2Ev @ 4 NONAME
	_ZN26CTGraphicsScreenComparison19CompareScreenImageLERK5TSizeRK6TPointRK4TRgbRK7TDesC16 @ 5 NONAME
	_ZN26CTGraphicsScreenComparison19CompareScreenImageLERK5TSizeRK6TPointS5_RK10CFbsBitmapRK7TDesC16 @ 6 NONAME
	_ZNK26CTGraphicsScreenComparison21GetMTestScreenCaptureEv @ 7 NONAME
	_ZTI26CTGraphicsScreenComparison @ 8 NONAME
	_ZTV26CTGraphicsScreenComparison @ 9 NONAME