Applied patch 1, to provide a syborg specific minigui oby file.
Need to compare this with the "stripped" version currently in the tree.
This supplied version applies for Nokia builds, but need to repeat the
test for SF builds to see if pruning is needed, or if the file needs to
be device-specific.
// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "directgdiadapter.h"
#include "swdirectgdiengine.h"
#include "swdirectgdiimagesourceimpl.h"
#include "swdirectgdidriverimpl.h"
#include <bitdrawinterfaceid.h>
#include <e32cmn.h>
#include <bitdraw.h>
#include <bmalphablend.h>
#include <graphics/directgdidrawablesource.h>
#include <pixelformats.h>
#include "pixelutil.h"
Helper class to deal with the case of blending 32-bit MAP source into 16-bit target which is not
supported by screen driver CDrawSixteenBppBitmap implementation.
class TDrawDeviceWrapper
TDrawDeviceWrapper(CFbsDrawDevice* aDrawDevice, CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
inline void WriteLine(TInt aX, TInt aY, TInt aLength, TUint32* aBuffer, CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
inline TUint16 ConvertTo64K(TUint32 aColor);
inline TUint16 Blend16MapTo64K(TUint16 aDest, TUint32 aSrc);
void BlendLine16MapTo64K(TInt aX, TInt aY, TInt aLength, TUint32* aBuffer, CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
void OriginalWriteLine(TInt aX, TInt aY, TInt aLength, TUint32* aBuffer, CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
CFbsDrawDevice* iDrawDevice;
TUint32* iBits;
typedef void (TDrawDeviceWrapper::*TWriteLineFunc)(TInt,TInt,TInt,TUint32*,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode);
TWriteLineFunc iWriteLineFunc;
TDrawDeviceWrapper::TDrawDeviceWrapper(CFbsDrawDevice* aDrawDevice, CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode):
TAny* interface = NULL;
TInt err = iDrawDevice->GetInterface(KFastBlit2InterfaceID, interface);
// interface is guaranted to exist for 16-bit and 32-bit draw device
GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(err == KErrNone, EDirectGdiPanicUnexpectedError);
iBits = (TUint32*) reinterpret_cast<MFastBlit2*>(interface)->Bits();
// setup which funtion to call here rather tha making decision inside WriteLine which is usually called within
// a tight scanline loop
iWriteLineFunc = iDrawDevice->DisplayMode() == EColor64K && aDrawMode == CGraphicsContext::EDrawModePEN ?
&TDrawDeviceWrapper::BlendLine16MapTo64K : &TDrawDeviceWrapper::OriginalWriteLine;
inline void TDrawDeviceWrapper::WriteLine(TInt aX, TInt aY, TInt aLength, TUint32* aBuffer, CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode)
// calling member functions via pointer to member functions i.e.
// (object.*member_fn)(arg)
(this->*iWriteLineFunc)(aX, aY, aLength, aBuffer, aDrawMode);
void TDrawDeviceWrapper::OriginalWriteLine(TInt aX, TInt aY, TInt aLength, TUint32* aBuffer, CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode)
iDrawDevice->WriteLine(aX, aY, aLength, aBuffer, aDrawMode);
void TDrawDeviceWrapper::BlendLine16MapTo64K(TInt aX, TInt aY, TInt aLength, TUint32* aBuffer, CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode)
TUint16* pixelPtr = reinterpret_cast<TUint16*>(iBits);
pixelPtr += (aY * iDrawDevice->LongWidth()) + aX;
const TUint32* bufferPtr = aBuffer;
const TUint32* bufferPtrLimit = bufferPtr + aLength;
while (bufferPtr < bufferPtrLimit)
*pixelPtr = Blend16MapTo64K(*pixelPtr, *bufferPtr);
inline TUint16 TDrawDeviceWrapper::ConvertTo64K(TUint32 aSrc)
TInt col = (aSrc & 0x0000f8) >> 3;
col |= (aSrc & 0x00fc00) >> 5;
col |= (aSrc & 0xf80000) >> 8;
return col;
inline TUint16 TDrawDeviceWrapper::Blend16MapTo64K(TUint16 aDst, TUint32 aSrc)
const TInt alpha = aSrc >> 24;
if(alpha == 0x00)
return aDst;
if (alpha == 0xff)
return ConvertTo64K(aSrc);
// extract source components from 16MAP
const TInt src_rb = aSrc & 0x00ff00ff;
const TInt src_g = aSrc & 0x0000ff00;
const TInt oneMinusAlpha = 0x0100 - alpha;
// extract destination components from 64K format
TInt dr = (aDst & 0xf800) >> 8;
dr += dr >> 5;
TInt dg = (aDst & 0x07e0) >> 3;
dg += dg >> 6;
TInt db = (aDst & 0x001f) << 3;
db += db >> 5;
// combine red and blue components into a word to combine mult in one go
TInt dst_rb = (dr << 16) | db;
TInt dst_g = dg << 8;
// dst and src are in pre-multiplied format (64K can be treated both as pre or non-pre)
// dst = src + (1-alpha) * dst
dst_rb = (src_rb + ((oneMinusAlpha * dst_rb) >> 8)) & 0x00ff00ff;
dst_g = (src_g + ((oneMinusAlpha * dst_g) >> 8)) & 0x0000ff00;
const TUint32 argb = 0xff000000 | dst_rb | dst_g;
return ConvertTo64K(argb);
// implements MDirectGdiEngine interfaces
@see MDirectGdiEngine::DrawResource(const TRect&,const RDirectGdiDrawableSource&,const TDesC8&)
void CSwDirectGdiEngine::DrawResource(
const TRect& aDestRect,
const RDirectGdiDrawableSource& aSource,
const TDesC8& /*aParam*/)
// DirectGDI reference implementation only support pixel based resource
// see CSwDirectGdiDriverImpl::CreateDrawableSource()
CSwDirectGdiImageSourceImpl* imgSrc = NULL;
TSize imgSize;
if (CheckImageSource(aSource.Handle(), imgSrc, &imgSize) != KErrNone)
// drawing resource unscaled with no rotation
DrawResourceCommon(aDestRect, imgSrc, TRect(TPoint(0,0), imgSize), DirectGdi::EGraphicsRotationNone);
@see MDirectGdiEngine::DrawResource(const TPoint&,const RDirectGdiDrawableSource&,DirectGdi::TGraphicsRotation)
void CSwDirectGdiEngine::DrawResource(const TPoint& aPos,
const RDirectGdiDrawableSource& aSource,
DirectGdi::TGraphicsRotation aRotation)
CSwDirectGdiImageSourceImpl* imgSrc = NULL;
TSize imgSize;
if (CheckImageSource(aSource.Handle(), imgSrc, &imgSize) != KErrNone)
// drawing resource unscaled
// rotation will be applied before scaling, we must create destination rectangle
// that match the size of rotated image
TRect destRect(aPos, imgSize);
if (aRotation==DirectGdi::EGraphicsRotation90 || aRotation==DirectGdi::EGraphicsRotation270)
// keep the top left corner in the same position but swap width and height
DrawResourceCommon(destRect, imgSrc, TRect(TPoint(0,0), imgSize), aRotation);
@see MDirectGdiEngine::DrawResource(const TRect&,const RDirectGdiDrawableSource&,DirectGdi::TGraphicsRotation)
void CSwDirectGdiEngine::DrawResource(const TRect& aDestRect,
const RDirectGdiDrawableSource& aSource,
DirectGdi::TGraphicsRotation aRotation)
// aDestRect is not empty when we reach here
CSwDirectGdiImageSourceImpl* imgSrc = NULL;
TSize imgSize;
if (CheckImageSource(aSource.Handle(), imgSrc, &imgSize) != KErrNone)
DrawResourceCommon(aDestRect, imgSrc, TRect(TPoint(0,0), imgSize), aRotation);
@see MDirectGdiEngine::DrawResource(const TRect&,const RDirectGdiDrawableSource&,const TRect&,DirectGdi::TGraphicsRotation)
void CSwDirectGdiEngine::DrawResource(
const TRect& aDestRect,
const RDirectGdiDrawableSource& aSource,
const TRect& aSrcRect,
DirectGdi::TGraphicsRotation aRotation)
// pre:
// aDestRect and aSrcRect are not empty
CSwDirectGdiImageSourceImpl* imgSrc = NULL;
TSize imgSize;
if (CheckImageSource(aSource.Handle(), imgSrc, &imgSize) != KErrNone)
// check source rectangle is fully contained within the image resource extent
if (aSrcRect.iTl.iX < 0 ||
aSrcRect.iTl.iY < 0 ||
aSrcRect.iBr.iX > imgSize.iWidth ||
aSrcRect.iBr.iY > imgSize.iHeight)
DrawResourceCommon(aDestRect, imgSrc, aSrcRect, aRotation);
// internal functions
Checks image resource is fully constructed and registered with the driver.
@param aHandle A valid handle to an image source.
@param aImg On return, contains the image source.
@param aSize If not NULL, will contain the dimensions of the image source.
@return KErrNone if successful, KErrBadHandle if aHandle is not a valid handle to an image source.
TInt CSwDirectGdiEngine::CheckImageSource(TInt aHandle, CSwDirectGdiImageSourceImpl*& aImg, TSize* aSize)
// check image exist
if (!iDriver->ValidImageSource(aHandle))
// replace KErrNotFound
const TInt err = KErrBadHandle;
return err;
aImg = reinterpret_cast<CSwDirectGdiImageSourceImpl*>(aHandle);
// RSgImage cannot be created with zero size, so there is no point in validating its size and
// simply return image size if requested
if (aSize)
*aSize = aImg->Size();
return KErrNone;
Implements common DrawResource() functionality used by all DrawResource() variants.
void CSwDirectGdiEngine::DrawResourceCommon(
const TRect& aDestRect,
const CSwDirectGdiImageSourceImpl* aImg,
const TRect& aSrcRect,
DirectGdi::TGraphicsRotation aRotation)
// pre:
// aDestRect and aSrcRect are not empty
// aSrcRect is within the image extent
// translate relative coord to target absolute coord system
TRect destRectAbs(aDestRect);
// check whether we need to blend or write
const TBool opaqueSource = (!PixelFormatUtil::HasAlpha(aImg->PixelFormat())) && (iDrawMode == DirectGdi::EDrawModePEN);
if (opaqueSource)
iDrawMode = DirectGdi::EDrawModeWriteAlpha;
// repeat drawing op for each rectangle in the clipping region
const TInt numOfRects = iDefaultRegionPtr->Count();
for (TInt idx = 0; idx < numOfRects; ++idx)
TRect clipRectAbs = (*iDefaultRegionPtr)[idx];
if (!clipRectAbs.Intersects(destRectAbs))
// intersect current clip rect with dest rect to get actual draw area
DoDrawResource(destRectAbs, aImg, aSrcRect, aRotation, clipRectAbs);
if (opaqueSource)
iDrawMode = DirectGdi::EDrawModePEN;
Rotate a given rectangle 90 degree clockwise around the specified origin.
void CSwDirectGdiEngine::Rotate90(TRect& aRect, const TPoint& aOrigin)
// rotated bottom-left become top-left of rotated rect
TPoint bl(aRect.iTl.iX, aRect.iBr.iY);
const TInt w = aRect.Width();
const TInt h = aRect.Height();
const TPoint dbl = bl - aOrigin;
bl.iX = aOrigin.iX - dbl.iY;
bl.iY = aOrigin.iY + dbl.iX;
aRect = TRect(bl, TSize(h,w));
Rotate a given rectangle 180 degree clockwise around the specified origin.
void CSwDirectGdiEngine::Rotate180(TRect& aRect, const TPoint& aOrigin)
// rotated bottom-right become top-left of rotated rect
TPoint br(aRect.iBr);
const TSize sz = aRect.Size();
const TPoint dbr = br - aOrigin;
br.iX = aOrigin.iX - dbr.iX;
br.iY = aOrigin.iY - dbr.iY;
aRect = TRect(br, sz);
Rotate a given rectangle 270 degree clockwise around the specified origin.
void CSwDirectGdiEngine::Rotate270(TRect& aRect, const TPoint& aOrigin)
// rotated top-right become top-left of rotated rect
TPoint tr(aRect.iBr.iX, aRect.iTl.iY);
const TInt w = aRect.Width();
const TInt h = aRect.Height();
const TPoint dtr = tr - aOrigin;
tr.iX = aOrigin.iX + dtr.iY;
tr.iY = aOrigin.iY - dtr.iX;
aRect = TRect(tr, TSize(h,w));
Tests that the size of a given rotated rectangle match the image source extent.
TBool CSwDirectGdiEngine::RotatedSizeMatch(const TRect& aDst, const TRect& aSrc, DirectGdi::TGraphicsRotation aRot)
if (aRot==DirectGdi::EGraphicsRotationNone || aRot==DirectGdi::EGraphicsRotation180)
return aDst.Size()==aSrc.Size();
return aDst.Width()==aSrc.Height() && aDst.Height()==aSrc.Width();
Draws a rectangular area of resource and apply rotation and/or scaling if requested.
void CSwDirectGdiEngine::DoDrawResource(
const TRect& aDestRectAbs,
const CSwDirectGdiImageSourceImpl* aImg,
const TRect& aSrcRect,
DirectGdi::TGraphicsRotation aRotation,
const TRect& aClipRectAbs)
// pre:
// SetClippingRegion() already check that clipping region is always contained
// within device full extent.
// check src rect match the size of rotated dest rect
if (RotatedSizeMatch(aDestRectAbs, aSrcRect, aRotation))
// aClipRect is the effective drawing clipped area, it has been intersected with dest rect by the
// calling function/DoDrawResourceCommon() and it is not empty when we reach here
// image size has been checked at the top level DrawResource() no need to check it again
// use aClipRect to determine how much area should be read from the image and transform
// the effective read area into source rect depending on rotation parameter
// start with aClipRect
TRect xformSrcRect(aClipRectAbs);
switch (aRotation)
case DirectGdi::EGraphicsRotationNone:
// align top-left corner of dest rect with top-left corner of src rect
xformSrcRect.Move(aSrcRect.iTl - aDestRectAbs.iTl);
case DirectGdi::EGraphicsRotation90:
// align top-right corner of dest rect with top-left corner of src rect
xformSrcRect.Move(aSrcRect.iTl - TPoint(aDestRectAbs.iBr.iX, aDestRectAbs.iTl.iY));
// rotate 270 (-90) degree using top-left corner of src rect as pivot point
Rotate270(xformSrcRect, aSrcRect.iTl);
case DirectGdi::EGraphicsRotation180:
// align bottom-right corner of dest rect with top-left corner of src rect
xformSrcRect.Move(aSrcRect.iTl - aDestRectAbs.iBr);
// rotate 180 (-180) degree using top-left corner of src rect as pivot point
Rotate180(xformSrcRect, aSrcRect.iTl);
case DirectGdi::EGraphicsRotation270:
// align bottom-left corner of dest rect with top-left corner of src rect
xformSrcRect.Move(aSrcRect.iTl - TPoint(aDestRectAbs.iTl.iX, aDestRectAbs.iBr.iY));
// rotate 90 (-270) degree using top-left corner of src rect as pivot point
Rotate90(xformSrcRect, aSrcRect.iTl);
// no need for extra check, aRotation has been checked at generic layer
DoBlitResource(aClipRectAbs.iTl, aImg, xformSrcRect, aRotation);
DoScaledBlitResource(aDestRectAbs, aImg, aSrcRect, aRotation, aClipRectAbs);
Draws a rectangular area of resource rotated with no scaling.
@panic DGDIAdapter 1009, if the pixel format of the draw device is unknown (debug only).
void CSwDirectGdiEngine::DoBlitResource(
const TPoint& aDest,
const CSwDirectGdiImageSourceImpl* aImg,
const TRect& aSrcRect,
DirectGdi::TGraphicsRotation aRotation)
// pre:
// aDest is the top-left of clipped destination rectangle i.e. intersection of user destination
// rectangle with current clipping rect
// aSrcRect is rotated clipped read area i.e. effective read area with respect to original
// image orientation no longer represents user specified source rect.
// no need to do extra check on parameters here because:
// aDest is guaranteed to be within device drawing area
// aSrcRect is guaranteed to be within image source area
const TUidPixelFormat devFormat = PixelFormatUtil::ConvertToPixelFormat(iDrawDevice->DisplayMode());
GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(devFormat != EUidPixelFormatUnknown, EDirectGdiPanicInvalidDisplayMode);
const TUidPixelFormat imgFormat = aImg->PixelFormat();
const TUint32* imgAddr = reinterpret_cast<TUint32*>(aImg->DataBuffer());
const TInt imgStride = aImg->Stride();
const TSize imgSize = aImg->Size();
const CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode drawMode = GcDrawMode(iDrawMode);
const TInt width = aSrcRect.Width();
const TInt height = aSrcRect.Height();
// write scanline starting from top dest row
TInt destY = aDest.iY;
// setup pixel reader toolkit
TPixelBufferReader reader(imgAddr, imgSize, imgStride, imgFormat);
TDrawDeviceWrapper writer(iDrawDevice, GcDrawMode(iDrawMode));
// special case when rotation is none
if (aRotation == DirectGdi::EGraphicsRotationNone)
TAny* interface = NULL;
// source and destination format match and using write alpha mode i.e. reduce blit to memcpy
if (iDrawMode == DirectGdi::EDrawModeWriteAlpha && devFormat == imgFormat)
TInt err = iDrawDevice->GetInterface(KFastBlit2InterfaceID, interface);
if (err == KErrNone)
GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(interface, EDirectGdiPanicInvalidPointer);
MFastBlit2* fblit = static_cast<MFastBlit2*>(interface);
err = fblit->WriteBitmapBlock(aDest, imgAddr, imgStride, imgSize, aSrcRect);
if (err == KErrNone)
// fallback from MFastBlit2 when source and destination format match.
// Note that there was previously an optimization added here that used MFlastBlend if
// available, however it did not work correctly for some cases using DrawResource so has been
// removed from this code. (A source drawn with OpenGLES on to a target in XRGB_8888 format
// actually had alpha in the unused channel which was being drawn by MFastBlend)
if (devFormat == imgFormat)
for (TInt row=aSrcRect.iTl.iY; row<aSrcRect.iBr.iY; ++row,++destY)
const TPoint pos(aSrcRect.iTl.iX, row);
const TUint32* slptr = reader.GetPixelAddr(pos);
writer.WriteLine(aDest.iX, destY, width, const_cast<TUint32*>(slptr), drawMode);
// there is one additional case that can be optimised by eleminating copy when:
// rotation : none
// scaling : none
// dst : opaque
// src : has alpha and premultiplied
// mode : PEN
// generic cases
// copying is necessary either to convert pixel format or to read back buffer in reverse order
// to achieve rotation
const TInt scanLineBytes = iDrawDevice->ScanLineBytes();
TUint32* scanLineBuffer = iDrawDevice->ScanLineBuffer();
TPtr8 scanLineDes(reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(scanLineBuffer),scanLineBytes,scanLineBytes);
// if destination is opaque e.g. RGB_565, XRGB_8888 and the source has alpha, it shall blend
// (because iDrawMode is set to WritePEN)
// we treat opaque destination as in pre-multiplied format (with alpha value 1), and read the
// source in pre-multiplied format too, to enable optimum blending computation i.e.
// "src + (1-alpha) * dst"
const TUidPixelFormat readFormat = !PixelFormatUtil::HasAlpha(devFormat) &&
iDrawMode == DirectGdi::EDrawModePEN ?
EUidPixelFormatARGB_8888_PRE : devFormat;
if (aRotation == DirectGdi::EGraphicsRotationNone)
// general fallback from FastBlendBitmap
const TInt readLen = width;
// normal read scanline, left to right
for (TInt row=aSrcRect.iTl.iY; row<aSrcRect.iBr.iY; ++row,++destY)
const TPoint pos(aSrcRect.iTl.iX, row);
reader.GetScanLine(scanLineDes,pos, readLen, readFormat, TPixelBufferReader::EReadHorizontal);
writer.WriteLine(aDest.iX, destY, readLen, scanLineBuffer, drawMode);
else if (aRotation == DirectGdi::EGraphicsRotation90)
const TInt readLen = height;
// read scanline vertically from bottom to up, and from the lef-most column
for (TInt col=aSrcRect.iTl.iX; col<aSrcRect.iBr.iX; ++col,++destY)
const TPoint pos(col, aSrcRect.iBr.iY-1);
reader.GetScanLine(scanLineDes, pos, readLen, readFormat, TPixelBufferReader::EReadVerticalReverse);
writer.WriteLine(aDest.iX, destY, readLen, scanLineBuffer, drawMode);
else if (aRotation == DirectGdi::EGraphicsRotation180)
const TInt readLen = width;
// read scanline from right to left, starting from the most bottom scanline
for (TInt row=aSrcRect.iBr.iY-1; row>=aSrcRect.iTl.iY; --row,++destY)
const TPoint pos(aSrcRect.iBr.iX-1, row);
reader.GetScanLine(scanLineDes, pos, readLen, readFormat, TPixelBufferReader::EReadHorizontalReverse);
writer.WriteLine(aDest.iX, destY, readLen, scanLineBuffer, drawMode);
else if (aRotation == DirectGdi::EGraphicsRotation270)
const TInt readLen = height;
// read scanline vertically top to bottom, and from the right-most column
for (TInt col=aSrcRect.iBr.iX-1; col>=aSrcRect.iTl.iX; --col,++destY)
const TPoint pos(col, aSrcRect.iTl.iY);
reader.GetScanLine(scanLineDes, pos, readLen, readFormat, TPixelBufferReader::EReadVertical);
writer.WriteLine(aDest.iX, destY, readLen, scanLineBuffer, drawMode);
Draws a rectangular area of resource rotated and/or scaled up/down.
@panic DGDIAdapter 1009, if the pixel format of the draw device is unknown (debug only).
void CSwDirectGdiEngine::DoScaledBlitResource(
const TRect& aDestRectAbs,
const CSwDirectGdiImageSourceImpl* aImg,
const TRect& aSrcRect,
DirectGdi::TGraphicsRotation aRotation,
const TRect& aClipRectAbs)
// pre:
// aDestRectAbs is the user specified dest rect that has been translated to target coord system. It may
// be larger/outside the target drawing area. We must not modify this rect as it will be used to
// determine the scaling factor.
// aSrcRect is the user specified src rect, it is within the image extent.
// aClipRectAbs is the intersection of current clipping rect and aDestRectAbs and is within the
// target drawing area.
const TUidPixelFormat devFormat = PixelFormatUtil::ConvertToPixelFormat(iDrawDevice->DisplayMode());
GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(devFormat != EUidPixelFormatUnknown, EDirectGdiPanicInvalidDisplayMode);
const TUint32* imgAddr = reinterpret_cast<TUint32*>(aImg->DataBuffer());
const TInt imgStride = aImg->Stride();
const TSize imgSize = aImg->Size();
const TUidPixelFormat imgFormat = aImg->PixelFormat();
const CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode drawMode = GcDrawMode(iDrawMode);
// if destination is opaque e.g. RGB_565, XRGB_8888 and the source has alpha, it shall blend
// (because iDrawMode is set to WritePEN)
// we treat opaque destination as in pre-multiplied format (with alpha value 1), and read the
// source in pre-multiplied format too, to enable optimum blending computation i.e.
// "src + (1-alpha) * dst"
const TUidPixelFormat readFormat = !PixelFormatUtil::HasAlpha(devFormat) &&
iDrawMode == DirectGdi::EDrawModePEN ?
EUidPixelFormatARGB_8888_PRE : devFormat;
TUint32* scanLineBuffer = iDrawDevice->ScanLineBuffer();
const TInt scanLineBytes = iDrawDevice->ScanLineBytes();
TPtr8 scanLineDes(reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(scanLineBuffer), scanLineBytes, scanLineBytes);
// setup pixel reader toolkit
TPixelBufferReader reader(imgAddr, imgSize, imgStride, imgFormat);
TDrawDeviceWrapper writer(iDrawDevice, GcDrawMode(iDrawMode));
if (aRotation == DirectGdi::EGraphicsRotationNone)
// Note that there was previously an optimization added here that used MFlastBlend if
// available, however it did not work correctly for some cases using DrawResource so has been
// removed from this code. (A source drawn with OpenGLES on to a target in XRGB_8888 format
// actually had alpha in the unused channel which was being drawn by MFastBlend)
const TInt srcLen = aSrcRect.Width();
const TInt destLen = aDestRectAbs.Width();
const TInt clipLen = aClipRectAbs.Width();
const TInt clipPos = aClipRectAbs.iTl.iX - aDestRectAbs.iTl.iX;
// setup DDA for scaling in Y direction based on src rect and dst rect size
// scaling in X direction will be done by GetScaledScanLine()
// setup Y scaler and start from top-left of src/dest to bottom-right of src/dest
TLinearDDA yScaler;
TPoint(aSrcRect.iTl.iY, aDestRectAbs.iTl.iY),
TPoint(aSrcRect.iBr.iY, aDestRectAbs.iBr.iY),
// move to position of current clip rect top row as the start of dest Y
TInt srcY;
yScaler.JumpToYCoord2(srcY, aClipRectAbs.iTl.iY);
// yPos contains mapping between src Y (TPoint.iX) and dest Y (TPoint.iY)
TPoint yPos(srcY, aClipRectAbs.iTl.iY);
// write to target from top to bottom
while (yPos.iY < aClipRectAbs.iBr.iY)
TPoint(aSrcRect.iTl.iX, yPos.iX), // src X and Y
clipPos, // clipped dest X
// use dest Y here
writer.WriteLine(aClipRectAbs.iTl.iX, yPos.iY, clipLen, scanLineBuffer, drawMode);
// move scaler one position
else if (aRotation == DirectGdi::EGraphicsRotation90)
// we're going to read source vertically from bottom to up, swap relevant bits and pieces
// dst-width corresponds to src-height
// dst-height corresponds to src-width
const TInt srcLen = aSrcRect.Height();
const TInt destLen = aDestRectAbs.Width();
// the following doesn't change, the amount of pixel read (vertically) will be based on
// the drawing area witdh i.e. clip width
const TInt clipLen = aClipRectAbs.Width();
// offset into read area doesn't change either, it will be translated into some Y position
// from bottom row of source image
const TInt clipPos = aClipRectAbs.iTl.iX - aDestRectAbs.iTl.iX;
// setup DDA for scaling in src X direction based on src rect and dst rect size
// scaling in src Y direction will be done by GetScaledScanLine(EReadVerticalReverse)
// scaler map dest Y to src X because of 90 degre rotation
// start from top row dest, left-most column src to bottom row dest, right-most column src
TLinearDDA xScaler;
TPoint(aSrcRect.iTl.iX, aDestRectAbs.iTl.iY),
TPoint(aSrcRect.iBr.iX, aDestRectAbs.iBr.iY),
// move to position of current clip rect top row as the start of src X
TInt srcX;
xScaler.JumpToYCoord2(srcX, aClipRectAbs.iTl.iY);
// xPos contains mapping between src X (TPoint.iX) and dest Y (TPoint.iY)
TPoint xPos(srcX, aClipRectAbs.iTl.iY);
// write to target from top to bottom
while (xPos.iY < aClipRectAbs.iBr.iY)
// read pixel vertically from left column to right
TPoint(xPos.iX, aSrcRect.iBr.iY - 1), // src X, src Y
clipPos, // distance from bottom source
// use dest Y here
writer.WriteLine(aClipRectAbs.iTl.iX, xPos.iY, clipLen, scanLineBuffer, drawMode);
// move scaler one position
else if (aRotation == DirectGdi::EGraphicsRotation180)
const TInt srcLen = aSrcRect.Width();
const TInt destLen = aDestRectAbs.Width();
const TInt clipLen = aClipRectAbs.Width();
// clipPos doesn't need to be inverted (using iBr.iX) because the yScaler below
// will do that for us (by stepping backward)
const TInt clipPos = aClipRectAbs.iTl.iX - aDestRectAbs.iTl.iX;
// setup DDA for scaling in Y direction based on src rect and dst rect size
// scaling in X direction will be done by GetScaledScanLine()
// setup Y scaler and start from bottom-right of src/dest to top-left of src/dest
// to do backward stepping (src Y inversion)
TLinearDDA yScaler;
// we starting from 1st pixel from bottom of source image, we need to
// step back 1 position as bottom-row coord is beyond the last pixel in the source rect
TPoint(aSrcRect.iBr.iY - 1, aDestRectAbs.iTl.iY),
TPoint(aSrcRect.iTl.iY - 1, aDestRectAbs.iBr.iY),
// move to position of current clip rect top row as the start of dest Y
// which will calculate inverted src Y distance from bottom of source rectangle
TInt invSrcY;
yScaler.JumpToYCoord2(invSrcY, aClipRectAbs.iTl.iY);
// yPos contains mapping between inverted src Y (TPoint.iX) and dest Y (TPoint.iY)
TPoint yPos(invSrcY, aClipRectAbs.iTl.iY);
// write to target from top to bottom
while (yPos.iY < aClipRectAbs.iBr.iY)
// read scanline from righ to left i.e. use aSrcRect.iBr.iX-1 (last column)
// as starting src X value
TPoint(aSrcRect.iBr.iX - 1, yPos.iX), // src X and inverted src Y
clipPos, // clipped dest X
// use dest Y here
writer.WriteLine(aClipRectAbs.iTl.iX, yPos.iY, clipLen, scanLineBuffer, drawMode);
// move scaler one position
else if(aRotation == DirectGdi::EGraphicsRotation270)
// we're going to read source vertically from top to bottom, swap relevant bits and pieces
// dst-width corresponds to src-height
// dst-height corresponds to src-width
const TInt srcLen = aSrcRect.Height();
const TInt destLen = aDestRectAbs.Width();
// the following doesn't change, the amount of pixel read (vertically) will be based on
// the drawing area witdh i.e. clip width
const TInt clipLen = aClipRectAbs.Width();
// offset into read area doesn't change either, it will be translated into some Y position
// from top row of source image
const TInt clipPos = aClipRectAbs.iTl.iX - aDestRectAbs.iTl.iX;
// setup DDA for scaling in src X direction based on src rect and dst rect size
// scaling in src Y direction will be done by GetScaledScanLine(EReadVertical)
// scaler map dest Y to src X because of 270 degre rotation
// start from top row dest, right-most column src to bottom row dest, left-most column src
TLinearDDA xScaler;
// decrement 1 pixel to get into last pixel within source
TPoint(aSrcRect.iBr.iX - 1, aDestRectAbs.iTl.iY),
TPoint(aSrcRect.iTl.iX - 1, aDestRectAbs.iBr.iY),
// move to position of current clip rect top row as the start of src X
TInt srcX;
xScaler.JumpToYCoord2(srcX, aClipRectAbs.iTl.iY);
// xPos contains mapping between src X (TPoint.iX) and dest Y (TPoint.iY)
TPoint xPos(srcX, aClipRectAbs.iTl.iY);
// write to target from top to bottom
while (xPos.iY < aClipRectAbs.iBr.iY)
// read pixel vertically from left column to right
TPoint(xPos.iX, aSrcRect.iTl.iY), // src X, src Y
clipPos, // distance from bottom source
// use dest Y here
writer.WriteLine(aClipRectAbs.iTl.iX, xPos.iY, clipLen, scanLineBuffer, drawMode);
// move scaler one position