Applied patch 1, to provide a syborg specific minigui oby file.
Need to compare this with the "stripped" version currently in the tree.
This supplied version applies for Nokia builds, but need to repeat the
test for SF builds to see if pruning is needed, or if the file needs to
be device-specific.
// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#ifndef __BMDRAW_H__
#define __BMDRAW_H__
#include <gdi.h>
#include <bitdraw.h>
#include "BitDrawScaling.h"
#include "BitDrawOrigin.h"
#include "BmAlphaBlend.h"
#include "BitDrawOrientation.h"
#ifdef __ARMCC__
#define FORCEINLINE __forceinline
#define FORCEINLINE inline
Outline colour index used to get percentage of outline colour to be used to get
the final colour from lookup table
const TInt KOutlineColorIndex = 0;
Shadow colour index used to get percentage of shadow colour to be used to get
the final colour from lookup table
const TInt KShadowColorIndex = 1;
Fill colour index used to get percentage of fill colour to be used to get
the final colour from lookup table
const TInt KFillColorIndex = 2;
Background colour index used to get percentage of background colour to be used to get
the final colour from lookup table
const TInt KBackgroundColorIndex = 3;
Lookup table used for outline and shadow fonts.
GLREF_D const TInt FourColorBlendLookup[256][4];
TRgb AlphaBlend(TRgb aPrimary, TRgb aSecondary, TInt aAlphaValue);
//Scaling settings. MScalingSettings interface operates with them.
struct TScalingSettings
inline TScalingSettings() :
TInt iFactorX;
TInt iFactorY;
TInt iDivisorX;
TInt iDivisorY;
// Drawing device origin. MDrawDeviceOrigin interface operates with it.
typedef TPoint TOrigin;
//This class is used as a template argument by CDrawEightBppBitmapCommon::SetPixels()
//and CDrawSixteenBppBitmapCommon::SetPixels()
//Each of its methods (EvalInc() and EvalDec()) has two arguments -
//aAddr and aValue, and it is used to set *aAddr with aValue and to increment/decrement
//respectively aAddr.
template <class TPixelType> class TPixelSet
inline void EvalInc(TPixelType*& aAddr, TPixelType aValue) const
*aAddr++ = aValue;
inline void EvalDec(TPixelType*& aAddr, TPixelType aValue) const
*aAddr-- = aValue;
//This class is used as a template argument by CDrawEightBppBitmapCommon::XORPixels().
//and CDrawSixteenBppBitmapCommon::XORPixels()
//Each of its methods (EvalInc() and EvalDec()) has two arguments -
//aAddr and aValue, and it is used to XOR *aAddr with aValue and to increment/decrement
//respectively aAddr.
template <class TPixelType> class TPixelXor
inline void EvalInc(TPixelType*& aAddr, TPixelType aValue) const
*aAddr++ ^= aValue;
inline void EvalDec(TPixelType*& aAddr, TPixelType aValue) const
*aAddr-- ^= aValue;
//This class is used as a template argument by CDrawEightBppBitmapCommon::ANDPixels().
//and CDrawSixteenBppBitmapCommon::ANDPixels()
//Each of its methods (EvalInc() and EvalDec()) has two arguments -
//aAddr and aValue, and it is used to AND *aAddr with aValue and to increment/decrement
//respectively aAddr.
template <class TPixelType> class TPixelAnd
inline void EvalInc(TPixelType*& aAddr, TPixelType aValue) const
*aAddr++ &= aValue;
inline void EvalDec(TPixelType*& aAddr, TPixelType aValue) const
*aAddr-- &= aValue;
//This class is used as a template argument by CDrawEightBppBitmapCommon::ORPixels().
//and CDrawSixteenBppBitmapCommon::ORPixels()
//Each of its methods (EvalInc() and EvalDec()) has two arguments -
//aAddr and aValue, and it is used to OR *aAddr with aValue and to increment/decrement
//respectively aAddr.
template <class TPixelType> class TPixelOr
inline void EvalInc(TPixelType*& aAddr, TPixelType aValue) const
*aAddr++ |= aValue;
inline void EvalDec(TPixelType*& aAddr, TPixelType aValue) const
*aAddr-- |= aValue;
//This template function should be used every time when a rectangle has to be drawn instead of
//a single pixel in EColor256/EColor64K scaled device.
//aPixelPtr - points to the pixel memory address, which contains top-left corner of the rectangle.
//aValue - the pixel value - EColor256.
//aPixelPtrRowLimit - the right end address of the scalline.
//aBitsStart - beginning address of the pixel memory.
//aBitsEnd - end address of the pixel memory.
//aLongWidth - aligned scanline width in pixels.
//aFx - X-axis scaling factor.
//aFy - Y-axis scaling factor.
//aOrientation - device's orientation.
//aOp - the operation, which must be applied to every pixel from the rectangle - template parameter.
template <class TPixelOp, class TPixelType>
inline void FillScaledRect(TPixelType* aPixelPtr,
const TPixelType aValue,
const TPixelType* aPixelPtrRowLimit,
const TPixelType* aBitsStart,
const TPixelType* aBitsEnd,
const TInt aLongWidth,
TInt aFx,
TInt aFy,
const CFbsDrawDevice::TOrientation aOrientation,
const TPixelOp& aOp)
if(aOrientation == CFbsDrawDevice::EOrientationNormal)
//for example: if aFx = 3 and aFy = 2 then
//the following pixel values have to be evaluated:
// (aPixelPtr), (aPixelPtr + 1), (aPixelPtr + 2)
// (aPixelPtr + aLongWidth), (aPixelPtr + 1 + aLongWidth), (aPixelPtr + 2 + aLongWidth)
const TPixelType* nextStop = aPixelPtr + aFx;//the address of next scaled pixel value
if(nextStop > aPixelPtrRowLimit)
{//If the address is after the end of the current row, set it to the end of row.
nextStop = aPixelPtrRowLimit;
do //Fill pixel rectangle [aFx,aFy]
while(aPixelPtr < nextStop)
{//Fill a row of up to aFx pixels.
aOp.EvalInc(aPixelPtr, aValue);
aPixelPtr += (aLongWidth - aFx);//Move aPixelPtr to the next row
if(aPixelPtr >= aBitsEnd)
{//If aPixelPtr points after the end of video memory - stop the operation!
nextStop += aLongWidth;//Move nextPixelAddr to the next row
if(aOrientation == CFbsDrawDevice::EOrientationRotated90)
//for example: if aFy = 3 and aFx = 2 then
//the following pixel values have to be evaluated:
// (aPixelPtr), (aPixelPtr - 1),
// (aPixelPtr + aLongWidth), (aPixelPtr - 1 + aLongWidth),
// (aPixelPtr + 2 * aLongWidth), (aPixelPtr - 1 + 2 * aLongWidth),
const TPixelType* pixelPtrPrevRowLimit = aPixelPtrRowLimit - aLongWidth;
const TPixelType* nextStop = aPixelPtr - aFx;//the address of next scaled pixel value
if(nextStop < pixelPtrPrevRowLimit)
{//If the address is before the beginning of the current row, set it to the beginning of row.
nextStop = pixelPtrPrevRowLimit;
do //Fill pixel rectangle [aFx,aFy]
while(aPixelPtr > nextStop)
{//Fill a row of up to aFy pixels.
aOp.EvalDec(aPixelPtr, aValue);
aPixelPtr += (aLongWidth + aFx);//Move aPixelPtr to the next row
if(aPixelPtr >= aBitsEnd)
{//If aPixelPtr points after the end of video memory - stop the operation!
nextStop += aLongWidth;//Move nextPixelAddr to the next row
if(aOrientation == CFbsDrawDevice::EOrientationRotated180)
//for example: if aFx = 3 and aFy = 2 then
//the following pixel values have to be evaluated:
// (aPixelPtr), (aPixelPtr - 1), (aPixelPtr - 2)
// (aPixelPtr - aLongWidth), (aPixelPtr + 1 - aLongWidth), (aPixelPtr + 2 - aLongWidth)
const TPixelType* pixelPtrPrevRowLimit = aPixelPtrRowLimit - aLongWidth;
const TPixelType* nextStop = aPixelPtr - aFx;//the address of next scaled pixel value
if(nextStop < pixelPtrPrevRowLimit)
{//If the address is before the beginning of the current row, set it to the beginning of row.
nextStop = pixelPtrPrevRowLimit;
do //Fill pixel rectangle [aFx,aFy]
while(aPixelPtr > nextStop)
{//Fill a row of up to aFx pixels.
aOp.EvalDec(aPixelPtr, aValue);
aPixelPtr -= (aLongWidth - aFx);//Move aPixelPtr to the prev row
if(aPixelPtr < aBitsStart)
{//If aPixelPtr points before the beginning of video memory - stop the operation!
nextStop -= aLongWidth;//Move nextPixelAddr to the prev row
else //if(aOrientation == CFbsDrawDevice::EOrientationRotated270)
//for example: if aFy = 3 and aFx = 2 then
//the following pixel values have to be evaluated:
// (aPixelPtr), (aPixelPtr + 1)
// (aPixelPtr - aLongWidth), (aPixelPtr + 1 - aLongWidth)
// (aPixelPtr - 2 * aLongWidth), (aPixelPtr + 1 - 2 * aLongWidth)
const TPixelType* nextStop = aPixelPtr + aFx;//the address of next scaled pixel value
if(nextStop > aPixelPtrRowLimit)
{//If the address is after the end of the current row, set it to the end of row.
nextStop = aPixelPtrRowLimit;
do //Fill pixel rectangle [aFx,aFy]
while(aPixelPtr < nextStop)
{//Fill a row of up to aFy pixels.
aOp.EvalInc(aPixelPtr, aValue);
aPixelPtr += (-aLongWidth - aFx);//Move aPixelPtr to the prev row
if(aPixelPtr < aBitsStart)
{//If aPixelPtr points befor the beginning of video memory - stop the operation!
nextStop -= aLongWidth;//Move nextPixelAddr to the prev row
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDrawBitmap) : public CFbsDrawDevice,
public MScalingSettings,
public MDrawDeviceOrigin,
public MAlphaBlend,
public MOutlineAndShadowBlend,
public MDrawDeviceOrientation,
public MFastBlend
virtual ~CDrawBitmap();
// From CFbsDrawDevice
virtual TDisplayMode DisplayMode() const { return iDispMode; }
virtual TInt LongWidth() const;
virtual void MapColors(const TRect& aRect,const TRgb* aColors,TInt aNumPairs,TBool aMapForwards);
virtual TRgb ReadPixel(TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
virtual void ReadLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TAny* aBuffer,TDisplayMode aDispMode) const;
virtual TUint32* ScanLineBuffer() const;
virtual TInt ScanLineBytes() const;
virtual TDisplayMode ScanLineDisplayMode() const { return iDispMode; }
virtual TSize SizeInPixels() const;
virtual TInt HorzTwipsPerThousandPixels() const { return 0; }
virtual TInt VertTwipsPerThousandPixels() const { return 0; }
virtual void OrientationsAvailable(TBool aOrientation[4]);
virtual void WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
virtual void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
virtual void WriteBinaryLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
virtual void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode,TBool aUp);
virtual void WriteLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer ,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode);
virtual void WriteRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode);
virtual void SetBits(TAny* aBits);
virtual void SetDitherOrigin(const TPoint& aPoint);
virtual void SetShadowMode(TShadowMode aShadowMode) { iShadowMode = aShadowMode; }
virtual void SetFadingParameters(TUint8 aBlackMap,TUint8 aWhiteMap);
virtual void SetUserDisplayMode(TDisplayMode aDisplayMode) { iUserDispMode = aDisplayMode; }
virtual TBool SetOrientation(TOrientation aOrientation);
virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,
TUint8* aRgbBuffer, TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,
const TUint8* aRgbBuffer1,
const TUint8* aBuffer2,
const TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
virtual TInt GetInterface(TInt aInterfaceId, TAny*& aInterface);
virtual void GetDrawRect(TRect& aDrawRect) const;
virtual void SwapWidthAndHeight();
// From MScalingSettings
virtual TInt Set(TInt aFactorX, TInt aFactorY, TInt aDivisorX, TInt aDivisorY);
virtual void Get(TInt& aFactorX, TInt& aFactorY, TInt& aDivisorX, TInt& aDivisorY);
virtual TBool IsScalingOff();
// From MDrawDeviceOrigin
virtual TInt Set(const TPoint& aOrigin);
virtual void Get(TPoint& aOrigin);
// From MDrawDeviceOrientation
virtual CFbsDrawDevice::TOrientation Orientation();
// From MFastBlend
virtual TInt FastBlendBitmap(const TPoint& aDest,CFbsDrawDevice* aSrcDrawDevice, const TRect& aSrcRect, CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode, TInt aShadowMode);
virtual TInt FastBlendBitmap(const TPoint& aDest,const TUint32* aSrcBase, TInt aSrcStride, const TSize& aSrcSize, const TRect& aSrcRect, TDisplayMode aDisplayMode, CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode, TInt aShadowMode);
virtual TInt FastBlendBitmapMasked(const TPoint& aDest, const TUint32* aSrcBase, TInt aSrcStride,
const TSize& aSrcSize, const TRect& aSrcRect, TDisplayMode aSrcDisplayMode,
const TUint32* aMaskBase, TInt aMaskStride, TDisplayMode aMaskDisplayMode, const TSize &aMaskSize,const TPoint &aMaskSrcPos,TBool aInvertMask,
CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode, TInt aShadowMode);
virtual TInt FastBlendBitmapScaled(const TRect &aClipRect, const TRect& aDest, const TRect& aSrcRect, const TUint32 *aSrcBase, TInt aSrcLinePitch, TDisplayMode aSrcDisplayMode, const TSize &aSrcSize, CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode, TInt aShadowMode);
virtual TInt FastBlendBitmapMaskedScaled(const TRect &aClipRect, const TRect& aDest,
const TRect& aSrcRect, const TUint32 *aSrcBase, TInt aSrcLinePitch,
TDisplayMode aSrcDisplayMode, const TSize &aSrcSize,
const TUint32* aMaskBase, TInt aMaskStride, TDisplayMode aMaskDisplayMode, const TSize &aMaskSize,TBool aInvertMask,
CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode, TInt aShadowMode);
static TInt BitsPerPixel(TDisplayMode aDispMode);
void Clear();
void CopyOldSettings(CFbsDrawDevice* aDrawDevice);
void DeOrientate(TInt& aX,TInt& aY) const;
TPoint DeOrientate(const TPoint& aPoint) const;
TRect DeOrientate(const TRect& aRect) const;
virtual void Shadow(TRgb& aColor) = 0;
TRgb FadeRgb(TRgb aColor);
TUint32 FadeRgb(TUint32 aColor);
void FadeRgb(TInt& aRed, TInt& aGreen, TInt& aBlue);
TUint8 FadeGray(TInt aGray256);
TUint32 Hash(TUint32 aValue,TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
TUint32 PasteInt(TUint32 aFirst,TUint32 aSecond,TInt aOffset) const;
static TAny* CopyOffset(TAny* aDestination,const TAny* aSource,TInt aWordsToCopy,TInt aSourceBitOffset);
static void ReadLineCommon(TUint32* aPixelPtr,TUint32* aBufferPtr,TInt aWordsCnt,TInt aRestPixels,TInt aBytesCnt,TInt aStartDiffBits);
virtual void SetSize(const TSize& aSize);
// Scaling related
TBool CanBeScaled() const;
TInt PixelAddressIncrement() const;
TInt LogicalPixelAddressIncrement() const;
void SetPixelInc(TInt& aPixelInc, TInt& aRowInc) const;
void IncScaledY(TInt& aY) const;
void IncScaledY(TInt& aY, TInt aYOrg) const;
//Generic set pixels operations, has to be defined here to make it compiled in VC++6.0
template <class TPixelType>
void SetPixels(TPixelType* aPixelPtr, TPixelType aValue, const TPixelType* aPixelPtrRowLimit,
const TPixelType* aBitsStart, const TPixelType* aBitsEnd) const
TPixelSet<TPixelType> op;
::FillScaledRect(aPixelPtr, aValue, aPixelPtrRowLimit, aBitsStart, aBitsEnd, iLongWidth,
iScalingSettings.iFactorX, iScalingSettings.iFactorY, iOrientation, op);
template <class TPixelType>
void XORPixels(TPixelType* aPixelPtr, TPixelType aValue, const TPixelType* aPixelPtrRowLimit,
const TPixelType* aBitsStart, const TPixelType* aBitsEnd) const
TPixelXor<TPixelType> op;
::FillScaledRect(aPixelPtr, aValue, aPixelPtrRowLimit, aBitsStart, aBitsEnd, iLongWidth,
iScalingSettings.iFactorX, iScalingSettings.iFactorY, iOrientation, op);
template <class TPixelType>
void ANDPixels(TPixelType* aPixelPtr, TPixelType aValue, const TPixelType* aPixelPtrRowLimit,
const TPixelType* aBitsStart, const TPixelType* aBitsEnd) const
TPixelAnd<TPixelType> op;
::FillScaledRect(aPixelPtr, aValue, aPixelPtrRowLimit, aBitsStart, aBitsEnd, iLongWidth,
iScalingSettings.iFactorX, iScalingSettings.iFactorY, iOrientation, op);
template <class TPixelType>
void ORPixels(TPixelType* aPixelPtr, TPixelType aValue, const TPixelType* aPixelPtrRowLimit,
const TPixelType* aBitsStart, const TPixelType* aBitsEnd) const
TPixelOr<TPixelType> op;
::FillScaledRect(aPixelPtr, aValue, aPixelPtrRowLimit, aBitsStart, aBitsEnd, iLongWidth,
iScalingSettings.iFactorX, iScalingSettings.iFactorY, iOrientation, op);
//Origin related
TBool CanOriginBeMoved() const;
void MapColorToUserDisplayMode(TInt& red,TInt& green,TInt& blue);
virtual void InvertBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer) = 0;
virtual TRgb ReadRgbNormal(TInt aX,TInt aY) const = 0;
virtual void ReadLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TAny* aBuffer) const = 0;
virtual TUint32* ScanLine(TInt aY) const;
virtual void WriteRgbMultiXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor) = 0;
virtual void WriteRgbMultiAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor) = 0;
virtual void WriteRgbMultiOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor) = 0;
virtual void WriteLineXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer) = 0;
virtual void WriteLineAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer) = 0;
virtual void WriteLineOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer) = 0;
virtual void WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TRgb aColor) = 0;
virtual void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor) = 0;
virtual void WriteBinaryOp(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode) = 0;
virtual void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,TBool aUp) = 0;
virtual void WriteRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor) = 0;
virtual void BlendRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer) = 0;
virtual void BlendLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void MapColorToUserDisplayMode(TRgb& /*aColor*/) {}
virtual void MapBufferToUserDisplayMode(TInt /*aLength*/,TUint32* /*aBuffer*/) {}
void GetBlendPosAndRect(TRect &aSrcRect, const TRect &aSrcRectIn, const TSize &aSrcSize, const TPoint &aDestOffset);
void GetBlendPosAndRect(TRect &aDstRect, TRect &aSrcRect, const TRect &aDestRectIn, const TRect &aSrcRectIn, const TSize &aSrcSize);
TBool FastBlendSupported(TDisplayMode aSrcDisplayMode, CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode, TInt aShadowMode, TInt aSrcLinePitch);
TBool FastBlendMaskSupported(TDisplayMode aMaskDisplayMode, TInt aMaskStride);
void DoCopyOldSettings(CFbsDrawDevice* aDrawDevice);
TInt DoFastBlendBitmap(const TPoint &aDest, const TRect& aSrcRect, const TUint8 *aSrcBase, TInt aSrcLinePitch, TDisplayMode aSrcDisplayMode, const TSize &aSrcSize);
// Scaling related
void InitLogicalCoordinates();
void PreWriteRgb(TInt& aWidth, TInt& aHeight, TInt& aX, TInt& aY, CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
void WriteRgb(TInt& aWidth, TInt& aHeight, TInt& aX, TInt& aY, TRgb aColor, CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
void SetDefaults();
inline TInt Origin(TInt aPhysOrg, TInt aScale) const;
inline TInt OtherSide(TInt aPhysOrg, TInt aPhysSize, TInt aScale) const;
TDisplayMode iDispMode;
TInt iLongWidth; // aligned scanline width in pixels
TPoint iDitherOrigin;
TUint32* iScanLineBuffer;
TInt iScanLineWords;
TShadowMode iShadowMode;
TSize iSize; // (0, 0, iSize.iWidth, iSize.iHeight) - drawing rectangle - physical coordinates
TUint32* iBits;
TDisplayMode iUserDispMode;
TOrientation iOrientation; // 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees
TInt iFadeMapFactor;
TInt iFadeMapOffset;
TScalingSettings iScalingSettings; // X-axis and Y-axis scaling factors
TOrigin iOrigin; // drawing device origin
TBool iScalingOff; // ETrue, if the scaling is off.
TBool iOriginIsZero; // ETrue, if the origin is (0, 0).
TRect iDrawRect; // drawing rectangle - logical coordinates
MAlphaBlend* iAlphaBlend; // Alphablending interface
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDrawOneBppBitmap) : public CDrawBitmap
TInt Construct(TSize aSize);
TInt Construct(TSize aSize, TInt aStride);
virtual void InvertBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual TRgb ReadRgbNormal(TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
virtual void ShadowArea(const TRect& aRect);
virtual void WriteRgbMultiXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgbMultiAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgbMultiOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteLineXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteLineAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteLineOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteBinaryOp(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
virtual void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,TBool aUp);
virtual void WriteRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteRgbAlphaMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,const TUint8* aMaskBuffer);
virtual void SetSize(const TSize& aSize);
virtual void ReadLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TAny* aBuffer) const;
virtual void Shadow(TRgb& aColor);
void ShadowBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
TUint32 ColorWord(TRgb aColor) const;
virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,
TInt aY,
TInt aLength,
const TUint8* aRgbBuffer,
const TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
MAlphaBlend::TShadowing aShadowing,
CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
// From MOutlineAndShadowBlend
virtual TInt WriteRgbOutlineAndShadow(TInt aX, TInt aY, const TInt aLength,
TUint32 aOutlinePenColor, TUint32 aShadowColor,
TUint32 aFillColor, const TUint8* aDataBuffer);
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDrawTwoBppBitmap) : public CDrawBitmap
TInt Construct(TSize aSize);
TInt Construct(TSize aSize, TInt aStride);
TUint32 ColorInt(TRgb aColor) const;
void HashInt(TUint32& aInt1,TUint32& aInt2,TRgb aColor,TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
virtual void InvertBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
void MapColors(const TRect& aRect,const TRgb* aColors,TInt aNumPairs,TBool aMapForwards);
virtual TRgb ReadRgbNormal(TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
virtual void ShadowArea(const TRect& aRect);
virtual void WriteRgbMultiXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgbMultiAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgbMultiOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteLineXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteLineAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteLineOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteBinaryOp(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
virtual void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,TBool aUp);
virtual void WriteRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteRgbAlphaMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,const TUint8* aMaskBuffer);
virtual void MapColorToUserDisplayMode(TRgb& aColor);
virtual void MapBufferToUserDisplayMode(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void SetSize(const TSize& aSize);
TUint32 MapInt(TUint32 aInt,TUint32* aColorMap) const;
virtual void ReadLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TAny* aBuffer) const;
virtual void Shadow(TRgb& aColor);
TUint32 ShadowWord(TUint32 aWord);
TUint32 FadeWord(TUint32 aWord);
void ShadeBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
void ShadowBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,
TInt aY,
TInt aLength,
const TUint8* aRgbBuffer,
const TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
MAlphaBlend::TShadowing aShadowing,
CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
// From MOutlineAndShadowBlend
virtual TInt WriteRgbOutlineAndShadow(TInt aX, TInt aY, const TInt aLength,
TUint32 aOutlinePenColor, TUint32 aShadowColor,
TUint32 aFillColor, const TUint8* aDataBuffer);
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDrawFourBppBitmapGray) : public CDrawBitmap
TInt Construct(TSize aSize);
TInt Construct(TSize aSize, TInt aStride);
TUint32 ColorInt(TRgb aColor) const;
TUint32 HashInt(TRgb aColor,TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
virtual void InvertBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual TRgb ReadRgbNormal(TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
virtual void ShadowArea(const TRect& aRect);
virtual void WriteRgbMultiXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgbMultiAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgbMultiOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteLineXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteLineAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteLineOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteBinaryOp(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
virtual void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,TBool aUp);
virtual void WriteRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteRgbAlphaMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,const TUint8* aMaskBuffer);
virtual void MapColorToUserDisplayMode(TRgb& aColor);
virtual void MapBufferToUserDisplayMode(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void SetSize(const TSize& aSize);
void DitherBuffer(TInt x,TInt y,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void ReadLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TAny* aBuffer) const;
virtual void Shadow(TRgb& aColor);
TUint8 ShadowAndFadeGray16(TInt aGray16);
TUint32 FadeWord(TUint32 aWord);
void ShadeBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
void ShadowBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,
TInt aY,
TInt aLength,
const TUint8* aRgbBuffer,
const TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
MAlphaBlend::TShadowing aShadowing,
CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
// From MOutlineAndShadowBlend
virtual TInt WriteRgbOutlineAndShadow(TInt aX, TInt aY, const TInt aLength,
TUint32 aOutlinePenColor, TUint32 aShadowColor,
TUint32 aFillColor, const TUint8* aDataBuffer);
TRgb BlendFourColors(TUint32 aOutlinePenColor, TUint32 aShadowColor, TUint32 aFillColor,
TInt aRedOutlinePenColor,TInt aRedShadowColor,TInt aRedFillColor,
TInt aGreenOutlinePenColor, TInt aGreenShadowColor, TInt aGreenFillColor,
TInt aBlueOutlinePenColor, TInt aBlueShadowColor, TInt aBlueFillColor,
TRgb aBackgroundColor, TUint8 aIndex) const;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDrawFourBppBitmapColor) : public CDrawBitmap
TInt Construct(TSize aSize);
TInt Construct(TSize aSize, TInt aStride);
TUint32 ColorInt(TRgb aColor) const;
virtual void InvertBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual TRgb ReadRgbNormal(TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
virtual void ShadowArea(const TRect& aRect);
virtual void WriteRgbMultiXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgbMultiAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgbMultiOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteLineXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteLineAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteLineOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteBinaryOp(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
virtual void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,TBool aUp);
virtual void WriteRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteRgbAlphaMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,const TUint8* aMaskBuffer);
virtual void MapColorToUserDisplayMode(TRgb& aColor);
virtual void MapBufferToUserDisplayMode(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void SetSize(const TSize& aSize);
virtual void ReadLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TAny* aBuffer) const;
virtual void Shadow(TRgb& aColor);
TUint32 ShadowWord(TUint32 aWord);
TUint32 FadeWord(TUint32 aWord);
void ShadowBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,
TInt aY,
TInt aLength,
const TUint8* aRgbBuffer,
const TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
MAlphaBlend::TShadowing aShadowing,
CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
// From MOutlineAndShadowBlend
virtual TInt WriteRgbOutlineAndShadow(TInt aX, TInt aY, const TInt aLength,
TUint32 aOutlinePenColor, TUint32 aShadowColor,
TUint32 aFillColor, const TUint8* aDataBuffer);
TRgb BlendFourColors(TUint32 aOutlinePenColor, TUint32 aShadowColor, TUint32 aFillColor,
TInt aRedOutlinePenColor,TInt aRedShadowColor,TInt aRedFillColor,
TInt aGreenOutlinePenColor, TInt aGreenShadowColor, TInt aGreenFillColor,
TInt aBlueOutlinePenColor, TInt aBlueShadowColor, TInt aBlueFillColor,
TRgb aBackgroundColor, TUint8 aIndex) const;
const TInt KInvalidValue = 0xABCDABCD;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDrawEightBppBitmapCommon) : public CDrawBitmap, public MFastBlit2
virtual void InvertBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteLineXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteLineAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteLineOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual TInt GetInterface(TInt aInterfaceId, TAny*& aInterface);
// From MFastBlit2
virtual TInt WriteBitmapBlock(const TPoint& aDest,
CFbsDrawDevice* aSrcDrawDevice,
const TRect& aSrcRect);
virtual TInt WriteBitmapBlock(const TPoint& aDest,
const TUint32* aSrcBase,
TInt aSrcStride,
const TSize& aSrcSize,
const TRect& aSrcRect);
virtual const TUint32* Bits() const;
virtual void SetSize(const TSize& aSize);
TInt Construct(TSize aSize, TInt aStride);
TUint8* PixelAddress(TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
void ReadLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TAny* aBuffer) const;
void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TUint8 aPixel);
void WriteBinaryOp(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TUint8 aPixel,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TUint8 aPixel,TBool aUp);
void WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint8 aPixel);
void WriteRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TUint8 aPixel);
void WriteRgbMultiXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TUint8 aPixel);
void WriteRgbMultiAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TUint8 aPixel);
void WriteRgbMultiOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TUint8 aPixel);
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDrawEightBppBitmapGray) : public CDrawEightBppBitmapCommon
TInt Construct(TSize aSize);
TInt Construct(TSize aSize, TInt aStride);
virtual TRgb ReadRgbNormal(TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
virtual void ShadowArea(const TRect& aRect);
virtual void WriteRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgbMultiXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgbMultiAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgbMultiOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteBinaryOp(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
virtual void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,TBool aUp);
virtual void WriteRgbAlphaMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,const TUint8* aMaskBuffer);
virtual void MapColorToUserDisplayMode(TRgb& aColor);
virtual void MapBufferToUserDisplayMode(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void Shadow(TRgb& aColor);
void ShadowBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
TUint8 ShadowAndFade(TInt aGray256);
virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,
TInt aY,
TInt aLength,
const TUint8* aRgbBuffer,
const TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
MAlphaBlend::TShadowing aShadowing,
CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
// From MOutlineAndShadowBlend
virtual TInt WriteRgbOutlineAndShadow(TInt aX, TInt aY, const TInt aLength,
TUint32 aOutlinePenColor, TUint32 aShadowColor,
TUint32 aFillColor, const TUint8* aDataBuffer);
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDrawEightBppBitmapColor) : public CDrawEightBppBitmapCommon
TInt Construct(TSize aSize);
TInt Construct(TSize aSize, TInt aStride);
virtual TRgb ReadRgbNormal(TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
virtual TInt SetCustomPalette(const CPalette* aPalette);
virtual TInt GetCustomPalette(CPalette*& aPalette);
virtual void ShadowArea(const TRect& aRect);
virtual void WriteRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgbMultiXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgbMultiAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgbMultiOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteBinaryOp(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
virtual void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,TBool aUp);
virtual void WriteRgbAlphaMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,const TUint8* aMaskBuffer);
virtual void MapColorToUserDisplayMode(TRgb& aColor);
virtual void MapBufferToUserDisplayMode(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
// From MOutlineAndShadowBlend
virtual TInt WriteRgbOutlineAndShadow(TInt aX, TInt aY, const TInt aLength,
TUint32 aOutlinePenColor, TUint32 aShadowColor,
TUint32 aFillColor, const TUint8* aDataBuffer);
TUint8 ColorToIndex(TRgb aColor) const;
TRgb IndexToColor(TInt aIndex) const;
virtual void Shadow(TRgb& aColor);
void ShadowBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,
TInt aY,
TInt aLength,
const TUint8* aRgbBuffer,
const TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
MAlphaBlend::TShadowing aShadowing,
CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
TRgb* iPalette;
TUint8* iColor4KIndex;
TUint8* iShadowIndex;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDrawSixteenBppBitmapCommon) : public CDrawBitmap, public MFastBlit2
TInt Construct(TSize aSize, TInt aStride);
virtual void InvertBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void ShadowArea(const TRect& aRect);
virtual void WriteRgbMultiXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TUint16 aColor);
virtual void WriteRgbMultiAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TUint16 aColor);
virtual void WriteRgbMultiOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TUint16 aColor);
virtual void WriteLineXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteLineAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteLineOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TUint16 aColor);
virtual void WriteBinaryOp(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TUint16 aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
virtual void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TUint16 aColor,TBool aUp);
virtual void WriteRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TUint16 aColor);
virtual void WriteLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual TInt GetInterface(TInt aInterfaceId, TAny*& aInterface);
// From MFastBlit2
virtual TInt WriteBitmapBlock(const TPoint& aDest,
CFbsDrawDevice* aSrcDrawDevice,
const TRect& aSrcRect);
virtual TInt WriteBitmapBlock(const TPoint& aDest,
const TUint32* aSrcBase,
TInt aSrcStride,
const TSize& aSrcSize,
const TRect& aSrcRect);
virtual const TUint32* Bits() const;
virtual void SetSize(const TSize& aSize);
TUint16* PixelAddress(TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
virtual void ReadLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TAny* aBuffer) const;
virtual TUint16 ShadowIndex(TUint16 aColor64KIndex) = 0;
virtual TUint16 FadeIndex(TUint16 aColor4KIndex) = 0;
void ShadowBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDrawTwelveBppBitmap) : public CDrawSixteenBppBitmapCommon
TInt Construct(TSize aSize);
TInt Construct(TSize aSize, TInt aStride);
virtual TRgb ReadRgbNormal(TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
virtual void WriteRgbMultiXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgbMultiAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgbMultiOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteBinaryOp(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
virtual void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,TBool aUp);
virtual void WriteRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgbAlphaMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,const TUint8* aMaskBuffer);
virtual void MapColorToUserDisplayMode(TRgb& aColor);
virtual void MapBufferToUserDisplayMode(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
// From MOutlineAndShadowBlend
virtual TInt WriteRgbOutlineAndShadow(TInt aX, TInt aY, const TInt aLength,
TUint32 aOutlinePenColor, TUint32 aShadowColor,
TUint32 aFillColor, const TUint8* aDataBuffer);
virtual void Shadow(TRgb& aColor);
virtual TUint16 ShadowIndex(TUint16 aColor4KIndex);
virtual TUint16 FadeIndex(TUint16 aColor4KIndex);
virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,
TInt aY,
TInt aLength,
const TUint8* aRgbBuffer,
const TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
MAlphaBlend::TShadowing aShadowing,
CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDrawSixteenBppBitmap) : public CDrawSixteenBppBitmapCommon
TInt Construct(TSize aSize);
TInt Construct(TSize aSize, TInt aStride);
virtual TRgb ReadRgbNormal(TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
virtual void WriteRgbMultiXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgbMultiAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgbMultiOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteBinaryOp(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
virtual void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,TBool aUp);
virtual void WriteRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgbAlphaMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,const TUint8* aMaskBuffer);
virtual void MapColorToUserDisplayMode(TRgb& aColor);
FORCEINLINE void MapColorToUserDisplayMode(TUint16& aColor64K);
virtual void MapBufferToUserDisplayMode(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void BlendRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
// From MOutlineAndShadowBlend
virtual TInt WriteRgbOutlineAndShadow(TInt aX, TInt aY, const TInt aLength,
TUint32 aOutlinePenColor, TUint32 aShadowColor,
TUint32 aFillColor, const TUint8* aDataBuffer);
virtual void Shadow(TRgb& aColor);
FORCEINLINE void Shadow(TInt& aRed, TInt& aGreen, TInt& aBlue);
FORCEINLINE void Shadow(TUint16& a64KColor);
virtual TUint16 ShadowIndex(TUint16 aColor64KIndex);
FORCEINLINE void ShadowIndex(TInt& aRed, TInt& aGreen, TInt& aBlue);
virtual TUint16 FadeIndex(TUint16 aColor64KIndex);
virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,
TInt aY,
TInt aLength,
const TUint8* aRgbBuffer,
const TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
MAlphaBlend::TShadowing aShadowing,
CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDrawTwentyFourBppBitmap) : public CDrawBitmap
TInt Construct(TSize aSize);
TInt Construct(TSize aSize, TInt aStride);
virtual void Shadow(TRgb& aColor);
virtual void InvertBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual TRgb ReadRgbNormal(TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
virtual void ShadowArea(const TRect& aRect);
virtual void WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteBinaryOp(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
virtual void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,TBool aUp);
virtual void WriteLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteLineXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteLineAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteLineOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgbMultiXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgbMultiAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgbMultiOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgbAlphaMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,const TUint8* aMaskBuffer);
virtual void MapColorToUserDisplayMode(TRgb& aColor);
virtual void MapBufferToUserDisplayMode(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
// From MOutlineAndShadowBlend
virtual TInt WriteRgbOutlineAndShadow(TInt aX, TInt aY, const TInt aLength,
TUint32 aOutlinePenColor, TUint32 aShadowColor,
TUint32 aFillColor, const TUint8* aDataBuffer);
void BlendRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
virtual void SetSize(const TSize& aSize);
TUint8* PixelAddress(TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
TInt PixelAddressIncrement() const;
void PixelAddressIncrement(TInt& aPixelInc,TInt& aRowInc) const;
void ReadLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TAny* aBuffer) const;
void ShadowBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
TUint8 ShadowComponent(TInt aRgbComponent);
TUint8 FadeComponent(TInt aRgbComponent);
TUint8 ShadowAndFade(TInt aComponent);
FORCEINLINE void FadeRgb(TInt& red,TInt& green,TInt& blue);
FORCEINLINE void Shadow(TInt& red,TInt& green,TInt& blue);
FORCEINLINE TUint8 ShadowComponentInl(TInt aRgbComponent);
virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,
TInt aY,
TInt aLength,
const TUint8* aRgbBuffer,
const TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
MAlphaBlend::TShadowing aShadowing,
CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
TInt iScanLineBytes;
inline TUint8* CDrawTwentyFourBppBitmap::PixelAddress(TInt aX,TInt aY) const
return ((TUint8*)iBits) + (aY * iScanLineBytes) + (aX * 3);
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDrawThirtyTwoBppBitmapCommon) : public CDrawBitmap, public MFastBlit2
TInt Construct(TSize aSize, TInt aStride);
virtual void Shadow(TRgb& aColor);
virtual void Shadow(TUint32& aColor);
virtual void InvertBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual TRgb ReadRgbNormal(TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
virtual void ShadowArea(const TRect& aRect);
virtual void WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteBinaryOp(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
virtual void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,TBool aUp);
virtual void WriteLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteLineXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteLineAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteLineOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual void WriteRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgbMultiXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgbMultiAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgbMultiOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
virtual void WriteRgbAlphaMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,const TUint8* aMaskBuffer);
virtual void MapColorToUserDisplayMode(TRgb& aColor);
virtual void MapBufferToUserDisplayMode(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
virtual TInt GetInterface(TInt aInterfaceId, TAny*& aInterface);
// From MFastBlit2
virtual TInt WriteBitmapBlock(const TPoint& aDest,
CFbsDrawDevice* aSrcDrawDevice,
const TRect& aSrcRect);
virtual TInt WriteBitmapBlock(const TPoint& aDest,
const TUint32* aSrcBase,
TInt aSrcStride,
const TSize& aSrcSize,
const TRect& aSrcRect);
virtual const TUint32* Bits() const;
virtual TUint32 Color(const TRgb& aColor) = 0;
virtual TRgb RgbColor(TUint32 aColor) const = 0;
virtual void SetSize(const TSize& aSize);
FORCEINLINE TUint32* PixelAddress(TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
FORCEINLINE TInt PixelAddressIncrement() const;
void ReadLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TAny* aBuffer) const;
void ShadowBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
FORCEINLINE TUint8 ShadowComponent(TInt aRgbComponent);
TUint8 FadeComponent(TInt aRgbComponent);
TUint8 ShadowAndFade(TInt aComponent);
virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,
TInt aY,
TInt aLength,
const TUint8* aRgbBuffer,
const TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
MAlphaBlend::TShadowing aShadowing,
CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
FORCEINLINE TUint32* CDrawThirtyTwoBppBitmapCommon::PixelAddress(TInt aX,TInt aY) const
return iBits + aY * iScanLineWords + aX;
FORCEINLINE TInt CDrawThirtyTwoBppBitmapCommon::PixelAddressIncrement() const
switch (iOrientation)
case EOrientationNormal:
return 1;
case EOrientationRotated90:
return iScanLineWords;
case EOrientationRotated180:
return -1;
case EOrientationRotated270:
return -iScanLineWords;
return 1;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDrawUTwentyFourBppBitmap) : public CDrawThirtyTwoBppBitmapCommon, MFastBlit
TInt Construct(TSize aSize);
TInt Construct(TSize aSize, TInt aStride);
virtual TDisplayMode ScanLineDisplayMode() const { return EColor16MAP; }
virtual void ReadLine(TInt aX, TInt aY, TInt aLength, TAny* aBuffer, TDisplayMode aDispMode) const;
virtual TInt GetInterface(TInt aInterfaceId, TAny*& aInterface);
// From MFastBlit
virtual void WriteAlphaLineEx(TInt aX,
TInt aY,
TInt aLength,
TInt aSrcX,
const TUint32* aSrcPtr,
TDisplayMode aSrcFormat,
TInt aMaskX,
const TUint32* aMaskPtr,
MAlphaBlend::TShadowing aShadowing);
virtual void WriteMaskLineEx(TInt aX,
TInt aY,
TInt aLength,
TInt aSrcX,
const TUint32* aSrcPtr,
TDisplayMode aSrcFormat,
TInt aMaskX,
const TUint32* aMaskPtr,
TBool aInvertMask);
void BlendRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
void BlendLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
// From MOutlineAndShadowBlend
virtual TInt WriteRgbOutlineAndShadow(TInt aX, TInt aY, const TInt aLength,
TUint32 aOutlinePenColor, TUint32 aShadowColor,
TUint32 aFillColor, const TUint8* aDataBuffer);
virtual TUint32 Color(const TRgb& aColor);
virtual TRgb RgbColor(TUint32 aColor) const;
virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,
TInt aY,
TInt aLength,
const TUint8* aRgbBuffer,
const TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
MAlphaBlend::TShadowing aShadowing,
CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
class CDrawThirtyTwoBppBitmapAlpha : public CDrawThirtyTwoBppBitmapCommon
TInt Construct(TSize aSize);
TInt Construct(TSize aSize, TInt aStride);
// from CDrawThirtyTwoBppBitmap
void WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TRgb aColor);
void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,TBool aUp);
void WriteRgbAlphaMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,const TUint8* aMaskBuffer);
void MapBufferToUserDisplayMode(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
void BlendRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
void BlendLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
void ShadowArea(const TRect& aRect);
// From MOutlineAndShadowBlend
virtual TInt WriteRgbOutlineAndShadow(TInt aX, TInt aY, const TInt aLength,
TUint32 aOutlinePenColor, TUint32 aShadowColor,
TUint32 aFillColor, const TUint8* aDataBuffer);
virtual TUint32 Color(const TRgb& aColor);
virtual TRgb RgbColor(TUint32 aColor) const;
using CDrawThirtyTwoBppBitmapCommon::Shadow;
void Shadow(TUint32& aColor);
virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,
TInt aY,
TInt aLength,
const TUint8* aRgbBuffer,
const TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
MAlphaBlend::TShadowing aShadowing,
CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
class CDrawThirtyTwoBppBitmapAlphaPM : public CDrawThirtyTwoBppBitmapCommon
TInt Construct(TSize aSize);
TInt Construct(TSize aSize, TInt aStride);
// from CDrawThirtyTwoBppBitmap
void WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TRgb aColor);
void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,TBool aUp);
void WriteRgbAlphaMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,const TUint8* aMaskBuffer);
void BlendRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
void BlendLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
void ShadowArea(const TRect& aRect);
virtual void WriteLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer,
CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
// From MOutlineAndShadowBlend
virtual TInt WriteRgbOutlineAndShadow(TInt aX, TInt aY, const TInt aLength,
TUint32 aOutlinePenColor, TUint32 aShadowColor,
TUint32 aFillColor, const TUint8* aDataBuffer);
virtual TUint32 Color(const TRgb& aColor);
virtual TRgb RgbColor(TUint32 aColor) const;
virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,
TInt aY,
TInt aLength,
const TUint8* aRgbBuffer,
const TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
MAlphaBlend::TShadowing aShadowing,
CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
#include "CoordTransformation.inl"
/** DO NOT have a declaration as the compiler will think the source is in the .cpp and make this non-inline
Made a global inline to force the compiler to inline so as to gain performance.
A member inlines are not guarenteed to be inline.
ASSERT Primary Color >= 0 && Primary Color <= 255
If <0 or >255, after a shift right of 8-bits should prove true.
00000001 00000000 = 256 >> 8 = 00000000 00000001 = TRUE
11111111 11111111 = -1 >> 8 = 00000000 11111111 = TRUE
00000000 11111111 = 255 >> 8 = 00000000 00000000 = FALSE
Initial AlphaValue = 0...1.0
R = APs + (1 - A)Pd if A=0 the destination pixel is more dominant
and if A=1 the sourec pixel is more dominant
R = APs + Pd - APd
R = A(Ps-Pd) + Pd
Passed-in AlphaValue = 0...255
AlphaValue = 257 * Passed-in AlphaValue = 0...65536
NOTE: AlphaValue is now a 16-bit number. the colours are 8-bit, so we shouldn't
have overflow problems.
NOTE: Negative values (Ps-Pd) shouldn't be a problem as the shifting right of
signed values duplicates the signed bit in the msb.
R = A(Ps-Pd) + Pd
R = (A(Ps-Pd)) >> 16) + Pd
inline TRgb AlphaBlend(TInt aPrimaryRed, TInt aPrimaryGreen, TInt aPrimaryBlue, TInt aSecondaryRed,
TInt aSecondaryGreen, TInt aSecondaryBlue, TInt aAlphaValue)
__ASSERT_DEBUG(!(aPrimaryRed>>8) && !(aPrimaryGreen>>8) && !(aPrimaryBlue>>8) && !(aAlphaValue>>8) &&
!(aSecondaryRed>>8) && !(aSecondaryGreen>>8) && !(aSecondaryBlue>>8),
const TInt alphaValue = aAlphaValue * 257;
return TRgb(((alphaValue * (aPrimaryRed - aSecondaryRed)) >> 16) + aSecondaryRed,
((alphaValue * (aPrimaryGreen - aSecondaryGreen)) >> 16) + aSecondaryGreen,
((alphaValue * (aPrimaryBlue - aSecondaryBlue)) >> 16) + aSecondaryBlue);
inline TRgb AlphaBlend(TInt aPrimaryRed,TInt aPrimaryGreen,TInt aPrimaryBlue,TRgb aSecondary,TInt aAlphaValue)
return AlphaBlend(aPrimaryRed,aPrimaryGreen,aPrimaryBlue,aSecondary.Red(), aSecondary.Green(), aSecondary.Blue(), aAlphaValue);
It unpacks the 16 bit colour in to the red, green and blue colour components.
@param aColor64K The 16 bit colour which needs to be unpacked.
@param aRed Red component of aColor64K is returned into this.
@param aGreen Green component of aColor64K is returned into this.
@param aBlue Blue component of aColor64K is returned into this.
FORCEINLINE void UnpackColor64K(TUint16 aColor64K, TInt& aRed, TInt& aGreen, TInt& aBlue)
aRed = (aColor64K&0xF800)>>8;
aRed += aRed>>5;
aGreen = (aColor64K&0x07E0)>>3;
aGreen += aGreen>>6;
aBlue = (aColor64K&0x001F)<<3;
aBlue += aBlue>>5;
It creates the 16 bit colour from the red, green and blue colour components.
@param aRed The Red component for creating 16 bit colour.
@param aGreen The Green component for creating 16 bit colour.
@param aBlue The Blue component for creating 16 bit colour.
@return TUint16 The 16 bit colour created from the colour components.
FORCEINLINE TUint16 PackColor64K(TInt aRed, TInt aGreen, TInt aBlue)
TUint16 color64K = (aBlue & 0xF8) >> 3;
color64K |= (aGreen & 0xFc) << 3;
color64K |= (aRed & 0xF8) << 8;
return color64K;
It is an overloaded function for alpha bending which does blending for 16 bit colour.
@param aPrimaryColor64K The foreground pixel colour in 16 bit format.
@param aSecondaryColor64K The background pixel colour in 16 bit format.
@param aAlphaValue The alpha value used for blending.
@return The 16 bit blended colour.
FORCEINLINE TUint16 AlphaBlend(TUint16 aPrimaryColor64K, TUint16 aSecondaryColor64K,TInt aAlphaValue)
TInt primaryRed;
TInt primaryGreen;
TInt primaryBlue;
TInt secondaryRed;
TInt secondaryGreen;
TInt secondaryBlue;
UnpackColor64K(aPrimaryColor64K, primaryRed, primaryGreen, primaryBlue);
UnpackColor64K(aSecondaryColor64K, secondaryRed, secondaryGreen, secondaryBlue);
__ASSERT_DEBUG(!(primaryRed>>8) && !(primaryGreen>>8) && !(primaryBlue>>8) && !(aAlphaValue>>8),
const TInt alphaValue = aAlphaValue * 257;
return PackColor64K(((alphaValue * (primaryRed - secondaryRed)) >> 16) + secondaryRed,
((alphaValue * (primaryGreen - secondaryGreen)) >> 16) + secondaryGreen,
((alphaValue * (primaryBlue - secondaryBlue)) >> 16) + secondaryBlue);
It is an overloaded function for alpha bending which does blending for 16 bit colour.
@param aPrimaryRed Red component of foreground pixel colour.
@param aPrimaryGreen Green component of foreground pixel colour.
@param aPrimaryBlue Blue component of foreground pixel colour.
@param aSecondaryColor64K The background pixel colour in 16 bit format.
@param aAlphaValue The alpha value used for blending.
@return The 16 bit blended colour.
FORCEINLINE TUint16 AlphaBlend(TInt aPrimaryRed,TInt aPrimaryGreen,TInt aPrimaryBlue, TUint16 aSecondaryColor64K,TInt aAlphaValue)
__ASSERT_DEBUG(!(aPrimaryRed>>8) && !(aPrimaryGreen>>8) && !(aPrimaryBlue>>8) && !(aAlphaValue>>8),
if (aAlphaValue==0xFF)
return(PackColor64K(aPrimaryRed, aPrimaryGreen, aPrimaryBlue));
TInt secondaryRed;
TInt secondaryGreen;
TInt secondaryBlue;
UnpackColor64K(aSecondaryColor64K, secondaryRed, secondaryGreen, secondaryBlue);
const TInt alphaValue = aAlphaValue * 257;
return PackColor64K(((alphaValue * (aPrimaryRed - secondaryRed)) >> 16) + secondaryRed,
((alphaValue * (aPrimaryGreen - secondaryGreen)) >> 16) + secondaryGreen,
((alphaValue * (aPrimaryBlue - secondaryBlue)) >> 16) + secondaryBlue);
FORCEINLINE LOCAL_C TUint16 Conv32To16(TUint32 col)
TUint b = (col&0x000000ff)>>3;
TUint g = (col&0x0000fc00)>>5;
TUint r = (col&0x00f80000)>>8;
return TUint16(r|g|b);
// Alpha-blends an EColor16MA pixel to an EColor64K screen using a fixed mask value.
FORCEINLINE LOCAL_C TUint16 Blend32To16(TUint32 aSrc32, TUint aMask, TUint16 aDest16)
__ASSERT_DEBUG(aMask < 256, Panic(EScreenDriverPanicInvalidParameter));
if(aMask >= 0xFF)
return Conv32To16(aSrc32);
// blend red and blue channel in one go
TUint32 d_rb = (aDest16 & 0xF800)<<8 | (aDest16 & 0x001F)<<3;
d_rb |= (d_rb>>5) & 0x00ff00ff;
const TUint32 s_rb = aSrc32 & 0x00FF00FF;
const TUint32 mask2 = aMask | (aMask << 16);
const TUint32 rb = ((((aMask * ((0x01000100 + s_rb) - d_rb)) >> 8) + d_rb) - mask2) & 0x00FF00FF;
// do the green channel normally
TInt32 d_g = (aDest16 & 0x07E0)>>3;
d_g |= d_g>>6;
const TInt32 s_g = (aSrc32 & 0xFF00) >> 8;
TInt g = (((aMask * (s_g - d_g)) >> 8) + d_g) & 0xFF;
return (Conv32To16(rb | g<<8));
return aDest16;
// As for Blend32To16, but assumes 0xFF and 0 alpha checks already done elsewhere
FORCEINLINE LOCAL_C TUint16 Blend32To16NoChecks(TUint32 aSrc32, TUint aMask, TUint16 aDest16)
// blend red and blue channel in one go
TUint32 d_rb = (aDest16 & 0xF800)<<8 | (aDest16 & 0x001F)<<3;
d_rb |= (d_rb>>5) & 0x00ff00ff;
const TUint32 s_rb = aSrc32 & 0x00FF00FF;
const TUint32 mask2 = aMask | (aMask << 16);
const TUint32 rb = ((((aMask * ((0x01000100 + s_rb) - d_rb)) >> 8) + d_rb) - mask2) & 0x00FF00FF;
// do the green channel normally
TInt32 d_g = (aDest16 & 0x07E0)>>3;
d_g |= d_g>>6;
const TInt32 s_g = (aSrc32 & 0xFF00) >> 8;
TInt g = (((aMask * (s_g - d_g)) >> 8) + d_g) & 0xFF;
return (Conv32To16(rb | g<<8));
// Alpha-blends to an EColor64K screen using a fixed mask value.
// The source values are pre-split from a 32 bit source into the two following components:
// aSrcRB=aSrc32 & 0x00FF00FF;
// aSrcG=(aSrc32 & 0xFF00) >> 8;
// Mask is assumed not to be 0 or 255, these should be pre-checked for and never arrive here
FORCEINLINE LOCAL_C TUint16 BlendTo16(const TUint32 aSrcRB, const TUint32 aSrcG, TUint aMask, TUint16 aDest16)
// blend red and blue channel in one go
TUint32 d_rb = (aDest16 & 0xF800)<<8 | (aDest16 & 0x001F)<<3;
d_rb |= (d_rb>>5) & 0x00ff00ff;
const TUint32 mask2 = aMask | (aMask << 16);
const TUint32 rb = ((((aMask * ((0x01000100 + aSrcRB) - d_rb)) >> 8) + d_rb) - mask2) & 0x00FF00FF;
// do the green channel normally
TInt32 d_g = (aDest16 & 0x07E0)>>3;
d_g |= d_g>>6;
const TInt32 g = (((aMask * (aSrcG - d_g)) >> 8) + d_g) & 0xFF;
// inline conversion to 16 bit
return TUint16(((rb&0x00f80000)>>8)|((g&0x0000fc)<<3)|((rb&0x000000ff)>>3));
// Alpha-blends an EColor16MA pixel to an EColor16MU screen using a fixed mask value.
FORCEINLINE LOCAL_C TUint32 CalcAlphaPixel(const TUint32 aSrcPixel, const TUint8 aMask, TUint32 aDestPixel)
// (a) (mask * src + (255 - mask) * dest) / 255 This ideal formula
// (b) ((mask * (src - dest)) >> 8) + dest A faster approximation to (a)
// (c) ((mask * (256 + src - dest) >> 8) + dest - mask Equivalent to (b) but can be used on multiple colors at a time
if(aMask == 0xFF)
return 0xff000000|aSrcPixel;
const TUint32 s_rb = aSrcPixel & 0x00FF00FF;
const TUint32 d_rb = aDestPixel & 0x00FF00FF;
const TUint32 mask2 = aMask | (aMask << 16);
const TUint32 rb = ((((aMask * ((0x01000100 + s_rb) - d_rb)) >> 8) + d_rb) - mask2) & 0x00FF00FF;
const TInt s_g = (aSrcPixel & 0xFF00) >> 8;
const TInt d_g = (aDestPixel & 0xFF00) >> 8;
const TInt g = ((aMask * (s_g - d_g)) >> 8) + d_g;
return(rb | (g<<8) | 0xff000000);
return aDestPixel;
// Alpha-blends an EColor16MA rgb to an EColor16MU screen using a fixed mask value.
FORCEINLINE LOCAL_C void AlphaBlendPixelToDest(TUint32 aSrcValue, const TUint8 aSourceAlpha, TUint32* aDestPtr)
*aDestPtr = CalcAlphaPixel(aSrcValue, aSourceAlpha, *aDestPtr);
void MemFillTUint32(TUint32* tempWordPtr, TInt aCount, const TUint32 aValue);