Applied patch 1, to provide a syborg specific minigui oby file.
Need to compare this with the "stripped" version currently in the tree.
This supplied version applies for Nokia builds, but need to repeat the
test for SF builds to see if pruning is needed, or if the file needs to
be device-specific.
// Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// This test stub has been manually created based on the .def file generator
// utility available in ../group/opengles_stub
#include <GLES/gl.h>
#include <e32def.h>
#include <e32uid.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// OpenGLES GL functions
EXPORT_C void glActiveTexture (GLenum /*texture*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glAlphaFunc (GLenum /*func*/, GLclampf /*ref*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glAlphaFuncx (GLenum /*func*/, GLclampx /*ref*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glBindBuffer (GLenum /*target*/, GLuint /*buffer*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glBindTexture (GLenum /*target*/, GLuint /*texture*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glBlendFunc (GLenum /*sfactor*/, GLenum /*dfactor*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glBufferData (GLenum /*target*/, GLsizeiptr /*size*/, const GLvoid */*data*/, GLenum /*usage*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glBufferSubData (GLenum /*target*/, GLintptr /*offset*/, GLsizeiptr /*size*/, const GLvoid */*data*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glClear (GLbitfield /*mask*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glClearColor (GLclampf /*red*/, GLclampf /*green*/, GLclampf /*blue*/, GLclampf /*alpha*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glClearColorx (GLclampx /*red*/, GLclampx /*green*/, GLclampx /*blue*/, GLclampx /*alpha*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glClearDepthf (GLclampf /*depth*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glClearDepthx (GLclampx /*depth*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glClearStencil (GLint /*s*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glClientActiveTexture (GLenum /*texture*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glClipPlanex (GLenum /*plane*/, const GLfixed */*equation*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glClipPlanef (GLenum /*plane*/, const GLfloat */*equation*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glColor4f (GLfloat /*red*/, GLfloat /*green*/, GLfloat /*blue*/, GLfloat /*alpha*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glColor4ub (GLubyte /*red*/, GLubyte /*green*/, GLubyte /*blue*/, GLubyte /*alpha*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glColor4x (GLfixed /*red*/, GLfixed /*green*/, GLfixed /*blue*/, GLfixed /*alpha*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glColorMask (GLboolean /*red*/, GLboolean /*green*/, GLboolean /*blue*/, GLboolean /*alpha*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glColorPointer (GLint /*size*/, GLenum /*type*/, GLsizei /*stride*/, const GLvoid */*pointer*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glCompressedTexImage2D (GLenum /*target*/, GLint /*level*/, GLenum /*internalformat*/, GLsizei /*width*/, GLsizei /*height*/, GLint /*border*/, GLsizei /*imageSize*/, const GLvoid */*data*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glCompressedTexSubImage2D (GLenum /*target*/, GLint /*level*/, GLint /*xoffset*/, GLint /*yoffset*/, GLsizei /*width*/, GLsizei /*height*/, GLenum /*format*/, GLsizei /*imageSize*/, const GLvoid */*data*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glCopyTexImage2D (GLenum /*target*/, GLint /*level*/, GLenum /*internalformat*/, GLint /*x*/, GLint /*y*/, GLsizei /*width*/, GLsizei /*height*/, GLint /*border*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glCopyTexSubImage2D (GLenum /*target*/, GLint /*level*/, GLint /*xoffset*/, GLint /*yoffset*/, GLint /*x*/, GLint /*y*/, GLsizei /*width*/, GLsizei /*height*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glCullFace (GLenum /*mode*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glCurrentPaletteMatrixOES (GLuint /*matrixpaletteindex*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glDeleteBuffers (GLsizei /*n*/, const GLuint */*buffers*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glDeleteTextures (GLsizei /*n*/, const GLuint */*textures*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glDepthFunc (GLenum /*func*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glDepthMask (GLboolean /*flag*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glDepthRangef (GLclampf /*zNear*/, GLclampf /*zFar*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glDepthRangex (GLclampx /*zNear*/, GLclampx /*zFar*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glDisable (GLenum /*cap*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glDisableClientState (GLenum /*array*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glDrawArrays (GLenum /*mode*/, GLint /*first*/, GLsizei /*count*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glDrawElements (GLenum /*mode*/, GLsizei /*count*/, GLenum /*type*/, const GLvoid */*indices*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glDrawTexfOES (GLfloat /*x*/, GLfloat /*y*/, GLfloat /*z*/, GLfloat /*width*/, GLfloat /*height*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glDrawTexfvOES (const GLfloat */*coords*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glDrawTexiOES (GLint /*x*/, GLint /*y*/, GLint /*z*/, GLint /*width*/, GLint /*height*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glDrawTexivOES (const GLint */*coords*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glDrawTexsOES (GLshort /*x*/, GLshort /*y*/, GLshort /*z*/, GLshort /*width*/, GLshort /*height*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glDrawTexsvOES (const GLshort */*coords*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glDrawTexxOES (GLfixed /*x*/, GLfixed /*y*/, GLfixed /*z*/, GLfixed /*width*/, GLfixed /*height*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glDrawTexxvOES (const GLfixed */*coords*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glEnable (GLenum /*cap*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glEnableClientState (GLenum /*array*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glFinish (void){ }
EXPORT_C void glFlush (void){ }
EXPORT_C void glFogf (GLenum /*pname*/, GLfloat /*param*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glFogfv (GLenum /*pname*/, const GLfloat */*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glFogx (GLenum /*pname*/, GLfixed /*param*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glFogxv (GLenum /*pname*/, const GLfixed */*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glFrontFace (GLenum /*mode*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glFrustumf (GLfloat /*left*/, GLfloat /*right*/, GLfloat /*bottom*/, GLfloat /*top*/, GLfloat /*zNear*/, GLfloat /*zFar*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glFrustumx (GLfixed /*left*/, GLfixed /*right*/, GLfixed /*bottom*/, GLfixed /*top*/, GLfixed /*zNear*/, GLfixed /*zFar*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glGenBuffers (GLsizei /*n*/, GLuint */*buffers*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glGenTextures (GLsizei /*n*/, GLuint */*textures*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glGetBooleanv (GLenum /*pname*/, GLboolean */*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glGetBufferParameteriv (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLint */*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glGetClipPlanef (GLenum /*pname*/, GLfloat /*eqn*/[4]){ }
EXPORT_C void glGetClipPlanex (GLenum /*pname*/, GLfixed /*eqn*/[4]){ }
EXPORT_C GLenum glGetError (void){ return 0; }
EXPORT_C void glGetFixedv (GLenum /*pname*/, GLfixed */*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glGetFloatv (GLenum /*pname*/, GLfloat */*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glGetIntegerv (GLenum /*pname*/, GLint */*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glGetLightfv (GLenum /*light*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfloat */*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glGetLightxv (GLenum /*light*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfixed */*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glGetMaterialfv (GLenum /*face*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfloat */*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glGetMaterialxv (GLenum /*face*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfixed */*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glGetPointerv (GLenum /*pname*/, void **/*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C const GLubyte * glGetString (GLenum /*name*/){ return 0; }
EXPORT_C void glGetTexEnvfv (GLenum /*env*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfloat */*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glGetTexEnviv (GLenum /*env*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLint */*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glGetTexEnvxv (GLenum /*env*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfixed */*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glGetTexParameterfv (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfloat */*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glGetTexParameteriv (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLint */*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glGetTexParameterxv (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfixed */*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glHint (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*mode*/){ }
EXPORT_C GLboolean glIsBuffer (GLuint /*buffer*/){ return GL_FALSE; }
EXPORT_C GLboolean glIsEnabled (GLenum /*cap*/){ return GL_FALSE; }
EXPORT_C GLboolean glIsTexture (GLuint /*texture*/){ return GL_FALSE; }
EXPORT_C void glLightf (GLenum /*light*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfloat /*param*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glLightfv (GLenum /*light*/, GLenum /*pname*/, const GLfloat */*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glLightModelf (GLenum /*pname*/, GLfloat /*param*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glLightModelfv (GLenum /*pname*/, const GLfloat */*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glLightModelx (GLenum /*pname*/, GLfixed /*param*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glLightModelxv (GLenum /*pname*/, const GLfixed */*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glLightx (GLenum /*light*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfixed /*param*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glLightxv (GLenum /*light*/, GLenum /*pname*/, const GLfixed */*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glLineWidth (GLfloat /*width*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glLineWidthx (GLfixed /*width*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glLoadIdentity (void){ }
EXPORT_C void glLoadMatrixf (const GLfloat */*m*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glLoadMatrixx (const GLfixed */*m*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glLoadPaletteFromModelViewMatrixOES (void){ }
EXPORT_C void glLogicOp (GLenum /*opcode*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glMaterialf (GLenum /*face*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfloat /*param*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glMaterialfv (GLenum /*face*/, GLenum /*pname*/, const GLfloat */*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glMaterialx (GLenum /*face*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfixed /*param*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glMaterialxv (GLenum /*face*/, GLenum /*pname*/, const GLfixed */*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glMatrixIndexPointerOES (GLint /*size*/, GLenum /*type*/, GLsizei /*stride*/, const GLvoid */*pointer*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glMatrixMode (GLenum /*mode*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glMultiTexCoord4f (GLenum /*target*/, GLfloat /*s*/, GLfloat /*t*/, GLfloat /*r*/, GLfloat /*q*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glMultiTexCoord4x (GLenum /*target*/, GLfixed /*s*/, GLfixed /*t*/, GLfixed /*r*/, GLfixed /*q*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glMultMatrixf (const GLfloat */*m*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glMultMatrixx (const GLfixed */*m*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glNormal3f (GLfloat /*nx*/, GLfloat /*ny*/, GLfloat /*nz*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glNormal3x (GLfixed /*nx*/, GLfixed /*ny*/, GLfixed /*nz*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glNormalPointer (GLenum /*type*/, GLsizei /*stride*/, const GLvoid */*pointer*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glOrthof (GLfloat /*left*/, GLfloat /*right*/, GLfloat /*bottom*/, GLfloat /*top*/, GLfloat /*zNear*/, GLfloat /*zFar*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glOrthox (GLfixed /*left*/, GLfixed /*right*/, GLfixed /*bottom*/, GLfixed /*top*/, GLfixed /*zNear*/, GLfixed /*zFar*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glPixelStorei (GLenum /*pname*/, GLint /*param*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glPointParameterf (GLenum /*pname*/, GLfloat /*param*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glPointParameterfv (GLenum /*pname*/, const GLfloat */*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glPointParameterx (GLenum /*pname*/, GLfixed /*param*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glPointParameterxv (GLenum /*pname*/, const GLfixed */*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glPointSize (GLfloat /*size*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glPointSizePointerOES (GLenum /*type*/, GLsizei /*stride*/, const GLvoid */*pointer*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glPointSizex (GLfixed /*size*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glPolygonOffset (GLfloat /*factor*/, GLfloat /*units*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glPolygonOffsetx (GLfixed /*factor*/, GLfixed /*units*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glPopMatrix (void){ }
EXPORT_C void glPushMatrix (void){ }
EXPORT_C void glReadPixels (GLint /*x*/, GLint /*y*/, GLsizei /*width*/, GLsizei /*height*/, GLenum /*format*/, GLenum /*type*/, GLvoid */*pixels*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glRotatef (GLfloat /*angle*/, GLfloat /*x*/, GLfloat /*y*/, GLfloat /*z*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glRotatex (GLfixed /*angle*/, GLfixed /*x*/, GLfixed /*y*/, GLfixed /*z*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glSampleCoverage (GLclampf /*value*/, GLboolean /*invert*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glSampleCoveragex (GLclampx /*value*/, GLboolean /*invert*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glScalef (GLfloat /*x*/, GLfloat /*y*/, GLfloat /*z*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glScalex (GLfixed /*x*/, GLfixed /*y*/, GLfixed /*z*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glScissor (GLint /*x*/, GLint /*y*/, GLsizei /*width*/, GLsizei /*height*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glShadeModel (GLenum /*mode*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glStencilFunc (GLenum /*func*/, GLint /*ref*/, GLuint /*mask*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glStencilMask (GLuint /*mask*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glStencilOp (GLenum /*fail*/, GLenum /*zfail*/, GLenum /*zpass*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glTexCoordPointer (GLint /*size*/, GLenum /*type*/, GLsizei /*stride*/, const GLvoid */*pointer*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glTexEnvf (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfloat /*param*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glTexEnvfv (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, const GLfloat */*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glTexEnvi (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLint /*param*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glTexEnviv (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, const GLint */*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glTexEnvx (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfixed /*param*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glTexEnvxv (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, const GLfixed */*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glTexImage2D (GLenum /*target*/, GLint /*level*/, GLint /*internalformat*/, GLsizei /*width*/, GLsizei /*height*/, GLint /*border*/, GLenum /*format*/, GLenum /*type*/, const GLvoid */*pixels*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glTexParameterf (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfloat /*param*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glTexParameterfv (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, const GLfloat */*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glTexParameteriv (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, const GLint */*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glTexParameteri (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLint /*param*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glTexParameterx (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfixed /*param*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glTexParameterxv (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, const GLfixed */*params*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glTexSubImage2D (GLenum /*target*/, GLint /*level*/, GLint /*xoffset*/, GLint /*yoffset*/, GLsizei /*width*/, GLsizei /*height*/, GLenum /*format*/, GLenum /*type*/, const GLvoid */*pixels*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glTranslatef (GLfloat /*x*/, GLfloat /*y*/, GLfloat /*z*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glTranslatex (GLfixed /*x*/, GLfixed /*y*/, GLfixed /*z*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glVertexPointer (GLint /*size*/, GLenum /*type*/, GLsizei /*stride*/, const GLvoid */*pointer*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glViewport (GLint /*x*/, GLint /*y*/, GLsizei /*width*/, GLsizei /*height*/){ }
EXPORT_C void glWeightPointerOES (GLint /*size*/, GLenum /*type*/, GLsizei /*stride*/, const GLvoid */*pointer*/){ }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// END: OpenGLES Version 1.1
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef __cplusplus