Applied patch 1, to provide a syborg specific minigui oby file.
Need to compare this with the "stripped" version currently in the tree.
This supplied version applies for Nokia builds, but need to repeat the
test for SF builds to see if pruning is needed, or if the file needs to
be device-specific.
// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Server-side base-classes for graphic drawer plugins
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32std.h>
#include <graphics/wsgraphicdrawerinterface.h>
class CFbsBitGc;
class TSurfaceId;
/** Represents a graphic drawer on the window-server side
A much-abridged version of TWsGraphicId, with trivial constructor
*/ {
TInt iId;
TBool iIsUid;
IMPORT_C TInt Compare(const TGraphicDrawerId& aOther) const;
IMPORT_C static TInt Compare(const TGraphicDrawerId& aFirst,const TGraphicDrawerId& aSecond);
/** Wserv event representation to plugin side
/** Type of wserv events which plugin can listen to. It is a mask that can be combined
when subscribing to notification. */
EScreenSizeModeChanged = 0x00000001,
EWindowVisibilityChanged = 0x00000002,
EDsaDrawingBegin = 0x00000004,
EDsaDrawingEnd = 0x00000008,
EScreenSizeModeAboutToChange= 0x00000010,
EScreenUpdated = 0x00000020,
EScreenDrawing = 0x00000040,
EWindowGroupChanged = 0x00000080,
EScreenOrientationChanged = 0x00000100,
EDeviceOrientationChanged = 0x00000200,
EWindowClosing = 0x00000400,
ESurfaceUnreferenced = 0x00000800,
IMPORT_C TWservCrEvent(TUint32 aType);
IMPORT_C TWservCrEvent(TUint32 aType, TUint32 aInfo);
IMPORT_C TWservCrEvent(TUint32 aType, TUint32 aInfo, TAny* aData);
IMPORT_C TWservCrEvent(TUint32 aType, TUint32 aInfo, TAny* aData, MWsWindow* aWindow);
/** Returns wserv event type */
IMPORT_C TUint32 Type() const;
/** Returns current wserv screen size mode as the result of event EScreenSizeModeChanged.
Screen mode is 0,1,2,...
IMPORT_C TInt SizeMode() const;
/** Returns visibile region as the result of event EWindowVisibilityChanged, this region represents
full or some part of window which is changing visibility. NULL if window is becoming not visible
IMPORT_C const RRegion* VisibleRegion() const;
/** Returns screen number where a DSA, screen updated or window group changed event occurs
IMPORT_C TInt ScreenNumber() const;
/** Returns the drawing region which is referred to by an EScreenDrawing
IMPORT_C const TRegion* DrawingRegion() const;
/** Returns the new window group identifier where a window group changed event occurs
IMPORT_C TInt WindowGroupIdentifier() const;
/** Returns the new window server display oriention
IMPORT_C CFbsBitGc::TGraphicsOrientation Orientation() const;
/** Returns whether or not a window was already visible before a visibility event occurred
IMPORT_C TBool WasVisible() const;
/** Returns the window this event is for. This may be null.
IMPORT_C MWsWindow* Window() const;
/** Returns the released surface ID
IMPORT_C const TSurfaceId* SurfaceId() const;
TWservCrEvent() {}
TUint32 iType;
TUint32 iInfo;
TAny* iData;
MWsWindow* iWindow;
TInt iReserved[7];
/** Event notification callback. Need to be implemented to allow CWsGraphicDrawer to listen to
wserv events.
class MWsEventHandler
/** Plugin event handler, will be called once for each event.
virtual void DoHandleEvent(const TWservCrEvent& aEvent) = 0;
Implementing this interface will give a callback notification wheater a
graphic message which was sent has either failed or succeded.
class MWsGraphicMessageCallback : public MWsObjectProvider
Called with unique ID of the message, aError will be set to KErrNone if message delivery is
successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error code.
virtual void HandleMessageDelivery(TInt aMessageId, TInt aError) = 0;
Implementing this interface will give you the possibility to send synchron messages with a returnvalue to the client.
class MWsGraphicHandleSynchronMessage: public MWsObjectProvider
Synchron handlemessage method.
virtual TInt HandleSynchronMessage(const TDesC8& aData) = 0;
class CWsGraphicDrawer: public CBase, public MWsObjectProvider
/** A window-server-side peer to a CWsGraphic
*/ {
/** This function should be overriden by all derived classes. The first call the implementation of this function
should make is to BaseConstructL().
@param aEnv the environment this drawer exists in
@param aId the ID of this drawer
@param aOwner the client session that owns this drawer
@param aData arbitrary data for constructing this instance, sent from the client.
virtual void ConstructL(MWsGraphicDrawerEnvironment& aEnv,const TGraphicDrawerId& aId,MWsClient& aOwner,const TDesC8& aData) = 0;
IMPORT_C ~CWsGraphicDrawer();
IMPORT_C const TGraphicDrawerId& Id() const;
IMPORT_C const MWsClient& Owner() const;
IMPORT_C TBool IsSharedWith(TSecureId aClientId) const;
IMPORT_C TInt ShareGlobally();
IMPORT_C TInt UnShareGlobally();
IMPORT_C TInt Share(TSecureId aClientId);
IMPORT_C TInt UnShare(TSecureId aClientId);
IMPORT_C void Draw(MWsGc& aGc,const TRect& aRect,const TDesC8& aData) const;
IMPORT_C TBool Contains(const TArray<TGraphicDrawerId>& aIds) const;
virtual void HandleMessage(const TDesC8& aData) = 0;
IMPORT_C void HandleEvent(const TWservCrEvent& aEvent);
IMPORT_C void SetEventHandler(MWsEventHandler* aHandler);
IMPORT_C TBool HasEventHandler() const;
IMPORT_C CWsGraphicDrawer();
IMPORT_C void BaseConstructL(MWsGraphicDrawerEnvironment& aEnv,const TGraphicDrawerId& aId,MWsClient& aOwner);
IMPORT_C MWsGraphicDrawerEnvironment& Env();
IMPORT_C const MWsGraphicDrawerEnvironment& Env() const;
IMPORT_C TInt SendMessage(const TDesC8& aData);
IMPORT_C TInt SendMessage(CWsMessageData& aData);
IMPORT_C void Invalidate();
IMPORT_C virtual TBool HasAsChild(const TArray<TGraphicDrawerId>& aIds) const;
virtual void DoDraw(MWsGc& aGc,const TRect& aRect,const TDesC8& aData) const = 0;
class CPimpl;
friend class CPimpl;
CPimpl* iPimpl;
TInt iWsGraphicDrawerSpare[3];
friend class WsGraphicDrawer;
TUid iDtor_ID_Key;
#endif //#ifndef __WSGRAPHICDRAWER_H__