author Faisal Memon <>
Thu, 06 May 2010 11:31:11 +0100
changeset 47 48b924ae7197
parent 0 5d03bc08d59c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Applied patch 1, to provide a syborg specific minigui oby file. Need to compare this with the "stripped" version currently in the tree. This supplied version applies for Nokia builds, but need to repeat the test for SF builds to see if pruning is needed, or if the file needs to be device-specific.

// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Debug definitions designed to be used by client side test apps
// requiring access to the related special debug features.

#ifndef W32DEBUG_H_
#define W32DEBUG_H_


enum TWsDebugInfoFunc
	//Insert more unclassified diagnostics above
	EWsDebugUnclassifiedMax,	//Please insert new unclassified IDs before this 

	EWsDebugClassMask=				0xFF000000,
	EWsDebugClassUnclassified=		0x00000000,
	EWsDebugClassScreenUiElement=		0x01000000,		//specify EWsDebugArgScreenMask
		EWsDebugGetFastpathMode,		//return: TInt
		EWsDebugSetFastpathMode,		//set new mode in EWsDebugArgExtraMask (use 2-param method)
		EWsDebugGetUIElementInfoList,		//return: TInt[[ElementCount], [ElementId, ElementType, IsDisabled] * ElementCount].
		EWsDebugGetUIElementBase,			//return: TRect[]
		EWsDebugSetFastpathTestMode,	//return: TBool
		EWsDebugSetFastpathOomMode,		//return: TInt
		EWsDebugGetUIElementIds,			//return: TInt[]
		EWsDebugGetSceneElementIdOrder,		//return: TInt[]
		EWsDebugGetUIElementConfig,		//return: TSurfaceConfig		//Index UI Element via EWsDebugArgElementMask
		EWsDebugGetUIRegionCommittedTime,	//return: TTime
		EWsDebugGetLastOptimizerError,	//return: TInt
		EWsDebugGetFastpathTypeDetected,	//return: TInt
	EWsDebugClassScreenElementSet=	0x02000000,		//specify EWsDebugArgScreenMask
		EWsDebugSerialSurfacesUpdated,	//return: TInt - Note non-param version returns value not length
		EWsDebugSurfaceWindowList,		//return: TWsDebugWindowId[]
	EWsDebugClassElementSetWindow=	0x03000000,		//specify EWsDebugArgScreenMask, EWsDebugArgWindowMask
		EWsDebugElementIdList,			//return: TInt[]	//entry 0 reserved for background
		EWsDebugBackgroundConfig,		//return: TSurfaceConfig
		EWsDebugBackgroundBase,			//return: TRect[]
		EWsDebugBackgroundFlags,		//return: TInt[2]
	EWsDebugClassElementSetElement=		0x04000000,		//specify EWsDebugArgScreenMask, EWsDebugArgWindowMask, EWsDebugArgElementMask
		EWsDebugPlacedConfig,			//return: TSurfaceConfig
		EWsDebugPlacedBase,				//return: TRect[]
		EWsDebugPlacedFlags,			//return: TInt[2]
	//next elementset based class
	EWsDebugClassElementNextAvail=	0x05000000,
	EWsDebugClassNonScreen=			0x10000000,
	EWsDebugClassClientWindow=		0x11000000,		//specify client identifier in aParam. Only owned windows can be accessed.
		//Window diagnostics were not used during development so function ids and code have been removed.
	EWsDebugCliWinGroupIdMask=		0x00FFFF00,
	EWsDebugCliWinGroupIdShift=		16,

struct TWsDebugWindowId
	{						//Root window has GroupId of 0x0000ffff, and clientid=screen number...
	TInt iClientId;			//Should be unique across all windows per client
	TInt iOtherGroupId;		//If zero, the window is owned by the calling RWsSession instance, 
	};						//else the wserv generated group ID is enough to map to other sessions.
/** Use these masks with aParam to index the object being accessed
enum TWsDebugClassArgMask
	EWsDebugArgScreenMask=	0x000000ff,
	EWsDebugArgScreenShift=	0,
	EWsDebugArgWindowMask=	0x0000ff00,
	EWsDebugArgWindowShift=	8,
	EWsDebugArgElementMask=	0x00ff0000,
	EWsDebugArgElementShift=	16,
	EWsDebugArgExtraMask=	0xff000000,
	EWsDebugArgExtraShift=	24,

enum TWsCheckHeapOnDisconnectMode

struct TWsDebugHeapInfo
	TInt iCount;
	TInt iTotal;
	TInt iAvailable;
	TInt iLargestAvailable;

#endif //W32DEBUG_H_