author Faisal Memon <>
Thu, 06 May 2010 11:31:11 +0100
changeset 47 48b924ae7197
parent 0 5d03bc08d59c
child 36 01a6848ebfd7
permissions -rw-r--r--
Applied patch 1, to provide a syborg specific minigui oby file. Need to compare this with the "stripped" version currently in the tree. This supplied version applies for Nokia builds, but need to repeat the test for SF builds to see if pruning is needed, or if the file needs to be device-specific.

// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// WsPointer and associated classes definitions

#ifndef __POINTER_H__
#define __POINTER_H__

#include "server.h"

class CWsPointerTimer : public CTimer
	void ConstructL();
	void RunL();

class WsPointer
	enum {EPointerUpdateGapInMicroSeconds=50000};
	static void InitStaticsL();
	static void DeleteStatics();
	static inline TPointerCursorMode PointerCursorMode();
	static inline void SetPointerCursorMode(TPointerCursorMode aMode);
	static inline TPoint PointerCursorPos();
	static void SetPointerCursorPos(TPoint aPos);
	static void ReLogCurrentWindow();
	static void ReLogCurrentWindow(TPoint &aPos, TPoint &aParentPos, const CWsWindowGroup *aForceInGroup);
	static void ReLogWindow(const CWsWindow *aWin);
	static void WindowDisconected(const CWsWindow *deletedWindow);
	static void ClaimGrab(const CWsWindow *aWindow, TBool aSendUpEvent);
#if defined(__WINS__)
	static TBool PreProcessEvent(TRawEvent &aRawEvent,TBool aFromHardware=EFalse);
	static TBool PreProcessEvent(TRawEvent &aRawEvent);
	static void ProcessEvent(TPointerEvent::TType type, const TPoint &aPos, TUint aModifiers
																				,const CWsWindowGroup *aForceInGroup,TBool aNatural);
	static void GetDoubleClickSettings(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 &aTime, TInt &aDistance);
	static void SetDoubleClick(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 &aTime, TInt aDistance);
	static void UpdatePointerCursor();
	static void RequestPointerRepeatEvent(CWsWindow *aWindow, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aTime,const TRect &aRect);
	static void CancelPointerRepeatEventRequest();
	static void RepeatTimerCompleted();
	static TEventQueueWalkRet PointerRepeatPurgeCheck(const TWsEvent *aEvent);
	static void UnmatchedDownPurged(TPointerEvent::TType aPointerType, TUint aHandle);
	static void TimerExpired();
	static inline TBool XyInput();
#if defined(__WINS__)
	static void SetXyInputType(TXYInputType aXyInputType);
	static void PointerCursorUpdateCheck();
	static void ProcessForegroundCheck();
	static void RestrictPos(TPoint& aPos,TBool aWithinDrawableArea=ETrue);
	static void ProcessEvent(TWsEvent& aEvent);
	static TBool PointerEventRepeatCheck(const TWsEvent *aEvent, TUint32 aHandle);
	static void SendEnterExitEvent(TEventCode aType);
	static void SetCurrentWindow(const CWsWindow *aWin);
	static void ProcessPointerEvent(TWsEvent& aEvent);
	static TBool QueuePointerEvent(const CWsWindow *aWindow, TWsEvent &event);
	static TBool CheckDownEventPurged(TPointerEvent::TType aType);
	static void UpdatePointerCursorTo(CWsPointerCursor* aNewCursor);
	static CWsPointerCursor* CalculatePointerCursor();
	static inline TBool MovesAvailable();
	static inline TBool DeltaMouse();
	static TPoint iCurrentPos;
	static TBool iPointerDown;	// Maps onto button1 down on multi button systems
	static TXYInputType iXyInputType;
	static const CWsWindow *iCurrentWindow;
	static const CWsWindow *iGrabWindow;
	static const CWsWindow *iActualWinPointerIsOver;
	static const CWsWindow *iPrevClickWindow;
	static TPoint iPrevClickPos;
	static TTime iPrevClickTime;
	static TPointerEvent::TType iPrevClickEventType;
	static TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 iDoubleClickMaxInterval;
	static TInt iDoubleClickMaxDistance;
	static CWsPointerCursor *iCursorSprite;
	static CWsPointerTimer *iRepeatTimer;
	static TPointerCursorMode iPointerCursorMode;
	static CWsWindow *iRepeatWindow;
	static TRect iRepeatRect;
	static TUint iLastUnmatchedDown1;
	static TUint iLastUnmatchedDown2;
	static TUint iLastUnmatchedDown3;
	static TBool iTimerQueued;
	static TBool iUpdateRequired;
	static CPeriodic *iPeriodicTimer;
	static CWsRootWindow* iRootWindow;	// uses

class CWsPointerBuffer : public CBase
	static void ConnectL(CWsClientWindow *aWindow, TInt aMaxPoints, TUint aFlags);
	static void Disconnect(CWsClientWindow *aWindow);
	static void PointerEvent(CWsClientWindow *aWindow,const TPoint &aPoint);
	static void RetrievePointerMoveBuffer(CWsClientWindow *aWindow,TInt aMaxPoints);
	static void DiscardPointerMoveBuffer(CWsClientWindow *aWindow);
	static void DiscardPointerMoveBuffer(TUint aHandle);
	static void AdjustMaxSizeL();
	static void Reset();
	static void SignalBufferReady();
	CWsClientWindow *iWindow;
	TInt iMaxPoints;
	TInt iFlags;
	TSglQueLink iQue;
	static TBool iSignalled;
	static CWsPointerBuffer *iCurrentBuffer;
	static CCirBuf<TPoint> *iPointerBuffer;
	static TSglQue<CWsPointerBuffer> iList;

inline void WsPointer::SetPointerCursorMode(TPointerCursorMode aMode)
inline TPointerCursorMode WsPointer::PointerCursorMode()
	return iPointerCursorMode;
inline TPoint WsPointer::PointerCursorPos()
	return iCurrentPos;

inline TBool WsPointer::XyInput()
	return iXyInputType!=EXYInputNone;

inline TBool WsPointer::MovesAvailable()
	return (iXyInputType!=EXYInputNone && iXyInputType!=EXYInputPointer);

inline TBool WsPointer::DeltaMouse()
	return (iXyInputType==EXYInputDeltaMouse);
