Applied patch 1, to provide a syborg specific minigui oby file.
Need to compare this with the "stripped" version currently in the tree.
This supplied version applies for Nokia builds, but need to repeat the
test for SF builds to see if pruning is needed, or if the file needs to
be device-specific.
Fully Tested
class RWindow : public RWindowBase
IMPORT_C void Scroll(const TPoint &aOffset);
IMPORT_C void Scroll(const TPoint &aOffset, const TRect &aRect);
IMPORT_C void Scroll(const TRect &aClipRect, const TPoint &aOffset);
IMPORT_C void Scroll(const TRect &aClipRect, const TPoint &aOffset, const TRect &aRect);
IMPORT_C TInt OrdinalPosition() const;
IMPORT_C void SetOrdinalPosition(TInt aPos);
IMPORT_C void SetOrdinalPosition(TInt aPos,TOrdinalPriority aOrdinalPriority);
class RWs : public RSessionBase
class RBitmap : public RDrawBase
class RWindowBase : public RDrawBase
class RRootWindow : public RWindowBase
class RFont : public RFontBase
class RBrush : public RBrushBase
class RPalette : public RPaletteBase
class RGc : public RGdiBase
IMPORT_C void GetPixels(const TPoint &aPoint,TInt aNumOfPixels,TPtr8 &aScanLine)const;
IMPORT_C void DrawLine(const TPoint &aPoint1,const TPoint &aPoint2);
IMPORT_C void ClearDI(TRgb aColour);
IMPORT_C void ClearDI(TRgb aColour,const TRect &aRect);
IMPORT_C void ClearTrapezium(const TRect &aRect,TInt aSkew,TBool aHorizontal);
IMPORT_C void DrawDottedLine(const TPoint &aPoint1,const TPoint &aPoint2,TUint aDashPattern,TInt aDashedLength);
IMPORT_C void DrawTrapezium(const TRect &aRect,TInt aSkew,TBool aHorizontal);
IMPORT_C void FillTrapezium(const TRect &aRect,TInt aSkew,TBool aHorizontal);
IMPORT_C void GdiBltMasked(const TPoint &aDestination,const RDrawBase &aDrawPtr,const TRect &aSource,const RDrawBase &aMask,TRgb aCutoff,TBool aLowMasked);
IMPORT_C void DrawParallelogram(const TRect &aRect,TInt aSkew,TBool aHorizontal);
IMPORT_C void ClearParallelogram(const TRect &aRect,TInt aSkew,TBool aHorizontal);
IMPORT_C void FillParallelogram(const TRect &aRect,TInt aSkew,TBool aHorizontal);
IMPORT_C void PaintParallelogram(const TRect &aRect,TInt aSkew,TBool aHorizontal);
IMPORT_C void PaintTrapezium(const TRect &aRect,TInt aSkew,TBool aHorizontal);
IMPORT_C void ResetDotParam();
Partially tested
class RWindow : public RWindowBase
class RWs : public RSessionBase
class RBitmap : public RDrawBase
class RWindowBase : public RDrawBase
class RRootWindow : public RWindowBase
class RFont : public RFontBase
class RBrush : public RBrushBase
class RPalette : public RPaletteBase
class RGc : public RGdiBase
Not tested
class RWs : public RSessionBase
IMPORT_C TInt Connect(TUint32 aHandle);
IMPORT_C void Disconnect();
IMPORT_C TVersion Version();
IMPORT_C TInt SetHotKey(THotKeyType aType, TUint aKeycode, TUint aModifier, TUint aModifierMask);
IMPORT_C TInt CaptureKey(TUint keyCode,TUint mod_mask,TUint modifiers);
IMPORT_C void CancelHotKey(TInt aHotKey);
IMPORT_C void CancelCaptureKey(TInt aCaptureKey);
IMPORT_C void DisplayInfo(TUint aMode, TDisplayInfo *aInfo);
IMPORT_C void ComputeMode(TComputeMode mode);
IMPORT_C void Info(TInt aClientHandle,TxInfo &aInfo);
IMPORT_C void ReadEvent(TPckgBuf<TWsEvent> &aEvent,TInt *stat,TUint blocks=0);
IMPORT_C void ReadEventUpdate(TUint blocks);
IMPORT_C void ReadEventCancel();
IMPORT_C TInt BufferSize(TInt aBufSize);
IMPORT_C void Flush();
IMPORT_C TBool SetAutoFlush(TBool aState);
IMPORT_C TInt HeapCount() const;
IMPORT_C void SetTextCursor(RWindow &aWin, const TPoint &aPos, const TTextCursor &aCursor);
IMPORT_C void CancelTextCursor();
IMPORT_C void MarkStart();
IMPORT_C void CheckNum(TUint aCount);
IMPORT_C void MarkEnd(TUint aCount);
IMPORT_C TInt ResourceCount();
inline RBuffer *Buffer() const;
class RBitmap : public RDrawBase
IMPORT_C RBitmap();
IMPORT_C RBitmap(RWs &aWs);
IMPORT_C void Close();
IMPORT_C void Destroy();
// IMPORT_C void Construct(TSize &size,TInt colourBits);
IMPORT_C TInt Construct(TSize &size);
IMPORT_C TInt Load(const TDesC &aFileName,TReadWrite access=EReadOnly);
IMPORT_C void Attributes(TAttributes *attrib);
IMPORT_C TUint Handle() const;
IMPORT_C TGdiAttributes Attributes()const;
IMPORT_C TSize Size()const;
class RWindowBase : public RDrawBase
IMPORT_C RWindowBase();
IMPORT_C RWindowBase(RWs &aWs);
IMPORT_C void Close();
IMPORT_C void Destroy();
IMPORT_C TAttributes Attributes(TInt handle);
IMPORT_C TUint32 Parent() const;
IMPORT_C TUint32 PrevSibling() const;
IMPORT_C TUint32 NextSibling() const;
IMPORT_C TUint32 Child() const;
IMPORT_C TPoint InquireOffset(const RWindowBase &aWindow) const;
IMPORT_C TGdiAttributes Attributes() const;
IMPORT_C TUint Handle() const;
IMPORT_C TSize Size() const;
IMPORT_C TPoint Position() const;
class RWindow : public RWindowBase
IMPORT_C RWindow();
IMPORT_C RWindow(RWs &aWs);
IMPORT_C TInt Construct(const RWindowBase &parent,TUint32 handle);
IMPORT_C void Activate();
IMPORT_C TAttributes Attributes();
IMPORT_C void BeginRedraw();
IMPORT_C void BeginRedraw(const TRect &rect);
IMPORT_C void EndRedraw();
IMPORT_C void Invalidate();
IMPORT_C void Invalidate(const TRect &rect);
IMPORT_C void Validate();
IMPORT_C void Validate(const TRect &rect);
IMPORT_C void SetPosition(const TPoint &point);
IMPORT_C TInt SetSize(const TSize &size);
IMPORT_C TInt SetExtent(const TPoint &point,const TSize &size);
IMPORT_C TInt SetExtent(TInt tlx,TInt tly,TInt width, TInt height);
IMPORT_C void SetAttributes(TUint flags,const TAttributes &windata);
IMPORT_C void SetTextCursor(const TTextCursor cursor);
IMPORT_C void CancelTextCursor();
IMPORT_C void PointerFilter(TUint32 aFilter);
IMPORT_C void SetPointerGrab(TBool aState);
IMPORT_C void SetPointerCapture(TBool aState);
IMPORT_C void SetBackgroundColour(TRgb aColour);
IMPORT_C void SetVisible(TBool aState);
IMPORT_C TInt SetCurrentRegion(const TRegion &aRegion);
IMPORT_C void CancelCurrentRegion();
class RRootWindow : public RWindowBase
IMPORT_C RRootWindow();
IMPORT_C RRootWindow(RWs &aWs);
IMPORT_C TInt Construct(TUint32 clientHandle);
class RFont : public RFontBase
IMPORT_C RFont(RWs &aWs);
IMPORT_C void Close();
IMPORT_C void Destroy();
IMPORT_C TInt Construct(const TFont &aFont);
IMPORT_C TUint Handle()const;
IMPORT_C TInt Height()const;
IMPORT_C TInt Ascent()const;
IMPORT_C TInt Descent()const;
IMPORT_C TInt AverageWidth()const;
IMPORT_C TInt MaximumWidth()const;
IMPORT_C TBool Bold()const;
IMPORT_C TBool Italic()const;
IMPORT_C TBool Underline()const;
IMPORT_C TBool CrossOut()const;
IMPORT_C void WidthTable(TUint aStartChar,TUint aFinishChar,TPtr8 &)const;
IMPORT_C TInt TextWidth(const TDesC &aBuf)const;
IMPORT_C TInt TextCount(const TDesC &aBuf,TInt aPixelCount)const;
IMPORT_C TInt TextCount(const TDesC &aBuf,TInt aPixelCount,TInt &aWidth)const;
class RBrush : public RBrushBase
IMPORT_C RBrush();
IMPORT_C RBrush(RWs &aWs);
IMPORT_C void Close();
IMPORT_C void Destroy();
IMPORT_C TInt Construct(const TDesC &aFileName,RFs &aFileSys);
IMPORT_C TUint Handle()const;
IMPORT_C TSize Size()const;
IMPORT_C TRgb Pixel(const TPoint &aPoint)const;
IMPORT_C void GetPixels(const TPoint &aPoint,TInt aPelLength,TInt aMode,TPtr8 &aBuffer)const;
IMPORT_C void SetThreshold(TUint aThreshold);
TInt32 iHandle;
RBuffer *iBuffer;
class RPalette : public RPaletteBase
IMPORT_C RPalette();
IMPORT_C RPalette(RWs &aWs);
IMPORT_C void Close();
IMPORT_C void Destroy();
IMPORT_C void Clear();
IMPORT_C void SetEntry(TInt aPaletteIndex,TRgb aPaletteEntry);
IMPORT_C void SetBlock(TInt aStartIndex,TInt aNumberOfEntries,TPtr8 &aBufferOfEntries);
IMPORT_C TRgb GetEntry(TInt aPaletteIndex) const;
IMPORT_C void GetBlock(TInt aStartIndex,TInt aNumberOfEntries,TPtr8 &aBuffer) const;
IMPORT_C TInt Entries() const;
IMPORT_C TUint Handle()const;
class RGc : public RGdiBase
IMPORT_C void Close();
IMPORT_C void Destroy();
IMPORT_C TInt Construct();
IMPORT_C void Activate(const RDrawBase &aDrawable);
IMPORT_C void Deactivate();
IMPORT_C void FillRect(const TRect &aRect);
IMPORT_C void PrintText(const TPoint &aPosition,const TDesC &aString);
IMPORT_C void PrintText(const TDesC &aString);
IMPORT_C void SetPenGrey4(TUint aGrey4);
IMPORT_C void SetPenGrey16(TUint aGrey16);
IMPORT_C void SetPenGrey256(TUint aGrey256);
IMPORT_C void Clear();
IMPORT_C void CopyRect(const TPoint &anOffset,const TRect &aRect);
IMPORT_C void DrawEllipse(const TRect &aRect);
IMPORT_C void DrawRect(const TRect &aRect);
IMPORT_C void ClearRect(const TRect &aRect);
IMPORT_C void FillEllipse(const TRect &aRect);
IMPORT_C void PaintEllipse(const TRect &aRect);
IMPORT_C void ClearEllipse(const TRect &aRect);
IMPORT_C void PaintRect(const TRect &aRect);
IMPORT_C void GdiBlt(const RDrawBase &aDevice);
IMPORT_C void GdiBlt(const TPoint &aDestination,const RDrawBase &aDevice);
IMPORT_C void GdiBlt(const TPoint &aDestination,const RDrawBase &aDevice,const TRect &aSource);
IMPORT_C TInt DisplayMode()const;
IMPORT_C TGdiDrawMode DrawMode()const;
// IMPORT_C TUint DisplayModesAvailable()const;
IMPORT_C TRgb Pixel(const TPoint &aPixel)const;
IMPORT_C TSize Size()const;
IMPORT_C RBrushBase *PatternBrush()const;
IMPORT_C TRgb PenColour()const;
IMPORT_C TRgb BrushColour()const;
IMPORT_C TTextBackGround TextBackGround()const;
IMPORT_C void Plot(const TPoint &aPoint);
IMPORT_C void SetBrushGrey4(TUint aGrey4);
IMPORT_C void SetBrushGrey16(TUint aGrey16);
IMPORT_C void SetBrushGrey256(TUint aGrey256);
IMPORT_C void SetPenColour(const TRgb &aColour);
IMPORT_C void SetBrushColour(const TRgb &aColour);
IMPORT_C TInt SetDisplayMode(TUint aDisplayMode);
IMPORT_C void SetDrawMode(TGdiDrawMode aDrawingMode);
IMPORT_C void SetLineWidth(TInt aWidth);
IMPORT_C void SetPatternBrushOrigin(const TPoint &aOrigin);
IMPORT_C void SetTextBackGround(TTextBackGround aBackGroundSetting);
IMPORT_C RFont Font()const;
IMPORT_C void UseFont(const RFontBase &aFont);
IMPORT_C void UsePalette(const RPaletteBase &aPalette);
IMPORT_C void UsePatternBrush(const RBrushBase &aBrush);
IMPORT_C void DiscardFont();
IMPORT_C void DiscardPalette();
IMPORT_C void DiscardPatternBrush();
IMPORT_C TUint Handle() const;
IMPORT_C TInt LoadBitmap(const TDesC &aFileName, RFs &aFileSys);
IMPORT_C TInt LoadBitmapDI(const TDesC &aFileName,RFs &aFileSys);
IMPORT_C TGdiAttributes Attributes()const;
IMPORT_C void RefreshPalette();