Applied patch 1, to provide a syborg specific minigui oby file.
Need to compare this with the "stripped" version currently in the tree.
This supplied version applies for Nokia builds, but need to repeat the
test for SF builds to see if pruning is needed, or if the file needs to
be device-specific.
// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#ifndef __STDPANIC_H__
#define __STDPANIC_H__
enum TStdPluginPanic
EStdPanicTemp = 0,
EStdPanicNoDisplayModeFound = 1,
EStdPanicCreatedOffScreenBitmapInWrongDimensions = 2,
EStdPanicStdRenderStageMustBeFinal = 3,
EStdPanicFlickerBufferRenderStageMustNotBeFinal = 4,
EStdPanicIniFileMissing = 5, // can't find an MWsIniFile instance
EStdPanicPreviousUiSurfaceUnregisterable = 6,
EStdPanicDuplicateUiLayer = 7, // occurs when trying to add a UI layer when another UI layer is already part of the scene
EStdPanicNonMatchingRemovalOfUiLayer = 8, // occurs when removing a UI layer, when it's not the current UI layer
EStdPanicUiSurfaceIsNull = 9, // occurs when the UI surface is NULL
EStdPanicScreenDeviceMissing = 10, // can't get MWsScreenDevice from the next render stage
EStdPanicCompositionContextMissing = 11, // can't get MWsCompositionContext from the next render stage
EStdPanicPopGcSettings = 12, // problem when popping gc settings, previously saved
EStdPanicDrawCommandsInvalidState = 13, //The draw commands state doesn't match with the action that is occuring
EStdPanicInvalidCursorType = 14, // invalid cursor
EStdPanicRegionError = 15, //Region is not NULL and TRegion::CheckError() has returned ETrue, or validation of region state has failed
EStdPanicBadBeginEndSequence = 16, // End() has been called without corresponding Begin(), or Begin() has been called twice.
EStdPanicRedrawNotCompleted = 17, // A redraw has been requested before the previous redraw has completed.
EStdPanicNoContext = 18, // Graphics context from the next rendering stage is not available
void Panic(TStdPluginPanic aPanic);
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define STD_ASSERT_DEBUG(c, p) \
do { \
if(!(c)) \
{ \
Panic(p); \
} \
} while (EFalse)
#define STD_ASSERT_DEBUG(c, p)
#endif //_DEBUG
#define STD_ASSERT_ALWAYS(c, p) \
do { \
if(!(c)) \
{ \
Panic(p); \
} \
} while (EFalse)
#endif //__STDPANIC_H__