author Faisal Memon <>
Thu, 06 May 2010 11:31:11 +0100
changeset 47 48b924ae7197
parent 0 5d03bc08d59c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Applied patch 1, to provide a syborg specific minigui oby file. Need to compare this with the "stripped" version currently in the tree. This supplied version applies for Nokia builds, but need to repeat the test for SF builds to see if pruning is needed, or if the file needs to be device-specific.

// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// TCrpAnim.H Defines class CTCrpAnim

 @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code

#ifndef __TCRPANIM_H__
#define __TCRPANIM_H__

#include "AUTO.H"


namespace	//anonymous local scope
	class CCrpAnim;
	typedef  CCrpAnim CAnonAnimWindow;
	class CActiveWait;
	typedef  CActiveWait CAnonActiveWait;
class CTCrpAnim : public CTWsGraphicsBase
	CTCrpAnim(CTestStep* aStep);
	void ConstructL();
	virtual void RunTestCaseL(TInt aCurTestCase);
	// TAnimFrameResult is a struct designed to track the various frame results
	// as the animation progresses. Once the animation is complete, TAnimFrameResult
	// provides an easy to read indication as to the animation's performance
	struct TAnimFrameResult
		TInt iFrameOK;
		TInt iFramePartial;
		TInt iFrameIdentical;
		TInt iFrameEmpty;
		TInt iFrameTearing;
		TInt iFrameSkipped;
	void InvalidatePauseAndRedraw(const TRect &aRect,TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aInterval);
	void RedrawAndCheckWindows(TBool aBlankIt=EFalse);
	void TestSpriteLoopL(TBool aAnimForeground,TBool aDrawForeground);
    void CheckAnimProgressedL(CAnonAnimWindow* aAnimWin, TInt aAdditionalFrameCount, TBool aCaptureFrameResult = ETrue);
	TInt DetermineApproxFrameNum(CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, TBool aCaptureFrameResult);
	void ResetFrameCounters();
	TInt LogResults();
// The tests
    void	TestSpriteInterruptsForegroundL();
    void	TestSpriteRestartInterruptsForegroundL();
	void	BasicCRPDemo();
	void	TestOverlappingWindowsL();
	void	TestClippingWindowsL();
	void	DemoClippingWindowsL();
	void	TestInvalidateL();
	CAnonAnimWindow *iTestWin;
	CAnonAnimWindow *iOverWin;
	CAnonAnimWindow *iRedrawWin;
	CAnonAnimWindow *iBaseWin;
	TInt iPreviousFrameNum;				// identifies the last successfully drawn frame number calculated
	TInt iMinimumCalcRedLine;			// the calculated minimum length of the red line in the animation
	TAnimFrameResult iFrameStatus;		// tracker for the performance of each animated frame
	CActiveWait* iWaiter;				// active object with configurable timer
	CWsGraphicBitmapAnimation* iAnim; 	// ptr to server-side animation object
	CFbsBitmap* iScreenBitmap;			// bitmap holding screen snap-shot
	HBufC8* iScanlineBuf;				// buffer holding pixel data on a single vertical scan line

class CTCrpAnimStep : public CTGraphicsStep
	//from CTGraphicsStep
	virtual CTGraphicsBase* CreateTestL();

#endif  //__TCRPANIM_H__