author Faisal Memon <>
Thu, 06 May 2010 11:31:11 +0100
changeset 47 48b924ae7197
parent 0 5d03bc08d59c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Applied patch 1, to provide a syborg specific minigui oby file. Need to compare this with the "stripped" version currently in the tree. This supplied version applies for Nokia builds, but need to repeat the test for SF builds to see if pruning is needed, or if the file needs to be device-specific.

// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:

 @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code 


#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32cmn.h>
#include "w32std.h"
#include "../tlib/testbase.h"
#include "AUTO.H"
#include "AUTODLL.H"
#include "../TClick/multiptrclick.h"
#include "TGraphicsHarness.h"

class CTMultiPtrEventTest;
class CTMultiPtrEventClient;

 * CTEvent derived class which acts as eventhandler and eventbuffer 
 * Stores the events in buffer, which is used for comparing events received from wserv.
class CTMultiPtrEventBuffer : public CTEvent
	enum {EEventBufferSize=40, EMovePtsBuffer=10};
	CTMultiPtrEventBuffer(RWsSession *aWs, CTMultiPtrEventTest *aTest, CTMultiPtrEventClient* aClient);
	void ConstructL();
	void AddExpectedEvent(TWsEvent &aEvent);
	void AddExpectedMovePtEvent(TPoint &aMovePt);
	TInt EventsRemaining();
	void SetEventCount(TInt aCount) {iEventCount = aCount;}
	void SetNestedLoopState(TBool aLoopStart) {iNestedLoopStarted = aLoopStart;}
	TBool NestedLoopState() {return iNestedLoopStarted;}
	void GetMoveBufferAndCompareL();
	// Pure virtual from CTEventBase
	void doRunL();
	void TestL(TInt aTest);
	void TestL(TInt aTest, TInt aVal1, TInt aVal2,const char *oper, const char *aTestStr, 
	           const TWsEvent *aEvent, const TWsEvent *aExpected, const char *aFile, TUint aLine);
    void TestL(TInt aTest, TPoint aVal1, TPoint aVal2,const char *oper, const char *aTestStr, 
               const TWsEvent *aEvent, const TWsEvent *aExpected, const char *aFile, TUint aLine);
	CCirBuf<TWsEvent> iEventBuffer;
	CCirBuf<TPoint> iMovePtsBuffer;
	CTMultiPtrEventTest* iTest;
	TInt iEventCount;
	CTMultiPtrEventClient* iClient;
	TBool iNestedLoopStarted;

 * CTClient derived class which gives Wserv client environment 
 * i,e iWs, iScreen, iGc, iGroup, iEventHandler etc...
 * Owns CTMultiPtrEventBuffer and stores in iEventhandler of its base class
 * Accepts the event from test class and passes them on to buffer class
class CTMultiPtrEventClient : public CTClient
	CTMultiPtrEventClient(CTMultiPtrEventTest *aTest, TBool aSecondaryClient = EFalse);
	void ConstructL();
	inline CTBlankWindow* ParentWin() { return iParentWin; }
	inline CTBlankWindow* ChildWin() { return iChildWin; }
	inline CTMultiPtrEventBuffer* EventBuffer() {return static_cast<CTMultiPtrEventBuffer*>(iEventHandler);}
	inline void SetExpectNonAdvancedPointerEvents() {iExpectNonAdvancedPointerEvents=ETrue;};
	inline void ClearExpectNonAdvancedPointerEvents() {iExpectNonAdvancedPointerEvents=EFalse;};

	TBool IsSecondaryClient() {return iSecondaryClient;}
	void AddExpectedPointerEvent(TPointerEvent::TType aType, TPoint aPos, TUint8 aPointerNumber, TUint aHandle = 0);
	void AddExpectedPointerEvent(TPointerEvent::TType aType, TPoint aPos, TInt aZ, TUint aModifier, TUint8 aPointerNumber, TUint aHandle = 0);
	void AddExpectedWsEvent(TEventCode aType, TInt aPointerNumber = 0, TUint aHandle = 0);
	void AddExpectedMovePoint(TPoint aPos);
	void CalculatePtrPosAndSet3Ddata(TWsEvent& aEvent, TPointerEvent::TType aType, TPoint aPos, TUint aModifiers, TInt aZ, TUint8 aPointerNumber, TUint aHandle);
	void ConstructGroupBlankWinL();
	void DeleteGroupBlankWin();
	TBool CheckOrdinalPosition(TInt aWinAutoFocus1);
	// Virtual from CTClient
	void ConstructEventHandlerL();
	CTMultiPtrEventTest* iTest;
	TSize iParentWinSize;
	TPoint iParentWinPos;
	TSize iChildWinSize;
	TPoint iChildWinPos;
	CTBlankWindow* iParentWin;
	CTBlankWindow* iChildWin;

	TBool iSecondaryClient;
	// For AutoFocus test
	CTWindowGroup* iGroupWinAutoFocus1;
	CTWindowGroup* iGroupWinAutoFocus2;
	CTBlankWindow* iWinAutoFocus1;
	CTBlankWindow* iWinAutoFocus2;
	TSize iWinSizeAutoFocus1;
	TPoint iWinPosAutoFocus1;
	TSize iWinSizeAutoFocus2;
	TPoint iWinPosAutoFocus2;
	TBool iExpectNonAdvancedPointerEvents;

class RMultiPointerAnim : public RTestAnim
	static RMultiPointerAnim* NewL(RWindowBase* aWin, RAnimDll* aDll);
	RMultiPointerAnim(RAnimDll* aDll) :RTestAnim(*aDll) {}
	TInt AddExpectedAnimPointerEvent(TRawEvent::TType aType, TPoint aPos, TInt aZ, TUint aModifier, TUint8 aPointerNumber, TBool aEat = ETrue);

 * CTWsGraphicsBase derived class which implements RunTestCaseL pure virtual.
 * Runs all the testcases for multi poniter events.
 * For each test case it creates CTMultiPtrEventClient object and creates a nested activescheduler
 * Calls NextSetOfEventsL() which in turn calls respective tests depending upong the testcase number
 * For each test simulates the events and adds the same event to CTMultiPtrEventBuffer
 * When all the tests for a particular testcase completes stops activescheduler
 * Repeats the same for all testcases
class CTMultiPtrEventTest : public CTWsGraphicsBase
	CTMultiPtrEventTest(CTestStep* aStep);
	void ConstructL();
	void NextSetOfEventsL();
	void Failed();
	// Functions for simulating events, which use UserSvr::AddEvent
	void SimulatePointerEvent(TRawEvent::TType aType, TInt aX, TInt aY, TUint8 aPointerNumber);
	void SimulatePointerEvent(TRawEvent::TType aType, TInt aX, TInt aY, TInt aZ, TUint8 aPointerNumber);
	void SimulatePointerDownUp(TInt aX, TInt aY, TInt aZ, TUint8 aPointerNumber);
	// Functions for adding event, calls the client's AddExpectedPointer
	void AddExpectedPointerEvent(TPointerEvent::TType aType, TPoint aPos, TUint8 aPointerNumber, TUint aHandle = 0);
	void AddExpectedPointerEvent(TPointerEvent::TType aType, TPoint aPos, TInt aZ, TUint aModifier, TUint8 aPointerNumber, TUint aHandle = 0, TBool aSecondaryClient = EFalse);
	void AddExpectedPointerDownUp(TPoint aPos, TInt aZ, TUint8 aPointerNumber);
	void AddExpectedWsEvent(TEventCode aType, TBool aSecondaryClient = EFalse, TInt aPointerNumber = 0, TUint aHandle = 0);
	void AddExpectedMultiPtrClickEvent(TPointerEvent::TType aType, TPoint aPos, TInt aZ, TUint aModifier, TUint8 aPointerNumber, TUint aHandle = 0);
	void AddExpectedMultiPtrClickOtherEvent(TPointerEvent::TType aType, TPoint aPos, TInt aZ, TUint aModifier, TUint8 aPointerNumber, TUint aHandle);
	void AddExpectedKey(TInt aEventCode, TInt aScanCode, TInt aCode/*=0*/, TInt aRepeats/*=0*/, TUint aModifiers/*=0*/);
	void AddExpectedKeyDownUp(TInt aScanCode, TInt aCode=0, TInt aRepeats=0, TUint aModifiers=0);	
	// Supplementary function for tests
	void TestDragForMultiPointer(TPoint aPtrPos, TInt aPrValue, TUint8 aPointerNumber);
	void SimulateAndAddLoneUpEvents(TInt aNumSimulation, TInt aNumAddition, TPoint aPos);
	void TestAndDisplayAnimError();
	void GetRemainingEventsFromSecondaryClient();
	void TestAndDisplayPtrClickError();
	void CreatePointerClickPluginL();
	void SetAutoFlush();
	void ResetFlushStopAS();
	void TestFilteringForMultiPointer(TBool aFiltering);
	void TestGrabbingForMultiPointer(TBool aGrabbing);
	void CreateGroupWinL();
	void DeleteGroupWin();
	void CreateGroupWinForCapturingL();
	void DeleteGroupWinForCapturing();
	void CreateAnimDllAndAnimL();
	void DestroyAnimDllAndAnim();
	void TestCloseProximityHighPressureAPIsL();
	void TestCapturingForMultiPointer(TBool aAllGroups);
	void SetThresholdValues(TInt aEnterCloseProx, TInt aExitCloseProx, TInt aEnterHighPres, TInt aExitHighPres);
	void NegativeTestingOfProximityPressureAPIsL();
	void TestErrorCodeL(TInt aExpErrCode, TInt aActualErrCode);
	void SimulateProximityAndPressureEvents(TInt aCloseProxEnterValue, TInt aCloseProxExitValue, TInt aHighPresEnterValue, TInt aHighPresExitValue);
	void SetDefaultScreenMode();
	TPoint GetPointerPostionOnRotatedMode(TPoint aPointerPos, CFbsBitGc::TGraphicsOrientation aRotation);
	void LogEventsAdded();
	// All tests
	void MultiPointerEvents();
	void PurgingMultiPointerEvents();
	void MultiPointerEventsForAnimsL();
	void MultiClientMultiPointerEvents();
	void MultiPointerEventsForPointerClickL();
	void MultiPointerEventsInDiffScreenModes();
	void FilteringMultiPointerEvents();
	void GrabbingMultiPointerEvents();
	void VirtualKeyBoardForMultiplePointers();
	void DoubleClickForMultiplePointers();
	void MultiPointerOutOfRangeEvents();
	void AutoForeGroundForMultiplePointersL();
	void EmulationRulesForMultiplePointers();
    void CloseProximityAndHighPressureEventsL();
	void OutOfBoundValueTesting();
	void CapturingMultiPointerEvents();
	void NegativeTestsForProximityPressureEventsL();
	void PointerRepeatEventForMultiplePointers();
	void SetExpectNonAdvancedPointerEvents(TBool aSecondaryClient=EFalse);
	void ClearExpectNonAdvancedPointerEvents(TBool aSecondaryClient=EFalse);
	void RunTestCaseL(TInt aCurTestCase);
	void RunTestsL();
	TInt iEventSet;			// Set of events for one particular test case
	TBool iFailed;
	TBool iActiveSchedulerStarted;
	TBool iTheClientFlush;
	TBool iClientFlush;
	TBool iSecClientFlush;
	TSize iPhysicalScreenSize;
	TRect iOrigPtrCursorArea;
	TUint iPointerNumber;
	TInt iMaxDevPointers;
	TInt iMaxUiPointers;
	TInt iMaxPressure;
	TInt iPressureStep;
	TInt iMaxProximity;
	TInt iProximityStep;

	TInt iEnterCloseProximityThreshold;
	TInt iExitCloseProximityThreshold;
	TInt iEnterHighPressureThreshold;
	TInt iExitHighPressureThreshold;	
	CTMultiPtrEventClient *iMultiPtrEventClient;
	CTMultiPtrEventClient *iSecMultiPtrEventClient;
	RAnimDll* iAnimDll;
	RMultiPointerAnim* iAnim;
	RSoundPlugIn iClick;
	TBool iPtrPluginLoaded;
	RChunk iChunk;
	RHeap* iHeap;
	TAny* iErrDesc;
	TInt iCurrentScreenMode;
	TBool iChangeScreenMode;
	CTWindowGroup* iGroupWinForEmul;
	CTBlankWindow* iWinForEmul;
	CTWindowGroup* iGroupWinForCapturing;
	CTBlankWindow* iWinForCapturing;
	TInt iYOffset;

class CTMultiPtrEventTestStep : public CTGraphicsStep
	//from CTGraphicsStep
	virtual CTGraphicsBase* CreateTestL();

_LIT(KTMultiPtrEventTestStep, "TMultiPtrEventTest");