Get rid of un-needed float-specific defines around yuv support. Remove unintended support for rgb to yuv conversion. We only support yuv to rgb conversion.
// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <gdi.h>
#include "GDIPANIC.h"
EXPORT_C TPictureHeader::TPictureHeader():
/** Constructs a default picture header. */
EXPORT_C void TPictureHeader::DeletePicture()
/** Deletes the internalised picture.
The picture can only be deleted if the picture has been internalized. */
if (iPicture.IsPtr())
delete iPicture.AsPtr();
// Persist this object
// Does not take responsibility for storing the picture
EXPORT_C void TPictureHeader::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream)const
/** Externalises a picture header object to a write stream.
The presence of this function means that the standard templated stream operator<<()
is available to externalise objects of this class.
@param aStream The write stream. */
aStream<< iPictureType;
aStream<< iPicture;
// Restore this object from the specified stream
// Does not take responsibility for restoring the picture
EXPORT_C void TPictureHeader::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream)
/** Internalises a picture header object from a read stream.
The presence of this function means that the standard templated stream operator>>()
is available to internalise objects of this class.
@param aStream The read stream. */
aStream>> iPictureType;
aStream>> iPicture;
EXPORT_C CPicture::CPicture():
EXPORT_C CPicture::~CPicture()
/** Frees all resources owned by the object prior to its destruction. */
EXPORT_C TPictureCapability CPicture::Capability() const
/** Gets the picture's capabilities.
These include whether it is scalable and croppable.
@return The capabilities of the picture. */
return TPictureCapability(TPictureCapability::ENotScaleable,EFalse);
// Assumes everything goes into the head stream.
// (Must be replaced by concrete pictures that have components)
EXPORT_C TStreamId CPicture::StoreL(CStreamStore& aStore) const
/** Stores the picture to the specified store.
The default implementation assumes that the content of the picture is externalized
to a single stream. The implementation may need to be changed for those derived
classes that have components.
@param aStore The store.
@return The ID of the (head) stream used to store the picture. */
RStoreWriteStream stream;
TStreamId id=stream.CreateLC(aStore);
ExternalizeL(stream); // provided by the concrete picture stream.CommitL();
return id;
EXPORT_C void CPicture::ResetToOriginal()
/** Resets the picture's scaling and cropping attributes to their original values. */
TMargins cropInTwips;
EXPORT_C void CPicture::GetSizeInPixels(MGraphicsDeviceMap* aMap,TSize& aSize) const
/** Gets the picture's size in pixels.
This is calculated from the original size of the picture, taking cropping
and scaling into account.
@param aMap The pixels to twips mapping interface of the graphics device
@param aSize The size of the picture, in pixels. */
TSize size;
aSize.iWidth = aMap->HorizontalTwipsToPixels(size.iWidth);
aSize.iHeight = aMap->VerticalTwipsToPixels(size.iHeight);
EXPORT_C void CPicture::SetSizeInPixels(MGraphicsDeviceMap* aMap,const TSize& aSize)
/** Sets the picture's size in pixels.
@param aMap The pixels to twips mapping interface of the graphics device.
@param aSize The size of the picture, in pixels. */
TSize size;
size.iWidth = aMap->HorizontalPixelsToTwips(aSize.iWidth);
size.iHeight = aMap->VerticalPixelsToTwips(aSize.iHeight);
EXPORT_C void CPicture::SetScaleFactor(TInt /*aScaleFactorWidth*/,TInt /*aScaleFactorHeight*/)
/** Sets the picture's scale factors.
@param aScaleFactorWidth The width scale factor, in percent.
@param aScaleFactorHeight The height scale factor, in percent. */
EXPORT_C TInt CPicture::ScaleFactorWidth() const
/** Gets the picture's width scale factor.
@return The width scale factor, in percent. */
return 1000; // no scaling
EXPORT_C TInt CPicture::ScaleFactorHeight() const
/** Gets the pictures height scale factor.
@return The height scale factor, in percent. */
return 1000; // no scaling
EXPORT_C void CPicture::GetCropInTwips(TMargins& aCrop) const
/** Gets the cropping margins of a picture in twips.
These margins are relative to the original unscaled size of the picture.
@param aMargins The cropping margins of the picture, in twips */
EXPORT_C void CPicture::SetCropInTwips(const TMargins& /*aMargins*/)
/** Sets the cropping margins of a picture in twips.
These are relative to the original unscaled size of the picture.
@param aMargins The cropping margins of the picture, in twips. */
EXPORT_C TBool CPicture::LineBreakPossible(TUint /*aClass*/,TBool /*aBeforePicture*/,TBool /*aHaveSpaces*/) const
/** States whether a line break is possible, either before or after a picture.
The default implementation returns ETrue, implying that there is a break opportunity
both before and after the picture, whether or not a space is present.
This may be overridden for special types of pictures.
@param aClass The line breaking class of the adjacent character. Line breaking
classes are defined in the header file, tagma.h
@param aBeforePicture ETrue, if the adjacent character is before the picture;
EFalse, if the adjacent character is afterwards.
@param aHaveSpaces ETrue, if spaces occur between the adjacent character and
the picture; EFalse, otherwise.
@return ETrue, if a line break is possible; EFalse, otherwise. */
return TRUE;
EXPORT_C TBool CPicture::NativePixelSize(TSize&)
/** Derived classes might be implemented as bitmaps, in that case it might
be interesting to now the native pixel size of the bitmap. */
return EFalse;
EXPORT_C void CPicture::GetSizeInTwips(TSize& aSize) const
/** Gets the picture's size, in twips.
This size is calculated from the original size of the picture, taking cropping
and scaling into account.
@param aSize The size of the picture, in twips. */
TSize originalSizeInTwips;
TMargins cropInTwips;
aSize.iWidth = (ScaleFactorWidth()*(originalSizeInTwips.iWidth-cropInTwips.iLeft-cropInTwips.iRight))/1000;
aSize.iHeight = (ScaleFactorHeight()*(originalSizeInTwips.iHeight-cropInTwips.iTop-cropInTwips.iBottom))/1000;
EXPORT_C void CPicture::SetSizeInTwips(const TSize& aSize)
/** Sets the picture's size, in twips
@param aSize The size of the picture, in twips. */
TSize originalSizeInTwips;
TMargins cropInTwips;
TSize size;
size.iWidth = originalSizeInTwips.iWidth-cropInTwips.iLeft-cropInTwips.iRight;
size.iHeight = originalSizeInTwips.iHeight-cropInTwips.iTop-cropInTwips.iBottom;
TSize scalefactor;
if(size.iWidth!=0) scalefactor.iWidth=1000*aSize.iWidth/size.iWidth;
if(size.iHeight!=0) scalefactor.iHeight=1000*aSize.iHeight/size.iHeight;
EXPORT_C void CPicture::AddCropInPixels(MGraphicsDeviceMap* aMap,const TMargins& aMargins)
/** Adds pixel cropping margins to the picture.
@param aMap The pixels to twips mapping interface of the graphics device
@param aMargins The additional pixel cropping margins for the picture, in pixels. */
TMargins cropInTwips;
TInt scaleFactorWidth=ScaleFactorWidth();
cropInTwips.iLeft += (1000*aMap->HorizontalPixelsToTwips(aMargins.iLeft))/scaleFactorWidth;
cropInTwips.iRight += (1000*aMap->HorizontalPixelsToTwips(aMargins.iRight))/scaleFactorWidth;
TInt scaleFactorHeight=ScaleFactorHeight();
cropInTwips.iTop += (1000*aMap->VerticalPixelsToTwips(aMargins.iTop))/scaleFactorHeight;
cropInTwips.iBottom += (1000*aMap->VerticalPixelsToTwips(aMargins.iBottom))/scaleFactorHeight;