Merge fixes for bugs 1362, 1666, 1863, KhronosRI and bld.inf.
// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).// All rights reserved.// This component and the accompanying materials are made available// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"// which accompanies this distribution, and is available// at the URL "".//// Initial Contributors:// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.//// Contributors://// Description://#include "trasterizer.h"#include "testutils.h"#include "examplerasterizer.h"#include <fbs.h>#include <gdi.h>#include <s32mem.h>#include <e32math.h>#include <e32svr.h>#include <u32hal.h>const TDisplayMode KDisplayModes[] = {EGray256, EColor64K, EColor16MU, EColor16MAP};const TInt KNumDisplayModes = sizeof(KDisplayModes)/sizeof(KDisplayModes[0]);const TRgb KStripeColours[3] = {TRgb(255,255,0), TRgb(255,0,255), TRgb(0,255,255)};CTRasterizer::CTRasterizer() { SetTestStepName(KTRasterizerStep); }/**@SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-FBSERV-RASTERIZER-001@SYMTestPriority High@SYMPREQ PREQ2096@SYMREQ REQ10860 REQ10861 @SYMTestCaseDesc Test that the example rasterizer dll "fbsrasterizer_test.dll" has been loaded.@SYMTestActions On the emulator check that the rasterizer setting is "fbsrasterizer_test.dll". Get a pointer to the rasterizer.@SYMTestExpectedResults "fbsrasterizer_test.dll" has been loaded successfully*/void CTRasterizer::TestLoadRasterizerDllL() { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("TestLoadRasterizerDll"));#ifdef __WINS__ _LIT8(KTestRasterizerName, "fbsrasterizer_test.dll"); TUint8* rasterizerSetting = NULL; UserSvr::HalFunction(EHalGroupEmulator, EEmulatorHalStringProperty, (TAny*)"FBSRASTERIZER_DLL", &rasterizerSetting); TESTL(rasterizerSetting != NULL); TESTL(TPtrC8(rasterizerSetting).CompareF(KTestRasterizerName) == 0);#endif GetExampleRasterizerL(); }/**@SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-FBSERV-RASTERIZER-002@SYMTestPriority High@SYMPREQ PREQ2096@SYMREQ REQ10860 REQ10861 @SYMTestCaseDesc Test that a scanline retrieved from the example rasterizer is what we expect.@SYMTestActions Create an extended bitmap and set its extended data to three colours followed by a TUint8. The example rasterizer interprets this data as the three colours in a tricolour flag drawn with either horizontal or vertical stripes depending on the value of the TUint8. Draw a scanline of the extended bitmap by calling: - CFbsRasterizer::BeginBitmap() - CFbsRasterizer::ScanLine() - CFbsRasterizer::EndBitmap()@SYMTestExpectedResults The scan line returned by the example rasterizer should be exactly the same as the corresponding scanline in the test data.*/void CTRasterizer::TestScanLineL() { TBuf<32> displayModeDes(TestUtils::DisplayModeToString(iDisplayMode)); INFO_PRINTF2(_L("TestScanLine, display mode %S"), &displayModeDes); const TInt KNumBeginBitmapCalls = 5; // Get the example rasterizer GetExampleRasterizerL(); // Test for both stripe styles, 0 for vertical stripes and 1 for horizontal stripes for (TInt stripeStyle = 0; stripeStyle < 2; stripeStyle++) { if (stripeStyle == 0) { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("... Vertical stripes")); } else { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("... Horizontal stripes")); } const TSize sizeInPixels(64,32); CFbsBitmap* extendedBitmap = CreateExtendedBitmapLC(KStripeColours, stripeStyle, sizeInPixels); // Begin scanline access to the extended bitmap CFbsRasterizer::TBitmapDesc bitmapDesc; TInt64 bitmapId = extendedBitmap->SerialNumber(); bitmapDesc.iSizeInPixels = sizeInPixels; bitmapDesc.iDispMode = iDisplayMode; bitmapDesc.iDataType = KUidExampleExtendedBitmap; bitmapDesc.iData = extendedBitmap->DataAddress(); bitmapDesc.iDataSize = extendedBitmap->DataSize(); extendedBitmap->BeginDataAccess(); // test calling BeginBitmap more than once as each additional call should just increment as reference count for (TInt i = 0; i < KNumBeginBitmapCalls; i++) { iRasterizer->BeginBitmap(bitmapId, bitmapDesc, NULL); } TInt scanlineLength; TPoint startPixel; TRgb bufferColour; // The width or height of a stripe in the tricolour flag that the extended bitmap rasterizer draws TInt stripeSize = (stripeStyle == 0) ? sizeInPixels.iWidth/3 : sizeInPixels.iHeight/3; for (TInt h = 0; h < sizeInPixels.iHeight; h++) { // Get a full scanline from the extended bitmap using the rasterizer startPixel = TPoint(0, h); scanlineLength = sizeInPixels.iWidth; const TUint8* scanline = reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(iRasterizer->ScanLine(bitmapId, startPixel, scanlineLength)); TESTL(scanline != NULL); // Make sure each pixel in the scanline is the colour that we expect TRgb compareColour; for (TInt w = 0; w < scanlineLength; w++) { if (((stripeStyle == 0) && (w < stripeSize)) || ((stripeStyle == 1) && (h < stripeSize))) { compareColour = KStripeColours[0]; // left or top } else if (((stripeStyle == 0) && (w >= sizeInPixels.iWidth-stripeSize)) || ((stripeStyle == 1) && (h >= sizeInPixels.iHeight-stripeSize))) { compareColour = KStripeColours[2]; // right or bottom } else { compareColour = KStripeColours[1]; // middle } bufferColour = ExtractRgb(scanline, w, iDisplayMode); if (((iDisplayMode != EGray256) && (bufferColour != compareColour)) || ((iDisplayMode == EGray256) && (bufferColour != TRgb::Gray256(compareColour.Gray256())))) { INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Pixel comparison failed for pixel %d,%d"), w, h); TEST(EFalse); } } } // End scanline access to the extended bitmap for (TInt i = 0; i < KNumBeginBitmapCalls; i++) { iRasterizer->EndBitmap(bitmapId); } extendedBitmap->EndDataAccess(); // Clean up CleanupStack::Pop(1, extendedBitmap); } }/**@SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-FBSERV-RASTERIZER-003@SYMTestPriority High@SYMPREQ PREQ2096@SYMREQ REQ10860 REQ10861 @SYMTestCaseDesc Test that we can get scanlines from 3 extended bitmaps simultaneously using the example rasterizer.@SYMTestActions Load a normal bitmap. Create 3 extended bitmaps and set their extended data to be vertically striped colours. Draw a scanline of each extended bitmap by calling: - CFbsRasterizer::BeginBitmap() for each extended bitmap - CFbsRasterizer::ScanLine() for each extended bitmap - CFbsRasterizer::EndBitmap() for each extended bitmap Compare the first pixel of each scanline and the last pixel of each scanline against the expected colour.@SYMTestExpectedResults The rasterizer should be able to handle rasterizing up to 3 extended bitmaps at once, all three scanlines should be returned with no errors. The colours compared should match exactly.*/void CTRasterizer::TestMultipleScanLinesL() { TBuf<32> displayModeDes(TestUtils::DisplayModeToString(iDisplayMode)); INFO_PRINTF2(_L("TestMultipleScanLines, vertical stripes, display mode %S"), &displayModeDes); const TInt KNumBitmaps = 3; const TInt KBaseSize = 10; RArray<CFbsBitmap*> bitmaps; CleanupClosePushL(bitmaps); // Get the example rasterizer GetExampleRasterizerL(); // Create the three differently sized extended bitmaps each coloured with vertical stripes for (TInt i = 0; i < KNumBitmaps; i++) { const TSize KSizeInPixels = TSize(KBaseSize*(i+1), KBaseSize*(i+1)); CFbsBitmap* extendedBitmap = CreateExtendedBitmapLC(KStripeColours, EFalse, KSizeInPixels); bitmaps.AppendL(extendedBitmap); } // Begin scanline access to the extended bitmaps for (TInt i = 0; i < KNumBitmaps; i++) { bitmaps[i]->BeginDataAccess(); CFbsRasterizer::TBitmapDesc bitmapDesc; TInt64 bitmapId = bitmaps[i]->SerialNumber(); bitmapDesc.iSizeInPixels = bitmaps[i]->SizeInPixels(); bitmapDesc.iDispMode = iDisplayMode; bitmapDesc.iDataType = KUidExampleExtendedBitmap; bitmapDesc.iData = bitmaps[i]->DataAddress(); bitmapDesc.iDataSize = bitmaps[i]->DataSize(); iRasterizer->BeginBitmap(bitmapId, bitmapDesc, NULL); } // Get scanlines from each extended bitmap and check that the first and last pixel in each is the correct colour for (TInt h = 0; h < KBaseSize; h++) { for (TInt i = 0; i < KNumBitmaps; i++) { const TUint8* scanline = reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(iRasterizer->ScanLine(bitmaps[i]->SerialNumber(), TPoint(0,h), KBaseSize*(i+1))); TESTL(scanline != NULL); // Test that the first pixel is the correct colour (the first pixel in each scanline should be KStripeColours[0] // as the bitmaps should have all been drawn with vertical stripes with the first stripe being KStripeColours[0] TRgb bufferColour = ExtractRgb(scanline, 0, iDisplayMode); if (((iDisplayMode != EGray256) && (bufferColour != KStripeColours[0])) || ((iDisplayMode == EGray256) && (bufferColour != TRgb::Gray256(KStripeColours[0].Gray256())))) { INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Pixel comparison failed for bitmap %d, pixel 0,%d"), i, h); TEST(EFalse); } // The last pixel should be KStripeColours[2] bufferColour = ExtractRgb(scanline, (KBaseSize*(i+1))-1, iDisplayMode); if (((iDisplayMode != EGray256) && (bufferColour != KStripeColours[2])) || ((iDisplayMode == EGray256) && (bufferColour != TRgb::Gray256(KStripeColours[2].Gray256())))) { INFO_PRINTF4(_L("Pixel comparison failed for bitmap %d, pixel %d,%d"), i, (KBaseSize*(i+1))-1, h); TEST(EFalse); } } } // Unregister each extended bitmap for (TInt i = 0; i < KNumBitmaps; i++) { iRasterizer->EndBitmap(bitmaps[i]->SerialNumber()); bitmaps[i]->EndDataAccess(); } // Cleanup CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(KNumBitmaps+1); }/**@SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-FBSERV-RASTERIZER-004@SYMTestPriority High@SYMPREQ PREQ2096@SYMREQ REQ10860 REQ10861 @SYMTestCaseDesc Test that the rasterizer returns portions of scanline correctly when a region of interest is specified.@SYMTestActions Create an extended bitmap. Rasterize it specifying a region of interest that has three regions that roughly form a squared off C shape. @SYMTestExpectedResults Check that scanlines returned are correct in the specified region of interest. (Anything outside the region of interest does not matter).*/void CTRasterizer::TestRegionOfInterestL() { TBuf<32> displayModeDes(TestUtils::DisplayModeToString(iDisplayMode)); INFO_PRINTF2(_L("TestRegionOfInterest, horizontal stripes, display mode %S"), &displayModeDes); // Get the example rasterizer GetExampleRasterizerL(); // Create an extended bitmap with horizontal stripes const TSize sizeInPixels(24,24); CFbsBitmap* extendedBitmap = CreateExtendedBitmapLC(KStripeColours, ETrue, sizeInPixels); // Create a region of interest in the shape of a square with a hole in the middle TRegionFix<4> regionOfInterest; const TInt KStripeSize = sizeInPixels.iHeight/3; const TInt KEdgeOffset = 2; regionOfInterest.AddRect(TRect(TPoint(KEdgeOffset,KEdgeOffset), TSize(sizeInPixels.iWidth-(KEdgeOffset*2),KStripeSize))); // top of the square regionOfInterest.AddRect(TRect(TPoint(KEdgeOffset,sizeInPixels.iHeight-KEdgeOffset-KStripeSize), TSize(sizeInPixels.iWidth-(KEdgeOffset*2),KStripeSize))); // bottom of the square regionOfInterest.AddRect(TRect(TPoint(KEdgeOffset,KEdgeOffset+KStripeSize), TSize(KStripeSize,sizeInPixels.iHeight-(KEdgeOffset*2)-(KStripeSize*2)))); // left of the square regionOfInterest.AddRect(TRect(TPoint(sizeInPixels.iWidth-KEdgeOffset-KStripeSize,KEdgeOffset+KStripeSize), TSize(KStripeSize,sizeInPixels.iHeight-(KEdgeOffset*2)-(KStripeSize*2)))); // right of the square TEST(regionOfInterest.CheckError() == EFalse); // Begin scanline access to the extended bitmap CFbsRasterizer::TBitmapDesc bitmapDesc; TInt64 bitmapId = extendedBitmap->SerialNumber(); bitmapDesc.iSizeInPixels = sizeInPixels; bitmapDesc.iDispMode = iDisplayMode; bitmapDesc.iDataType = KUidExampleExtendedBitmap; bitmapDesc.iData = extendedBitmap->DataAddress(); bitmapDesc.iDataSize = extendedBitmap->DataSize(); extendedBitmap->BeginDataAccess(); iRasterizer->BeginBitmap(bitmapId, bitmapDesc, ®ionOfInterest); TInt scanlineLength; TPoint startPixel; TRgb bufferColour; for (TInt h = 0; h < sizeInPixels.iHeight; h++) { // Get scanlines from the extended bitmap using the rasterizer startPixel = TPoint(0, h); scanlineLength = sizeInPixels.iWidth; const TUint8* scanline = reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(iRasterizer->ScanLine(bitmapId, startPixel, scanlineLength)); TESTL(scanline != NULL); // Make sure each pixel in the scanline is the colour that we expect for (TInt w = 0; w < sizeInPixels.iWidth; w++) { bufferColour = ExtractRgb(scanline, w, iDisplayMode); // Pixels that lie inside the region should be set to a flag stripe colour, pixels // outside of the region should be white if (regionOfInterest.Contains(TPoint(w,h))) { if (((iDisplayMode != EGray256) && (bufferColour != KStripeColours[h/KStripeSize])) || ((iDisplayMode == EGray256) && (bufferColour != TRgb::Gray256(KStripeColours[h/KStripeSize].Gray256())))) { INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Pixel comparison failed for pixel %d,%d"), w, h); TEST(EFalse); } } else { if (bufferColour != KRgbWhite) { INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Pixel comparison failed for pixel %d,%d"), w, h); TEST(EFalse); } } } } // End scanline access to the extended bitmap iRasterizer->EndBitmap(bitmapId); extendedBitmap->EndDataAccess(); // Clean up CleanupStack::Pop(1, extendedBitmap); }/**Override of base class pure virtualLists the tests to be run*/TVerdict CTRasterizer::doTestStepL() { TestLoadRasterizerDllL(); // Tests that require testing in multiple display modes for (TInt i = 0; i < KNumDisplayModes; i++) { iDisplayMode = KDisplayModes[i]; TestScanLineL(); TestMultipleScanLinesL(); TestRegionOfInterestL(); } return TestStepResult(); }/** Helper function for getting a TRgb colour value from a buffer given a pixel offset and a display mode.@param aBuffer A buffer to extract the TRgb from@param aPixelOffset The pixel position in the buffer to extract the TRgb from@param aDispMode The display mode of the buffer@return The TRgb value found at the pixel position specified */TRgb CTRasterizer::ExtractRgb(const TUint8* aBuffer, TInt aPixelOffset, TDisplayMode aDispMode) { switch (aDispMode) { case EGray2: { TUint8 byte = *(aBuffer + (aPixelOffset >> 3)); if (byte & (1 << (aPixelOffset & 7))) return KRgbWhite; return KRgbBlack; } case EGray4: { TUint8 byte = *(aBuffer + (aPixelOffset >> 2)); byte >>= ((aPixelOffset & 3) << 1); return TRgb::Gray4(byte & 3); } case EGray16: { TUint8 byte = *(aBuffer + (aPixelOffset >> 1)); if (aPixelOffset & 1) byte >>= 4; return TRgb::Gray16(byte & 0xf); } case EGray256: return TRgb::Gray256(*(aBuffer + aPixelOffset)); case EColor16: { TUint8 byte = *(aBuffer + (aPixelOffset >> 1)); if (aPixelOffset & 1) byte >>= 4; return TRgb::Color16(byte & 0xf); } case EColor256: return TRgb::Color256(*(aBuffer + aPixelOffset)); case EColor4K: { TUint16 doubleByte = *(((TUint16*)aBuffer) + aPixelOffset); return TRgb::Color4K(doubleByte & 0xfff); } case EColor64K: { TUint16 doubleByte = *(((TUint16*)aBuffer) + aPixelOffset); return TRgb::Color64K(doubleByte); } case EColor16M: { aBuffer += aPixelOffset * 3; TInt value = *aBuffer++; value |= *aBuffer++ << 8; value |= *aBuffer << 16; return TRgb::Color16M(value); } case ERgb: return *(((TRgb*)aBuffer) + aPixelOffset); case EColor16MU: { // Note this is | with 0xFF000000 to match the example rasterizer which sets // the alpha to 0xFF when drawing using EColor16MU return TRgb::Color16MU((*(((TUint32*)aBuffer) + aPixelOffset)) | 0xFF000000); } case EColor16MA: { return TRgb::Color16MA(*(((TUint32*)aBuffer) + aPixelOffset)); } case EColor16MAP: { return TRgb::_Color16MAP(*(((TUint32*)aBuffer) + aPixelOffset)); } default: break; }; return KRgbBlack; }/** Helper function for creating an extended bitmap. @param aColours A pointer to an array of three colours to use when creating the extended bitmap, these colours define the colours used when drawing the stripes in the extended bitmap.@param aHorizontalStripe ETrue for horizontal stripes, EFalse for vertical stripes.@param aSizeInPixels The size of the extended bitmap to create.@return A pointer to a newly created extended bitmap that has been pushed on to the cleanup stack. */CFbsBitmap* CTRasterizer::CreateExtendedBitmapLC(const TRgb* aColours, TBool aHorizontalStripe, TSize aSizeInPixels) { // Set up the buffer containing the three TRgb values and one TUint8 value that the rasterizer expects TInt dataSize = (sizeof(TRgb)*3) + sizeof(TUint8); // estimate the size to be written TUint8* data = new (ELeave)TUint8[dataSize]; CleanupArrayDeletePushL(data); RMemWriteStream writeStream; writeStream.Open(data, dataSize); CleanupClosePushL(writeStream); writeStream << aColours[0]; writeStream << aColours[1]; writeStream << aColours[2]; TUint8 stripe = aHorizontalStripe; // EFalse is vertical stripes, ETrue is horizontal stripes writeStream << stripe; dataSize = writeStream.Sink()->TellL(MStreamBuf::EWrite).Offset(); // get the actual size written CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&writeStream); CFbsBitmap* extendedBitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap; TInt err = extendedBitmap->CreateExtendedBitmap(aSizeInPixels, iDisplayMode, KUidExampleExtendedBitmap, data, dataSize); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(data); CleanupStack::PushL(extendedBitmap); TESTL(err == KErrNone); return extendedBitmap; }