author Shabe Razvi <>
Fri, 21 May 2010 17:25:10 +0100
changeset 79 5b97810c83ff
parent 36 01a6848ebfd7
child 103 2717213c588a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Workaround for Bug 1362 - libGLES_CM.dll isn't contributed

// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:

 @internalComponent - Graphics Resource API Conformance Test Suite

#include <e32debug.h>
#include "tgraphicsresourcemultiprocessthread.h"
#include "tgraphicsresourceteststepbase.h"

Helper function to test the equivalence of two TSgImageInfo structures.

@param   aInfo1 A TSgImageInfo structure to compare.
@param   aInfo2 A TSgImageInfo structure to compare.

@return  ETrue if the two are identical, EFalse otherwise.
TBool CompareInfos(TSgImageInfo& aInfo1, TSgImageInfo& aInfo2)
	TBool result = EFalse;
	if(aInfo1.iPixelFormat == aInfo2.iPixelFormat
		&& aInfo1.iSizeInPixels == aInfo2.iSizeInPixels
		&& aInfo1.iUsage | aInfo2.iUsage)
		result = ETrue;
	return result;

Opens an image in a different process.
@param aInfo The test information passed from outside the current thread
@return The test result indicating which tests passed
TInt TestOpenImageL(TSgProcessTestInfo& aInfo)
	TSgDrawableId id = aInfo.iDrawableId;
	TSgImageInfo imageInfo1 = aInfo.iImageInfo;
	RSgImage image;
	TInt result = 0;

	if(KErrNone == image.Open(id))
		result |=  EFirstTestPassed;
	TSgImageInfo imageInfo2;
	TInt attribVal = KMaxTInt;
	if(KErrNone == image.GetInfo(imageInfo2))
		result |= ESecondTestPassed;
	if(CompareInfos(imageInfo1, imageInfo2))
		result |= EThirdTestPassed;
	if (image.Id() != KSgNullDrawableId)
		result |= EFourthTestPassed;
	if(image.Id() == id)
		result |= EFifthTestPassed;
	if (id == aInfo.iDrawableId)
		result |= ESixthTestPassed;
	TUid uid = { 0x12345678 };
	if (KErrNotSupported == image.GetAttribute(uid, attribVal))
	    result |= ESeventhTestPassed;
	if (KErrArgument == image.GetAttribute(KNullUid, attribVal))
	    result |= EEighthTestPassed;

	return result;

Opens an image in a different process into a RSgDrawable object.
@param aInfo The test information passed from outside the current thread
@return The test result indicating which tests passed
TInt TestOpenDrawableL(TSgProcessTestInfo& aInfo)
	TSgDrawableId id = aInfo.iDrawableId;
	RSgDrawable drawable;
	TInt result = 0;
	if(KErrNone == drawable.Open(id))
		result |=  EFirstTestPassed;
	TSgDrawableId id2 = drawable.Id();
	if(id2 != KSgNullDrawableId)
		result |= ESecondTestPassed;
	if(id2 == id)
		result |= EThirdTestPassed;

	return result;

Opens an image in a different process with different invalid operations.
@param aInfo The test information passed from outside the current thread
@return The test result indicating which tests passed
TInt TestOpenImageInvalidL(TSgProcessTestInfo& aInfo)
	TSgDrawableId id = aInfo.iDrawableId;
	TSgImageInfo imageInfo = aInfo.iImageInfo;
	RSgImage image;
	TInt result = 0;
	//create image
	if(KErrNone == image.Create(imageInfo, NULL, 0))
		result |= EFirstTestPassed;
	//  non-empty handle
	if(KErrInUse == image.Open(id))
		result |= ESecondTestPassed;
	//  null drawable id	
	if(KErrArgument == image.Open(KSgNullDrawableId))
		result |= EThirdTestPassed;
	//  non-existing drawable id
	TSgDrawableId fakeid = {0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFU};
	if(KErrNotFound == image.Open(fakeid))
		result |= EFourthTestPassed;
	//Valid Drawable Id
	if (KErrNone == image.Open(id))
		result |= EFifthTestPassed;
	return result;

Opens a drawable in a different process with different invalid operations.
@param aInfo The test information passed from outside the current thread
@return The test result indicating which tests passed
TInt TestOpenDrawableInvalidL()
	RSgDrawable  drawable;
	TInt result = 0;
	//null drawable id	
	if(KErrArgument == drawable.Open(KSgNullDrawableId))
		result |= EFirstTestPassed;
	//non-existing drawable id
	TSgDrawableId fakeid = {0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFU};
	if(KErrNotFound == drawable.Open(fakeid))
		result |= ESecondTestPassed;
	//non-empty handle
	//create an image
	TSgImageInfo info1;
	info1.iSizeInPixels = TSize(8, 8);
	info1.iUsage = ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage;
	info1.iPixelFormat = EUidPixelFormatRGB_565;

	RSgImage image;
	TInt err = image.Create(info1, NULL, 0);
	if(KErrNoMemory == err)
		result = KErrNoMemory;
	else if(KErrNone != err)
		result = err;
		if(KErrNone == drawable.Open(image.Id()))
			result |= EThirdTestPassed;
			if (KErrInUse == drawable.Open(image.Id()))
				result |= EFourthTestPassed;
	return result;

TInt TestCloseDriverOpenResources(RSgDriver& aDriver)
	RSgImage image;
	TSgImageInfo info1;
	info1.iSizeInPixels = TSize(8, 8);
	info1.iUsage = ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage;
	info1.iPixelFormat = EUidPixelFormatRGB_565;
	TInt result = image.Create(info1, KCrossImageData, KCrossImageDataStride);
	if (result == KErrNone)
		//Close the driver without closing the image.
		aDriver.Close(); //Should panic with SGRES2
	return result;

Method executed by secondary thread for test TestOpenImageMulththreadedL
_LIT(KTestOpenImageMultithreadedSem1, "TestOpenImageMulththreadedSem1");
_LIT(KTestOpenImageMultithreadedSem2, "TestOpenImageMulththreadedSem2");

TInt OpenImageMultiSecondThread(TAny* aAny)
	TInt err = KErrNone;
	TSgProcessTestInfo* info = static_cast<TSgProcessTestInfo*>(aAny);	

	RSemaphore sem[2];
	err = sem[0].OpenGlobal(KTestOpenImageMultithreadedSem1, EOwnerThread);
	if (err != KErrNone)
		return err;
	err = sem[1].OpenGlobal(KTestOpenImageMultithreadedSem2, EOwnerThread);
	if (err != KErrNone)
		return err;

	RSgImage sgImage; 
	err = sgImage.Open(info->iDrawableId);


	return err;	

Creates a second thread which will initially open a handle to the passed TSgDrawableId.
The main thread then opens a new handle to the image.
The second thread will then close its handle to the image.
The main thread will then attempt to access the data of the image.
TInt TestOpenImageMulththreadedL(TSgProcessTestInfo& aInfo)
	TInt result = 0;
	//create a semaphore
	RSemaphore sem[2];
	User::LeaveIfError(sem[0].CreateGlobal(KTestOpenImageMultithreadedSem1, 0, EOwnerThread));
	User::LeaveIfError(sem[1].CreateGlobal(KTestOpenImageMultithreadedSem2, 0, EOwnerThread));
	//create secondary thread
	_LIT(KMultipleThreadName, "TestOpenImageMulththreadedL");
	RThread thread;
	TBuf<50> threadName(KMultipleThreadName);
	User::LeaveIfError(thread.Create(threadName, OpenImageMultiSecondThread, KDefaultStackSize, KSecondThreadMinHeapSize, KSecondThreadMaxHeapSize, &aInfo));
	// Make the second thread open the image before this thread.

	// Second thread has opened image, now primary thread opens image
	RSgImage sgImage;
	TInt err = sgImage.Open(aInfo.iDrawableId);
	// Second thread has closed image and terminated, now wait for thread to clean-up

	if (err == KErrNone)
		// Do something that requires data access of sgImage, in this case, creating a copy.
		result |= EFirstTestPassed;
		RSgImage sgImageCopy;
		err = sgImageCopy.Create(aInfo.iImageInfo, sgImage);
		if (err == KErrNone)
			result |= ESecondTestPassed;
	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); // sgImage, sem[0], sem[1]		
	return result;	

TInt MainL()
	TPckgBuf<TSgProcessTestInfo> infoPkg;
	User::LeaveIfError(User::GetDesParameter(KSecondProcessParametersSlot, infoPkg));
	TSgProcessTestInfo& info = infoPkg();
	TSgresTestCase testCase = info.iTestCase;
	TInt result = 0;

	RSgDriver sgDriver;
	if(KErrNone == sgDriver.Open())
			case ESgresSecondProcessOpenImage:
				result = TestOpenImageL(info);
			case ESgresSecondProcessOpenDrawable:
				result = TestOpenDrawableL(info);
			case ESgresSecondProcessOpenImageInvalid:
				result = TestOpenImageInvalidL(info);
			case ESgresSecondProcessOpenDrawableInvalid:
				result = TestOpenDrawableInvalidL();
			case ESgresSecondProcessPanicDriverCloseOpenResources:
				result = TestCloseDriverOpenResources(sgDriver);
			case ESgresSecondProcessOpenImageMultithreaded:
				result = TestOpenImageMulththreadedL(info);
	return result;

GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
	CTrapCleanup* cleanupStack = CTrapCleanup::New();
	if(cleanupStack == NULL)
		return KErrNoMemory;
	TInt ret = 0;
	delete cleanupStack;
	return ret;