author Faisal Memon <>
Fri, 14 May 2010 15:41:33 +0100
changeset 64 5c983aa672ea
parent 0 5d03bc08d59c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Merge 1. Pull in cpp files in the performance enhanced Khronos RI OVG files which are newly added. I've ignored platform-specific cpp files for linux, macosx, and null operating systems because this local solution has its own platform glue (i.e. facility to target Bitmaps but no full windowing support). I've ignored sfEGLInterface.cpp because this is used as a bridge to go from EGL to Nokia's Platsim which offers an EGL service. That's not relevant to this implementation because this is ARM side code, not Intel side. I just left a comment to sfEGLInterface.cpp in case we need to pick up this later on. The current code compiles on winscw. Prior to this fix, the code works on winscw, and can launch the SVG tiger (tiger.exe). That takes about 20 seconds to render. I hope to always be able to show this icon on each commit, and the plan is for the render time to reduce with this series of submissions. On this commit, the tiger renders ok in 20 seconds.

# Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:

use File::Copy;
use File::Path;
use FindBin;
use lib $FindBin::Bin;
use Win32::Process; 
use Win32; 
use Win32::Job;

my $platform = "winscw";
my $screens = 2;

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#             log-id				wins/winscw	executable	test-context					wsini selection					#of screens #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
&RunWservTest("normal",				$platform, "auto", 		"autou.cfg", 					"wservu.ini",					$screens);
&RunWservTest("sparse", 			$platform, "auto", 		"autou_sparse.cfg", 			"wservu_sparse.ini",			$screens);
&RunWservTest("sparse_nodefault", 	$platform, "auto", 		"autou_sparse_nodefault.cfg",	"wservu_sparse_nodefault.ini",	$screens);

sub RunWservTest()
  my $session = shift;
  my $plat = shift;
  my $exe = shift;
  my $cfg = shift;
  my $wservu = shift;
  my $nScreens = shift;
  my $epocDir = "\\epoc32\\release\\$plat\\udeb\\";
  my $epocEmulator = $epocDir."epoc.exe";

  my $wsini = $epocDir."z\\system\\data\\wsini.ini";
  my $wsiniBackup = $wsini.".bak";
  my $epocFile = "\\epoc32\\data\\epoc.ini";
  my $epocBackup = $epocFile.".bak";

  # backup original epoc.ini and wsini.ini	
  &DoCopy($epocFile, $epocBackup) if (!-f $epocBackup);
  &DoCopy($wsini, $wsiniBackup) if (!-f $wsiniBackup);

  print "Mnt install\n";
  my $wservDir = ".";
  &StartMntCommand($wservDir, $plat, $wservu, $cfg);

  $exeFile = $epocDir.$exe.".exe";
  if (-f $exeFile)
	$epocEmulator = $exeFile;
	&AddShellCmd($wsini, $exe);

  if ($nScreens > 1)
	&CreateEpocMultiScreen($epocFile, $wsini, $nScreens);
  my $job = Win32::Job->new;
  if (!$job) { &ErrorReport(); next; }

  print "Running wserv test $session...";
  my $spawned = $job->spawn($epocEmulator, 'epoc.exe');
  if (!$spawned) { &ErrorReport(); next; }

  my $timeout = 45;
  my $ok = $job->run($timeout * 60); 
  warn "WARNING: Process \"$epocEmulator\" killed due to timeout.\n" if (!$ok);
  print "done\n";
  # save wserv.log
  my $logDir = "\\epoc32\\$plat\\c\\data\\";
  my $wservLog = $logDir."wserv.log";
  my $logBackup = $logDir."wserv_$session.log";
  &DoCopy($wservLog, $logBackup);
  # restore original epoc.ini and wsini.ini
  &DoCopy($wsiniBackup, $wsini);
  &DoCopy($epocBackup, $epocFile);
  # remove auto.cfg
  system("del /f /q \\epoc32\\release\\$plat\\udeb\\z\\system\\data\\auto.cfg");

sub StartMntCommand()
  my $wservDir = shift;
  my $plat = shift;
  my $wservu = shift;
  my $autou = shift;

  &DoCopy("$wservDir\\..\\group\\system.ini", "\\epoc32\\data\\");
  &MntDoInstall($wservDir, $plat, 'udeb', $wservu, $autou);
  &MntDoInstall($wservDir, $plat, 'urel', $wservu, $autou);

sub MntDoInstall()
  my $wservDir = shift;
  my $plat = shift;
  my $UrelUdeb = shift;
  my $whatFile = shift;
  my $autoCfg = shift;

  my $dataDir   = "\\epoc32\\release\\$plat\\$UrelUdeb\\z\\system\\data\\";
  &DoCopy("$wservDir\\..\\group\\$whatFile",    $dataDir.'wsini.ini');
  &DoCopy("$wservDir\\..\\group\\$autoCfg",     $dataDir.'auto.cfg');  

sub AddShellCmd
  my $file = shift;
  my $cmd = shift;

  my $string = &ascii_to_utf16("SHELLCMD $cmd");


  open(FILE, ">>$file") or warn "WARNING: Could not open file: $!\n";
  print FILE $string;
  close FILE;


sub Write_UTF16_Newline
  my $file = shift;

  open(BIN, ">>$file") or warn "WARNING: Could not open \"$file\": $!\n";
  binmode BIN;
  sysseek BIN, 0, SEEK_END;
  syswrite BIN, "\x0D\x00\x0A\x00" or warn "WARNING: Could not write to file\n";
  close BIN;

# Function that accepts an ASCII string and returns the same string in UTF16
sub ascii_to_utf16 {
  my $utf16_string = "";
  my $ascii_string = shift;
  my $lengthofstring = length($ascii_string);

  for (my $count=1; $count<=$lengthofstring; $count++)
    my $char = substr($ascii_string,$count-1,1);
    $utf16_string .= $char;
    $utf16_string .= "\x00";

  return $utf16_string;

sub	ProduceWServResult()
	$plat = shift;
	$subDir = shift;
	$handleFileTable = shift;	
  $wservTestResStatistic = shift;

  $background = 0;

  $wservTestResStatistic = "";
  $duration = "";
	my $result = "PASS";

  open TEMPLOGFILE, ">>\\work.txt";
  print TEMPLOGFILE "Start ProduceWServResult: plat $plat,subDir $subDir,handleFileTable $handleFileTable,background $background\n";

	$logFile = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\$plat\\c\\data\\WSERV.LOG";

  open LOGFILEWSERV, "$logFile" or $logWSFileRes = -1;
  $CurWinServTestNumber = 0;
  $CurWinServTestName = "";
  $wservTestDuration = 0;
  $wservFullTestDuration = 0;

	print "result ws : $logWSFileRes\n";

  $fileLogWServDest = "$subDir\\1_wserv.htm";
  open FILELOGDEST, ">$fileLogWServDest";#	or die "Can't open file: $fileLogWServDest! \n";
  print FILELOGDEST  "<pre>";

  while($_ = <LOGFILEWSERV>)
      $wservTestDuration = $1;
      $wservTestDuration = 0;
    $wservFullTestDuration +=  $wservTestDuration;

    if(/AUTO New Test: /)
      $wservFullTestDuration = $wservTestDuration;

      if($CurWinServTestNumber != 0) #previos test was inconclusive
        $result = "INCONCLUSIVE";
        OutputWServerTestResultToTable(FILERES, $background, $result,
           $CurWinServTestName, $fileLogWServDest, $wservFullTestDuration);
        $background = !$background;
        print FILELOGDEST  "</pre>";
        close FILELOGDEST;

      if(/Test (\d+),(.+\w)(\s+\d\.)/)
        $CurWinServTestNumber = $1;
        $CurWinServTestName = $2;
        /Test (\d+),(.+)/;
        $CurWinServTestNumber = $1;
        $CurWinServTestName = $2;

      if($CurWinServTestNumber > 1)
          $fileLogWServDest = "$subDir\\$CurWinServTestNumber" . "_wserv.htm";
          open FILELOGDEST, ">$fileLogWServDest";#	or die "Can't open file: $fileLogWServDest! \n";
          print FILELOGDEST  "<pre>";
    elsif(/AUTO TEST RESULT: /)
      $CurWinServTestNumber = 0;

      /AUTO TEST RESULT: (\w+)/;
      $TestResult = $1;
      if($TestResult eq "PASS")
        $col = "#008000";
        $result = $TestResult;
      elsif($TestResult eq "FAIL")
        $col = "#ff0000";
        $result = $TestResult;
        $col = "#0000ff";
        $result = "N/A";
      if($wservFullTestDuration =~ /(\d+\.\d{0,3})/)
        $wservFullTestDuration = $1;

      #output result to the file
      OutputWServerTestResultToTable(FILERES, $background, $result,
          $CurWinServTestName, $fileLogWServDest, $wservFullTestDuration);
      $background = !$background;
      print FILELOGDEST "<FONT COLOR=\"$col\">$_</FONT><br>";

      print FILELOGDEST  "</pre>";
      close FILELOGDEST;
    if(/AUTO Testing Complete, (.*)(\d+\.\d{0,3})/)
      $wservTestResStatistic = $1;

    if(/AUTO Failed /)
       print FILELOGDEST "<FONT COLOR=\"#ff0000\">$_</FONT><br>";
        print FILELOGDEST "$_<br>";
	} #while($_ = <LOGFILEWSERV>)
 #check if a test is inconclusive
  if($CurWinServTestNumber != 0)
     $CurWinServTestNumber = 0;
     $wservFullTestDuration = $wservTestDuration;

      $wservTestResStatistic = "Inconclusive";
      $result = "INCONCLUSIVE";

      #output result to the file
      OutputWServerTestResultToTable(FILERES, $background, $result,
          $CurWinServTestName, $fileLogWServDest, $wservFullTestDuration);
      $background = !$background;

      print FILELOGDEST  "</pre>";
      close FILELOGDEST;

sub	OutputWServerTestResultToTable()
  my $handle = shift;
  my $background = shift;
  my $result = shift;
  my $TestName = shift;
  my $WServDest = shift;
  my $duration = shift;

  if($background == 1)
		    print $handle "<TR BGCOLOR='#ECECE4'><TD WIDTH=\"33%\" VALIGN=\"TOP\">\n";
		    print $handle "<TR><TD WIDTH=\"25%\" VALIGN=\"TOP\">\n";

  print $handle "<FONT SIZE=2><P><a href=\"$WServDest\">$TestName</FONT></TD>\n";

  print $handle "<TD WIDTH=\"25%\" VALIGN=\"TOP\">\n";
  print $handle "<FONT SIZE=2><P>$duration</FONT></TD>\n";

  print $handle "<TD WIDTH=\"25%\" VALIGN=\"TOP\">\n";
  print $handle "<FONT SIZE=2><P>$result</FONT></TD>\n";
  print $handle "</TR>\n";

sub DoCopy
  my $source = shift;
  my $target = shift;

  my $out = `copy /y \"$source\" \"$target\" 2>&1`;

  if ($? && -e $target && $out =~ /Access is denied./)
    # Target exists and is probably read only, so attempt an xcopy
    `xcopy /y /i /r /e \"$source\" \"$target\" 2>&1`;

  warn "WARNING: Could not copy \"$source\" to \"$target\"\n" if $?;

sub CreateEpocMultiScreen()
  my $epocFile = shift;
  my $wsiniFile = shift;
  my $nScreens = shift;

  # epoc.ini
  open(FILE, ">>$epocFile") or warn "WARNING: Could not open file: $!\n";
  for (my $i=1; $i<$nScreens; $i++)
	  print FILE "_NewScreen_\n";
	  print FILE "ScreenWidth 640\n";
	  print FILE "ScreenHeight 240\n";
  close FILE

  # wsini.ini
  &AppendLineToFile($wsiniFile, "[SCREEN0]"); 
  for (my $i=1; $i<$nScreens; $i++)
	&AppendLineToFile($wsiniFile, "[SCREEN$i]");   
 sub AppendLineToFile()
   my $file = shift;
   my $line = shift;
   my $string = &ascii_to_utf16($line);
   open(FILE, ">>$file") or warn "WARNING: Could not open file: $!\n";
   print FILE $string;
   close FILE;