Merge 1. Pull in cpp files in the performance enhanced Khronos RI OVG files which are newly added. I've ignored platform-specific cpp files for linux, macosx, and null operating systems because this local solution has its own platform glue (i.e. facility to target Bitmaps but no full windowing support). I've ignored sfEGLInterface.cpp because this is used as a bridge to go from EGL to Nokia's Platsim which offers an EGL service. That's not relevant to this implementation because this is ARM side code, not Intel side. I just left a comment to sfEGLInterface.cpp in case we need to pick up this later on. The current code compiles on winscw. Prior to this fix, the code works on winscw, and can launch the SVG tiger (tiger.exe). That takes about 20 seconds to render. I hope to always be able to show this icon on each commit, and the plan is for the render time to reduce with this series of submissions. On this commit, the tiger renders ok in 20 seconds.
// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "scrdevextension.h"
#include "../SERVER/w32cmd.h"
#include <graphics/displaycontrolbase.h>
#include "CLIENT.H"
#include "w32comm.h"
CWsScreenDevice::CScrDevExtension::CScrDevExtension(RWsBuffer *aBuffer,TInt32 aWsHandle): MWsClientClass(aBuffer)
//typeface store is not owned by this class, and is created/destroyed in CWsScreenDevice
/** Interface Extension capability
* Use of this interface going forward will allow the published client interface to be dynamically extended.
* Note that the pointer returned is only good for the lifetime of the called CBase derived object.
* @pre caller has already checked that the implementation is initialised using RepeatableConstruct
* @param aInterfaceId uniqueid or well known id of interface
* @return pointer to interface object matching this ID or NULL if no match.
void* CWsScreenDevice::CScrDevExtension::GetInterface(TUint aInterfaceId)
if (RepeatableConstruct()<KErrNone)
return NULL;
switch (aInterfaceId)
case MDisplayControlBase::ETypeId:
if (iSupportedExtensionsBits&TWsSdXDisplayControl)
return static_cast<MDisplayControlBase*>(this);
case MDisplayControl::ETypeId:
if (iSupportedExtensionsBits&TWsSdXDisplayControl)
return static_cast<MDisplayControl*>(this);
case MDisplayMappingBase::ETypeId:
return static_cast<MDisplayMappingBase*>(this);
case MDisplayMapping::ETypeId:
return static_cast<MDisplayMapping*>(this);
case MTestScreenCapture::ETypeId:
TInt requiredIf = TWsSdXDebugComposition | TWsSdXDisplayMapping;
if ((iSupportedExtensionsBits & requiredIf) == requiredIf)
return static_cast<MTestScreenCapture*>(this);
return NULL;
//Accessor to typeface store instance
CFbsTypefaceStore* CWsScreenDevice::CScrDevExtension::TypefaceStore()
return iTypefaceStore;
//Accessor to typeface store instance
void CWsScreenDevice::CScrDevExtension::SetTypefaceStore(CFbsTypefaceStore* aTypeFaceStore)
* Constructs the extension interface implementation, or returns error if interface is not available.
* After success, the interface is then always available and is not re-constructed if method called again,
* but after failure the construct attempt will be repeated (and fail again) if the method is called again.
* Clients would be expected to make then keep a pointer to this interface, not get new ones repeatedly.
* Note that if the extension was not allocated, then "this" could be NULL
* @param aWsHandle server-side object handle to use in messages if first time
* @return KErrNone if initialised correctly, or a standard error code.
TInt CWsScreenDevice::CScrDevExtension::RepeatableConstruct()
if (this==NULL)
return KErrNoMemory; //The extension was not allocated. Making this call is bad!
if (iSupportedExtensionsBits==0)
{ //need to initialise
TInt ExtensionsOrError= WriteReply(EWsSdOpExtensionsSupported);
if (ExtensionsOrError&TWsSdXReservedErrorFlag)
//Server is allowed to report that lower level drivers did not support dynamic screen res.
//Any other error is unexpected
return ExtensionsOrError;
return KErrNone;
TInt CWsScreenDevice::CScrDevExtension::NumberOfResolutions() const
TInt numResOrError=WriteReply(EWsSdOpXDcGetNumberOfResolutions);
return numResOrError;
TInt CWsScreenDevice::CScrDevExtension::FillResolutionArray(TInt aNumOfRes, RArray<TResolution>& aResolutions) const
TInt arrayMaxSize=aResolutions.Count();
if (arrayMaxSize < aNumOfRes)
//Array is too small or not initialized
TResolution emptyRes(TSize(0,0),TSize(0,0)); //ARM BUILD needs this form of constructor!
for (TInt index = 0;index < aNumOfRes-arrayMaxSize;index++)
//reset arrayMaxSize
arrayMaxSize = aNumOfRes;
//Else array is large enough.
TPtr8 pArr((TUint8*)&aResolutions[0],arrayMaxSize*sizeof(TResolution),arrayMaxSize*sizeof(TResolution));
return WriteReplyP(NULL,0,TWriteDescriptorType(&pArr),EWsSdOpXDcGetResolutionsList);
TInt CWsScreenDevice::CScrDevExtension::GetResolutions(RArray<TResolution>& aResolutions) const
TInt result;
TInt resCount=WriteReply(EWsSdOpXDcGetNumberOfResolutions);
if(resCount < KErrNone)
return resCount;
if (result<KErrNone)
return result; //Failed - probably KErrNoMemory
if(resCount > 0)
result = FillResolutionArray(resCount, aResolutions);
if (result<KErrNone)
return result; //Content of the array is "undefined"
if(result > aResolutions.Count())
//The resolution list at server side is larger and can't fit in client buffer we supplied
//The Content of the array is undefined at this point.
//Give it one more try
result = FillResolutionArray(result, aResolutions);
if(result < KErrNone)
return result;
if(result > aResolutions.Count())
{//give up
return KErrCorrupt; //which means resolution list is changing during the process of getting it
TInt arrayMaxSize = aResolutions.Count();
aResolutions.Reset(); //There's not available resolutions
return KErrNone; //Content of array is good.
void CWsScreenDevice::CScrDevExtension::GetConfiguration(TDisplayConfiguration& aConfig) const
TInt currentVersion = aConfig.Version();
if (sizeof(TDisplayConfiguration)<currentVersion)
currentVersion = sizeof(TDisplayConfiguration);
TPtr8 displayPtr((TUint8 *)&aConfig, currentVersion);
WriteReplyP(&aConfig, sizeof(TDisplayConfiguration), &displayPtr, EWsSdOpXDcGetConfiguration);
TInt CWsScreenDevice::CScrDevExtension::SetConfiguration(const TDisplayConfiguration& aConfig)
TInt currentVersion = aConfig.Version();
if (TDisplayConfiguration().Version()<currentVersion)
currentVersion = TDisplayConfiguration().Version();
TInt reply=WriteReply(&aConfig, sizeof(TDisplayConfiguration), EWsSdOpXDcSetConfiguration);
return reply;
TInt CWsScreenDevice::CScrDevExtension::PreferredDisplayVersion() const
TInt reply=WriteReply(EWsSdOpXDcGetPreferredDisplayVersion);
return reply;
TBool CWsScreenDevice::CScrDevExtension::DisplayChangeEventsEnabled() const
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
void CWsScreenDevice::CScrDevExtension::EnableDisplayChangeEvents(TBool aEnable)
TInt CWsScreenDevice::CScrDevExtension::MapCoordinates(TCoordinateSpace aSourceSpace, const TRect& aSource, TCoordinateSpace aTargetSpace, TRect& aTarget) const
TWsSdCmdMapCoordinates cmdMapCoord(aSource, aSourceSpace, aTargetSpace);
TPtr8 targetRectPtr((TUint8 *)&aTarget, sizeof(TRect));
TInt reply = WriteReplyP(&cmdMapCoord, sizeof(TWsSdCmdMapCoordinates), &targetRectPtr, EWsSdOpXDmMapExtent);
return reply;
void CWsScreenDevice::CScrDevExtension::GetMaximumWindowExtent(TRect& aExtent) const
TDisplayConfiguration config;
TSize fullUiSize;
TRect fullUiRect(TPoint(0,0), fullUiSize);
#ifdef _DEBUG
TInt err =
MapCoordinates(EFullScreenSpace, fullUiRect, EApplicationSpace, aExtent);
//This should NOT fail even if display is detached/disabled.
__ASSERT_DEBUG(err>=KErrNone, Panic(EW32PanicBadClientInterface));
void CWsScreenDevice::CScrDevExtension::GetMaximumSurfaceSize(TSize& aPixels, TSize& aTwips) const
TDisplayConfiguration config;
TInt err = KErrGeneral;
TSize fullUiSize;
TRect fullUiRect(TPoint(0,0), fullUiSize);
TRect compositionRect;
err = MapCoordinates(EFullScreenSpace, fullUiRect, ECompositionSpace, compositionRect);
//This WILL fail if display is detached/disabled.
if(err == KErrNone)
aPixels = compositionRect.Size();
//Why can't this function return an error?
//In case of error the return values will be empty.
void CWsScreenDevice::CScrDevExtension::GetDisplayExtentOfWindow(const RWindowBase& aWindow, TRect& aExtent) const
TRect winRect(aWindow.AbsPosition(), aWindow.Size());
TInt err = MapCoordinates(EApplicationSpace, winRect, ECompositionSpace, aExtent);
//This WILL fail if display is detached/disabled.
//Why can't this function return an error?
//In case of error the return values will be empty.
TInt CWsScreenDevice::CScrDevExtension::TranslateExtent(const TRect& aInitial, TRect& aTarget) const
TPckgBuf<TRect> rectRes;
TWsScsComposeScreenCommand translateExtentCmd(EWsScsTranslateExtent, aInitial);
TInt ret = WriteReplyP(&translateExtentCmd, sizeof(translateExtentCmd), &rectRes, EWsSdOpXTestScreenCapture);
if (ret == KErrNone)
return ret;
TInt CWsScreenDevice::CScrDevExtension::GetCompositedSize(TSize& aSize) const
TPckgBuf<TSize> sizePkg;
aSize = sizePkg();
return KErrNone;
TInt CWsScreenDevice::CScrDevExtension::ComposeScreen(const CFbsBitmap& aBitmap) const
TInt bitmapHandle = aBitmap.Handle();
TWsScsComposeScreenCommand composeScreenCmd(EWsScsScreenCompose, bitmapHandle);
return(WriteReply(&composeScreenCmd,sizeof(composeScreenCmd), EWsSdOpXTestScreenCapture));