author Faisal Memon <>
Fri, 14 May 2010 15:41:33 +0100
changeset 64 5c983aa672ea
parent 0 5d03bc08d59c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Merge 1. Pull in cpp files in the performance enhanced Khronos RI OVG files which are newly added. I've ignored platform-specific cpp files for linux, macosx, and null operating systems because this local solution has its own platform glue (i.e. facility to target Bitmaps but no full windowing support). I've ignored sfEGLInterface.cpp because this is used as a bridge to go from EGL to Nokia's Platsim which offers an EGL service. That's not relevant to this implementation because this is ARM side code, not Intel side. I just left a comment to sfEGLInterface.cpp in case we need to pick up this later on. The current code compiles on winscw. Prior to this fix, the code works on winscw, and can launch the SVG tiger (tiger.exe). That takes about 20 seconds to render. I hope to always be able to show this icon on each commit, and the plan is for the render time to reduce with this series of submissions. On this commit, the tiger renders ok in 20 seconds.

// Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:


#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32debug.h>

#include <EGL/egl.h>
#include <graphics/eglsynchelper.h>
#include <WF/wfc.h>

class COpenWfcWrapper;
class COpenWfcMonitorThread;
class TOpenWfcJob;

#if defined(ENABLE_JQ_LOGGING)
#define JQLOG(X)  RDebug::Printf X
#define JQLOG(X)

 * Controls the OpenWF composition
class COpenWfcJobManger : public CBase

    enum EOpenWfcJobId
            EOpenWfcInvalidJobId = 0,
	 * Stores the parameters associated with a composition
	struct TComposeRequestDetails
		void Set(TRequestStatus* aCommitRequest, TThreadId aCallingThread);
		void Reset();
		TRequestStatus* iCommitRequest;
		TThreadId iCallingThread;
		TDblQueLink iDlink;
	 * Auxilliary class to insure the release of a lock
	class Guard
		Guard(RMutex& aLock);
		    RMutex& iLock;
	 * Two-phased constructor.
	static COpenWfcJobManger* NewL(COpenWfcWrapper& aOpenWfcWrapper, 
                                    WFCDevice aDevice, 
                                    WFCContext aContext,
                                    TInt aManagerId);
	 * Two-phased constructor.
	static COpenWfcJobManger* NewLC(COpenWfcWrapper& aOpenWfcWrapper, 
                                    WFCDevice aDevice, 
                                    WFCContext aContext,
                                    TInt aManagerId);
	 * Destructor.
	virtual ~COpenWfcJobManger();
	 * Request to compose the specified scene 
	 * @param aCompleted The notification to be returned when the composition completes
	 * @param aUpdatePolicy Update policy to be used
	 * @param the Pointer to the first element from the element list containing the scene to be used by the next commit
	void ComposeRequest(TRequestStatus* aCompleted);
	 * Request to pause the composition
	void CompositionPauseRequest();
	 * Request to resume the composition
	void CompositionResumeRequest();
     * Appends to the compose details list the first detail object from the compose detail list
     * @return NULL if the compose detail pool is empty or a pointer to the appended detail object
	TComposeRequestDetails* AppendDetailsFromPool();

     * Executes an outstanding command, if any.
    void DoExecuteJob();
     * Executes a compose request.
     * Intended to be invoked by a job
     * @param Reference to the invoking job
    void DoComposeJob();
     * Executes a pause composition request
     * Intended to be invoked by a job
     * @param Reference to the invoking job
    void DoPauseCompositionJob();
     * Executes a resume composition request.
     * Intended to be invoked by a job
     * @param Reference to the invoking job
    void DoResumeCompositionJob();
	 * Private constructor
	COpenWfcJobManger(COpenWfcWrapper& aOpenWfcWrapper, 
						 WFCDevice aDevice, 
						 WFCContext aContext,
						 TInt aManagerId);
	 * Symbian constructor used with the two stage construction pattern
	void ConstructL();
	 * Implements a fence operation
	void Fence();
	 * Waits until the sync is signalled
	void WaitForSync();
	 * Activates the composition on the current context
	void Activate();
	 * Deactivates the composition on the current context
	void Deactivate();
	 * Execute a composition on the current context
	void Compose();
	 * Execute a commit on the current context
	void Commit();
	 * Completes all the outstanding requests stored locally
	void CompleteComposeRequests(TInt aResult);
     * Completes all the outstanding pause/resumerequests requests
    void CompletePauseResumeRequest(TInt aResult);
	TDblQue<TComposeRequestDetails> iComposeDetailsPool;
	TDblQueIter<TComposeRequestDetails> iComposeDetailsPoolIter;
	TDblQue<TComposeRequestDetails> iComposeDetailsList;
	TDblQueIter<TComposeRequestDetails> iComposeDetailsListIter;
    RMutex iJobLock;
    RMutex iCommandLock;
    COpenWfcWrapper& iOpenWfcWrapper;
	WFCDevice iDevice;
	WFCContext iContext;
	volatile TBool iCompositionPaused;
	volatile TBool iPausedComposePending;
	COpenWfcMonitorThread*	iThreadManager;
	TInt iManagerId;
	EGLSyncKHR iSync;
	EGLDisplay iEglDisplay;
    TRequestStatus iPauseResumeRequestStatus;
    TThreadId iPauseResumeThread;
    EOpenWfcJobId iOutstandingJob;
    static const TInt KComposeDetailsPoolSize = 16;

inline void COpenWfcJobManger::Fence()
    wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEglDisplay, iSync);

inline void COpenWfcJobManger::WaitForSync()
	eglClientWaitSyncKHR(iEglDisplay, iSync, 0, timeout);

inline void COpenWfcJobManger::Activate()
	wfcActivate(iDevice, iContext);

inline void COpenWfcJobManger::Deactivate()
	wfcDeactivate(iDevice, iContext);

inline void COpenWfcJobManger::Compose()
	wfcCompose(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);

inline void COpenWfcJobManger::Commit()
	wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);