REM buildall.batREM Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).REM All rights reserved.REM This component and the accompanying materials are made availableREM under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"REM which accompanies this distribution, and is availableREM at the URL "".REM REM Initial Contributors:REM Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.REM REM Contributors:REM REM Description:REM @echo offif "%1"=="rclean" goto rcleanif "%1"=="clean" goto cleanif "%1"=="test" goto minif "%1"=="t" goto thumbcall bldmake bldfilesecho Building Window Servercall abld build > h:\wserv\group\BUILD.LOG 2>&1if "%1"=="" goto :minecho Building Test Codecall abld test build -v >> \wserv\group\BUILD.LOG 2>&1goto end:minecho Building Test Code for Winscall abld test build wins >> \wserv\group\BUILD.LOG 2>&1:thumbecho Building Test Code for ARM4call abld test build -v arm4 >> \wserv\group\BUILD.LOG 2>&1echo Building Test Code for Thumbcall abld test build -v thumb >> \wserv\group\BUILD.LOG 2>&1goto end:cleanecho Doing a Cleancall abld cleancall abld test clean:rcleanecho Doing a Clean (reallyclean)call abld reallycleancall abld test reallyclean:end