Chop out the code that handles "additional _E32Dll entry point after last ordinal position". I can't agree with that as how the DLL is supposed to work, and gives errors for me. Maybe the scripts to re-generate the jump tables have not been tried recently so its not a problem that's been hit by others.
(object Petal
version 35)
(object Design "<Top Level>"
is_unit TRUE
file_name "d:\wserv\des\gdi.mdl"
is_loaded TRUE
defaults (object defaults
rightMargin 0.25
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defaultFont (object Font
size 10
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subsystem "<Top Level>"
logical_models (list unit_reference_list
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(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "Font"))
statediagram (object State_Diagram ""
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items (list diagram_item_list)))
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(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "GDI object"))
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title ""
zoom 100
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items (list diagram_item_list)))
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(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "GDI object"))
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superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "GDI object"))
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items (list diagram_item_list)))
(object Class "Palette"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "GDI object")))
(object Class "Drawable"))
logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
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annotation 8)
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annotation 8)
(object InheritView ""
client @1
supplier @4)
(object InheritView ""
client @5
supplier @4)))))
root_subsystem (object SubSystem "<Top Level>"
physical_models (list unit_reference_list)
physical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
(object Module_Diagram "Main"
title "Main"
zoom 100
max_height 28350
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origin_x 0
origin_y 0
items (list diagram_item_list))))
process_structure (object Processes
ProcsNDevs (list
(object Process_Diagram ""
title ""
zoom 100
max_height 28350
max_width 21600
origin_x 0
origin_y 0
items (list diagram_item_list))))
properties (object Properties))