Add workarounds for Bug 3343 and Bug 3344 - missing opcodes for EWsClOpUnregisterAllTFXEffect and EWsWinOpSetSurfaceTransparency
// Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// This class does performance tests for eglSwapBuffers() and eglSwapBuffersRegionNOK().
// The function eglSwapBuffersRegionNOK() is a vendor specific EGL extension and allows users to
// perform region based surface updates. The test should show how the performance of the
// extension function compares to the default one.
#include "egltest_benchmark_swapbuffers.h"
#include <VG/openvg.h>
#include <test/tprofiler.h>
#include <test/egltestcommonutils.h>
#include <test/egltestcommoninisettings.h>
_LIT(KSwapBuffersSection, "SwapBuffers");
// The test draws alternating backgrounds to show the affect
// of different swapBuffer functions
static const TInt KMaxClearColors = 2;
static const VGfloat KClearColors[KMaxClearColors][4] =
{0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f}, // gray
{0.1f, 0.2f, 0.4f, 1.0f} // blue
// Number of iterations, it defines how often the swapBuffer function is called
static const TInt KIterationsToTest = 10;
// Maximum number of rectangles for eglSwapBuffersRegionNOK() stress test
static const TInt KStressTestMaxNoRects = 100;
// Defines the increase of number of rectangles for each iteration
static const TInt KStressTestNoRectsStepSize = 5;
// Gap between the dirty Rectangles
static const TInt KStressTestRectGap = 3;
// This test step meassures the performance of eglSwapBuffers()
// This test step meassures the performance of eglSwapBuffersRegionNOK()
// This test step meassures the performance of eglSwapBuffersRegionNOK() with a lot of dirty rectangles
_LIT(KErrEglConfigNotSupported, "EGL config is not supported.");
_LIT(KInfoRectangles, "Number of dirty rectangles: %d");
_LIT(KWarnStressTestRectCount, "Dirty rectangles for stress test don't fit onto window surface (%d of %d).");
// empty
* It's called by the test framework before the actual test. It's used
* to do the preparation for the test. It's important to call the
* baseclass implementation also.
* @return test framework code
* @leave Standard system errors
TVerdict CEglTest_Benchmark_SwapBuffers::doTestStepPreambleL()
iProfiler = CTProfiler::NewL(*this);
//read parameters from config (WindowSize)
CEglTestCommonIniSettings* iniParser = CEglTestCommonIniSettings::NewL();
iWindowSize = iniParser->GetWindowSize(KSwapBuffersSection);
if(iWindowSize == TSize(0,0))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("The window size whether is not specified in INI file or is TSize(0,0), the test will not be executed!"));
// Establish the connection to the window server and create
// a WindowGroup and a Window object
TESTL(iWs.Connect() == KErrNone);
iWindowGroup = RWindowGroup(iWs);
TESTL(iWindowGroup.Construct(0) == KErrNone);
iWindow = RWindow(iWs);
// The window is automatically fullscreen if it's a child of a window group
TESTL(iWindow.Construct(iWindowGroup, reinterpret_cast<TUint32>(this)) == KErrNone);
// Window dimensions
const TPoint KWindowPosition(30, 30);
// Create display object
ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglInitialize(iDisplay, 0, 0));
// Choose EGL config
EGLConfig matchingConfigs[1];
EGLint numConfigs = 0;
eglChooseConfig(iDisplay, KConfigAttribs[2], matchingConfigs, 1, &numConfigs);
if (numConfigs <= 0) // Abort the test if the EGL config is not supported
return TestStepResult();
// Use OpenVG to draw
// Create the window surface and the egl context and make them current
iEglSurface = eglCreateWindowSurface(iDisplay, matchingConfigs[0], &iWindow, KPixmapAttribsVgAlphaFormatPre);
iEglContext = eglCreateContext(iDisplay, matchingConfigs[0], EGL_NO_CONTEXT, NULL);
ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglMakeCurrent(iDisplay, iEglSurface, iEglSurface, iEglContext));
// Get the function pointer for eglSwapBuffersRegionNOK() and check SwapBuffers extension exist
PFNEGLSWAPBUFFERSREGIONNOKPROC pfnEglSwapBuffersRegionNok = reinterpret_cast<PFNEGLSWAPBUFFERSREGIONNOKPROC>(eglGetProcAddress("eglSwapBuffersRegionNOK"));
return TestStepResult();
TVerdict CEglTest_Benchmark_SwapBuffers::doTestStepPostambleL()
// Make sure that this EGL status is active
eglMakeCurrent(iDisplay, iEglSurface, iEglSurface, iEglContext);
// Call eglMakeCurrent() to ensure the surfaces and contexts are truly destroyed
if (iEglContext != EGL_NO_CONTEXT)
eglDestroyContext(iDisplay, iEglContext);
if (iEglSurface != EGL_NO_SURFACE)
eglDestroySurface(iDisplay, iEglSurface);
delete iProfiler;
iProfiler = NULL;
return CEglTestStep::doTestStepPostambleL();
* Override of base class pure virtual function.
* This implementation only gets called if the base class doTestStepPreambleL() did
* not leave. That being the case, the current test result value should be EPass.
* @return test framework code
TVerdict CEglTest_Benchmark_SwapBuffers::doTestStepL()
// Tests the performance of eglSwapBuffers()
TRAPD(err, EglSwapBufferL());
if (err != KErrNone)
// Tests the maximum performance of eglSwapBuffersRegionNOK()
TRAP(err, EglSwapBufferRegionL());
if (err != KErrNone)
// Stress tests the performance of eglSwapBuffersRegionNOK()
for (TInt noRects = KStressTestNoRectsStepSize; noRects <= KStressTestMaxNoRects; noRects += KStressTestNoRectsStepSize)
// TRAP here is on purpose, normally you shouldn't use it in loops
TRAP(err, EglSwapBufferRegionStressL(noRects));
if (err != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("EglSwapBufferRegionStressL (leave code: %d)."), err);
// Close the test and return result to the testframework
return TestStepResult();
@SYMTestPriority 1
Tests how long it takes to swap window surface buffers if the whole surface is updated.
Clear the window surface with alternating background colors, swap the surface buffers
(using eglSwapBuffers extension)and measure how long it takes.
Test should pass and print the average framerate to a log file.
void CEglTest_Benchmark_SwapBuffers::EglSwapBufferL()
//------- start profiling
// Perform the test
for(TInt i = KIterationsToTest; i > 0; --i)
// Clean the surface with the background color
vgSetfv(VG_CLEAR_COLOR, 4, KClearColors[i % KMaxClearColors]);
vgClear(0, 0, iWindowSize.iWidth, iWindowSize.iHeight);
// Swap the surface buffers
ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglSwapBuffers(iDisplay, iEglSurface));
// Mark the time and print the results to the log file
iProfiler->ResultsAnalysisFrameRate(KTestStep0528, 0, 0, 0,
KIterationsToTest, iWindowSize.iWidth * iWindowSize.iHeight);
@SYMTestPriority 1
Tests how long it takes to swap window surface buffers if only a small region is updated. This
test should show the maximum possible performance increase.
Clear the window surface with alternating background colors, swap the surface buffers
and measure how long it takes.
Test should pass and print the average framerate to a log file.
The average time shall be made available in an easy-to-use format for further
analysis and comparison.
void CEglTest_Benchmark_SwapBuffers::EglSwapBufferRegionL()
// Region dimensions (top left hand corner and bottom right hand corner)
const TRect KRegionRect(50, 50, 60, 60);
// Rectangle for partial swap buffer function
const EGLint rects[] = {KRegionRect.iTl.iX, KRegionRect.iTl.iY, KRegionRect.Width(), KRegionRect.Height()};
// Number of rectangles (one rectangle consist of 4 values)
const EGLint count = (sizeof(rects) / (sizeof(rects[0] * 4)));
// Get the function pointer for eglSwapBuffersRegionNOK()
PFNEGLSWAPBUFFERSREGIONNOKPROC pfnEglSwapBuffersRegionNok = reinterpret_cast<PFNEGLSWAPBUFFERSREGIONNOKPROC>(eglGetProcAddress("eglSwapBuffersRegionNOK"));
// Clear the surface
vgSetfv(VG_CLEAR_COLOR, 4, KClearColors[0]);
vgClear(0, 0, iWindowSize.iWidth, iWindowSize.iHeight);
ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglSwapBuffers(iDisplay, iEglSurface));
// Initialise uibench and reset the timer
// Perform the test
for(TInt i = KIterationsToTest; i > 0; --i)
// Clean the surface with the background color
vgSetfv(VG_CLEAR_COLOR, 4, KClearColors[i % KMaxClearColors]);
vgClear(0, 0, iWindowSize.iWidth, iWindowSize.iHeight);
// Swap the surface buffers
ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(pfnEglSwapBuffersRegionNok(iDisplay, iEglSurface, count, rects));
// Mark the time and print the results to the log file
iProfiler->ResultsAnalysisFrameRate(KTestStep0529, 0, 0, 0,
KIterationsToTest, iWindowSize.iWidth * iWindowSize.iHeight);
@SYMTestPriority 1
Stress test to show maximum possible performance increase when adding Rectangles to the region i.e. adding 100 rectangles with step size 5
Clear the window surface with alternating background colors, swap the surface buffers
and measure how long it takes.
Test should pass and print the average framerate to a log file.
@Param aCount
Number of rectangles to add to the region
void CEglTest_Benchmark_SwapBuffers::EglSwapBufferRegionStressL(EGLint aCount)
TInt* rects = static_cast<TInt*>(User::AllocLC(sizeof(TInt) * 4 * aCount));
TInt actualRectCount = 0;
TInt idx = 0;
// Size of the dirty rectangles for the stress test
const TSize KStressTestRectSize(10, 10);
for (TInt y = 0; (y < iWindowSize.iHeight - KStressTestRectSize.iHeight - 1) && (actualRectCount < aCount); y += KStressTestRectSize.iHeight + KStressTestRectGap)
for (TInt x = 0; (x < iWindowSize.iWidth - KStressTestRectSize.iWidth - 1) && (actualRectCount < aCount); x += KStressTestRectSize.iWidth + KStressTestRectGap)
rects[idx++] = x;
rects[idx++] = y;
rects[idx++] = KStressTestRectSize.iWidth;
rects[idx++] = KStressTestRectSize.iHeight;
TESTL(actualRectCount > 0);
if (actualRectCount != aCount)
WARN_PRINTF3(KWarnStressTestRectCount, actualRectCount, aCount);
// Get the function pointer for eglSwapBuffersRegionNOK()
PFNEGLSWAPBUFFERSREGIONNOKPROC pfnEglSwapBuffersRegionNok = reinterpret_cast<PFNEGLSWAPBUFFERSREGIONNOKPROC>(eglGetProcAddress("eglSwapBuffersRegionNOK"));
// Clear the surface
vgSetfv(VG_CLEAR_COLOR, 4, KClearColors[0]);
vgClear(0, 0, iWindowSize.iWidth, iWindowSize.iHeight);
ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglSwapBuffers(iDisplay, iEglSurface));
// Initialise uibench and reset the timer
// Perform the test
for(TInt i = KIterationsToTest; i > 0; --i)
// Clean the surface with the background color
vgSetfv(VG_CLEAR_COLOR, 4, KClearColors[i % KMaxClearColors]);
vgClear(0, 0, iWindowSize.iWidth, iWindowSize.iHeight);
// Swap the surface buffers
ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(pfnEglSwapBuffersRegionNok(iDisplay, iEglSurface, actualRectCount, rects));
// Mark the time and print the results to the log file
INFO_PRINTF2(KInfoRectangles, aCount);
iProfiler->ResultsAnalysisFrameRate(KTestStep0530, 0, 0, 0,
KIterationsToTest, iWindowSize.iWidth * iWindowSize.iHeight);