Remove opcode implementation for EWsWinOpSetSurfaceTransparency (Bug 3343) as workaround for Bug 3802
* ============================================================================
* Name : FbsOogmPlugin.rss
* Part of : FbSrv OOGM Plugin
* Interface :
* Description : ECOM Resource file for Font and bitmap server OOGM Framework Plugin
* Copyright © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.
* This material, including documentation and any related computer
* programs, is protected by copyright controlled by Nokia. All
* rights are reserved. Copying, including reproducing, storing,
* adapting or translating, any or all of this material requires the
* prior written consent of Nokia. This material also contains
* confidential information which may not be disclosed to others
* without the prior written consent of Nokia.
* ============================================================================
* Template version: 4.0
#include <ecom/registryinfov2.rh>
#include <goommonitorplugin.hrh>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Registration info for ECOM framework.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
resource_format_version = RESOURCE_FORMAT_VERSION_2;
dll_uid = 0x2002B638;
interfaces =
interface_uid = KGOomPluginInterfaceUidValue;
implementations =
implementation_uid = 0x2002B638;
version_no = 1;
display_name = "FbsOogmPlugin";
opaque_data = "";
default_data = "FbsOogmPlugin";