Remove opcode implementation for EWsWinOpSetSurfaceTransparency (Bug 3343) as workaround for Bug 3802
// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#ifndef __SCREEN_REDRAW_H__
#define __SCREEN_REDRAW_H__
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32std.h>
#include <gdi.h>
#include "wstypes.h"
#include "tcursor.h"
#include "graphics/wsgraphicdrawerinternal.h"
class CScreen;
class CWsRenderStage;
class TWalkWindowTreeSchedule;
The CScreenRedraw maintains the areas of the screen which need to be updated, and handles some of the
scheduling of draw code to do so. It has a close relationship with the animation scheduler, which
by default will be the CDefaultAnimationScheduler in server.cpp
class CScreenRedraw : public CBase, public MWsScreenRedraw, public MWsWindowVisibilityObserver
static CScreenRedraw * NewL(CScreen& aScreen);
virtual ~CScreenRedraw();
const TTime& Now() const;
void ScheduleRegionUpdate(const TRegion* aDefinitelyDirty);
void RegionUpdate();
void ScheduleRedraw();
void ScheduleAnimation(TAnimType aType, const TRect& aRect,const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aFromNow,const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aFreq,const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aStop, CWsWindow* aWindow);
TBool IsScheduled(TAnimType aType, const TRect& aRect, CWsWindow* aWindow) const;
void OnAnimation(TRequestStatus* aFinished);
void AddRedrawRegion(const TRegion& aRegion, TBool aSchedule = ETrue, TRedrawDepth aDepth = ERedrawAll);
void DoRedrawNow();
void DiscardAllSchedules();
void ScheduleRender(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aFromNow);
void ScheduleWindow(CWsWindow* aWindow);
void RemoveFromScheduledList(CWsWindow* aWindow);
void RemoveFromTimedDrawList(CWsWindow* aWindow);
void ScheduleQuickFade( CWsWindow* aWin );
void RemoveFromQuickFadeList( CWsWindow* aWin );
TBool IsQuickFadeScheduled( CWsWindow* aWin ) const;
void AcceptFadeRequest( CWsWindow* aWin, TBool aFadeOn);
inline TBool IsAnimating() const { return iAnimating; }
public: // Implementing MWsScreenRedraw
void SetObserver(MWsScreenRedrawObserver* aObserver);
TBool IsUpdatePending();
const TRegion * AnimationRegion() const;
void UpdateDevice();
public: // Implementing MWsObjectProvider
TAny * ResolveObjectInterface(TUint aTypeId);
public: // Implementing MWsWindowVisibilityObserver
void VisibilityChanged();
void SetWindowVisibility(const MWsWindow& aWindow, const TRegion& aVisibleRegion);
MWsTextCursor* RenderStageTextCursor() const;
CScreenRedraw(CScreen& aScreen);
void ConstructL();
void AddQuickFadeableRegions(TRegion& aRegion);
void DoQuickFade(MWsGraphicsContext* aGc, TRegion& aAccumulatedDrawing);
TBool ScheduleTimedRects(TRegion& aScheduledFloatingSpriteRegion);
void Render(CWsWindow& aWin, MWsGraphicsContext& aGc, const TWalkWindowTreeSchedule& aScheduler);
void OomRender(CWsWindow& aWin, MWsGraphicsContext& aGc, const TWalkWindowTreeSchedule& aScheduler);
void DebugRect(TRgb aColor, TRgb aFill, const TRect * aRect);
void DebugRegion(TRgb aColor, TRgb aFill, const TRegion * aRegion);
void CaptureFrame(const TRegion* aRegion);
void SetupFrameCaptureResourcesL(const TSize& aScreenSize, TDisplayMode aScreenDisplayMode);
void LogRegion(const TDesC& aPrefix, const TDesC& aFunctionName, const TRegion* aRegion);
struct TTimedRect
TTimedRect(TAnimType aType, const TRect& aRect, const TTime& aTime, CWsWindow* aWindow);
TAnimType iType;
TRect iRect;
TTime iTime;
CWsWindow* iWindow;
static TInt Compare(const TTimedRect& aOne,const TTimedRect& aOther);
CScreen& iScreen;
mutable TTime iNow;
mutable TTime iNext;
TBool iScheduled;
TBool iAnimating;
TBool iRegionUpdateScheduled;
TBool iRenderScheduled;
RArray<TTimedRect> iTimedDrawRect;
RWsRegionBuf<20> iInvalid; // Region that needs to be redrawn (eg window contents changed).
RWsRegionBuf<20> iTopElement; // Region that we need to draw, but don't need to redraw (eg new window)
const TRegion * iAnimationRegion; // Region being redrawn during animation
MWsScreenRedrawObserver* iObserver;
CWsRenderStage * iRenderStages;
MWsTextCursor* iRenderStageTextCursor;
CWsWindow* iScheduledWindowList; // Linked list of scheduled windows (only used in DirtyWindowTracking mode)
TBool iVisibilityUpdateScheduled;
RPointerArray<CWsWindow> iQuickFadeList;
TBool iFrameCapture;
TPtrC iFrameCaptureLocation;
CFbsBitmap* iDebugBitmap;
CFbsBitmapDevice* iDebugBitmapDevice;
CFbsBitGc* iDebugBitmapGc;
#endif //__SCREEN_REDRAW_H__