Remove opcode implementation for EWsWinOpSetSurfaceTransparency (Bug 3343) as workaround for Bug 3802
// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#ifndef __STDPANIC_H__
#define __STDPANIC_H__
enum TStdPluginPanic
EStdPanicTemp = 0,
EStdPanicNoDisplayModeFound = 1,
EStdPanicCreatedOffScreenBitmapInWrongDimensions = 2,
EStdPanicStdRenderStageMustBeFinal = 3,
EStdPanicFlickerBufferRenderStageMustNotBeFinal = 4,
EStdPanicIniFileMissing = 5, // can't find an MWsIniFile instance
EStdPanicPreviousUiSurfaceUnregisterable = 6,
EStdPanicDuplicateUiLayer = 7, // occurs when trying to add a UI layer when another UI layer is already part of the scene
EStdPanicNonMatchingRemovalOfUiLayer = 8, // occurs when removing a UI layer, when it's not the current UI layer
EStdPanicUiSurfaceIsNull = 9, // occurs when the UI surface is NULL
EStdPanicScreenDeviceMissing = 10, // can't get MWsScreenDevice from the next render stage
EStdPanicCompositionContextMissing = 11, // can't get MWsCompositionContext from the next render stage
EStdPanicPopGcSettings = 12, // problem when popping gc settings, previously saved
EStdPanicDrawCommandsInvalidState = 13, //The draw commands state doesn't match with the action that is occuring
EStdPanicInvalidCursorType = 14, // invalid cursor
EStdPanicRegionError = 15, //Region is not NULL and TRegion::CheckError() has returned ETrue, or validation of region state has failed
EStdPanicBadBeginEndSequence = 16, // End() has been called without corresponding Begin(), or Begin() has been called twice.
EStdPanicRedrawNotCompleted = 17, // A redraw has been requested before the previous redraw has completed.
EStdPanicNoContext = 18, // Graphics context from the next rendering stage is not available
void Panic(TStdPluginPanic aPanic);
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define STD_ASSERT_DEBUG(c, p) \
do { \
if(!(c)) \
{ \
Panic(p); \
} \
} while (EFalse)
#define STD_ASSERT_DEBUG(c, p)
#endif //_DEBUG
#define STD_ASSERT_ALWAYS(c, p) \
do { \
if(!(c)) \
{ \
Panic(p); \
} \
} while (EFalse)
#endif //__STDPANIC_H__