minigui-stripped.oby - minor fix to stop usbcsc_bil.dll being in twice. Also consider moving this OBY to deviceplatformRelease with the others...
// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).// All rights reserved.// This component and the accompanying materials are made available// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"// which accompanies this distribution, and is available// at the URL "".//// Initial Contributors:// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.//// Contributors://// Description:// Test case code for checking current behaviour of graphics_openglesheaders// The purpose of this source code is to thrown an error during compilation// if the GLES/egl.h header does not re-direct to the system-wide EGL/egl.h// The use of GLES/egl.h is a legacy, and kept to ease the transition of// applications to using EGL/egl.h instead.// This code must be compiled without the legacy setting// __OPENGLESHEADERS_LEGACY_EGL_1_1 to ensure that GLES/egl.h re-directs// to the system-wide EGL/egl.h// ///** @file @internalTechnology @released*/#include <e32base.h>/* * Include the GLES/egl.h which we want to behave as the system-wide EGL API. * Note that this file is for legacy reasons is located under the GLES directory. * Note also, we don't include GLES/gl.h as we expect GLES egl.h in to do this. */#include <GLES/egl.h>#ifdef __OPENGLESHEADERS_LEGACY_EGL_1_1/* * If the above macro has been set unexpectedly, then it has most probably * arisen because Symbian_OS.hrh defined it. This is an error because Symbian * never defines this macro in a Symbian product configuration. */#error "openglesheaders testcase configuration error: macro __OPENGLESHEADERS_LEGACY_EGL_1_1 should not be defined"#endif#ifndef GL_TRUE#error "openglesheaders testcase failure: GLES/egl.h behaviour requires egl.h to include gl.h"#endif#ifndef EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY#error "openglesheaders testcase failure: GLES/egl.h behaviour requires egl.h to include egltypes.h"#endif#ifndef EGL_VERSION_1_1#error "openglesheaders testcase failure: GLES/egl.h behaviour requires EGL 1.1 API to be seen"#endif#ifndef EGL_VERSION_1_2#error "openglesheaders testcase failure: GLES/egl.h behaviour requires symbols from all EGL versions to be seen"#endif/* * Make sure that the current egltypes.h file does exist in the GLES subdirectory. */#include <GLES/egltypes.h>#ifdef __LEGACY_EGL_1_1_EGLTYPES_H__#error "openglesheaders testcase failure: GLES/egltypes.h should re-direct to the system-wide egltypes.h, not the legacy GLES egltypes.h"#endifGLDEF_C TInt E32Main() { return 0; }// Getting this far without a compilation error indicates success.