author hgs
Fri, 30 Jul 2010 11:41:40 +0300
changeset 136 62bb7c97884c
parent 98 bf7481649c98
permissions -rw-r--r--

* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: 

 @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code

#include "egltest_endpointstreamingtests.h"
#include "egltest_surface.h"

static const TTestCase KStreamingTestCases[] =
        CASETITLE("Functional: Streaming: aStatusDisplayed behaves properly within streaming block"),
        SurfaceTypes2(ESurfTypeRaw, ESurfTypeRawSingleBuffered),
        { EInitializeCase,      0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { ECreateSurfaceCase,   0, EGL_SUCCESS, 0, EStandardSurface },
        { ECreateEndpointCase,  0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { ESetAttribCase,       0, EGL_SUCCESS, 0, 0, EGL_DELAY_NOK, 50000 },
        { EContentUpdateCase,   0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { EBeginStreamingCase,  0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { ETimeStampCase,       0, KErrNone },
        { ENotifyWhenCase,      0, KErrNone, 0, ENotifyWhenDisplayed },
        { EContentUpdateCase,   ENoWait, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { EWaitForCase,         0, KErrNone, 0, ENotifyWhenDisplayed, 55000, 50000 },
        { ESetAttribCase,       0, EGL_SUCCESS, 0, 0, EGL_DELAY_NOK, 100000 },
        { ETimeStampCase,       0, KErrNone },
        { ENotifyWhenCase,      0, KErrNone, 0, ENotifyWhenDisplayed },
        { EContentUpdateCase,   ENoWait, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { EWaitForCase,         0, KErrNone, 0, ENotifyWhenDisplayed, 110000, 100000 },
        { EEndStreamingCase,    0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { EDestroyEndpointCase, 0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { ETerminateCase,       0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { EFinishedCase }
        CASETITLE("Functional: Streaming: aStatusDisplayed behaves properly outside of streaming block"),
        SurfaceTypes2(ESurfTypeRaw, ESurfTypeRawSingleBuffered),
        { EInitializeCase,      0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { ECreateSurfaceCase,   0, EGL_SUCCESS, 0, EStandardSurface },
        { ECreateEndpointCase,  0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { ESetAttribCase,       0, EGL_SUCCESS, 0, 0, EGL_DELAY_NOK, 50000 },
        { ENotifyWhenCase,      0, KErrNone, 0, ENotifyWhenDisplayed },
        { EContentUpdateCase,   ENoWait, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { EWaitForCase,         0, KErrNotVisible, 0, ENotifyWhenDisplayed, 55000 },
        { ENotifyWhenCase,      0, KErrNone, 0, ENotifyWhenDisplayed },
        { EContentUpdateCase,   ENoWait, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { EWaitForCase,         0, KErrNotVisible, 0, ENotifyWhenDisplayed, 5000 },
        { EEndStreamingCase,    0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { EDestroyEndpointCase, 0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { ETerminateCase,       0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { EFinishedCase }
        CASETITLE("Functional: Streaming: aStatusDisplayedXTimes behaves properly outside streaming block"),
        SurfaceTypes2(ESurfTypeRaw, ESurfTypeRawSingleBuffered),
        { EInitializeCase,      0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { ECreateSurfaceCase,   0, EGL_SUCCESS, 0, EStandardSurface },
        { ECreateEndpointCase,  0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { ESetAttribCase,       0, EGL_SUCCESS, 0, 0, EGL_DELAY_NOK, 50000 },
        { ENotifyWhenCase,      0, KErrNone, 0, ENotifyWhenDispXTimes, 2 },
        { EContentUpdateCase,   ENoWait, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { EWaitForCase,         0, KErrNotVisible, 0, ENotifyWhenDispXTimes, 5000 },
        { ENotifyWhenCase,      0, KErrNone, 0, ENotifyWhenDispXTimes, 10 },
        { EContentUpdateCase,   ENoWait, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { EWaitForCase,         0, KErrNotVisible, 0, ENotifyWhenDispXTimes, 5000 },
        { EEndStreamingCase,    0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { EDestroyEndpointCase, 0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { ETerminateCase,       0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { EFinishedCase }
        CASETITLE("Functional: Streaming: Additional SubmitUpdate issued before aStatusDisplayed is notified results in error KErrOverflow"),
        SurfaceTypes2(ESurfTypeRaw, ESurfTypeRawSingleBuffered),
        { EInitializeCase,      0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { ECreateSurfaceCase,   0, EGL_SUCCESS, 0, EStandardSurface },
        { ECreateEndpointCase,  0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { ESetAttribCase,       0, EGL_SUCCESS, 0, 0, EGL_DELAY_NOK, 20000 },
        { EContentUpdateCase,   0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { EBeginStreamingCase,  0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { ENotifyWhenCase,      0, KErrNone, 0, ENotifyWhenDisplayed },
        { EContentUpdateCase,   ENoWait, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { EContentUpdateCase,   ENoWait, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { EWaitForCase,         0, KErrOverflow, 0, ENotifyWhenDisplayed, 10000 },
        { EEndStreamingCase,    0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { EDestroyEndpointCase, 0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { ETerminateCase,       0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { EFinishedCase }
        CASETITLE("Functional: Streaming: aStatusDisplayed behaves properly on transition out of streaming block (variant 1)"),
        SurfaceTypes2(ESurfTypeRaw, ESurfTypeRawSingleBuffered),
        { EInitializeCase,      0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { ECreateSurfaceCase,   0, EGL_SUCCESS, 0, EStandardSurface },
        { ECreateEndpointCase,  0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { ESetAttribCase,       0, EGL_SUCCESS, 0, 0, EGL_DELAY_NOK, 20000 },
        { EContentUpdateCase,   0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { EBeginStreamingCase,  0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { ENotifyWhenCase,      0, KErrNone, 0, ENotifyWhenDisplayed },
        { EContentUpdateCase,   ENoWait, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { EWaitForCase,         0, KErrNone, 0, ENotifyWhenDisplayed, 25000 },
        { EEndStreamingCase,    0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { ENotifyWhenCase,      0, KErrNone, 0, ENotifyWhenDisplayed },
        { EContentUpdateCase,   ENoWait, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { EWaitForCase,         0, KErrNotVisible, 0, ENotifyWhenDisplayed, 25000 },
        { EDestroyEndpointCase, 0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { ETerminateCase,       0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { EFinishedCase }
        CASETITLE("Functional: Streaming: aStatusDisplayed behaves properly on transition out of streaming block (variant 2)"),
        SurfaceTypes2(ESurfTypeRaw, ESurfTypeRawSingleBuffered),
        { EInitializeCase,      0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { ECreateSurfaceCase,   0, EGL_SUCCESS, 0, EStandardSurface },
        { ECreateEndpointCase,  0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { ESetAttribCase,       0, EGL_SUCCESS, 0, 0, EGL_DELAY_NOK, 20000 },
        { EContentUpdateCase,   0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { EBeginStreamingCase,  0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { ENotifyWhenCase,      0, KErrNone, 0, ENotifyWhenDisplayed },
        { EContentUpdateCase,   ENoWait, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { EWaitForCase,         0, KErrNone, 0, ENotifyWhenDisplayed, 25000 },
        { EDestroyEndpointCase, 0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { ENotifyWhenCase,      0, KErrNone, 0, ENotifyWhenDisplayed },
        { EContentUpdateCase,   ENoWait, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { EWaitForCase,         0, KErrSurfaceNotRegistered, 0, ENotifyWhenDisplayed, 25000 },
        { ETerminateCase,       0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { EFinishedCase }

static const TTestCases KTestCases[] =

const TInt KNumberTestCases = sizeof(KTestCases) / sizeof(KTestCases[0]);

    CEgltest_Local_Engine(KTestCases, KNumberTestCases)

// GRAPHICS-EGL-583 can only be implemented with code...

: CLocalTestStepBase(ETestUidEndpointEngine)  // We use the engine to do the remote side functionality.

void CEglTest_LocalTestStep_EndpointStreamingDispXTimesInStream::DoPreambleL()

void CEglTest_LocalTestStep_EndpointStreamingDispXTimesInStream::DoPostambleL()


void CEglTest_LocalTestStep_EndpointStreamingDispXTimesInStream::RunScript(const TEngineTestCase *aTestCases, TRemoteTestParams &params)
    for(TInt i = 0; aTestCases[i].iCase != EFinishedCase; i++)
        params.iEndpointEngine.iEngineTestCase = aTestCases[i];
        RunRemoteTestCase(aTestCases[i].iCase, params);

TUint CEglTest_LocalTestStep_EndpointStreamingDispXTimesInStream::TicksForDisplayXTimesL(CSurface* aSurface, TInt aNumTimes)
    //Calculate timeout by assuming low framerate of 10 fps, 
    //multiplying period by number of times and an extra factor of 3.
    //This should be plenty. Measured in microseconds.
    TInt timeout = 3 * aNumTimes * TInt(1000000.0f / 10.0f);
    TRequestStatus dispXTimesRs;
    User::LeaveIfError(aSurface->Notify(ENotifyWhenDispXTimes, dispXTimesRs, aNumTimes));
    TUint startTickCount = User::TickCount();
    TUint32 dummyTimeStamp;
    TInt err = aSurface->WaitFor(ENotifyWhenDispXTimes, dispXTimesRs, timeout, dummyTimeStamp);
    if(err != KErrNone)
        ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Waiting for ENotifyWhenDispXTimes returned %d when we expected %d."), err, KErrNone);
    return User::TickCount() - startTickCount;
void CEglTest_LocalTestStep_EndpointStreamingDispXTimesInStream::DispXTimesInStreamTestL(TSurfaceType aSurfaceType)
    //Local: Create surface and save the id for the remote side.
    CSurface* surface = CSurface::SurfaceFactoryL(aSurfaceType);
    //Remote: Init remote side and create an endpoint from the surface. (tidy up ops are on cleanup stack)
    static const TEngineTestCase createEndpointSteps[] = 
        { EInitializeCase,      0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { ECreateEndpointCase,  0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { EFinishedCase,        0, EGL_SUCCESS },
    RunScript(createEndpointSteps, iParams);
    CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CleanupRemoteTestStep, this));
    //Local: Submit update for the surface so that the endpoint enters the ready state.
    //Remote: Set the EGL_DELAY_NOK value and begin streaming on the endpoint.
    static const TEngineTestCase setDelayAndBeginStreamingSteps[] = 
        { ESetAttribCase,       0, EGL_SUCCESS, 0, 0, EGL_DELAY_NOK, 5000 },
        { EBeginStreamingCase,  0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { EFinishedCase,        0, EGL_SUCCESS },
    RunScript(setDelayAndBeginStreamingSteps, iParams);
    //Local: Get number of ticks between submitting content and X frames being displayed.
    TUint ticksForDisp20Times = TicksForDisplayXTimesL(surface, 20);
    INFO_PRINTF2(_L("ticksForDisp20Times = %d"), ticksForDisp20Times);
    TUint ticksForDisp200Times = TicksForDisplayXTimesL(surface, 200);
    INFO_PRINTF2(_L("ticksForDisp200Times = %d"), ticksForDisp200Times);
    //check to see if ticksForDisp200Times = 10 * ticksForDisp20Times (with some fuzz).
    if( (ticksForDisp200Times < 5*ticksForDisp20Times) || (ticksForDisp200Times > 15*ticksForDisp20Times) )
        ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Ratio between time for display 20 times and display 200 times not within limits."));
        INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Ratio between time for display 20 times and display 200 times is within limits."));
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, surface);

TVerdict CEglTest_LocalTestStep_EndpointStreamingDispXTimesInStream::doTestStepL()
    static const TRemoteTestParams nullParams = {};
    INFO_PRINTF1(_L("EndpointStreamingDispXTimesInStream test finished"));
    return TestStepResult();

void CEglTest_LocalTestStep_EndpointStreamingDispXTimesInStream::CleanupRemoteTestStep(TAny* aStreamingDispXTimesInStream)
    CEglTest_LocalTestStep_EndpointStreamingDispXTimesInStream* self = 
    //Remote: Destroy the endpoint and terminate EGL.
    static const TEngineTestCase destroyEndpointSteps[] = 
        { EDestroyEndpointCase, 0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { ETerminateCase,       0, EGL_SUCCESS },
        { EFinishedCase },
    self->RunScript(destroyEndpointSteps, self->iParams);