Incorporated most of Emilo's changes. His VG changes lead to a panic from window server. It may be a circular deadlockproblem where Wserv is a client of EGL which is a client of Wserv, thus circular. Need to look at it further. I also fixed the arrangement of def files, and didn't take the VG mmp file changes, as I don't think they are appropriate to a stand alone real EGL implmentation. Still need to pull in Emilo's graphicscomposition changes.
DoProfiling = 0
TestDescription = Hindi Characters - Use case 1
FontFile = C:\TNR_Dev_OT.TTF
FontFaceName = Devanagari OT Eval
DoProfiling = 0
TestDescription = Kannada Characters - Use case 2
FontFile = C:\s60ssb_v500.ttf
FontFaceName = Series 60 Sans