Incorporated most of Emilo's changes. His VG changes lead to a panic from window server. It may be a circular deadlockproblem where Wserv is a client of EGL which is a client of Wserv, thus circular. Need to look at it further. I also fixed the arrangement of def files, and didn't take the VG mmp file changes, as I don't think they are appropriate to a stand alone real EGL implmentation. Still need to pull in Emilo's graphicscomposition changes.
// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// This file define all the common values thoughout your test project
@internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
#include <gdi.h>
#define __MOVEFILETODRIVE (__SrcFile, __DestFile)
// use this to start and stop sampling profiler within this teststep
//#define _USE_PROFILER
// Please modify below value with your project and must match with your configuration ini file which is required to be modified as well
// For test step panics
const TDisplayMode KValidBitmapModes[] = {EColor16MAP, EColor16MA, EColor16MU, EColor16M, EColor256, EGray256, EColor64K};
const TInt KNumValidBitmapModes = TInt(sizeof(KValidBitmapModes)/sizeof(KValidBitmapModes[0]));
const TDisplayMode KValidDisplayModes[] = {EColor16MAP, EColor16MA, EColor16MU, EColor64K};
const TInt KNumValidDisplayModes = TInt(sizeof(KValidDisplayModes)/sizeof(KValidDisplayModes[0]));
// Test macro to log Leaves.
#define TESTNOERRORL(a) \
TInt b = a;\
TBool c = (b == KErrNone);\
testBooleanTrueWithErrorCodeL((c), (b), (TText8*)__FILE__, __LINE__);\
#define __PROFILERMEMBERS RProcess iProcess; TInt iPErr; RFs iFSession; TBuf<256> iProfLog; TBuf<256> iProfLoE; CFileMan* iFileMan;
#define __STARTPROFILER iPErr=iProcess.Create(_L("profiler"),_L("start")); \
if (iPErr==KErrNone) { \
iProcess.Resume(); \
iProcess.Close(); \
} else { \
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Profiler process created return value:"),iPErr); \
#define __STOPPROFILER(__destfilename, __fnext1, __fnext2, __fnext3) Profiler::Stop(); \
Profiler::Close(); \
Profiler::Unload(); \
User::After(500*1000); \
iProfLog.Zero(); iProfLog.Copy(_L("c:\\Profiles\\P_")); iProfLog.Append(__destfilename); iProfLog.AppendNum(__fnext1); iProfLog.Append(_L("_")); iProfLog.AppendNum(__fnext2); iProfLog.Append(_L("_")); iProfLog.AppendNum(__fnext3); iProfLog.Append(_L(".dat")); iProfLog.ZeroTerminate(); \
iProfLoE.Zero(); iProfLoE.Copy(_L("e:\\Profiles\\P_")); iProfLoE.Append(__destfilename); iProfLoE.AppendNum(__fnext1); iProfLoE.Append(_L("_")); iProfLoE.AppendNum(__fnext2); iProfLoE.Append(_L("_")); iProfLoE.AppendNum(__fnext3); iProfLoE.Append(_L(".dat")); iProfLoE.ZeroTerminate(); \
iFSession.Delete(iProfLog); \
iFSession.Delete(iProfLoE); \
iFileMan->Copy(KProfilerLogFile,iProfLoE); \
iPErr = iFSession.Rename(KProfilerLogFile,iProfLog); \
if (iPErr==KErrNone) \
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("renamed profiler logfile to %s"), iProfLog.Ptr()); \
else INFO_PRINTF3(_L("ERROR %i renaming profiler logfile to %s "), iPErr, iProfLog.Ptr());
#define __INITPROFILER User::LeaveIfError(iFSession.Connect()); iFileMan = CFileMan::NewL(iFSession);
#define __CLEANUPPROFILER delete iFileMan; iFSession.Close();
#else // we dont use profiler, blank dummy defines
#define __STOPPROFILER(__destfilename, __fnext1, __fnext2, __fnext3);