Incorporated most of Emilo's changes. His VG changes lead to a panic from window server. It may be a circular deadlockproblem where Wserv is a client of EGL which is a client of Wserv, thus circular. Need to look at it further. I also fixed the arrangement of def files, and didn't take the VG mmp file changes, as I don't think they are appropriate to a stand alone real EGL implmentation. Still need to pull in Emilo's graphicscomposition changes.
// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
@internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
#include <e32math.h>
#include <bitdev.h>
#include <test/tprofiler.h>
#include <test/testexecutestepbase.h>
#include <test/ttmsgraphicsstep.h>
#include "te_graphicsperformanceSuiteDefs.h"
#include "tdisplaymode_mapping.h"
TSize GetPixmapSizeInPixels();
// Define TRgb constants to be used in test cases
#define TRANSPARENT_BLACK TRgb(0,0,0,0)
#define BLACK_SEMI_TRANSPARENT TRgb(0,0,0,0x40)
#define RED_SEMI_TRANSPARENT TRgb(0xff,0,0,0x40)
#define GREEN_SEMI_TRANSPARENT TRgb(0,0xff,0,0x40)
#define BLUE_SEMI_TRANSPARENT TRgb(0,0,0xff,0x40)
#define YELLOW_SEMI_TRANSPARENT TRgb(0xff,0xff,0,0x40)
Creates a virtual bitmap device if a real screen device of the specified display mode is not supported by the hardware
class CVirtualBitmapDevice : public CBase
virtual ~CVirtualBitmapDevice();
static CVirtualBitmapDevice* NewL(TDisplayMode aDisplayMode, TBool aForceOffscreen);
void Update();
CBitmapDevice& BitmapDevice();
CFbsBitmap& Bitmap();
virtual int CreateContext(CGraphicsContext *&aGc);
virtual TSize SizeInPixels() const;
TInt isScreenDevice();
void ConstructL(TDisplayMode aDisplayMode, TBool aForceOffscreen);
CBitmapDevice* iBitmapDevice; // The virtual or real screen device
CFbsBitmap* iBitmap; // Virtual bitmap
TBool iIsScreenDevice; // ETrue if the hardware supports the screen device at the specified display mode
Creates a virtual bitmap device if a real screen device of the specified display mode is not supported by the hardware.
It is similar to CVirtualBitmapDevice but it uses CFbsDrawDevice directly.
class CVirtualDrawDevice : public CBase
virtual ~CVirtualDrawDevice();
static CVirtualDrawDevice* NewL(TDisplayMode aDisplayMode);
CFbsDrawDevice& DrawDevice();
TBool IsDrawDevice();
void ConstructL(TDisplayMode aDisplayMode);
TInt ByteSize(const TSize& aSize, TDisplayMode aDisplayMode);
CFbsDrawDevice* iDrawDevice; // The virtual or real screen device
TUint8* iDeviceMemory; // Used for virtual draw device
TSize iSize; // Used for Clear
TBool iIsDrawDevice; // ETrue if the hardware supports the screen device at the specified display mode
* The reason to have a new step base is that it is very much possible
* that the all individual test steps have project related common variables
* and members
* and this is the place to define these common variable and members.
class CTe_graphicsperformanceSuiteStepBase : public CTTMSGraphicsStep
static const TDesC& ColorModeName(TDisplayMode aMode);
virtual ~CTe_graphicsperformanceSuiteStepBase();
CVirtualBitmapDevice* ScreenDevice();
void SetScreenModeL(TDisplayMode aScreenMode, TBool aForceUseOffscreen=EFalse);
CFbsBitmap* CreateSoftwareBitmapLC(const TSize& aSize, TDisplayMode aMode);
void CopyBitmapL(CFbsBitmap* aDst, CFbsBitmap* aSrc);
CFbsBitmap* CopyIntoNewBitmapL(CFbsBitmap* aSrc, TDisplayMode aDisplayMode);
CFbsBitmap* LoadBitmapL(const TDesC& aName, TInt aIndex);
static TRgb InterpolateColour(TRgb aLo, TRgb aHi, TInt aX, TInt aN);
static void VerticalGradientAlphaL(CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, TRgb aLo, TRgb aHi);
void SetDrawDeviceModeL(TDisplayMode aScreenMode);
TInt GetDrawDeviceInterfaceL(TInt aInterfaceId, TAny *&aInterface);
void ClearDrawDeviceL(TRgb aColor);
CFbsBitmap* CreateCheckedBoardL(TDisplayMode aDisplayMode, TSize aSize, TSize aChecksPerAxis) const;
virtual CFbsBitmap* GetTargetAsBitmapL();
TInt WriteTargetOutput(TPtrC aName);
static void ExtractListL(TPtrC aList, RArray<TPtrC>& aListItems);
// From CTestStep
virtual TVerdict doTestStepPreambleL();
virtual TVerdict doTestStepPostambleL();
TUint32 TimeMax();
TUint32 TimeMin();
//TBool IsFoundScreenMode(TDisplayMode aScreenMode);
CVirtualBitmapDevice * iScreenDevice;
CFbsBitGc* iGc;
CVirtualDrawDevice* iDrawDevice;
CTProfiler* iProfiler;
TSize iScreenSize;
TInt iDoProfiling;
TInt iCPUSpeed;
CActiveScheduler* iScheduler;
// Sanity checking flag as read in from the ini file. If ETrue, WriteTargetOutput() will generate
// a bitmap of the target, otherwise it will perform no operation.
TBool iShowBitmaps;
// Define 16 RGB colors
#define KRgbBlack TRgb(0x000000)
#define KRgbDarkGray TRgb(0x555555)
#define KRgbDarkRed TRgb(0x000080)
#define KRgbDarkGreen TRgb(0x008000)
#define KRgbDarkYellow TRgb(0x008080)
#define KRgbDarkBlue TRgb(0x800000)
#define KRgbDarkMagenta TRgb(0x800080)
#define KRgbDarkCyan TRgb(0x808000)
#define KRgbRed TRgb(0x0000ff)
#define KRgbGreen TRgb(0x00ff00)
#define KRgbYellow TRgb(0x00ffff)
#define KRgbBlue TRgb(0xff0000)
#define KRgbMagenta TRgb(0xff00ff)
#define KRgbCyan TRgb(0xffff00)
#define KRgbGray TRgb(0xaaaaaa)
#define KRgbWhite TRgb(0xffffff)
// A 16 RGB color table
const TRgb KColor16Table[] =