Transplant KhronosRI changeset 22d01ad3515c -
Bug 1394 - KhronosRI - ARMv5 def files missing
Bug 1395 - KhronosRI - RVCT doesn't like 'OpenVGRI' qualified helper function names
Bug 31 - OpenVG implementation is a stub, so no icons or window decorations are displayed
NumFormats = 5
Format0 = EUidPixelFormatRGB_565
Format1 = EUidPixelFormatXRGB_8888
Format2 = EUidPixelFormatARGB_8888
Format3 = EUidPixelFormatARGB_8888_PRE
Format4 = EUidPixelFormatA_8
NumFormats = 2
Format0 = VG_sARGB_8888
Format1 = VG_sARGB_8888_PRE
NumFormats = 3
Format0 = VG_sXRGB_8888
Format1 = VG_sARGB_8888
Format2 = VG_sARGB_8888_PRE
NumFormats = 3
Format0 = VG_sRGB_565
Format1 = VG_sXRGB_8888
Format2 = VG_sARGB_8888_PRE
NumFormats = 3
Format0 = VG_sRGB_565
Format1 = VG_sXRGB_8888
Format2 = VG_sARGB_8888_PRE
NumIterations = 300 // Needs to be set with care. Making this value greater may cause an allocation failure.
// On the emulator, it fails to create SgImage at some point.
// Hardware will have their own limitations which also need to be considered.
ImageWidth = 50 // width of RSgImage
ImageHeight = 50 // height of RSgImage
NumFormats = 1
Format0 = EUidPixelFormatARGB_8888_PRE
NumIterations = 5
ImageWidth = 50 // width of RSgImage
ImageHeight = 50 // height of RSgImage
ThresholdGPUUsedMemory = 5 //Deviation in percentage between max and min of GPU memory
//retrieved at the end of each attempt through NOK_resource_profiling2 egl extension inteface
ThresholdLastIteration = 5 //Deviation in percentage between max and min of successful iteration number
//retrieved at the end of each attempt