Transplant KhronosRI changeset 22d01ad3515c -
Bug 1394 - KhronosRI - ARMv5 def files missing
Bug 1395 - KhronosRI - RVCT doesn't like 'OpenVGRI' qualified helper function names
Bug 31 - OpenVG implementation is a stub, so no icons or window decorations are displayed
// Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description: The main purpose of RTFXEffect implementation is to forward
// RWsSession/RWindowBase calls to RegisterEffect and OverrideEffect to server side.
// Please see documantion of RTFXEffect::RegisterTFXEffect() for more details.
#include "rtfxeffect.h"
#include "w32comm.h"
#include "client.h"
Constructor which takes handle and buffer paratemter and initilaizes
its member variables.
@param aHandle Client side handle of the class derived from MWsClientClass
@param aBuffer Pointer to the wserv client side buffer of the above class
RTFXEffect::RTFXEffect(TInt aHandle, RWsBuffer* aBuffer)
: MWsClientClass(aBuffer), iDirPathSizePaded(0), iFileName1SizePaded(0),
iFileName2SizePaded(0), iCombSizePaded(0)
iWsHandle = aHandle;
Function checks the sent parmaters and pancis client if any of its length
is greater than KMaxFileName. Calculates the padded lengths of sent parameters
and stores them in member variables
@param aResourceDir directory name of animation description file
@param aFilenamePhase1 File name of first phase animation of TFX
@param aFilenamePhase2 File name of second phase animation of TFX
void RTFXEffect::CheckFileNameAndSetSizes(const TFileName& aResourceDir,
const TFileName& aFilenamePhase1, const TFileName& aFilenamePhase2)
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aResourceDir.Length() <= KMaxFileName, Panic(EW32PanicStringTooLong));
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aFilenamePhase1.Length() <= KMaxFileName, Panic(EW32PanicStringTooLong));
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aFilenamePhase2.Length() <= KMaxFileName, Panic(EW32PanicStringTooLong));
iDirPathSizePaded = PaddedValue(aResourceDir.Size());
iFileName1SizePaded = PaddedValue(aFilenamePhase1.Size());
iFileName2SizePaded = PaddedValue(aFilenamePhase2.Size());
iCombSizePaded = iDirPathSizePaded + iFileName1SizePaded + iFileName2SizePaded;
Appends folder and file names to wserv client's buffer using AppendData() of MWsClientClass.
AppendData adds data directly to buffer. So before calling AppendData we must make sure that
current command is added to buffer. Please see description of MWsClientClass::AppendData()
for more details.
@param aResourceDir directory name of animation description file
@param aFilenamePhase1 File name of first phase animation of TFX
@param aFilenamePhase2 File name of second phase animation of TFX
void RTFXEffect::AppendFileNameData(const TFileName& aResourceDir, const TFileName& aFilenamePhase1, const TFileName& aFilenamePhase2)
AppendData(aResourceDir.Ptr(), aResourceDir.Size(), EFalse);
AppendData(aFilenamePhase1.Ptr(), aFilenamePhase1.Size(), EFalse);
AppendData(aFilenamePhase2.Ptr(), aFilenamePhase2.Size(), ETrue);
Writes file names using IPC args along with data related to TWsClCmdRegisterEffect
First phase animation file name is sent in seocnd slot of IPC to server
Second phase animation file name is sent in third slot of IPC to server
Data related to TWsClCmdRegisterEffect and folder name are sent in the normal wserv buffer
@param aForRegister an object of TWsClCmdRegisterEffect filled with data related to RegisterTFXEffect
If non Empty then this function is called for Register effect
@param aForOverride an object of TWsClCmdOverrideEffect filled with data related to OverrideTFXEffect
If non Empty then this function is called for Overide effect
@param aResourceDir directory name of animation description file
@param aFilenamePhase1 File name of first phase animation of TFX
@param aFilenamePhase2 File name of second phase animation of TFX
@param aCalledFrom value from TFXEffect enum reprseting whether called from RWsSession or RWindowbase
void RTFXEffect::WriteDataUsingIPC(TWsClCmdRegisterEffect* aForRegister, TWsClCmdOverrideEffect* aForOverride,
const TFileName& aResourceDir, const TFileName& aFilenamePhase1, const TFileName& aFilenamePhase2, TFXEffect aCalledFrom)
TIpcArgs ipcArgsDesc;
ipcArgsDesc.Set(1, &aFilenamePhase1);
ipcArgsDesc.Set(2, &aFilenamePhase2);
// If called for RegisterTFXEffect
if (aForRegister)
Write(aForRegister, sizeof(*aForRegister), aResourceDir.Ptr(), aResourceDir.Size(),
EWsClOpRegisterTFXEffectIPC, &ipcArgsDesc);
else // Else called for OverrideTFXEffect
Write(aForOverride, sizeof(*aForOverride), aResourceDir.Ptr(), aResourceDir.Size(),
(aCalledFrom == ETFXSession ? EWsClOpOverrideEffectIPC : EWsWinOpOverrideEffectIPC), &ipcArgsDesc);
Checks if the sum of iCombSizePaded, size of TWsCmdHeader and sent size is less than
the current buffer size.
@param aSize size to be compared with current buffer size
@return ETrue if the combined size if less then or equal to current buffer size
EFalse if the combined size is greater then current buffer size
TBool RTFXEffect::CheckCombinedSizeWithCurrentBuffer(TInt aSize) const
return (iCombSizePaded + aSize + sizeof(TWsCmdHeader) <= iBuffer->BufferSize());
Checks the length of sent variables and does as explained below
Main logic involved in both RegisterTFXEffect() and OverrideTFXEffect() is as follows
First check the sum of all strings
If it is less then max wserv buffer
Send unpadded sizes in TWsClCmdRegisterEffect/TWsClCmdOverrideEffect but when we append
the data we make sure that we pad it
Then at server side get the buffer for total length(inlcuding pading)and unpad it and
send it to renderstage's RegisterEffect/OverrideEffect function
If it is greater then max wserv buffer
Send one string in the wserv buffer as done before ie. pading and unpading
Other two strings are sent using IPC args in 2 and 3 slot of IPC and do explicit flush
And at server side get one string from buffer and other 2 from IPC
@param aAction Particular transition to register the animation for.
@param aResourceDir The name of the directory that contains the animation description files.
@param aFilenamePhase1 The file containing the description of the animation for the first phase(Phase1) of the transition.
Specify KNullDesC for no Phase1 effect.
@param aFilenamePhase2 The file containing the description of the animation for the second phase(Phase2) of the transition.
Specify KNullDesC for no Phase2 effect.
@param aAppUid The Application UID this effect applies to. Set to zero to specify that all apps will use default effect.
void RTFXEffect::RegisterTFXEffect(TInt aAction, const TFileName& aResourceDir,
const TFileName& aFilenamePhase1, const TFileName& aFilenamePhase2, TUint aAppUid)
CheckFileNameAndSetSizes(aResourceDir, aFilenamePhase1, aFilenamePhase2);
if (CheckCombinedSizeWithCurrentBuffer(sizeof(TWsClCmdRegisterEffect)))
TWsClCmdRegisterEffect params(aAction, aAppUid, aResourceDir.Size(), aFilenamePhase1.Size(), aFilenamePhase2.Size());
// Here we just pass the length of combined strings so that it checks and does flush if needed.
// Then AppendData actually adds the data to buffer at the end
Write(¶ms, sizeof(params), iCombSizePaded, EWsClOpRegisterTFXEffectBuf);
if (iCombSizePaded > 0)
AppendFileNameData(aResourceDir, aFilenamePhase1, aFilenamePhase2);
TWsClCmdRegisterEffect params(aAction, aAppUid, aResourceDir.Size(), 0, 0);
WriteDataUsingIPC(¶ms, NULL, aResourceDir, aFilenamePhase1, aFilenamePhase2, ETFXSession);
Checks the length of sent variables and does as explained in
RTFXEffect::RegisterTFXEffect() API description
@param aOneShot A flag to see if the specified override should be applied once or on an ongoing basis
@param aAction The particular transition to set the animation for.
@param aResourceDir The name of the directory that contains the animation description files.
@param aFilenamePhase1 The file containing the description of the animation for the first phase(Phase1) of the transition.
Specify KNullDesC for no Phase1 effect.
@param aFilenamePhase2 The file containing the description of the animation for the second phase(Phase2) of the transition.
Specify KNullDesC for no Phase2 effect.
void RTFXEffect::OverrideTFXEffect(TBool aOneShot, TInt aAction, const TFileName& aResourceDir,
const TFileName& aFilenamePhase1, const TFileName& aFilenamePhase2, TFXEffect aCalledFrom)
CheckFileNameAndSetSizes(aResourceDir, aFilenamePhase1, aFilenamePhase2);
if (CheckCombinedSizeWithCurrentBuffer(sizeof(TWsClCmdOverrideEffect)))
TWsClCmdOverrideEffect params(aOneShot, aAction, aResourceDir.Size(), aFilenamePhase1.Size(), aFilenamePhase2.Size());
Write(¶ms, sizeof(params), iCombSizePaded, (aCalledFrom == ETFXSession ? EWsClOpOverrideEffectBuf : EWsWinOpOverrideEffectBuf));
if (iCombSizePaded > 0)
AppendFileNameData(aResourceDir, aFilenamePhase1, aFilenamePhase2);
TWsClCmdOverrideEffect params(aOneShot, aAction, aResourceDir.Size(), 0, 0);
WriteDataUsingIPC(NULL, ¶ms, aResourceDir, aFilenamePhase1, aFilenamePhase2, aCalledFrom);