Transplant KhronosRI changeset 22d01ad3515c -
Bug 1394 - KhronosRI - ARMv5 def files missing
Bug 1395 - KhronosRI - RVCT doesn't like 'OpenVGRI' qualified helper function names
Bug 31 - OpenVG implementation is a stub, so no icons or window decorations are displayed
// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Contains dummy implementations for exported methods implemented in NGA version
// of this file which share def files with WSERV NONNGA.
#include <w32std.h>
#include "advancedpointerevent.inl"
EXPORT_C TInt TAdvancedPointerEvent::DoGetPointerNumber() const
/** Dummy implementation in order to preserve compatibility with WSERV NGA.
@internalComponent */
return 0;
EXPORT_C TInt TAdvancedPointerEvent::DoGetProximity() const
/** Dummy implementation in order to preserve compatibility with WSERV NGA.
@internalComponent */
return 0;
EXPORT_C TInt TAdvancedPointerEvent::DoGetPressure() const
/** Dummy implementation in order to preserve compatibility with WSERV NGA.
@internalComponent */
return 0;
EXPORT_C TInt TAdvancedPointerEvent::DoGetProximityAndPressure() const
/** Dummy implementation in order to preserve compatibility with WSERV NGA.
@internalComponent */
return 0;
EXPORT_C void TWsEvent::InitAdvancedPointerEvent(TPointerEvent::TType /*aType*/, TUint /*aModifiers*/, const TPoint3D &/*aPoint3D*/, TUint8 /*aPointerNumber*/)
/** Dummy implementation in order to preserve compatibility with WSERV NGA.
@internalComponent */
EXPORT_C void TWsEvent::SetPointerNumber(TUint8 /*aPointerNumber*/)
/** Dummy implementation in order to preserve compatibility with WSERV NGA.
@internalComponent */
EXPORT_C void TWsEvent::SetPointerZ(TInt /*aZ*/)
/** Dummy implementation in order to preserve compatibility with WSERV NGA.
@internalComponent */
EXPORT_C TAdvancedPointerEvent::TAdvancedPointerEvent(const TAdvancedPointerEvent& /*aPointerEvent*/) // Copy Constructor
/** Dummy implementation in order to preserve compatibility with WSERV NGA.
@internalComponent */
EXPORT_C TAdvancedPointerEvent& TAdvancedPointerEvent::operator=(const TAdvancedPointerEvent& /*aPointerEvent*/) // Operator = overload
/** Dummy implementation in order to preserve compatibility with WSERV NGA.
@internalComponent */
return *this;