author Gareth Stockwell <>
Fri, 22 Oct 2010 11:59:21 +0100
changeset 208 7df094ed4a3f
parent 0 5d03bc08d59c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added a timer which kills eglbringuptest.exe after a short delay This is to allow the app to be used on a real device. Because it is a console app, there is no way to kill the application once it is running.

file1           = \graphics\t_graphics.ini

name            = ws

name            = win

name            = win2

name            = wingrp

name            = scrdev

name            = dsa

name           = dsa2

name           = bgc

name           = fbsScreenDevice

ws             = ws

clienthandle   = 1

clienthandle   = 2

parent         = wingrp
handle         = 3

parent         = wingrp
handle         = 4

ws             = ws
scrdev         = scrdev
win            = win
dsa            = dsa

ws             = ws
scrdev         = scrdev
win            = win2
dsa            = dsa2

region1_top    = 0
region1_left   = 0
region1_bottom = 50
region1_right  = 50

app            = System
ws             = ws

Priority       = EPriorityHigh

reason         = ETerminateRegion

gc             = bgc

device         = fbsScreenDevice

ScreenDevice   = fbsScreenDevice

ws             = ws
win            = win
dsa            = dsa

point1_x        = 25
point1_y        = 26
point2_x        = 50
point2_y        = 60

point1_x        = -10000
point1_y        = -10000
point2_x        = 500000
point2_y        = 600000

ws             = ws

ws             = ws

clienthandle   = 1

ws             = ws

parent         = wingrp
handle         = 3

ws             = ws
scrdev         = scrdev
win            = win
dsa            = dsa

ws             = ws

ws             = ws

ws             = ws
scrdev         = scrdev
win            = win
dsa            = dsa

reason         = ETerminateRegion

ws             = ws

ws             = ws

clienthandle   = 1

ws             = ws

parent         = wingrp
handle         = 3

ws             = ws
scrdev         = scrdev
win            = win
dsa            = dsa

reason         = ETerminateRegion

ws             = ws

ws             = ws

clienthandle   = 1

ws             = ws

parent         = wingrp
handle         = 3

ws             = ws
scrdev         = scrdev
win            = win
dsa            = dsa

reason         = ETerminateRegion

reason         = ETerminateRegion

ws             = ws

ws             = ws

clienthandle   = 1

ws             = ws

parent         = wingrp
handle         = 3

ws             = ws
scrdev         = scrdev
win            = win
dsa            = dsa

ScreenDevice   = fbsScreenDevice

ws             = ws

ws             = ws

clienthandle   = 1

ws             = ws

parent         = wingrp
handle         = 3

ws             = ws
scrdev         = scrdev
win            = win
dsa            = dsa

gc             = bgc

ws             = ws

ws             = ws

clienthandle   = 1

ws             = ws

parent         = wingrp
handle         = 3

ws             = ws
scrdev         = scrdev
win            = win
dsa            = dsa

reason         = ETerminateRegion

ScreenDevice   = fbsScreenDevice

ws             = ws

ws             = ws

clienthandle   = 1

ws             = ws

parent         = wingrp
handle         = 3

ws             = ws
scrdev         = scrdev
win            = win
dsa            = dsa

reason         = ETerminateRegion

ScreenDevice   = fbsScreenDevice

gc             = bgc

device         = fbsScreenDevice

point1_x        = 25
point1_y        = 26
point2_x        = 50
point2_y        = 60

point1_x        = -10000
point1_y        = -10000
point2_x        = 500000
point2_y        = 600000

ws             = ws

ws             = ws

clienthandle   = 1

ws             = ws

parent         = wingrp
handle         = 3

region1_top    = 0
region1_left   = 0
region1_bottom = 50
region1_right  = 50

ws             = ws
scrdev         = scrdev
win            = win
dsa            = dsa

reason         = ETerminateRegion

region1_top    = 0
region1_left   = 0
region1_bottom = 50
region1_right  = 50

region1_top    = 50
region1_left   = 50
region1_bottom = 200
region1_right  = 200

reason         = ETerminateRegion

region1_top    = 50
region1_left   = 50
region1_bottom = 200
region1_right  = 200

ws             = ws

ws             = ws

clienthandle   = 1

ws             = ws

parent         = wingrp
handle         = 3

ws             = ws
scrdev         = scrdev
win            = win
dsa            = dsa

reason         = ETerminateRegion

app            = System
ws             = ws

reason         = ETerminateRegion

mode			=EColor64K

expected		=EColor64K

reason         = ETerminateRegion