author Gareth Stockwell <>
Fri, 22 Oct 2010 11:59:21 +0100
changeset 208 7df094ed4a3f
parent 0 5d03bc08d59c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added a timer which kills eglbringuptest.exe after a short delay This is to allow the app to be used on a real device. Because it is a console app, there is no way to kill the application once it is running.

file1			=\graphics\t_graphics.ini

name			=win

name			=wingrp

name			=wtreenode

name			=we

name			=wingc

name			=ws

name			=scrdev

name			=fbsbmp

expected_diff		=0

newFlushstate		=TRUE
expectedFlushstate	=FALSE

newFlushstate		=FALSE
expectedFlushstate	=TRUE

setbuffer		=639

setbuffer		=640

setmaxbuffer		=16384

defblackmapfading	=0
defwhitemapfading	=255

sysfadonoff		=ETrue

defblackmapfading	=0
defwhitemapfading	=255

sysfadonoff		=ETrue
blackmapfading		=10
whitemapfading		=244

shadowvector_x		=50
shadowvector_y		=50

expectshdwvet_x		=50
expectshdwvet_y		=50

ptrcurarea_top		=-90
ptrcurarea_left		=-51
ptrcurarea_bottom	=696
ptrcurarea_right	=312

ptrcurarea_top		=-90
ptrcurarea_left		=-51
ptrcurarea_bottom	=696
ptrcurarea_right	=312

screensizemode		=0
ptrcurarea_top		=-90
ptrcurarea_left		=-51
ptrcurarea_bottom	=696
ptrcurarea_right	=312

ptrcurarea_top		=-90
ptrcurarea_left		=-51
ptrcurarea_bottom	=696
ptrcurarea_right	=312
screensizemode		=0

ws			=ws

clienthandle		=1
isfocusable		=TRUE

pointercurmode		=EPointerCursorNormal

expected		=EPointerCursorNormal

cltcurmode		=EPointerCursorNormal

ptrcurpos_x		=6
ptrcurpos_y		=0

point_x			=6
point_y			=0

store			=TRUE

kbreprateinterval	=1200
kbrepratetime		=500

expectedkbinittime	=1200
expectedkbRepeattime	=500


maxinterval		=3
maxdistance		=5

expecteddblmaxinittime	=3
expecteddblmaxdistance	=5

userfs			=TRUE

major			=1
build			=151
minor			=0

usearray		=FALSE

defaultsyscurnum	={default_wserv,pointercursor}

ws			=ws
clienthandle		=1
isfocusable		=TRUE
windowgroup		=wingrp
position		=1

newFlushstate		=TRUE
expectedFlushstate	=FALSE

priority		=0
usearray		=TRUE

newFlushstate		=TRUE
expectedFlushstate	=FALSE

ws			=ws

clienthandle		=26
isfocusable		=TRUE

expected_diff		=1

usearray		=TRUE

wgIdentifier		=9

newFlushstate		=TRUE
expectedFlushstate	=FALSE

matchwgname		=*e*

setfocusscreen		={default_wserv,screen}

expected		={default_wserv,screen}

newFlushstate		=TRUE
expectedFlushstate	=FALSE

bgcolour_red		=245
bgcolour_green		=245
bgcolour_blue		=255

expectbgcolour_red	=245
expectbgcolour_green	=245
expectbgcolour_blue	=255

expected		=0

priority		=0
usearray		=TRUE

wgid			=13

setbuffer		=640

priority		=0
usearray		=FALSE

setmaxbuffer		=16389

newFlushstate		=TRUE
expectedFlushstate	=FALSE

newFlushstate		=TRUE
expectedFlushstate	=FALSE

ws			=ws

clienthandle		=1
isfocusable		=TRUE

seteventoffon		=False

ws			=ws

clienthandle		=1
isfocusable		=TRUE

seteventoffon		=TRUE
treenodeobj		=wingrp

givenwgpriority		=0

ws			=ws

clienthandle		=13
isfocusable		=TRUE

priority		=0
usearray		=TRUE

inputWGId    		=13

hotkey			=EHotKeyIncBrightness
keycode			=EKeyLeftAlt

clshotkey		=EHotKeyIncBrightness

restoredefhk		=EHotKeyIncBrightness

inputpermanmodif	=EModifierLeftCtrl
inputpermanmodifstate	=ETurnOnModifier

expected		=0

screennum		={default_wserv,screen}
expected		=0

specifiescrnno		={default_wserv,screen}
givenwgpriority		=0

ws			=ws

ws			=ws
screendevice		=scrdev

clienthandle		=52
isfocusable		=TRUE

screennum		={default_wserv,screen}

priority		=EAllPriorities
usearray		=TRUE
screennum		={default_wserv,screen}

bitmap_id		=0
file_name		=\graphics\wserv\test_board.mbm
share_if_loaded		=TRUE
use_rfile		=FALSE

identifier		=100
spritemember1_bitmap	=fbsbmp
spritemember1_drawmode	=EDrawModeAND
spritemember1_offset_x	=5
spritemember1_offset_y	=5
spriteflags		=ESpriteNoShadows
alignment		=ECustomTextCursorAlignTop

ws			=ws

clienthandle		=1

keycode			=EKeyF1
modifiermask		=0
modifier		=0

keycode			=EKeyF1
modifiermask		=0
modifier		=0

keycode			=EKeyF1
modifiers		=0

store			=we

expected_code		=EKeyF1
expected_modifier	=0
expected_repeats	=0

ws			=ws

clienthandle		=1

parent			=wingrp
handle			=2

point_x			=5
point_y			=6
size_width		=10
size_height		=15

store			=we

expected_top		=0
expected_left		=0
expected_bottom		=15
expected_right		=10

ws			=ws

clienthandle		=13
isfocusable		=TRUE

priority		=0
usearray		=TRUE

inputWGId    		=13

prewgid    		=0

inputcursornumber	={default_wserv,pointercursor}

computemode		=EPriorityControlDisabled

ws			=ws

clienthandle		=68
isfocusable		=TRUE

nullpointer		=TRUE

nullpointer		=FALSE

defDisplayMode		={default_wserv,display_mode}
defModeMaxNumColor	={default_wserv,max_colors}
defModeMaxNumGray	={default_wserv,max_grays}

ws			=ws

clienthandle		=72
isfocusable		=TRUE

wgIdentifier		=72

heapCount		=1200

screenSizeMode		=0
ptrcurarea_right	=312
ptrcurarea_left		=-51
ptrcurarea_bottom	=696
ptrcurarea_top		=-90

ptrcurarea_right	=312
ptrcurarea_left		=-51
ptrcurarea_bottom	=696
ptrcurarea_top		=-90

expected		={default_wserv,pointercursormode}

point_x			=0
point_y			=0

logCommand		=ELoggingStatusDump

logMessage		=TestMessage

expected		={default_wserv,screens}

expected		={default_wserv,screen}

nullpointer		=TRUE

nullpointer		=FALSE
inputscreenno		={default_wserv,screen}

nullpointer		=TRUE
inputscreenno		={default_wserv,screen}

nullpointer		=FALSE
inputscreenno		={default_wserv,screen}

screennum		={default_wserv,screen}
defDisplayMode		={default_wserv,display_mode}
defModeMaxNumColor	={default_wserv,max_colors}
defModeMaxNumGray	={default_wserv,max_grays}

computemode		=EPriorityControlComputeOn

ws			=ws

clienthandle		=13
isfocusable		=TRUE

priority		=0
usearray		=TRUE

inputWGId    		=23

prewgid    		=0

screensizemode		=-1
ptrcurarea_top		=-90
ptrcurarea_left		=-51
ptrcurarea_bottom	=-696
ptrcurarea_right	=-312

ptrcurarea_top		=-90
ptrcurarea_left		=-51
ptrcurarea_bottom	=-696
ptrcurarea_right	=-312
screensizemode		=-1

ws			=ws

clienthandle		=1
isfocusable		=TRUE

setbuffer		=-1

seteventoffon		=ETrue

restoredefhk		=-1

newFlushstate		=FALSE
expectedFlushstate	=FALSE

setbuffer		=131072

setmaxbuffer	=635

bgcolour_red		=-1
bgcolour_green		=-1
bgcolour_blue		=-1

cltcurmode		=EPointerCursorNone

bitmap_id		=0
file_name		=\graphics\wserv\test_board.mbm
share_if_loaded		=TRUE
use_rfile		=FALSE

identifier		=-1
spritemember1_bitmap	=fbsbmp
spritemember1_drawmode	=EDrawModeAND
spritemember1_offset_x	=-5
spritemember1_offset_y	=-5
spriteflags		=ESpriteNoShadows
alignment		=ECustomTextCursorAlignTop

defblackmapfading	=-1
defwhitemapfading	=-255

sysfadonoff		=EFalse

maxinterval		=-3
maxdistance		=-5

expecteddblmaxinittime	=-3
expecteddblmaxdistance	=-5

hotkey			=EHotKeyOff
keycode			=EKeyLeftAlt

inputpermanmodif	=EModifierLeftCtrl
inputpermanmodifstate	=ETurnOffModifier

ptrcurarea_top		=-90
ptrcurarea_left		=-51
ptrcurarea_bottom	=-696
ptrcurarea_right	=-312

ptrcurarea_top		=-90
ptrcurarea_left		=-51
ptrcurarea_bottom	=-696
ptrcurarea_right	=-312

screensizemode		=-1
ptrcurarea_top		=-90
ptrcurarea_left		=-51
ptrcurarea_bottom	=-696
ptrcurarea_right	=-312

ptrcurarea_top		=-90
ptrcurarea_left		=-51
ptrcurarea_bottom	=-696
ptrcurarea_right	=-312
screensizemode		=-1

ws			=ws

clienthandle		=1
isfocusable		=TRUE

pointercurmode		=EPointerCursorNone

expected		=EPointerCursorNone

ptrcurpos_x		=-1
ptrcurpos_y		=-1

point_x			=-1
point_y			=-1

sysfadonoff		=EFalse
blackmapfading		=-10
whitemapfading		=-244

identifier    		=12
position		=-1

matchwgname		=*GVNKWTX*

specifiescrnno		={default_wserv,screen_negative}
givenwgpriority		=-1

priority		=EAllPriorities
usearray		=TRUE
screennum		={default_wserv,screen_negative}