Apply patch 8. Fix minigui_syborg.oby. This also includes the whole file as it was accidentally made new but empty in an earlier patch. This file might have stuff particular to a Nokia config. So this may need tuning to be platform specific and needs to be compared with the stripped down version integrated in a separate change.
// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "EPSNSTD.H"
#include <banddev.h>
#include <fbs.h>
#include "EPSON.H"
#include "pdrtext.h"
EXPORT_C CPrinterDevice* NewPrinterDeviceL()
CEpsonDevice* device = new(ELeave) CEpsonDevice;
return device;
void CEpsonDevice::CreateControlL(CPrinterPort* aPrinterPort)
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aPrinterPort, Panic(EEpsonRequiresPrinterPort));
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(!iControl, Panic(EEpsonControlAlreadyExists));
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iCurrentPageSpecInTwips.iPortraitPageSize.iWidth && iCurrentPageSpecInTwips.iPortraitPageSize.iHeight, Panic(EEpsonPageSpecNotSet));
iControl = CEpsonControl::NewL(this, aPrinterPort, *iStore, iModelInfo->iResourcesStreamId);
CEpsonControl* CEpsonControl::NewL(CPdrDevice* aPdrDevice, CPrinterPort* aPrinterPort, CStreamStore& aStore, TStreamId aResourcesStreamId)
CEpsonControl* control=new(ELeave) CEpsonControl(aPdrDevice, aPrinterPort);
control->ConstructL(aStore, aResourcesStreamId);
return control;
void CEpsonControl::ConstructL(CStreamStore& aStore, TStreamId aResourcesStreamId)
if((iPdrDevice->CurrentPageSpecInTwips().iOrientation == TPageSpec::ELandscape)
&& (iPdrDevice->Flags() & EEpsonLandscapeNotAvailable))
CFbsDrvControl::ConstructL(aStore, aResourcesStreamId);
TRect rect = iPdrDevice->PrintablePageInPixels();
TSize size;
size.iWidth = iPdrDevice->HorizontalPixelsToTwips(1000);
size.iHeight = iPdrDevice->VerticalPixelsToTwips(1000);
iBandedDevice = CBandedDevice::NewL(rect, size, iPdrDevice->DisplayMode(), EBandingTopToBottom, KEpsonNumScanLinesPerBand);
iPageText = CPageText::NewL();
void CEpsonControl::OutputBandL()
TRect bandrect = iBandedDevice->BandRect();
TSize size = bandrect.Size();
TCommandString des;
TBool datainband = EFalse;
for(TInt i = 0; i < size.iWidth; i++)
iBandedDevice->BandBitmap()->GetVerticalScanLine(iScanLine, i, iPdrDevice->DisplayMode());
if(TransformBuffer() && !datainband)
MoveToL(bandrect.iTl + TPoint(i, 0));
des.Format(iResources->ResourceString(EPdrBitmapStart), size.iWidth - i);
datainband = ETrue;
iPosition.iX = iPdrDevice->OffsetInPixels().iX;
TInt numentries = iPageText->NumEntries();
CPageTextEntry* entry;
for(TInt y = bandrect.iTl.iY; y <= bandrect.iBr.iY; y++)
for(TInt index = 0; (index < numentries); index++)
entry = (*iPageText)[index];
TPoint drawPos = entry->iDrawPos - TPoint(0, 20); // bodge to align pdr fonts with true types
if(drawPos.iY == y)
OutputTextL(drawPos, entry->iTextWidthInPixels, *(entry->iTextFormat), *(entry->iText)); //!!
void CEpsonControl::MoveToL(const TPoint& aPoint)
TPoint vector = aPoint - iPosition;
for(; vector.iY > 255; )
MoveByL(TPoint(0, 255));
vector = aPoint - iPosition;
TBool CEpsonControl::TransformBuffer()
TUint8* pStart = (TUint8*)iScanLine.Ptr();
TUint8* pEnd = pStart + (KEpsonNumScanLinesPerBand >> 3);
TUint8* p;
for(p = pStart; (p < pEnd) && (*p == 0xFF); p++)
TBool datainscanline = (p < pEnd);
for(p = pStart; p<pEnd; p++)
TInt byte1 = *p;
TInt byte2 = 0;
for(TInt j = 0; j < 8; j++)
byte2 = byte2 << 1;
byte2 = byte2 | (byte1 & 1);
byte1 = byte1 >> 1;
*p = (TUint8)~byte2;
return datainscanline; // returns ETrue if there are non-blank bytes in scanline
CEpsonControl::CEpsonControl(CPdrDevice* aPdrDevice, CPrinterPort* aPrinterPort):
CFbsDrvControl(aPdrDevice, aPrinterPort),