wserv.iby - sticking gce.iby #include into an #ifndef SYMBIAN_GRAPHICS_USE_OPENWF statement, as we don't have it and it kills rombuilding.
??0RSgDrawable@@QAE@XZ @ 1 NONAME ; RSgDrawable::RSgDrawable(void)
??0RSgImage@@QAE@XZ @ 2 NONAME ; RSgImage::RSgImage(void)
??0RSgImageCollection@@QAE@XZ @ 3 NONAME ; RSgImageCollection::RSgImageCollection(void)
??0TSgImageInfo@@QAE@XZ @ 4 NONAME ; TSgImageInfo::TSgImageInfo(void)
?Close@RSgDrawable@@QAEXXZ @ 5 NONAME ; void RSgDrawable::Close(void)
?Close@RSgImageCollection@@QAEXXZ @ 6 NONAME ; void RSgImageCollection::Close(void)
?Close@SgDriver@@SAXXZ @ 7 NONAME ; void SgDriver::Close(void)
?Count@RSgImageCollection@@QBEHXZ @ 8 NONAME ; int RSgImageCollection::Count(void) const
?Create@RSgImage@@QAEHABVTSgImageInfo@@ABV1@@Z @ 9 NONAME ; int RSgImage::Create(class TSgImageInfo const &, class RSgImage const &)
?Create@RSgImage@@QAEHABVTSgImageInfo@@PBXH@Z @ 10 NONAME ; int RSgImage::Create(class TSgImageInfo const &, void const *, int)
?Create@RSgImageCollection@@QAEHABVTSgImageInfo@@H@Z @ 11 NONAME ; int RSgImageCollection::Create(class TSgImageInfo const &, int)
?Create@RSgImageCollection@@SAHQBVTSgImageInfo@@HQAV1@H@Z @ 12 NONAME ; int RSgImageCollection::Create(class TSgImageInfo const * const, int, class RSgImageCollection * const, int)
?GetInfo@RSgImage@@QBEHAAVTSgImageInfo@@@Z @ 13 NONAME ; int RSgImage::GetInfo(class TSgImageInfo &) const
?GetInfo@RSgImageCollection@@QBEHAAVTSgImageInfo@@@Z @ 14 NONAME ; int RSgImageCollection::GetInfo(class TSgImageInfo &) const
?GetInterface@RSgDrawable@@ABEHVTUid@@AAPAX@Z @ 15 NONAME ; int RSgDrawable::GetInterface(class TUid, void * &) const
?GetPixelFormats@RSgImage@@SAHABVTSgImageInfo@@PAW4TUidPixelFormat@@AAH@Z @ 16 NONAME ; int RSgImage::GetPixelFormats(class TSgImageInfo const &, enum TUidPixelFormat *, int &)
?Id@RSgDrawable@@QBEABVTSgDrawableId@@XZ @ 17 NONAME ; class TSgDrawableId const & RSgDrawable::Id(void) const
?IsNull@RSgDrawable@@QBEHXZ @ 18 NONAME ; int RSgDrawable::IsNull(void) const
?IsNull@RSgImageCollection@@QBEHXZ @ 19 NONAME ; int RSgImageCollection::IsNull(void) const
?MapReadOnly@RSgImage@@QBEHAAPBXAAH@Z @ 20 NONAME ; int RSgImage::MapReadOnly(void const * &, int &) const
?MapReadWrite@RSgImage@@QAEHAAPAXAAH@Z @ 21 NONAME ; int RSgImage::MapReadWrite(void * &, int &)
?MapWriteOnly@RSgImage@@QAEHAAPAXAAH@Z @ 22 NONAME ; int RSgImage::MapWriteOnly(void * &, int &)
?Open@RSgDrawable@@QAEHABVTSgDrawableId@@@Z @ 23 NONAME ; int RSgDrawable::Open(class TSgDrawableId const &)
?Open@SgDriver@@SAHXZ @ 24 NONAME ; int SgDriver::Open(void)
?OpenImage@RSgImageCollection@@QAEHHAAVRSgImage@@@Z @ 25 NONAME ; int RSgImageCollection::OpenImage(int, class RSgImage &)
?ResourceCount@SgDriver@@SAHXZ @ 26 NONAME ; int SgDriver::ResourceCount(void)
?SurfaceId@RSgImageCollection@@QBEABVTSurfaceId@@XZ @ 27 NONAME ; class TSurfaceId const & RSgImageCollection::SurfaceId(void) const
?Unmap@RSgImage@@QBEHXZ @ 28 NONAME ; int RSgImage::Unmap(void) const
?DrawableType@RSgDrawable@@QBE?AVTUid@@XZ @ 29 NONAME ; class TUid RSgDrawable::DrawableType(void) const
?Open@RSgDrawable@@QAEHABVTSgDrawableId@@K@Z @ 30 NONAME ; int RSgDrawable::Open(class TSgDrawableId const &, unsigned long)
?AllocMarkEnd@SgDriver@@SAXH@Z @ 31 NONAME ; void SgDriver::AllocMarkEnd(int)
?AllocMarkStart@SgDriver@@SAXXZ @ 32 NONAME ; void SgDriver::AllocMarkStart(void)
?SetAllocFail@SgDriver@@SAXW4TAllocFail@RAllocator@@H@Z @ 33 NONAME ; void SgDriver::SetAllocFail(enum RAllocator::TAllocFail, int)
?PixelFormatToDisplayMode@SgUtils@@SA?AW4TDisplayMode@@W4TUidPixelFormat@@@Z @ 34 NONAME ; enum TDisplayMode SgUtils::PixelFormatToDisplayMode(enum TUidPixelFormat)
?MinDataStride@SgUtils@@SAHHW4TUidPixelFormat@@@Z @ 35 NONAME ; int SgUtils::MinDataStride(int, enum TUidPixelFormat)
?TransferPixels@SgUtils@@SAHPAXHW4TUidPixelFormat@@PBXH1ABVTRect@@@Z @ 36 NONAME ; int SgUtils::TransferPixels(void *, int, enum TUidPixelFormat, void const *, int, enum TUidPixelFormat, class TRect const &)
?DisplayModeToPixelFormat@SgUtils@@SA?AW4TUidPixelFormat@@W4TDisplayMode@@@Z @ 37 NONAME ; enum TUidPixelFormat SgUtils::DisplayModeToPixelFormat(enum TDisplayMode)