Setup the Bug 235 bring-up branch, as bug235_bringup_0.
(object Petal
version 37)
(object Design "<Top Level>"
is_unit TRUE
is_loaded TRUE
defaults (object defaults
rightMargin 0.250000
leftMargin 0.250000
topMargin 0.250000
bottomMargin 0.500000
pageOverlap 0.250000
clipIconLabels TRUE
autoResize FALSE
snapToGrid TRUE
gridX 25
gridY 25
defaultFont (object Font
size 10
face "helvetica"
bold FALSE
italics FALSE
underline FALSE
strike FALSE
color 0
default_color TRUE)
showMessageNum 3
showClassOfObject TRUE
notation "Booch")
root_category (object Class_Category "<Top Level>"
exportControl "Public"
global TRUE
subsystem "<Top Level>"
logical_models (list unit_reference_list
(object Class "$UNNAMED$0")
(object Class "$UNNAMED$1")
(object Class "$UNNAMED$2")
(object Class_Utility "$UNNAMED$3")
(object Class "$UNNAMED$4")
(object Class "$UNNAMED$5"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "HDC"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "CWingdiwn"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "CFbsBitGC")))
(object Class "CWingdibm"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "CFbsBitGC")))
(object Class "RDrawWinScreen"
fields (list has_relationship_list
(object Has_Relationship
documentation "Window handle for main screen."
label "iHwnd"
supplier "HWND"
exportControl "Private"
Containment "By Value"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))
(object Has_Relationship
documentation "Windows device context handle for main screen."
label "iHdc"
supplier "HDC"
exportControl "Private"
Containment "By Value")
(object Has_Relationship
documentation "Windows palette handle for main screen."
label "iPalette"
supplier "HPALETTE"
exportControl "Private"
Containment "By Value"))
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "RDrawWin"
virtual TRUE))
abstract TRUE)
(object Class "RDrawWinScreenGrey256"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "RDrawWinScreen"
virtual TRUE)))
(object Class "RDrawWinScreenColour"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "RDrawWinScreen"
virtual TRUE)))
(object Class "$UNNAMED$6"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "$UNNAMED$7")
(object Class "$UNNAMED$8")
(object Class "$UNNAMED$9"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "TSize"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "HRGN"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "HPEN"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "TInt"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "Draw*"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "CGdiFont*"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "HBRUSH"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "TBool"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "HBITMAP"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "HPALETTE"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "TPoint"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "CRegion"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "$UNNAMED$10")
(object Class "RDrawWin"
fields (list has_relationship_list
(object Has_Relationship
documentation "Pointer to bitmap pixel data."
label "iBitmapBits"
supplier "TUint8 *"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Value")
(object Has_Relationship
documentation "Pointer to bitmap palette array."
label "iBitmapColours"
supplier "LPRGBQUAD"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Value")
(object Has_Relationship
documentation "Windows device context handle for printing text to the bitmap."
label "iBitmapDC"
supplier "HDC"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Value")
(object Has_Relationship
documentation "Windows bitmap handle."
label "iBitmapHandle"
supplier "HBITMAP"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Value")
(object Has_Relationship
documentation "Pointer to bitmap info structure."
label "iBitmapInfo"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Value")
(object Has_Relationship
documentation "Pointer to bitmap info header structure."
label "iBitmapInfoHdr"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Value"))
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "RFbsDrawDevice"
virtual TRUE))
abstract TRUE)
(object Class "RDrawWinBitmap"
fields (list has_relationship_list
(object Has_Relationship
documentation "Bitmap handle."
label "iBitmap"
supplier "HBITMAP"
exportControl "Private"
Containment "By Value"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")))
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "RDrawWin"
virtual TRUE))
abstract TRUE)
(object Class "CBase"
abstract TRUE)
(object Class "TGraphicsInfo"
fields (list has_relationship_list
(object Has_Relationship
label "iFont"
supplier "RBitwiseFont"
Containment "By Reference"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))
(object Has_Relationship
label "iPatBrush"
supplier "CBitwiseBitmap"
Containment "By Reference"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))
(object Has_Relationship
label "iPalette"
supplier "RPalette"
Containment "By Reference"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))
(object Has_Relationship
documentation "Pen colour."
label "iPen"
supplier "TRgb"
Containment "By Value")
(object Has_Relationship
documentation "Brush colour."
label "iBrush"
supplier "TRgb"
Containment "By Value")
(object Has_Relationship
documentation "Drawing mode."
label "iDrawMode"
supplier "CGdiBase::TGdiDrawMode"
Containment "By Value")
(object Has_Relationship
documentation "Specifies transparent/opaque text background."
label "iTextBackGround"
supplier "CGdiBase::TTextBackGround"
Containment "By Value")
(object Has_Relationship
documentation "Rectangle to which all drawing operations will be clipped."
label "iClipRect"
supplier "TRect"
Containment "By Value")
(object Has_Relationship
documentation "Position at which any patterned brush painting should originate. Painting may still take place to the left and above this, in which case this is the point that the bottom right-hand corner of the patterned brush lines up with."
label "iPatBrushOrigin"
supplier "TPoint"
Containment "By Value"))
used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
(object Uses_Relationship
supplier "RPalette")
(object Uses_Relationship
supplier "CBitwiseBitmap")
(object Uses_Relationship
supplier "RBitwiseFont")))
(object Class "CGdiSprite"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "HWND"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "RRegion"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "CGdiBase::TGdiDrawMode"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "CGdiBase::TTextBackGround"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "TRect"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "RSpriteBase"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "TUint"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "TUint8 *"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "LPRGBQUAD"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "LPBITMAPINFO"
nonclass TRUE)
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "RSpriteBase *"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "TGdiAttributes"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "TDisplayMode"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "TUint8"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "TRegionFix<1>"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "const TRegion *"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "const TRegion"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "TDrawMode"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "TLine"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "TTextBackGround"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "TWideLine"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "RSessionBase")
(object Class_Category "$UNNAMED$11"
exportControl "Public"
logical_models (list unit_reference_list)
logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list))
(object Class_Category "BitGdi"
visible_categories (list visibility_relationship_list
(object Visibility_Relationship
supplier "FontBitmapServer"))
exportControl "Public"
logical_models (list unit_reference_list
(object Class "CFbsBitGC"
fields (list has_relationship_list
(object Has_Relationship
documentation "Last print position, used by PrintText with no print position supplied."
label "iLastPrintPosition"
supplier "TPoint"
exportControl "Private"
Containment "By Value")
(object Has_Relationship
label "iDefaultRegion"
supplier "TRegionFix<1>"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Value")
(object Has_Relationship
documentation "Hardware dependent drawing functions"
label "iDrawLowLevel"
supplier "RFbsDrawDevice"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Reference"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "0,1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "n"))
(object Has_Relationship
label "iFont"
supplier "CFbsFont"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Reference"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "0,1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n"))
(object Has_Relationship
label "iPalette"
supplier "RPalette"
Containment "By Reference"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "0,1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n"))
(object Has_Relationship
label "iClipRect"
supplier "TRect"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Value")
(object Has_Relationship
label "iDefaultRegionPtr"
supplier "const TRegion"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Reference")
(object Has_Relationship
label "iDrawMode"
supplier "TDrawMode"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Value")
(object Has_Relationship
label "iLastPosAdjust"
supplier "TInt"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Value")
(object Has_Relationship
label "iLastPosUsed"
supplier "TBool"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Value")
(object Has_Relationship
label "iLine"
supplier "TLine"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Value")
(object Has_Relationship
label "iLineWidth"
supplier "TInt"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Value")
(object Has_Relationship
label "iPatBrushOrigin"
supplier "TPoint"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Value")
(object Has_Relationship
label "iPen"
supplier "TRgb"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Value")
(object Has_Relationship
label "iTextBackGround"
supplier "TTextBackGround"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Value")
(object Has_Relationship
label "iWideLine"
supplier "TWideLine"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Value")
(object Has_Relationship
label "iTextBackGroundColour"
supplier "TRgb"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Value")
(object Has_Relationship
label "iBrushPattern"
supplier "CFbsBitmap"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Reference"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n"))
(object Has_Relationship
supplier "CFbsFont"
exportControl "Protected"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n"))
(object Has_Relationship
supplier "CFbsBitmap"
exportControl "Protected"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n"))
(object Has_Relationship
supplier "TRgb")
(object Has_Relationship
supplier "TRgb")
(object Has_Relationship
supplier "TLinearDDA")
(object Has_Relationship
supplier "TEllipse"))
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "CBitmapContext"))
used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
(object Uses_Relationship
label "iDrawable"
supplier "RFbsDrawDevice"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n"))
(object Uses_Relationship
supplier "CBitwiseBitmap"
exportControl "Protected"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n"))
(object Uses_Relationship
supplier "CBitmapFont"
exportControl "Protected"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n"))
(object Uses_Relationship
label "iBrushPattern"
supplier "CFbsBitmap"
exportControl "Protected"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")))
module "G32 (main)")
(object Class "RFbsDrawDevice"
fields (list has_relationship_list
(object Has_Relationship
documentation "Size of gdi area."
label "iSize"
supplier "TSize"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Value"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))
(object Has_Relationship
documentation "Display mode of device."
label "iDispMode"
supplier "TDisplayMode"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Value"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))
(object Has_Relationship
documentation "Single sprite pointer."
label "iSprite"
supplier "RSpriteBase *"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Value"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))
(object Has_Relationship
documentation "The class handle."
label "iHandle"
supplier "TUint"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Value")
(object Has_Relationship
label "iAttributes"
supplier "TGdiAttributes"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Value")
(object Has_Relationship
label "iLongWidth"
supplier "TInt"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Value")
(object Has_Relationship
label "iBitmapBits"
supplier "TUint8"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Reference")
(object Has_Relationship
label "iScanLineBuffer"
supplier "TUint8 *"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Value")
(object Has_Relationship
label "iScanLineBytes"
supplier "TInt"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Value")
(object Has_Relationship
label "iSpriteDraw"
supplier "TBool"
exportControl "Protected"
Containment "By Value"))
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "RDrawBase"))
abstract TRUE
module "G32 (main)")
(object Class "RPaletteBase"
abstract TRUE
module "G32 (main)")
(object Class "CFbsScreenDevice"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "CFbsDevice"))
used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
(object Uses_Relationship
supplier "CFbsBitGC"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))
(object Uses_Relationship
supplier "RFbsDrawDevice"))
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "CreateContext"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)))
(object Class "CFbsDevice"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "CBitmapDevice"))
used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
(object Uses_Relationship
supplier "CFbsTypefaceStore"))
abstract TRUE)
(object Class "CFbsBitmapDevice"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "CFbsDevice"))
used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
(object Uses_Relationship
supplier "CFbsBitGC"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))))
(object Class_Category "Low Level
exportControl "Public"
logical_models (list unit_reference_list
(object Class "RFbsDrawFourBppBitmap"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "RFbsDrawBitmap"))
persistence "Persistent"
module "G32 (main)")
(object Class "RDrawEightBppBitmap
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "RFbsDrawBitmap"))
persistence "Persistent"
module "G32 (main)")
(object Class "RFbsDrawFourBppScreenBitmap"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "RFbsDrawScreen")
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "RFbsDrawFourBppBitmap"))
persistence "Persistent"
module "G32 (main)")
(object Class "RFbsDrawTwoBppScreenBitmap"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "RFbsDrawScreen")
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "RFbsDrawTwoBppBitmap"))
persistence "Persistent"
module "G32 (main)")
(object Class "RFbsDrawTwoBppBitmap"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "RFbsDrawBitmap")))
(object Class "RFbsDrawOneBppBitmap"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "RFbsDrawBitmap")))
(object Class "RDrawOneBppScreen"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "RFbsDrawScreen")))
(object Class "RFbsDrawScreen"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "RFbsDrawDevice"))
abstract TRUE)
(object Class "RFbsDrawBitmap"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "RFbsDrawDevice"))
abstract TRUE))
logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
(object ClassDiagram "Main"
title "Main"
zoom 100
max_height 28350
max_width 21600
origin_x 0
origin_y 0
items (list diagram_item_list
(object ClassView "Class" "RFbsDrawDevice" @1
location (1500, 175)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @1
location (1368, 68)
nlines 2
max_width 310
justify 0
label "RFbsDrawDevice")
width 450
height 318
annotation 8
autoResize TRUE)
(object ClassView "Class" "RFbsDrawFourBppBitmap" @2
location (2175, 1050)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @2
location (2052, 966)
nlines 2
max_width 288
justify 0
label "RFbsDrawFourBppBitmap")
width 420
annotation 8
autoResize TRUE)
(object ClassView "Class" "RFbsDrawFourBppScreenBitmap" @3
location (2175, 1575)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @3
location (2032, 1491)
nlines 2
max_width 334
justify 0
label "RFbsDrawFourBppScreenBitmap")
width 488
annotation 8
autoResize TRUE)
(object ClassView "Class" "RFbsDrawTwoBppScreenBitmap" @4
location (700, 1600)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @4
location (558, 1516)
nlines 2
max_width 333
justify 0
label "RFbsDrawTwoBppScreenBitmap")
width 486
annotation 8
autoResize TRUE)
(object ClassView "Class" "RFbsDrawTwoBppBitmap" @5
location (700, 1075)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @5
location (583, 991)
nlines 2
max_width 274
justify 0
label "RFbsDrawTwoBppBitmap")
width 400
annotation 8
autoResize TRUE)
(object ClassView "Class" "RFbsDrawOneBppBitmap" @6
location (1500, 1050)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @6
location (1377, 966)
nlines 2
max_width 286
justify 0
label "RFbsDrawOneBppBitmap")
width 418
annotation 8
autoResize TRUE)
(object ClassView "Class" "RFbsDrawBitmap" @7
location (1500, 575)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @7
location (1396, 491)
nlines 2
max_width 240
justify 0
label "RFbsDrawBitmap")
annotation 8
autoResize TRUE)
(object InheritView "" @8
client @2
supplier @7
line_style 0)
(object InheritView "" @9
client @5
supplier @7
line_style 0)
(object InheritView "" @10
client @6
supplier @7
line_style 0)
(object InheritView "" @11
client @7
supplier @1
line_style 0)
(object InheritView "" @12
client @4
supplier @5
line_style 0)
(object InheritView "" @13
client @3
supplier @2
line_style 0)))))
(object Class_Category "Screen/Bitmap Context"
exportControl "Public"
logical_models (list unit_reference_list
(object Class "TEllipse"))
logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
(object ClassDiagram "Main"
title "Main"
zoom 100
max_height 28350
max_width 21600
origin_x 0
origin_y 0
items (list diagram_item_list
(object ClassView "Class" "CFbsBitGC" @14
location (1675, 1050)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @14
location (1558, 955)
nlines 2
max_width 275
justify 0
label "CFbsBitGC")
width 400
height 287
annotation 8)
(object ClassView "Class" "CFbsFont" @15
location (1625, 1725)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @15
location (1479, 1605)
nlines 2
max_width 344
justify 0
label "CFbsFont")
width 500
height 357
annotation 8)
(object ClassView "Class" "CFbsBitmap" @16
location (2525, 1475)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @16
location (2393, 1366)
nlines 2
max_width 310
justify 0
label "CFbsBitmap")
width 450
height 325
annotation 8)
(object HasView "iFont" @17
client @14
supplier @15
line_style 0)
(object HasView "iBrushPattern" @18
client @14
supplier @16
line_style 0)
(object ClassView "Class" "TRgb" @19
location (850, 1275)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @19
location (733, 1179)
nlines 2
max_width 275
justify 0
label "TRgb")
width 400
height 288
annotation 8)
(object ClassView "Class" "TRgb" @20
location (875, 850)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @20
location (758, 754)
nlines 2
max_width 275
justify 0
label "TRgb")
width 400
height 288
annotation 8)
(object HasView "iPen" @21
client @14
supplier @19
line_style 0)
(object HasView "iTextBackGroundColour" @22
client @14
supplier @20
line_style 0)
(object ClassView "Class" "TLinearDDA" @23
location (1400, 500)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @23
location (1296, 416)
nlines 2
max_width 240
justify 0
label "TLinearDDA")
annotation 8)
(object HasView "" @24
client @14
supplier @23
line_style 0)
(object ClassView "Class" "TEllipse" @25
location (1975, 525)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @25
location (1871, 441)
nlines 2
max_width 240
justify 0
label "TEllipse")
annotation 8)
(object HasView "" @26
client @14
supplier @25
line_style 0))))))
logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
(object ClassDiagram "Main"
title "Main"
zoom 92
max_height 28350
max_width 21600
origin_x 0
origin_y 0
items (list diagram_item_list
(object ClassView "Class" "CFbsBitGC" @27
location (2500, 975)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @27
location (2396, 891)
nlines 2
max_width 240
justify 0
label "CFbsBitGC")
annotation 8)
(object ClassView "Class" "RFbsDrawDevice" @28
location (1650, 650)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @28
location (1546, 566)
nlines 2
max_width 240
justify 0
label "RFbsDrawDevice")
annotation 8)
(object ClassView "Class" "CFbsScreenDevice" @29
location (2025, 1375)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @29
location (1894, 1268)
nlines 2
max_width 309
justify 0
label "CFbsScreenDevice")
compartment (object Compartment
Parent_View @29
location (1584, 1386)
anchor 2
nlines 1
max_width 927
justify 0
compartmentItems (list Compartment
"CreateContext( )"))
width 448
height 319
annotation 8)
(object UsesView "" @30
client @29
supplier @27
line_style 0)
(object ClassView "Class" "CFbsDevice" @31
location (1250, 1125)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @31
location (1146, 1041)
nlines 2
max_width 240
justify 0
label "CFbsDevice")
annotation 8)
(object InheritView "" @32
client @29
supplier @31
line_style 0)
(object ClassView "Class" "CBitmapContext" @33
location (2775, 325)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @33
location (2616, 195)
nlines 2
max_width 374
justify 0
label "CBitmapContext")
width 543
height 387
annotation 8)
(object InheritView "" @34
client @27
supplier @33
line_style 0)
(object ClassView "Class" "CFbsTypefaceStore" @35
location (475, 1500)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @35
location (316, 1370)
nlines 2
max_width 374
justify 0
label "CFbsTypefaceStore")
width 543
height 387
annotation 8)
(object UsesView "iDrawable" @36
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @36
location (2082, 815)
anchor_loc 1
nlines 1
max_width 450
justify 0
label "iDrawable")
client @27
supplier @28
line_style 0)
(object CategoryView "Low Level
Drawing" @37
location (1675, 400)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @37
location (1508, 305)
nlines 2
max_width 334
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|Low Level
width 346
height 203)
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label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @38
location (2706, 941)
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justify 0
label "Screen/Bitmap Context")
compartment (object Compartment
Parent_View @38
location (2729, 1059)
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height 180)
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label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @39
location (619, 418)
nlines 2
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label "CBitmapDevice")
width 448
height 319
annotation 8)
(object InheritView "" @40
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location (2150, 1975)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @41
location (2040, 1891)
nlines 2
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justify 0
label "CFbsBitmapDevice")
width 372
annotation 8)
(object InheritView "" @42
client @41
supplier @31
line_style 0)
(object UsesView "" @43
client @31
supplier @35
line_style 0)
(object UsesView "" @44
client @41
supplier @27
line_style 0)))))
(object Class_Category "FontBitmapServer"
visible_categories (list visibility_relationship_list
(object Visibility_Relationship
supplier "Psibit")
(object Visibility_Relationship
supplier "FntStore")
(object Visibility_Relationship
supplier "Gdi"))
exportControl "Public"
logical_models (list unit_reference_list
(object Class "RFbsSession"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "RSessionBase"))
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "SendCommand"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)))
(object Class "CFbsFont"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "CFont"))
used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
(object Uses_Relationship
supplier "RFbsSession")
(object Uses_Relationship
supplier "CBitmapFont"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))))
(object Class "CBitmappedDevice"
abstract TRUE)
(object Class "CFbsBitmap"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "CDiBitmap"))
used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
(object Uses_Relationship
supplier "RFbsSession")
(object Uses_Relationship
supplier "CBitwiseBitmap"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))))
(object Class "CFbsTypefaceStore"
fields (list has_relationship_list
(object Has_Relationship
supplier "RFbsSession"))
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "CTypefaceStore"))
used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
(object Uses_Relationship
supplier "CFbsFont")))
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quid "3198EF07008C"
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client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n"))
(object Role "$UNNAMED$13"
supplier "CFontBitmapServer"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))))
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quid "3198EF07008D"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$14"
supplier "RFbsSession"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))
(object Role "$UNNAMED$15"
supplier "CFbClient"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))))
(object Class_Category "Font/BitmapServer"
exportControl "Public"
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(object Class "CFontBitmapServer"
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(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "CServer"))
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supplier "CFbClient"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))))
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(object Class "CSession")
(object Class "CFbsTop"
used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
(object Uses_Relationship
supplier "CFontStore"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))))
(object Class "CFbClient"
fields (list has_relationship_list
(object Has_Relationship
label "iIx"
supplier "CObjectIx"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")))
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "CSession"))
used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
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supplier "CFbsObject"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))
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supplier "CBitwiseBitmap"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n"))
(object Uses_Relationship
supplier "CBitmapFont"
supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n"))))
(object Class "CBitwiseBitmap"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "RBrushBase")
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "CDiBitmap"))
module "G32 (main)")
(object Association "$UNNAMED$16"
quid "3198EF0700FA"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$17"
supplier "CFontBitmapServer"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))
(object Role "$UNNAMED$18"
supplier "CFbsTop"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$19"
quid "3198EF0700FB"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$20"
supplier "CFbClient"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n"))
(object Role "$UNNAMED$21"
supplier "RFbTop"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$22"
quid "3198EF0700FC"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$23"
supplier "CFbClient"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n"))
(object Role "$UNNAMED$24"
supplier "CFbsTop"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")))))
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Parent_View @45
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annotation 8)
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Parent_View @46
location (1546, 1816)
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annotation 8)
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Parent_View @47
location (258, 329)
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annotation 8)
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label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @48
location (1071, 1641)
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annotation 8)
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Parent_View @49
location (2196, 1666)
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annotation 8)
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Parent_View @50
location (571, 1791)
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annotation 8)
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Parent_View @51
location (2521, 366)
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annotation 8)
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label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @53
location (243, 891)
nlines 2
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label "RFbsSession")
width 450
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annotation 8)
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Parent_View @55
location (1496, 1441)
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annotation 8)
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Parent_View @58
location (593, 1150)
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Parent_View @60
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label "1"
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height 54
orientation 1))))
(object InheritView "" @62
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(object UsesView "" @63
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(object UsesView "" @64
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Parent_View @68
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Parent_View @70
location (1377, 861)
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label "1"
pctDist 0.900000
height 54
orientation 1))))
(object UsesView "" @72
client @65
supplier @55
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(object InheritView "" @73
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location (2450, 875)
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Parent_View @74
location (2346, 791)
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annotation 8)
(object UsesView "" @75
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Parent_View @77
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label (object SegLabel @80
Parent_View @79
location (2364, 1009)
anchor 2
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label "1"
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label "1"
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client @81
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Parent_View @84
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label "1"
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title "Main"
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Parent_View @86
location (1343, 841)
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label "RFbsSession")
compartment (object Compartment
Parent_View @86
location (1032, 907)
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"SendCommand( )"))
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annotation 8)
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label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @87
location (2346, 866)
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annotation 8)
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label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @88
location (596, 866)
nlines 2
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annotation 8)
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location (1475, 400)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @89
location (1371, 316)
nlines 2
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label "RSessionBase")
annotation 8)
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location (2450, 325)
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Parent_View @91
location (2346, 241)
nlines 2
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label "CFont")
annotation 8)
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Parent_View @93
location (596, 241)
nlines 2
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label "CDiBitmap")
annotation 8)
(object InheritView "" @94
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Parent_View @95
location (1506, 578)
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label "Font/BitmapServer")
compartment (object Compartment
Parent_View @95
location (1534, 644)
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height 206)
(object ClassView "Class" "CFbsTypefaceStore" @96
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label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @96
location (1809, 1441)
nlines 2
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justify 0
label "CFbsTypefaceStore")
width 392
annotation 8)
(object HasView "" @97
client @96
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location (2600, 1725)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @98
location (2481, 1630)
nlines 2
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justify 0
label "CTypefaceStore")
width 399
height 287
annotation 8)
(object InheritView "" @99
client @96
supplier @98
line_style 0)
(object UsesView "" @100
client @96
supplier @87
line_style 0)
(object UsesView "" @101
client @88
supplier @86
line_style 0)
(object UsesView "" @102
client @87
supplier @86
line_style 0)))))
(object Class_Category "WindowServer"
visible_categories (list visibility_relationship_list
(object Visibility_Relationship
supplier "BitGdi"))
exportControl "Public"
logical_models (list unit_reference_list)
logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
(object ClassDiagram "Main"
title "Main"
zoom 100
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max_width 21600
origin_x 0
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items (list diagram_item_list))))
(object Class_Category "Psibit"
visible_categories (list visibility_relationship_list
(object Visibility_Relationship
supplier "Gdi"))
exportControl "Public"
logical_models (list unit_reference_list
(object Class "RPsiBit"
used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
(object Uses_Relationship
supplier "CBitwiseBitmap"))
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "InitLoadBitmapL"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "ExecLoadBitmapL"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0)
(object Operation "StoreBitmapL"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0))))
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title "Main"
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Parent_View @103
location (1641, 817)
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compartment (object Compartment
Parent_View @103
location (1271, 883)
anchor 2
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compartmentItems (list Compartment
"ExecLoadBitmapL( )"
"InitLoadBitmapL( )"
"StoreBitmapL( )"))
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annotation 8)
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location (1800, 1575)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @104
location (1625, 1429)
nlines 2
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label "CBitwiseBitmap")
width 599
height 431
annotation 8)
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line_style 0)))))
(object Class_Category "FntStore"
exportControl "Public"
logical_models (list unit_reference_list
(object Class "CBitmapFont"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "CFont")))
(object Class "CFontStore"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "CBase"))
used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
(object Uses_Relationship
supplier "CBitmapFont"))))
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location (1550, 1100)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @106
location (1446, 1016)
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annotation 8)
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location (700, 1100)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @107
location (596, 1016)
nlines 2
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label "CFontStore")
annotation 8)
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client @107
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location (1550, 375)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @109
location (1446, 291)
nlines 2
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label "CFont")
annotation 8)
(object InheritView "" @110
client @106
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location (700, 375)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @111
location (596, 291)
nlines 2
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label "CBase")
annotation 8)
(object InheritView "" @112
client @107
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line_style 0)))))
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exportControl "Public"
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(object Class "CGraphicsDevice"
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(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "CBase"))
used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
(object Uses_Relationship
supplier "CGraphicsContext")
(object Uses_Relationship
supplier "CFont"))
abstract TRUE)
(object Class "CFont"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "CBase"))
abstract TRUE)
(object Class "CGraphicsContext"
used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
(object Uses_Relationship
supplier "CFont"))
abstract TRUE)
(object Class "CTypefaceStore"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "CBase"))
used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
(object Uses_Relationship
supplier "CFont"))
abstract TRUE)
(object Class "TRgb"
nonclass TRUE)
(object Class "CDiBitmap"
abstract TRUE)
(object Class "TLinearDDA")
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superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "CGraphicsContext"))
abstract TRUE)
(object Class "CBitmapDevice"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
supplier "CGraphicsDevice"))
abstract TRUE)
(object Class_Category "Utility Classes"
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(object ClassDiagram "Main"
title "Main"
zoom 100
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(object ClassDiagram "Main"
title "Main"
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location (1500, 875)
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Parent_View @113
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annotation 8)
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Parent_View @114
location (871, 1166)
nlines 2
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label "CGraphicsContext")
annotation 8)
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location (925, 750)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @115
location (821, 666)
nlines 2
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annotation 8)
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location (1425, 225)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @116
location (1321, 141)
nlines 2
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annotation 8)
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location (2200, 850)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @117
location (2096, 766)
nlines 2
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label "CTypefaceStore")
annotation 8)
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client @113
supplier @116
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location (650, 1700)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @119
location (546, 1616)
nlines 2
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annotation 8)
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location (1550, 1725)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @120
location (1446, 1641)
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label "CDiBitmap")
annotation 8)
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label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @121
location (2146, 1591)
nlines 2
max_width 240
justify 0
label "TLinearDDA")
annotation 8)
(object InheritView "" @122
client @115
supplier @116
line_style 0)
(object InheritView "" @123
client @117
supplier @116
line_style 0)
(object UsesView "" @124
client @117
supplier @113
line_style 0)
(object UsesView "" @125
client @114
supplier @113
line_style 0)
(object ClassView "Class" "CBitmapContext" @126
location (450, 1275)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @126
location (346, 1191)
nlines 2
max_width 240
justify 0
label "CBitmapContext")
annotation 8)
(object ClassView "Class" "CBitmapDevice" @127
location (575, 475)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @127
location (471, 391)
nlines 2
max_width 240
justify 0
label "CBitmapDevice")
annotation 8)
(object InheritView "" @128
client @126
supplier @114
line_style 0)
(object UsesView "" @129
client @115
supplier @114
line_style 0)
(object UsesView "" @130
client @115
supplier @113
line_style 0)
(object InheritView "" @131
client @127
supplier @115
line_style 0)))))
(object Mechanism @132
logical_models (list unit_reference_list)))
logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
(object ClassDiagram "Main"
title "Main"
zoom 100
max_height 28350
max_width 21600
origin_x 0
origin_y 0
items (list diagram_item_list
(object CategoryView "BitGdi" @133
location (1175, 900)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @133
location (981, 756)
nlines 2
max_width 388
justify 0
label "BitGdi")
compartment (object Compartment
Parent_View @133
location (1014, 822)
anchor 2
nlines 3
max_width 347
compartmentItems (list Compartment
width 400
height 300)
(object CategoryView "FontBitmapServer" @134
location (1875, 900)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @134
location (1656, 756)
nlines 2
max_width 438
justify 0
label "FontBitmapServer")
compartment (object Compartment
Parent_View @134
location (1694, 822)
anchor 2
nlines 4
max_width 360
compartmentItems (list Compartment
width 450
height 300)
(object CategoryView "WindowServer" @135
location (525, 900)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @135
location (381, 816)
nlines 2
max_width 288
justify 0
label "WindowServer")
width 300
height 180)
(object ImportView "" @136
client @135
supplier @133
line_style 0)
(object ImportView "" @137
client @133
supplier @134
line_style 0)
(object CategoryView "FntStore" @138
location (1875, 1525)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @138
location (1731, 1441)
nlines 2
max_width 288
justify 0
label "FntStore")
compartment (object Compartment
Parent_View @138
location (1754, 1507)
anchor 2
nlines 2
max_width 720
compartmentItems (list Compartment
width 300
height 180)
(object ImportView "" @139
client @134
supplier @138
line_style 0)
(object CategoryView "Gdi" @140
location (2600, 900)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @140
location (2406, 631)
nlines 2
max_width 388
justify 0
label "Gdi")
compartment (object Compartment
Parent_View @140
location (2439, 697)
anchor 2
nlines 9
max_width 347
compartmentItems (list Compartment
width 400
height 550)
(object ImportView "" @141
client @134
supplier @140
line_style 0)))
(object ObjectDiagram "Untitled"
mechanism_ref @132
title "Untitled"
zoom 100
max_height 28350
max_width 21600
origin_x 0
origin_y 0
items (list diagram_item_list))))
root_subsystem (object SubSystem "<Top Level>"
physical_models (list unit_reference_list
(object module "G32" "SubType" "Main"))
physical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
(object Module_Diagram "Main"
title "Main"
zoom 100
max_height 28350
max_width 21600
origin_x 0
origin_y 0
items (list diagram_item_list))))
process_structure (object Processes
ProcsNDevs (list
(object Process_Diagram ""
title ""
zoom 100
max_height 28350
max_width 21600
origin_x 0
origin_y 0
items (list diagram_item_list))))
properties (object Properties))