Patch 2 to update adaptation hby file to pull in openwf_ref.iby and report the setting OPENWFCLIB_DRV. Fix window server iby file to not use gce.iby to avoid missing file problem. Fix typo in the export for minigui_syborg.
file1 =\graphics\t_graphics.ini
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
ws = ws
flag = 1
pos =
win = win
bitmap_id = 0
file_name = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded = FALSE
use_rfile = FALSE
bitmap_id = 1
file_name = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded = FALSE
use_rfile = FALSE
spritemember_bitmap = bitmap1
spritemember_drawmode = EDrawModeAND
spritemember_interval = 1000
spritemember_invertmask = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap = mask1
spritemember_offset_x = 5
spritemember_offset_y = 5
bitmap_id = 2
file_name = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded = FALSE
use_rfile = FALSE
spritemember_bitmap = bitmap2
spritemember_drawmode = EDrawModeAND
spritemember_interval = 1000
spritemember_invertmask = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap = mask1
spritemember_offset_x = 25
spritemember_offset_y = 25
pos_x =10
pos_y =10
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;
sprite =sprite
type =EKSpriteAnim
expectedpoint_x = 5
expectedpoint_y = 5
member_index = 0
opcode = ECmdSpriteGetSpriteMember
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
ws = ws
mode = EColor256
blue = 255
green = 255
red = 255
ws = ws
flag = 1
pos =
win = win
bitmap_id = 0
file_name = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded = FALSE
use_rfile = FALSE
bitmap_id = 1
file_name = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded = FALSE
use_rfile = FALSE
spritemember_bitmap = bitmap1
spritemember_drawmode = EDrawModeAND
spritemember_interval = 1000
spritemember_invertmask = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap = mask1
spritemember_offset_x = 5
spritemember_offset_y = 5
pos_x =10
pos_y =10
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;
sprite =sprite
type =EKSpriteAnim
isactivate = false
opcode = ECmdSpriteActivate
expected =true
flags =EIncludeSprite
rect1_bottom = 100
rect1_left = 0
rect1_right = 100
rect1_top = 0
rect2_bottom = 100
rect2_left = 200
rect2_right = 300
rect2_top = 0
isactivate = true
opcode = ECmdSpriteActivate
expected = false
flags =EIncludeSprite
rect1_bottom = 100
rect1_left = 0
rect1_right = 100
rect1_top = 0
rect2_bottom = 100
rect2_left = 200
rect2_right = 300
rect2_top = 0
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
ws = ws
mode = EColor256
blue = 255
green = 255
red = 255
ws = ws
flag = 1
pos =
win = win
bitmap_id = 0
file_name = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded = FALSE
use_rfile = FALSE
bitmap_id = 1
file_name = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded = FALSE
use_rfile = FALSE
spritemember_bitmap = bitmap1
spritemember_drawmode = EDrawModeAND
spritemember_interval = 1000
spritemember_invertmask = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap = mask1
spritemember_offset_x = 5
spritemember_offset_y = 5
pos_x =10
pos_y =10
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;
sprite =sprite
type =EKSpriteAnim
expected = false
flags =EIncludeSprite
rect1_bottom = 100
rect1_left = 0
rect1_right = 100
rect1_top = 0
rect2_bottom = 100
rect2_left = 200
rect2_right = 300
rect2_top = 0
opcode = ECmdSpriteSetPosition
pos_x =100
pos_y =100
expected = true
flags =EIncludeSprite
rect1_bottom = 100
rect1_left = 0
rect1_right = 100
rect1_top = 0
rect2_bottom = 100
rect2_left = 200
rect2_right = 300
rect2_top = 0
expected = false
flags =EIncludeSprite
rect1_bottom = 200
rect1_left = 100
rect1_right = 200
rect1_top = 100
rect2_bottom = 100
rect2_left = 200
rect2_right = 300
rect2_top = 0
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
ws = ws
mode = EColor256
blue = 255
green = 255
red = 255
ws = ws
flag = 1
pos =
win = win
bitmap_id = 0
file_name = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded = FALSE
use_rfile = FALSE
bitmap_id = 1
file_name = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded = FALSE
use_rfile = FALSE
spritemember_bitmap = bitmap1
spritemember_drawmode = EDrawModeAND
spritemember_interval = 1000
spritemember_invertmask = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap = mask1
spritemember_offset_x = 5
spritemember_offset_y = 5
pos_x =10
pos_y =10
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;
sprite =sprite
type =EKSpriteAnim
isactivate = false
opcode = ECmdSpriteActivate
expected = true
flags =EIncludeSprite
rect1_bottom = 100
rect1_left = 0
rect1_right = 100
rect1_top = 0
rect2_bottom = 100
rect2_left = 200
rect2_right = 300
rect2_top = 0
expected = false
opcode = ECmdSpriteSpriteCanBeSeen
isactivate = true
opcode = ECmdSpriteActivate
expected = false
flags =EIncludeSprite
rect1_bottom = 100
rect1_left = 0
rect1_right = 100
rect1_top = 0
rect2_bottom = 100
rect2_left = 200
rect2_right = 300
rect2_top = 0
expected = true
opcode = ECmdSpriteSpriteCanBeSeen
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
mode = EColor256
blue = 255
green = 255
red = 255
ws = ws
flag = 1
pos =
win = win
bitmap_id = 0
file_name = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded = FALSE
use_rfile = FALSE
bitmap_id = 1
file_name = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded = FALSE
use_rfile = FALSE
spritemember_bitmap = bitmap1
spritemember_drawmode = EDrawModeAND
spritemember_interval = 1000
spritemember_invertmask = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap = mask1
spritemember_offset_x = 5
spritemember_offset_y = 5
pos_x =10
pos_y =10
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;
sprite =sprite
type =EKSpriteAnim
expected = true
opcode = ECmdSpriteSpriteCanBeSeen
ws = ws
handle = 4
parent = wingp
mode = EColor256
blue = 0
green = 255
red = 255
expected = false
opcode = ECmdSpriteSpriteCanBeSeen
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
ws = ws
flag = 1
pos =
win = win
bitmap_id = 0
file_name = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded = FALSE
use_rfile = FALSE
bitmap_id = 1
file_name = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded = FALSE
use_rfile = FALSE
spritemember_bitmap = bitmap1
spritemember_drawmode = EDrawModeAND
spritemember_interval = 1000
spritemember_invertmask = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap = mask1
spritemember_offset_x = 5
spritemember_offset_y = 5
bitmap_id = 2
file_name = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded = FALSE
use_rfile = FALSE
spritemember_bitmap = bitmap2
spritemember_drawmode = EDrawModeAND
spritemember_interval = 1000
spritemember_invertmask = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap = mask1
spritemember_offset_x = 25
spritemember_offset_y = 25
pos_x =10
pos_y =10
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;
sprite =sprite
type =EKSpriteAnim
isfullupdate = true
member_index = 2
opcode = ECmdSpriteUpdateMember
rect_bottom = 100
rect_left = 50
rect_right = 100
rect_top = 50
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
ws = ws
flag = 1
pos =
win = win
bitmap_id = 0
file_name = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded = FALSE
use_rfile = FALSE
bitmap_id = 1
file_name = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded = FALSE
use_rfile = FALSE
spritemember_bitmap = bitmap1
spritemember_drawmode = EDrawModePEN
spritemember_interval = 1000
spritemember_invertmask = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap = mask1
spritemember_offset_x = 5
spritemember_offset_y = 5
bitmap_id = 2
file_name = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded = FALSE
use_rfile = FALSE
spritemember_bitmap = bitmap2
spritemember_drawmode = EDrawModePEN
spritemember_interval = 1000
spritemember_invertmask = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap = mask1
spritemember_offset_x = 25
spritemember_offset_y = 25
pos_x =10
pos_y =10
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;
sprite =sprite
type =EKSpriteAnim
isfullupdate = false
member_index = 1
opcode = ECmdSpriteUpdateMember
rect_bottom = 100
rect_left = 50
rect_right = 100
rect_top = 50
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
ws = ws
flag = 1
pos =
win = win
bitmap_id = 0
file_name = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded = FALSE
use_rfile = FALSE
height =500
width =500
bitmap_id = 1
file_name = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded = FALSE
use_rfile = FALSE
spritemember_bitmap = bitmap1
spritemember_drawmode = EDrawModeAND
spritemember_interval = 1000
spritemember_invertmask = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap = mask1
spritemember_offset_x = 5
spritemember_offset_y = 5
bitmap_id = 2
file_name = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded = FALSE
use_rfile = FALSE
spritemember_bitmap = bitmap2
spritemember_drawmode = EDrawModeAND
spritemember_interval = 1000
spritemember_invertmask = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap = mask1
spritemember_offset_x = 25
spritemember_offset_y = 25
pos_x = 10
pos_y = 10
ws = ws
filename = {default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll = animdll
anim = anim
param = 10,10;20,0;
sprite = sprite
type = EKSpriteAnim
height =300
width =300
opcode = ECmdSpriteSizeChangedL
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
ws =ws
ws = ws
flag = 1
pos =
win = win
bitmap_id = 0
file_name = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded = FALSE
use_rfile = FALSE
bitmap_id = 1
file_name = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded = FALSE
use_rfile = FALSE
spritemember_bitmap = bitmap1
spritemember_drawmode = EDrawModeAND
spritemember_interval = 2000000
spritemember_invertmask = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap = mask1
spritemember_offset_x = 5
spritemember_offset_y = 5
bitmap_id = 2
file_name = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded = FALSE
use_rfile = FALSE
spritemember_bitmap = bitmap2
spritemember_drawmode = EDrawModeAND
spritemember_interval = 2000000
spritemember_invertmask = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap = mask1
spritemember_offset_x = 25
spritemember_offset_y = 25
bitmap_id = 3
file_name = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded = FALSE
use_rfile = FALSE
spritemember_bitmap = bitmap3
spritemember_drawmode = EDrawModeAND
spritemember_interval = 2000000
spritemember_invertmask = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap = mask1
spritemember_offset_x = 50
spritemember_offset_y = 50
bitmap_id = 4
file_name = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded = FALSE
use_rfile = FALSE
spritemember_bitmap = bitmap4
spritemember_drawmode = EDrawModeAND
spritemember_interval = 2000000
spritemember_invertmask = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap = mask1
spritemember_offset_x = 75
spritemember_offset_y = 75
pos_x = 10
pos_y = 10
ws = ws
filename = {default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll = animdll
anim = anim
param = 10,10;20,0;
sprite = sprite
type = EKSpriteAnim
opcode = ECmdSpriteSizeChangedL
expected = false
flags =EIncludeSprite
rect1_bottom = 75
rect1_left = 50
rect1_right = 75
rect1_top = 50
rect2_bottom = 25
rect2_left = 200
rect2_right = 225
rect2_top = 0