author Faisal Memon <>
Fri, 14 May 2010 17:03:25 +0100
changeset 67 9c70c0a878c0
parent 0 5d03bc08d59c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Merge 3. Improve performance by switching to less aggressive settings for RI_NUM_TESSELLATED_SEGMENTS and RI_MAX_SAMPLES. Ignored the WIN32 specific API decoration defines when doing the merge. Note the code is now optimised in riPath.cpp to change from RI_NUM_TESSELLATED_SEGMENTS to _QUAD, _CUBIC, _ARC settings which are each now set to 8. SVG Tiger now renders in 5 seconds (15 seconds quicker). The quality of the OVG icons is slightly reduced but still very useable.

file1		     =\graphics\t_graphics.ini















ws      = ws

clienthandle      = 1

ws      = ws

handle      = 3 
parent      = wingp

ws      = ws

flag      = 1
pos      = 
win      = win

bitmap_id            = 0
file_name            = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded      = FALSE
use_rfile            = FALSE

bitmap_id            = 1
file_name            = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded      = FALSE
use_rfile            = FALSE

spritemember_bitmap      = bitmap1
spritemember_drawmode    = EDrawModeAND
spritemember_interval    = 1000
spritemember_invertmask  = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap  = mask1
spritemember_offset_x    = 5
spritemember_offset_y    = 5

bitmap_id            = 2
file_name            = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded      = FALSE
use_rfile            = FALSE

spritemember_bitmap      = bitmap2
spritemember_drawmode    = EDrawModeAND
spritemember_interval    = 1000
spritemember_invertmask  = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap  = mask1
spritemember_offset_x    = 25
spritemember_offset_y    = 25

pos_x     =10
pos_y     =10

ws      = ws

filename     ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}

animdll     =animdll

anim     =anim

param     =10,10;20,0;
sprite     =sprite
type     =EKSpriteAnim

expectedpoint_x      = 5
expectedpoint_y      = 5
member_index      = 0
opcode      = ECmdSpriteGetSpriteMember

ws      = ws

clienthandle      = 1

ws      = ws

handle      = 3
parent      = wingp

ws      = ws

mode      = EColor256

blue      = 255
green      = 255
red      = 255

ws      = ws

flag      = 1
pos      = 
win      = win

bitmap_id            = 0
file_name            = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded      = FALSE
use_rfile            = FALSE

bitmap_id            = 1
file_name            = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded      = FALSE
use_rfile            = FALSE

spritemember_bitmap      = bitmap1
spritemember_drawmode    = EDrawModeAND
spritemember_interval    = 1000
spritemember_invertmask  = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap  = mask1
spritemember_offset_x    = 5
spritemember_offset_y    = 5

pos_x     =10
pos_y     =10

ws      = ws

filename     ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}

animdll     =animdll

anim     =anim

param     =10,10;20,0;
sprite     =sprite
type     =EKSpriteAnim

isactivate      = false
opcode      = ECmdSpriteActivate

expected     =true
flags     =EIncludeSprite
rect1_bottom      = 100
rect1_left      = 0
rect1_right      = 100
rect1_top      = 0
rect2_bottom      = 100
rect2_left      = 200
rect2_right      = 300
rect2_top       = 0

isactivate      = true
opcode      = ECmdSpriteActivate

expected      = false
flags     =EIncludeSprite
rect1_bottom      = 100
rect1_left      = 0
rect1_right      = 100
rect1_top      = 0
rect2_bottom      = 100
rect2_left      = 200
rect2_right      = 300
rect2_top       = 0

ws      = ws

clienthandle      = 1

ws      = ws

handle      = 3
parent      = wingp

ws      = ws

mode      = EColor256

blue      = 255
green      = 255
red      = 255

ws      = ws

flag      = 1
pos      = 
win      = win

bitmap_id            = 0
file_name            = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded      = FALSE
use_rfile            = FALSE

bitmap_id            = 1
file_name            = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded      = FALSE
use_rfile            = FALSE

spritemember_bitmap      = bitmap1
spritemember_drawmode    = EDrawModeAND
spritemember_interval    = 1000
spritemember_invertmask  = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap  = mask1
spritemember_offset_x    = 5
spritemember_offset_y    = 5

pos_x     =10
pos_y     =10

ws      = ws

filename     ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}

animdll     =animdll

anim     =anim

param     =10,10;20,0;
sprite     =sprite
type     =EKSpriteAnim

expected      = false
flags     =EIncludeSprite
rect1_bottom      = 100
rect1_left      = 0
rect1_right      = 100
rect1_top      = 0
rect2_bottom      = 100
rect2_left      = 200
rect2_right      = 300
rect2_top       = 0

opcode      = ECmdSpriteSetPosition
pos_x     =100
pos_y     =100

expected      = true
flags     =EIncludeSprite
rect1_bottom      = 100
rect1_left      = 0
rect1_right      = 100
rect1_top      = 0
rect2_bottom      = 100
rect2_left      = 200
rect2_right      = 300
rect2_top       = 0

expected      = false
flags     =EIncludeSprite
rect1_bottom      = 200
rect1_left      = 100
rect1_right      = 200
rect1_top      = 100
rect2_bottom      = 100
rect2_left      = 200
rect2_right      = 300
rect2_top       = 0

ws      = ws

clienthandle      = 1

ws      = ws

handle      = 3
parent      = wingp

ws      = ws

mode      = EColor256

blue      = 255
green      = 255
red      = 255

ws      = ws

flag      = 1
pos      = 
win      = win

bitmap_id            = 0
file_name            = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded      = FALSE
use_rfile            = FALSE

bitmap_id            = 1
file_name            = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded      = FALSE
use_rfile            = FALSE

spritemember_bitmap      = bitmap1
spritemember_drawmode    = EDrawModeAND
spritemember_interval    = 1000
spritemember_invertmask  = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap  = mask1
spritemember_offset_x    = 5
spritemember_offset_y    = 5

pos_x     =10
pos_y     =10

ws      = ws

filename     ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}

animdll     =animdll

anim     =anim

param     =10,10;20,0;
sprite     =sprite
type     =EKSpriteAnim

isactivate      = false
opcode      = ECmdSpriteActivate

expected      = true
flags     =EIncludeSprite
rect1_bottom      = 100
rect1_left      = 0
rect1_right      = 100
rect1_top      = 0
rect2_bottom      = 100
rect2_left      = 200
rect2_right      = 300
rect2_top       = 0

expected      = false
opcode      = ECmdSpriteSpriteCanBeSeen

isactivate      = true
opcode      = ECmdSpriteActivate

expected      = false
flags     =EIncludeSprite
rect1_bottom      = 100
rect1_left      = 0
rect1_right      = 100
rect1_top      = 0
rect2_bottom      = 100
rect2_left      = 200
rect2_right      = 300
rect2_top       = 0

expected      = true
opcode      = ECmdSpriteSpriteCanBeSeen

ws      = ws

clienthandle      = 1

ws      = ws

handle      = 3
parent      = wingp

mode      = EColor256

blue      = 255
green      = 255
red      = 255

ws      = ws

flag      = 1
pos      = 
win      = win

bitmap_id            = 0
file_name            = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded      = FALSE
use_rfile            = FALSE

bitmap_id            = 1
file_name            = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded      = FALSE
use_rfile            = FALSE

spritemember_bitmap      = bitmap1
spritemember_drawmode    = EDrawModeAND
spritemember_interval    = 1000
spritemember_invertmask  = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap  = mask1
spritemember_offset_x    = 5
spritemember_offset_y    = 5

pos_x     =10
pos_y     =10

ws      = ws

filename     ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}

animdll     =animdll

anim     =anim

param     =10,10;20,0;
sprite     =sprite
type     =EKSpriteAnim

expected      = true
opcode      = ECmdSpriteSpriteCanBeSeen

ws      = ws

handle      = 4
parent      = wingp

mode      = EColor256

blue      = 0
green      = 255
red      = 255

expected      = false
opcode      = ECmdSpriteSpriteCanBeSeen

ws      = ws

clienthandle      = 1

ws      = ws

handle      = 3
parent      = wingp

ws      = ws

flag      = 1
pos      = 
win      = win

bitmap_id            = 0
file_name            = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded      = FALSE
use_rfile            = FALSE

bitmap_id            = 1
file_name            = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded      = FALSE
use_rfile            = FALSE

spritemember_bitmap      = bitmap1
spritemember_drawmode    = EDrawModeAND
spritemember_interval    = 1000
spritemember_invertmask  = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap  = mask1
spritemember_offset_x    = 5
spritemember_offset_y    = 5

bitmap_id            = 2
file_name            = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded      = FALSE
use_rfile            = FALSE

spritemember_bitmap      = bitmap2
spritemember_drawmode    = EDrawModeAND
spritemember_interval    = 1000
spritemember_invertmask  = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap  = mask1
spritemember_offset_x    = 25
spritemember_offset_y    = 25

pos_x     =10
pos_y     =10

ws      = ws

filename     ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}

animdll     =animdll

anim     =anim

param     =10,10;20,0;
sprite     =sprite
type     =EKSpriteAnim

isfullupdate      = true
member_index      = 2
opcode      = ECmdSpriteUpdateMember
rect_bottom      = 100
rect_left      = 50
rect_right      = 100
rect_top      = 50

ws      = ws

clienthandle      = 1

ws      = ws

handle      = 3
parent      = wingp

ws      = ws

flag      = 1
pos      = 
win      = win

bitmap_id            = 0
file_name            = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded      = FALSE
use_rfile            = FALSE

bitmap_id            = 1
file_name            = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded      = FALSE
use_rfile            = FALSE

spritemember_bitmap      = bitmap1
spritemember_drawmode    = EDrawModePEN
spritemember_interval    = 1000
spritemember_invertmask  = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap  = mask1
spritemember_offset_x    = 5
spritemember_offset_y    = 5

bitmap_id            = 2
file_name            = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded      = FALSE
use_rfile            = FALSE

spritemember_bitmap      = bitmap2
spritemember_drawmode    = EDrawModePEN
spritemember_interval    = 1000
spritemember_invertmask  = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap  = mask1
spritemember_offset_x    = 25
spritemember_offset_y    = 25

pos_x     =10
pos_y     =10

ws      = ws

filename     ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}

animdll     =animdll

anim     =anim

param     =10,10;20,0;
sprite     =sprite
type     =EKSpriteAnim

isfullupdate      = false
member_index      = 1
opcode      = ECmdSpriteUpdateMember
rect_bottom      = 100
rect_left      = 50
rect_right      = 100
rect_top      = 50

ws      = ws

clienthandle      = 1

ws      = ws

handle      = 3
parent      = wingp

ws      = ws

flag      = 1
pos      = 
win      = win

bitmap_id            = 0
file_name            = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded      = FALSE
use_rfile            = FALSE

height               =500
width                =500

bitmap_id            = 1
file_name            = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded      = FALSE
use_rfile            = FALSE

spritemember_bitmap      = bitmap1
spritemember_drawmode    = EDrawModeAND
spritemember_interval    = 1000
spritemember_invertmask  = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap  = mask1
spritemember_offset_x    = 5
spritemember_offset_y    = 5

bitmap_id            = 2
file_name            = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded      = FALSE
use_rfile            = FALSE

spritemember_bitmap      = bitmap2
spritemember_drawmode    = EDrawModeAND
spritemember_interval    = 1000
spritemember_invertmask  = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap  = mask1
spritemember_offset_x    = 25
spritemember_offset_y    = 25

pos_x      = 10
pos_y      = 10

ws      = ws

filename      = {default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}

animdll      = animdll

anim      = anim

param      = 10,10;20,0;
sprite      = sprite
type      = EKSpriteAnim

height               =300
width                =300

opcode      = ECmdSpriteSizeChangedL

ws      = ws

clienthandle      = 1

ws      = ws

handle      = 3
parent      = wingp

ws                   =ws

ws      = ws

flag      = 1
pos      = 
win      = win

bitmap_id            = 0
file_name            = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded      = FALSE
use_rfile            = FALSE

bitmap_id            = 1
file_name            = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded      = FALSE
use_rfile            = FALSE

spritemember_bitmap      = bitmap1
spritemember_drawmode    = EDrawModeAND
spritemember_interval    = 2000000
spritemember_invertmask  = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap  = mask1
spritemember_offset_x    = 5
spritemember_offset_y    = 5

bitmap_id            = 2
file_name            = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded      = FALSE
use_rfile            = FALSE

spritemember_bitmap      = bitmap2
spritemember_drawmode    = EDrawModeAND
spritemember_interval    = 2000000
spritemember_invertmask  = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap  = mask1
spritemember_offset_x    = 25
spritemember_offset_y    = 25

bitmap_id            = 3
file_name            = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded      = FALSE
use_rfile            = FALSE

spritemember_bitmap      = bitmap3
spritemember_drawmode    = EDrawModeAND
spritemember_interval    = 2000000
spritemember_invertmask  = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap  = mask1
spritemember_offset_x    = 50
spritemember_offset_y    = 50

bitmap_id            = 4
file_name            = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded      = FALSE
use_rfile            = FALSE

spritemember_bitmap      = bitmap4
spritemember_drawmode    = EDrawModeAND
spritemember_interval    = 2000000
spritemember_invertmask  = FALSE;
spritemember_maskbitmap  = mask1
spritemember_offset_x    = 75
spritemember_offset_y    = 75

pos_x      = 10
pos_y      = 10

ws      = ws

filename      = {default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}

animdll      = animdll

anim      = anim

param      = 10,10;20,0;
sprite      = sprite
type      = EKSpriteAnim

opcode      = ECmdSpriteSizeChangedL

expected      = false
flags     =EIncludeSprite
rect1_bottom      = 75
rect1_left      = 50
rect1_right      = 75
rect1_top      = 50
rect2_bottom      = 25
rect2_left      = 200
rect2_right      = 225
rect2_top       = 0