Merge 3. Improve performance by switching to less aggressive settings for RI_NUM_TESSELLATED_SEGMENTS and RI_MAX_SAMPLES. Ignored the WIN32 specific API decoration defines when doing the merge. Note the code is now optimised in riPath.cpp to change from RI_NUM_TESSELLATED_SEGMENTS to _QUAD, _CUBIC, _ARC settings which are each now set to 8. SVG Tiger now renders in 5 seconds (15 seconds quicker). The quality of the OVG icons is slightly reduced but still very useable.
file1 =\graphics\t_graphics.ini
name =win
name =wingrp
name =wtreenode
name =we
name =wingc
name =ws
name =scrdev
name =fbsbmp
expected_diff =0
newFlushstate =TRUE
expectedFlushstate =FALSE
newFlushstate =FALSE
expectedFlushstate =TRUE
setbuffer =639
setbuffer =640
setmaxbuffer =16384
defblackmapfading =0
defwhitemapfading =255
sysfadonoff =ETrue
defblackmapfading =0
defwhitemapfading =255
sysfadonoff =ETrue
blackmapfading =10
whitemapfading =244
shadowvector_x =50
shadowvector_y =50
expectshdwvet_x =50
expectshdwvet_y =50
ptrcurarea_top =-90
ptrcurarea_left =-51
ptrcurarea_bottom =696
ptrcurarea_right =312
ptrcurarea_top =-90
ptrcurarea_left =-51
ptrcurarea_bottom =696
ptrcurarea_right =312
screensizemode =0
ptrcurarea_top =-90
ptrcurarea_left =-51
ptrcurarea_bottom =696
ptrcurarea_right =312
ptrcurarea_top =-90
ptrcurarea_left =-51
ptrcurarea_bottom =696
ptrcurarea_right =312
screensizemode =0
ws =ws
clienthandle =1
isfocusable =TRUE
pointercurmode =EPointerCursorNormal
expected =EPointerCursorNormal
cltcurmode =EPointerCursorNormal
ptrcurpos_x =6
ptrcurpos_y =0
point_x =6
point_y =0
store =TRUE
kbreprateinterval =1200
kbrepratetime =500
expectedkbinittime =1200
expectedkbRepeattime =500
maxinterval =3
maxdistance =5
expecteddblmaxinittime =3
expecteddblmaxdistance =5
userfs =TRUE
major =1
build =151
minor =0
usearray =FALSE
defaultsyscurnum ={default_wserv,pointercursor}
ws =ws
clienthandle =1
isfocusable =TRUE
windowgroup =wingrp
position =1
newFlushstate =TRUE
expectedFlushstate =FALSE
priority =0
usearray =TRUE
newFlushstate =TRUE
expectedFlushstate =FALSE
ws =ws
clienthandle =26
isfocusable =TRUE
expected_diff =1
usearray =TRUE
wgIdentifier =9
newFlushstate =TRUE
expectedFlushstate =FALSE
matchwgname =*e*
setfocusscreen ={default_wserv,screen}
expected ={default_wserv,screen}
newFlushstate =TRUE
expectedFlushstate =FALSE
bgcolour_red =245
bgcolour_green =245
bgcolour_blue =255
expectbgcolour_red =245
expectbgcolour_green =245
expectbgcolour_blue =255
expected =0
priority =0
usearray =TRUE
wgid =13
setbuffer =640
priority =0
usearray =FALSE
setmaxbuffer =16389
newFlushstate =TRUE
expectedFlushstate =FALSE
newFlushstate =TRUE
expectedFlushstate =FALSE
ws =ws
clienthandle =1
isfocusable =TRUE
seteventoffon =False
ws =ws
clienthandle =1
isfocusable =TRUE
seteventoffon =TRUE
treenodeobj =wingrp
givenwgpriority =0
ws =ws
clienthandle =13
isfocusable =TRUE
priority =0
usearray =TRUE
inputWGId =13
hotkey =EHotKeyIncBrightness
keycode =EKeyLeftAlt
clshotkey =EHotKeyIncBrightness
restoredefhk =EHotKeyIncBrightness
inputpermanmodif =EModifierLeftCtrl
inputpermanmodifstate =ETurnOnModifier
expected =0
screennum ={default_wserv,screen}
expected =0
specifiescrnno ={default_wserv,screen}
givenwgpriority =0
ws =ws
ws =ws
screendevice =scrdev
clienthandle =52
isfocusable =TRUE
screennum ={default_wserv,screen}
priority =EAllPriorities
usearray =TRUE
screennum ={default_wserv,screen}
bitmap_id =0
file_name =\graphics\wserv\test_board.mbm
share_if_loaded =TRUE
use_rfile =FALSE
identifier =100
spritemember1_bitmap =fbsbmp
spritemember1_drawmode =EDrawModeAND
spritemember1_offset_x =5
spritemember1_offset_y =5
spriteflags =ESpriteNoShadows
alignment =ECustomTextCursorAlignTop
ws =ws
clienthandle =1
keycode =EKeyF1
modifiermask =0
modifier =0
keycode =EKeyF1
modifiermask =0
modifier =0
keycode =EKeyF1
modifiers =0
store =we
expected_code =EKeyF1
expected_modifier =0
expected_repeats =0
ws =ws
clienthandle =1
parent =wingrp
handle =2
point_x =5
point_y =6
size_width =10
size_height =15
store =we
expected_top =0
expected_left =0
expected_bottom =15
expected_right =10
ws =ws
clienthandle =13
isfocusable =TRUE
priority =0
usearray =TRUE
inputWGId =13
prewgid =0
inputcursornumber ={default_wserv,pointercursor}
computemode =EPriorityControlDisabled
ws =ws
clienthandle =68
isfocusable =TRUE
nullpointer =TRUE
nullpointer =FALSE
defDisplayMode ={default_wserv,display_mode}
defModeMaxNumColor ={default_wserv,max_colors}
defModeMaxNumGray ={default_wserv,max_grays}
ws =ws
clienthandle =72
isfocusable =TRUE
wgIdentifier =72
heapCount =1200
screenSizeMode =0
ptrcurarea_right =312
ptrcurarea_left =-51
ptrcurarea_bottom =696
ptrcurarea_top =-90
ptrcurarea_right =312
ptrcurarea_left =-51
ptrcurarea_bottom =696
ptrcurarea_top =-90
expected ={default_wserv,pointercursormode}
point_x =0
point_y =0
logCommand =ELoggingStatusDump
logMessage =TestMessage
expected ={default_wserv,screens}
expected ={default_wserv,screen}
nullpointer =TRUE
nullpointer =FALSE
inputscreenno ={default_wserv,screen}
nullpointer =TRUE
inputscreenno ={default_wserv,screen}
nullpointer =FALSE
inputscreenno ={default_wserv,screen}
screennum ={default_wserv,screen}
defDisplayMode ={default_wserv,display_mode}
defModeMaxNumColor ={default_wserv,max_colors}
defModeMaxNumGray ={default_wserv,max_grays}
computemode =EPriorityControlComputeOn
ws =ws
clienthandle =13
isfocusable =TRUE
priority =0
usearray =TRUE
inputWGId =23
prewgid =0
screensizemode =-1
ptrcurarea_top =-90
ptrcurarea_left =-51
ptrcurarea_bottom =-696
ptrcurarea_right =-312
ptrcurarea_top =-90
ptrcurarea_left =-51
ptrcurarea_bottom =-696
ptrcurarea_right =-312
screensizemode =-1
ws =ws
clienthandle =1
isfocusable =TRUE
setbuffer =-1
seteventoffon =ETrue
restoredefhk =-1
newFlushstate =FALSE
expectedFlushstate =FALSE
setbuffer =131072
setmaxbuffer =635
bgcolour_red =-1
bgcolour_green =-1
bgcolour_blue =-1
cltcurmode =EPointerCursorNone
bitmap_id =0
file_name =\graphics\wserv\test_board.mbm
share_if_loaded =TRUE
use_rfile =FALSE
identifier =-1
spritemember1_bitmap =fbsbmp
spritemember1_drawmode =EDrawModeAND
spritemember1_offset_x =-5
spritemember1_offset_y =-5
spriteflags =ESpriteNoShadows
alignment =ECustomTextCursorAlignTop
defblackmapfading =-1
defwhitemapfading =-255
sysfadonoff =EFalse
maxinterval =-3
maxdistance =-5
expecteddblmaxinittime =-3
expecteddblmaxdistance =-5
hotkey =EHotKeyOff
keycode =EKeyLeftAlt
inputpermanmodif =EModifierLeftCtrl
inputpermanmodifstate =ETurnOffModifier
ptrcurarea_top =-90
ptrcurarea_left =-51
ptrcurarea_bottom =-696
ptrcurarea_right =-312
ptrcurarea_top =-90
ptrcurarea_left =-51
ptrcurarea_bottom =-696
ptrcurarea_right =-312
screensizemode =-1
ptrcurarea_top =-90
ptrcurarea_left =-51
ptrcurarea_bottom =-696
ptrcurarea_right =-312
ptrcurarea_top =-90
ptrcurarea_left =-51
ptrcurarea_bottom =-696
ptrcurarea_right =-312
screensizemode =-1
ws =ws
clienthandle =1
isfocusable =TRUE
pointercurmode =EPointerCursorNone
expected =EPointerCursorNone
ptrcurpos_x =-1
ptrcurpos_y =-1
point_x =-1
point_y =-1
sysfadonoff =EFalse
blackmapfading =-10
whitemapfading =-244
identifier =12
position =-1
matchwgname =*GVNKWTX*
specifiescrnno ={default_wserv,screen_negative}
givenwgpriority =-1
priority =EAllPriorities
usearray =TRUE
screennum ={default_wserv,screen_negative}