Merge 3. Improve performance by switching to less aggressive settings for RI_NUM_TESSELLATED_SEGMENTS and RI_MAX_SAMPLES. Ignored the WIN32 specific API decoration defines when doing the merge. Note the code is now optimised in riPath.cpp to change from RI_NUM_TESSELLATED_SEGMENTS to _QUAD, _CUBIC, _ARC settings which are each now set to 8. SVG Tiger now renders in 5 seconds (15 seconds quicker). The quality of the OVG icons is slightly reduced but still very useable.
// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "BMDRAW.H"
const TInt KEightBppPaletteSize = 256;
const TInt KEightBppInversePaletteSize = 4096;
GLREF_D const TUint8 color256shadowlutab[256];
// CDrawEightBppBitmapColor
TInt CDrawEightBppBitmapColor::Construct(TSize aSize)
return Construct(aSize, (aSize.iWidth + 3) & ~3);
TInt CDrawEightBppBitmapColor::Construct(TSize aSize, TInt aStride)
iDispMode = EColor256;
iShadowIndex = (TUint8*)color256shadowlutab;
return CDrawEightBppBitmapCommon::Construct(aSize, aStride);
delete[] iPalette;
delete[] iColor4KIndex;
if (iShadowIndex != color256shadowlutab)
delete[] iShadowIndex;
TInt CDrawEightBppBitmapColor::SetCustomPalette(const CPalette* aPalette)
if (aPalette)
if (!iPalette)
iPalette = new TRgb[KEightBppPaletteSize];
if (!iColor4KIndex)
iColor4KIndex = new TUint8[KEightBppInversePaletteSize];
if (iShadowIndex == color256shadowlutab)
iShadowIndex = new TUint8[KEightBppPaletteSize];
if (iPalette && iColor4KIndex && iShadowIndex)
TInt index = 0;
TRgb* palettePtr = iPalette;
const TRgb* const palettePtrLimit = iPalette + Min(aPalette->Entries(),KEightBppPaletteSize);
while (palettePtr < palettePtrLimit)
*palettePtr++ = aPalette->GetEntry(index++);
index = 0;
TUint8* inversePtr = iColor4KIndex;
const TUint8* const inversePtrLimit = iColor4KIndex + KEightBppInversePaletteSize;
while (inversePtr < inversePtrLimit)
*inversePtr++ = TUint8(aPalette->NearestIndex(TRgb::_Color4K(index++)));
index = 0;
TUint8* shadowPtr = iShadowIndex;
const TUint8* const shadowPtrLimit = iShadowIndex + KEightBppPaletteSize;
TRgb color;
while (shadowPtr < shadowPtrLimit)
color = iPalette[index++];
const TInt red = Max(color.Red() - 0x33,0) >> 4;
const TInt green = Max(color.Green() - 0x33,0) >> 4;
const TInt blue = Max(color.Blue() - 0x33,0) >> 4;
*shadowPtr++ = iColor4KIndex[(red << 8) | (green << 4) | blue];
return KErrNone;
// Fall through to cleanup
delete[] iPalette;
iPalette = NULL;
delete[] iColor4KIndex;
iColor4KIndex = NULL;
if (iShadowIndex != color256shadowlutab)
delete[] iShadowIndex;
iShadowIndex = (TUint8*)color256shadowlutab;
return aPalette ? KErrNoMemory : KErrNone;
TInt CDrawEightBppBitmapColor::GetCustomPalette(CPalette*& aPalette)
TRAPD(err, aPalette = CPalette::NewDefaultL(EColor256));
if (err == KErrNone && iPalette)
for (TInt index = 0; index < KEightBppPaletteSize; index++)
aPalette->SetEntry(index, iPalette[index]);
return err;
TUint8 CDrawEightBppBitmapColor::ColorToIndex(TRgb aColor) const
if (iColor4KIndex)
return iColor4KIndex[aColor._Color4K()];
return TUint8(aColor.Color256());
TRgb CDrawEightBppBitmapColor::IndexToColor(TInt aIndex) const
if (iPalette)
return iPalette[aIndex];
return TRgb::Color256(aIndex);
void CDrawEightBppBitmapColor::Shadow(TRgb& aColor)
if (iShadowMode & EFade)
aColor = FadeRgb(IndexToColor(ColorToIndex(aColor)));
if (iShadowMode & EShadow)
aColor = IndexToColor(iShadowIndex[ColorToIndex(aColor)]);
//aX, aY - physical coordinates
TRgb CDrawEightBppBitmapColor::ReadRgbNormal(TInt aX,TInt aY) const
return IndexToColor(*PixelAddress(aX,aY));
//aRect - logical coordinates
void CDrawEightBppBitmapColor::ShadowArea(const TRect& aRect)
const TRect rect(DeOrientate(aRect));//rect - physical coordinates
__ASSERT_DEBUG(rect.iTl.iX>=0 && rect.iBr.iX<=iSize.iWidth,Panic(EScreenDriverPanicOutOfBounds));
__ASSERT_DEBUG(rect.iTl.iY>=0 && rect.iBr.iY<=iSize.iHeight,Panic(EScreenDriverPanicOutOfBounds));
const TInt longWidth = iLongWidth;
TUint8* pixelPtr = PixelAddress(rect.iTl.iX,rect.iTl.iY);
const TUint8* pixelRowPtrLimit = pixelPtr + (rect.Height() * longWidth);
TRgb color;
register const TUint8* bitsEnd =
reinterpret_cast <const TUint8*> (iBits) + iLongWidth * iSize.iHeight;
if(pixelRowPtrLimit >= bitsEnd)
pixelRowPtrLimit = bitsEnd;
if (iShadowMode & EFade)
TUint8* pixelRowPtr = pixelPtr;
TUint8* pixelPtrLimit = pixelPtr + rect.Width();
while (pixelRowPtr < pixelRowPtrLimit)
TUint8* tempPixelPtr = pixelRowPtr;
while (tempPixelPtr < pixelPtrLimit)
color = IndexToColor(*tempPixelPtr);
color = FadeRgb(color);
*tempPixelPtr++ = ColorToIndex(color);
pixelRowPtr += longWidth;
pixelPtrLimit += longWidth;
if (iShadowMode & EShadow)
TUint8* pixelRowPtr = pixelPtr;
TUint8* pixelPtrLimit = pixelPtr + rect.Width();
while (pixelRowPtr < pixelRowPtrLimit)
TUint8* tempPixelPtr = pixelRowPtr;
while (tempPixelPtr < pixelPtrLimit)
*tempPixelPtr = iShadowIndex[*tempPixelPtr];
pixelRowPtr += longWidth;
pixelPtrLimit += longWidth;
void CDrawEightBppBitmapColor::ShadowBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer)
const TUint8* limit = ((TUint8*)aBuffer) + aLength;
if (iShadowMode & EFade)
TUint8* buffer = (TUint8*)aBuffer;
TRgb color;
while (buffer < limit)
color = FadeRgb(IndexToColor(*buffer));
*buffer++ = ColorToIndex(color);
if (iShadowMode & EShadow)
TUint8* buffer = (TUint8*)aBuffer;
while (buffer < limit)
*buffer = iShadowIndex[*buffer];
//aX, aY - physical coordinates
void CDrawEightBppBitmapColor::WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TRgb aColor)
//aX, aY - physical coordinates
void CDrawEightBppBitmapColor::WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aData,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor)
//aX, aY - physical coordinates
void CDrawEightBppBitmapColor::WriteBinaryOp(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aData,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode)
//aX, aY - physical coordinates
void CDrawEightBppBitmapColor::WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aData,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,TBool aUp)
MAlphaBlend::WriteRgbAlphaLine() implementation.
@see MAlphaBlend::WriteRgbAlphaLine()
void CDrawEightBppBitmapColor::WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX, TInt aY, TInt aLength,
const TUint8* aRgbBuffer,
const TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
MAlphaBlend::TShadowing aShadowing,
CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode /*aDrawMode*/)
DeOrientate(aX,aY);//aX, aY - physical coordinates
TUint8* pixelPtr = PixelAddress(aX,aY);
register TInt pixelPtrInc = LogicalPixelAddressIncrement();
const TUint8* maskBufferPtrLimit = aMaskBuffer + aLength;
TRgb pixelColor;
while (aMaskBuffer < maskBufferPtrLimit)
TRgb srcColor(aRgbBuffer[2],aRgbBuffer[1],aRgbBuffer[0]);
if(aShadowing == MAlphaBlend::EShdwBefore)
pixelColor = ::AlphaBlend(srcColor,IndexToColor(pixelPtr[0]),aMaskBuffer[0]);
if(aShadowing == MAlphaBlend::EShdwAfter)
pixelPtr[0] = ColorToIndex(pixelColor);
pixelPtr += pixelPtrInc;
aRgbBuffer += 4;
const TUint8* bitsStart = reinterpret_cast <const TUint8*> (iBits);
const TUint8* bitsEnd = bitsStart + iLongWidth * iSize.iHeight;
while (aMaskBuffer < maskBufferPtrLimit)
TRgb srcColor(aRgbBuffer[2],aRgbBuffer[1],aRgbBuffer[0]);
if(aShadowing == MAlphaBlend::EShdwBefore)
pixelColor = ::AlphaBlend(srcColor,IndexToColor(pixelPtr[0]),aMaskBuffer[0]);
if(aShadowing == MAlphaBlend::EShdwAfter)
const TUint8* pixelRowPtrLimit = bitsStart + (aY + 1) * iLongWidth;
SetPixels(pixelPtr, ColorToIndex(pixelColor), pixelRowPtrLimit, bitsStart, bitsEnd);
pixelPtr += pixelPtrInc;
aRgbBuffer += 4;
void CDrawEightBppBitmapColor::WriteRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aRows,TRgb aColor)
void CDrawEightBppBitmapColor::WriteRgbMultiXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aRows,TRgb aColor)
void CDrawEightBppBitmapColor::WriteRgbMultiAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aRows,TRgb aColor)
void CDrawEightBppBitmapColor::WriteRgbMultiOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aRows,TRgb aColor)
//aX, aY - not deorientated
//aLength - not scaled
void CDrawEightBppBitmapColor::WriteRgbAlphaMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,
TRgb aColor,const TUint8* aMaskBuffer)
DeOrientate(aX,aY);//aX, aY - scaled and deorientated
register TUint8* pixelPtr = PixelAddress(aX,aY);
register TInt pixelPtrInc = LogicalPixelAddressIncrement();
const TUint8* maskBufferPtrLimit = aMaskBuffer + aLength;
if (iShadowMode)
register TInt red = aColor.Red();
register TInt green = aColor.Green();
register TInt blue = aColor.Blue();
TRgb pixelColor;
while(aMaskBuffer < maskBufferPtrLimit)
pixelColor = AlphaBlend(red, green, blue, IndexToColor(pixelPtr[0]), aMaskBuffer[0]);
pixelPtr[0] = ColorToIndex(pixelColor);
pixelPtr += pixelPtrInc;
const TUint8* bitsStart = reinterpret_cast <const TUint8*> (iBits);
const TUint8* bitsEnd = bitsStart + iLongWidth * iSize.iHeight;
while(aMaskBuffer < maskBufferPtrLimit)
pixelColor = AlphaBlend(red, green, blue, IndexToColor(pixelPtr[0]), aMaskBuffer[0]);
const TUint8* pixelRowPtrLimit = bitsStart + (aY + 1) * iLongWidth;
SetPixels(pixelPtr, ColorToIndex(pixelColor), pixelRowPtrLimit, bitsStart, bitsEnd);
pixelPtr += pixelPtrInc;
void CDrawEightBppBitmapColor::MapColorToUserDisplayMode(TRgb& aColor)
switch (iUserDispMode)
case EGray2:
aColor = TRgb::_Gray2(aColor._Gray2());
case EGray4:
aColor = TRgb::_Gray4(aColor._Gray4());
case EGray16:
case EGray256:// EGray256 can't be done - nearest is EGray16
aColor = TRgb::_Gray16(aColor._Gray16());
case EColor16:
aColor = TRgb::Color16(aColor.Color16());
void CDrawEightBppBitmapColor::MapBufferToUserDisplayMode(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer)
TUint8* bufferPtr = (TUint8*)aBuffer;
const TUint8* bufferLimit = bufferPtr + aLength;
TRgb color;
switch (iUserDispMode)
case EGray2:
while (bufferPtr < bufferLimit)
color = IndexToColor(*bufferPtr);
color = TRgb::_Gray2(color._Gray2());
*bufferPtr++ = ColorToIndex(color);
case EGray4:
while (bufferPtr < bufferLimit)
color = IndexToColor(*bufferPtr);
color = TRgb::_Gray4(color._Gray4());
*bufferPtr++ = ColorToIndex(color);
case EGray16:
case EGray256:// EGray256 can't be done - nearest is EGray16
while (bufferPtr < bufferLimit)
color = IndexToColor(*bufferPtr);
color = TRgb::_Gray16(color._Gray16());
*bufferPtr++ = ColorToIndex(color);
case EColor16:
while (bufferPtr < bufferLimit)
color = IndexToColor(*bufferPtr);
color = TRgb::Color16(color.Color16());
*bufferPtr++ = ColorToIndex(color);
TInt CDrawEightBppBitmapColor::WriteRgbOutlineAndShadow(TInt aX, TInt aY, const TInt aLength,
TUint32 aOutlinePenColor, TUint32 aShadowColor,
TUint32 aFillColor, const TUint8* aDataBuffer)
//This is non-optimised since this screen mode is rarely used and is usually
//fast enough without optimisation.
TUint8* pixelPtr = PixelAddress(aX,aY);
const TInt pixelPtrInc = LogicalPixelAddressIncrement();
const TUint8* dataBufferPtrLimit = aDataBuffer + aLength;
TInt blendedRedColor;
TInt blendedGreenColor;
TInt blendedBlueColor;
TUint8 index = 0;
TRgb finalColor;
TRgb outlinePenColor;
TRgb shadowColor;
TRgb fillColor;
const TInt redOutlinePenColor = outlinePenColor.Red();
const TInt redShadowColor = shadowColor.Red();
const TInt redFillColor = fillColor.Red();
const TInt greenOutlinePenColor = outlinePenColor.Green();
const TInt greenShadowColor = shadowColor.Green();
const TInt greenFillColor = fillColor.Green();
const TInt blueOutlinePenColor = outlinePenColor.Blue();
const TInt blueShadowColor = shadowColor.Blue();
const TInt blueFillColor = fillColor.Blue();
while (aDataBuffer < dataBufferPtrLimit)
index = *aDataBuffer++;
if (255 == FourColorBlendLookup[index][KBackgroundColorIndex])
//background colour
//No drawing required so move on to next pixel.
pixelPtr += pixelPtrInc;
else if (255 == FourColorBlendLookup[index][KFillColorIndex])
//fill colour
else if (255 == FourColorBlendLookup[index][KShadowColorIndex])
//Shadow colour
else if (255 == FourColorBlendLookup[index][KOutlineColorIndex])
//Outline colour
TRgb backgroundColor = TRgb::Color256(*pixelPtr);
blendedRedColor = (redOutlinePenColor * FourColorBlendLookup[index][KOutlineColorIndex] +
redShadowColor * FourColorBlendLookup[index][KShadowColorIndex] +
redFillColor * FourColorBlendLookup[index][KFillColorIndex] +
backgroundColor.Red() * FourColorBlendLookup[index][KBackgroundColorIndex]) >> 8;
blendedGreenColor = (greenOutlinePenColor * FourColorBlendLookup[index][KOutlineColorIndex] +
greenShadowColor * FourColorBlendLookup[index][KShadowColorIndex] +
greenFillColor * FourColorBlendLookup[index][KFillColorIndex] +
backgroundColor.Green() * FourColorBlendLookup[index][KBackgroundColorIndex]) >> 8;
blendedBlueColor = (blueOutlinePenColor * FourColorBlendLookup[index][KOutlineColorIndex] +
blueShadowColor * FourColorBlendLookup[index][KShadowColorIndex] +
blueFillColor * FourColorBlendLookup[index][KFillColorIndex] +
backgroundColor.Blue() * FourColorBlendLookup[index][KBackgroundColorIndex]) >> 8;
finalColor = TRgb(blendedRedColor, blendedGreenColor, blendedBlueColor);
*pixelPtr = TUint8(finalColor.Color256());
pixelPtr += pixelPtrInc;
return KErrNone;