Merge 3. Improve performance by switching to less aggressive settings for RI_NUM_TESSELLATED_SEGMENTS and RI_MAX_SAMPLES. Ignored the WIN32 specific API decoration defines when doing the merge. Note the code is now optimised in riPath.cpp to change from RI_NUM_TESSELLATED_SEGMENTS to _QUAD, _CUBIC, _ARC settings which are each now set to 8. SVG Tiger now renders in 5 seconds (15 seconds quicker). The quality of the OVG icons is slightly reduced but still very useable.
// Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "Graphics/WSGRAPHICMSGBUF.H"
#include "W32STDGRAPHIC.H"
//so sue us; fixing a very nasty-to-track-down unsigned/signed conversion defect in code below
#define KSizeOfTInt (TInt)sizeof(TInt)
// TWsGraphicMsgBufParser \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
EXPORT_C TWsGraphicMsgBufParser::TWsGraphicMsgBufParser(const TDesC8& aData): iData(aData)
/** Initialise a parser for the specified message buffer */
EXPORT_C TInt TWsGraphicMsgBufParser::Verify() const
/** Verifies that the message buffer is properly formed
@return KErrNone if buffer is ok, else a system-wide error code */
const TInt length = iData.Length();
TInt ofs = 0;
const TInt tmp = (length - sizeof(TInt));
while(ofs < tmp)
ofs += IntAt(ofs+KSizeOfTInt) + (KSizeOfTInt*2);
if(ofs == length)
return KErrNone;
return KErrCorrupt;
EXPORT_C TInt TWsGraphicMsgBufParser::Count() const
/** Returns the number of elements in the buffer.
@return the count of elements.
const TInt length = iData.Length();
TInt ofs = 0, count = 0;
while(ofs < length)
ofs += IntAt(ofs+KSizeOfTInt) + (KSizeOfTInt*2);
return count;
EXPORT_C TUid TWsGraphicMsgBufParser::Uid(TInt aIndex) const
/** Returns the UID if the message, or null UID if the buffer is empty.
@return KNullUid if the buffer is empty, otherwise the stored Uid
const TInt length = iData.Length();
TInt ofs = 0, count = 0;
while(ofs < length)
if(count == aIndex)
return TUid::Uid(IntAt(ofs));
ofs += IntAt(ofs+KSizeOfTInt) + (KSizeOfTInt*2);
return KNullUid;
EXPORT_C TPtrC8 TWsGraphicMsgBufParser::Data(TInt aIndex) const
/**Returns the buffer contents at a perticular offset (aIndex).
@param aIndex - the index into of the buffer element required.
@return KNullDesC8 if index is more than the element count, otherwise, the element at index aIndex.
const TInt length = iData.Length();
TInt ofs = 0, count = 0;
while(ofs < length)
if(count == aIndex)
return iData.Mid(ofs+(KSizeOfTInt*2),IntAt(ofs+KSizeOfTInt));
ofs += IntAt(ofs+KSizeOfTInt) + (KSizeOfTInt*2);
return TPtrC8(KNullDesC8());
EXPORT_C TInt TWsGraphicMsgBufParser::Find(TUid aUid,TInt aStartingFrom) const
/** Finds the element equal to the aUid, and returns the index of the element in the buffer.
@param aUid - the search item to be found in the buffer.
@param aStartingFrom - the starting index.
@return the position (index) of the found element, or KErrNotFound
const TInt length = iData.Length();
TInt ofs = 0, count = 0;
while(ofs < length)
if((count >= aStartingFrom) && (aUid == TUid::Uid(IntAt(ofs))))
return count;
ofs += IntAt(ofs+KSizeOfTInt) + (KSizeOfTInt*2);
return KErrNotFound;
EXPORT_C TBool TWsGraphicMsgBufParser::LoadFixed(TUid aUid,TAny* aMsg,TInt aMsgSize,TInt aStartingFrom) const
/** Loads the buffer of aMsg with the contents of the buffer, based on the aUid and aMsgSize.
@param aUid - the Uid to match after which the loading is performed.
@param aMsg - the pointer to the output buffer.
@param aMsgSize - the size of the output buffer.
@param aStartingFrom - the starting position to be used in the search of the buffer.
@return ETrue if loaded, EFalse otherwise.
const TInt length = iData.Length();
TInt ofs = 0, count = 0;
while(ofs < length)
if((count >= aStartingFrom) && (aUid == TUid::Uid(IntAt(ofs))))
// found it? return it
const TInt len = IntAt(ofs+KSizeOfTInt);
if(len == aMsgSize)
TPtr8 msg(reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(aMsg),aMsgSize);
msg = iData.Mid(ofs+(KSizeOfTInt*2),len);
return ETrue;
else // message was not the expected size!
return EFalse;
ofs += IntAt(ofs+KSizeOfTInt) + (KSizeOfTInt*2);
return EFalse;
TInt TWsGraphicMsgBufParser::IntAt(TInt aOfs) const
/** @internalComponent @released */
if((aOfs < 0) || ((aOfs+KSizeOfTInt) > iData.Length()))
return 0;
TInt ret;
return ret;
// TWsGraphicMsgAnimation \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
EXPORT_C TWsGraphicMsgAnimation::TWsGraphicMsgAnimation(): iFlags(EStopped)
EXPORT_C TInt TWsGraphicMsgAnimation::Load(const TWsGraphicMsgBufParser& aData)
const TInt index = aData.Find(TUid::Uid(TWsGraphicAnimation::ETypeId));
if(index >= 0)
return Load(aData,index);
return index;
EXPORT_C TInt TWsGraphicMsgAnimation::Load(const TWsGraphicMsgBufParser& aData,TInt aIndex)
if(aData.Uid(aIndex).iUid != TWsGraphicAnimation::ETypeId)
return KErrArgument;
const TPtrC8 pckg = aData.Data(aIndex);
if(pckg.Size() != sizeof(TWsGraphicMsgAnimation))
return KErrCorrupt;
return KErrNone;
EXPORT_C TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds TWsGraphicMsgAnimation::AnimationTime(const TTime& aNow,const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aAnimationLength) const
// an animation to time?
if(aAnimationLength <= 0LL)
return 0LL;
switch(iFlags & EStateMask)
case EPaused:
return ((iPauseOrStopping.Int64() - iPlay.Int64()) % aAnimationLength.Int64());
case EStopping:
const TInt64 elapsed = (aNow.Int64() - iPlay.Int64());
if(elapsed <= aAnimationLength.Int64())
return (elapsed % aAnimationLength.Int64());
return 0LL;
case EStopped:
return 0LL;
case EPlaying:
const TInt64 elapsed = (aNow.Int64() - iPlay.Int64());
if((iFlags & ELoop) || (elapsed <= aAnimationLength.Int64()))
return (elapsed % aAnimationLength.Int64());
return 0LL;
return 0LL;
EXPORT_C TBool TWsGraphicMsgAnimation::IsPlaying(const TTime& aNow,const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aAnimationLength) const
// an animation to time?
if(aAnimationLength <= 0LL)
return EFalse;
switch(iFlags & EStateMask)
case EPaused:
return EFalse;
case EStopping:
const TInt64 elapsed = (aNow.Int64() - iPlay.Int64());
if(elapsed <= aAnimationLength.Int64())
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
case EStopped:
return EFalse;
case EPlaying:
const TInt64 elapsed = (aNow.Int64() - iPlay.Int64());
if((iFlags & ELoop) || (elapsed <= aAnimationLength.Int64()))
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
return EFalse;