author Matt Plumtree <>
Fri, 23 Apr 2010 17:57:02 +0100
changeset 39 a4b63488e0b0
parent 26 15986eb6c500
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revise some of the compositor performance improvements to improve correctness. Implement pixel blending using a variation of Jim Blinn's no-division blending algorithm. Move transparency type simplification further up the composition code. Remove some unnecessary fields. Output to YUV implementation needs revision as it is actually converting from YUV (copy of source conversion code).

// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:



#include <e32msgqueue.h>
#include <EGL/egl.h>
#include <VG/openvg.h>
#include <sgresource/sgresource.h>
#include <graphics/sgresource.h>
#include <test/testexecuteserverbase.h>
#include <test/ttmsgraphicsstep.h>
#include <test/egltestcommonutils.h>
#include <test/egltestcommonsession.h>

const TInt KDefaultWindowGroupId = 200;
const TInt KMaxProcessNumber = 32;
const TInt KMaxThreadNumber = 100;
const TInt KNumSemaphore = 2;

class RWindow;

struct TEglStepMessageBuffer
    TInt iBuf[64];

Abstract base class for Egl test steps
class CEglTestStep : public CTTMSGraphicsStep
	friend class EglTestCommonProcess;

	struct TThreadInfo
		CEglTestStep*			 iSelf;
		TInt 					 iIdx; // << index for example used to identify the thread to semaphores
		} iThreadInfos[KMaxThreadNumber];

	struct TThreadStatus
		enum TStatusId{ERendezvous, ELogin, ESize};
		RThread			iThread;
		TRequestStatus	iStatus[ESize];

	struct TProcessStatus
		RProcess		iProcess;
		TRequestStatus	iStatus;
		} iProcessStatus[KMaxProcessNumber];

	// from CTestStep
	IMPORT_C TVerdict doTestStepPreambleL();
	IMPORT_C TVerdict doTestStepPostambleL();
	IMPORT_C virtual ~CEglTestStep();
	IMPORT_C void PartialInitialiseL(const TDesC& aStepName);
	IMPORT_C void CleanAll();
	IMPORT_C void CreateEglSessionL(TInt aIdx=0);
	inline CTestEglSession* GetEglSess() {return iEglSess;};
	IMPORT_C  CEglTestStep();
	// Initialisation
	void SetLoggerForProcessWrapperL();
	// Utility Methods
	void HandleMark();
	void HandleMarkEnd();
	IMPORT_C void OpenWsSessionL(TInt aGroupId);
	IMPORT_C void CloseWsSession();
	IMPORT_C void ConstructWindowL(RWindow& aWindow, const TRect& aRect);
    IMPORT_C void PrintUsedPixelConfiguration();
    IMPORT_C void PrintPixelFormat(TUidPixelFormat aFormat);
    IMPORT_C void PrintVGImageFormat(VGImageFormat aAttr);

	// Multi process test utils
	IMPORT_C void Test_MultiProcessL(const TDesC& aTestDllName, TInt aProcessCount, const TDesC& aTestStepName);
	IMPORT_C void Test_MultiProcessL(const TDesC& aTestDllName, TInt aProcessCount, const TDesC& aTestStepName, const TSgDrawableId& aSgId);
	IMPORT_C void Test_MultiProcessL(const TDesC& aTestDllName, TInt aProcessCount, const TDesC& aTestStepName, const RArray<TSgDrawableId>& aSgIdList);
	void CheckProcessStatusL(TInt aIndex, const TRequestStatus& aStatus, const RProcess& aProcess);
	inline TInt ImageIndexFromProcessId(TInt aProcess, TInt aImageCount) {return (aProcess % aImageCount);}
	// Multi threaded test utils
	IMPORT_C void Test_MultiThreadL(TInt aThreadCount, TBool aWaitForCompletion);
	IMPORT_C void Test_MultiThread_WaitL(TBool aCloseThreads, TThreadStatus::TStatusId aStatusId);
	void CheckThreadStatusL(TInt aIndex, const TRequestStatus& aStatus, const RThread& aThread);
	static TInt ThreadFunction(TAny* aSelf);
	void ThreadFunctionL(TThreadInfo& aInfo);

	IMPORT_C virtual void doThreadFunctionL(TInt aIdx);
	IMPORT_C virtual void doThreadFunctionL(TInt aIdx,const TSgDrawableId& aSgId);
	IMPORT_C void Rendezvous(TInt aIdx);
	IMPORT_C virtual void doProcessFunctionL(TInt aIdx);
	IMPORT_C virtual void doProcessFunctionL(TInt aIdx,const TSgDrawableId& aSgId);

	// EGL helpers
	IMPORT_C TBool CheckForExtensionL(TInt aExtensions, const TDesC& aExtensionName = KNullDesC);
	IMPORT_C void GetDisplayL();
	IMPORT_C void TerminateDisplayL();	

	virtual void ReceiveMessageFromClient(RMsgQueue<TEglStepMessageBuffer>& /*aMessageQueueClientProcParam*/) {}
	// Session object as required for most tests
	CTestEglSession* 	iEglSess;

	// Whether to output verbose logging
	TBool iVerboseLogging;
	// Whether the test step needs to wait for thread completion during postamble 
	TInt  iThreadCount;
	TBool iWaitForCompletionOnPostamble;
	// The display is shared between threads.
	EGLDisplay	iDisplay;

	RSemaphore	iSemaphore[KNumSemaphore];
	RArray<TThreadStatus> iThreadStatus;
	// pixel formats the test is run
	TUidPixelFormat iSourceFormat;
	VGImageFormat iSurfaceFormat;

	TInt iProcHandleMark;
	TInt iThreadHandleMark;
	TInt iProcHandleMarkEnd;
	TInt iThreadHandleMarkEnd;

	RWsSession iWsSession;
	RWindowGroup iWindowGroup;