author Matt Plumtree <>
Fri, 23 Apr 2010 17:57:02 +0100
changeset 39 a4b63488e0b0
parent 0 5d03bc08d59c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revise some of the compositor performance improvements to improve correctness. Implement pixel blending using a variation of Jim Blinn's no-division blending algorithm. Move transparency type simplification further up the composition code. Remove some unnecessary fields. Output to YUV implementation needs revision as it is actually converting from YUV (copy of source conversion code).

// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:

#ifndef ___WININC_H__
#define ___WININC_H__

#define UNICODE
#pragma warning( disable : 4201 )
#include <windows.h>
#pragma warning( default : 4201 )
#include <TCHAR.H>

#include <gdi.h>

RWindows describes an object, which creates and manages a Windows OS window,
used for the Symbian OS drawing operations on the Emulator.
A single window object can be shared between one or more RWindows clients.
class RWindows
	static RWindows* GetWindow(TInt aScreenNo, TAny* aHwnd,const TSize& aSize);
	static void ReleaseWindow(TInt aScreenNo);
	void Update(const TRegion& aRgn,const TSize& aSize);
	TUint8* PixelAddress(TInt aX,TInt aY);
	TUint32* EpocBitmapBits() const {return iEpocBitmapBits;}
	void SetOrientation(TInt aOrientation);
	TInt Orientation() const;
	TSize GetOrientedSize();
	TRect GetOrientedRect(const TRect &aSize);
	void ConstructL(TAny* aHwnd,const TSize& aSize);
	void Destroy();
	void UpdateRect(const TRect& aRect,const TSize& aSize);
	TDisplayMode iDisplayMode;
	TSize iEpocBitmapSize;
	TInt iEpocBitmapLinePitch;
	TRgb* iPalette;
	HWND iHwnd;
	HDC iHdc;
	HBITMAP iHbitmap;
	BITMAPINFO* iBitmapInfo;
	TUint8* iBitmapBits;
	HBITMAP iH90bitmap;
	BITMAPINFO* i90BitmapInfo;
	TUint8* i90BitmapBits;
	TInt iByteWidth;
	TInt i90ByteWidth;
	TUint32* iEpocBitmapBits;
	TInt iOrientation;
    TInt iScreenNo;

RWindows* WindowHandler(TInt aScreenNo);
void CreateScreenSemaphoreName(TInt aScreenNo, TDes& aScreenSemaphoreName);
