Revise some of the compositor performance improvements to improve correctness.
Implement pixel blending using a variation of Jim Blinn's no-division blending algorithm.
Move transparency type simplification further up the composition code.
Remove some unnecessary fields.
Output to YUV implementation needs revision as it is actually converting from YUV (copy of source conversion code).
========== Start Log File ==========<br>
File c:\logs\testexecute\%S (5644 bytes)<br>
12:00:24:297 <html><body><pre>
12:00:24:301 <font color=00AFFF>
TEF Version : 3.0.1003
<font color=00AF00>*** TestExecute Started 26/04/2009 12:00:24:300 ***</font>
12:00:24:348 Dummy Results Log Created By T_RebootTests.exe - There are no tests to run, this is initialisation.
12:00:27:467 <font color=00AFFF>SUMMARY:</font>
12:00:27:487 <font color=00AF00>PASS = 0</font>
12:00:27:494 <font color=FF0000>FAIL = 0</font>
12:00:27:500 <font color=0000FF>ABORT = 0</font>
12:00:27:509 <font color=0000FF>PANIC = 0</font>
12:00:27:514 <font color=0000FF>INCONCLUSIVE = 0</font>
12:00:27:521 <font color=0000FF>UNKNOWN = 0</font>
12:00:27:527 <font color=0000FF>UNEXECUTED = 0</font>
12:00:27:534 <font color=0000FF>COMMENTED OUT COMMAND'S = 0</font>
12:00:27:540 <font color=00AFFF>RUN_SCRIPT_SUMMARY:</font>
12:00:27:546 <font color=00AF00>EXECUTED_SCRIPTS = 0</font>
12:00:27:552 <font color=FF0000>FAILED_TO_OPEN = 0</font>
12:00:27:562 </pre></body></html><br>
========== Finish Log File ==========<br>