Revise some of the compositor performance improvements to improve correctness.
Implement pixel blending using a variation of Jim Blinn's no-division blending algorithm.
Move transparency type simplification further up the composition code.
Remove some unnecessary fields.
Output to YUV implementation needs revision as it is actually converting from YUV (copy of source conversion code).
// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// This file define all the common values thoughout your test project
@internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
#include <gdi.h>
#define __MOVEFILETODRIVE (__SrcFile, __DestFile)
// use this to start and stop sampling profiler within this teststep
//#define _USE_PROFILER
// Please modify below value with your project and must match with your configuration ini file which is required to be modified as well
// For test step panics
const TDisplayMode KValidBitmapModes[] = {EColor16MAP, EColor16MA, EColor16MU, EColor16M, EColor256, EGray256, EColor64K};
const TInt KNumValidBitmapModes = TInt(sizeof(KValidBitmapModes)/sizeof(KValidBitmapModes[0]));
const TDisplayMode KValidDisplayModes[] = {EColor16MAP, EColor16MA, EColor16MU, EColor64K};
const TInt KNumValidDisplayModes = TInt(sizeof(KValidDisplayModes)/sizeof(KValidDisplayModes[0]));
// Test macro to log Leaves.
#define TESTNOERRORL(a) \
TInt b = a;\
TBool c = (b == KErrNone);\
testBooleanTrueWithErrorCodeL((c), (b), (TText8*)__FILE__, __LINE__);\
#define __PROFILERMEMBERS RProcess iProcess; TInt iPErr; RFs iFSession; TBuf<256> iProfLog; TBuf<256> iProfLoE; CFileMan* iFileMan;
#define __STARTPROFILER iPErr=iProcess.Create(_L("profiler"),_L("start")); \
if (iPErr==KErrNone) { \
iProcess.Resume(); \
iProcess.Close(); \
} else { \
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Profiler process created return value:"),iPErr); \
#define __STOPPROFILER(__destfilename, __fnext1, __fnext2, __fnext3) Profiler::Stop(); \
Profiler::Close(); \
Profiler::Unload(); \
User::After(500*1000); \
iProfLog.Zero(); iProfLog.Copy(_L("c:\\Profiles\\P_")); iProfLog.Append(__destfilename); iProfLog.AppendNum(__fnext1); iProfLog.Append(_L("_")); iProfLog.AppendNum(__fnext2); iProfLog.Append(_L("_")); iProfLog.AppendNum(__fnext3); iProfLog.Append(_L(".dat")); iProfLog.ZeroTerminate(); \
iProfLoE.Zero(); iProfLoE.Copy(_L("e:\\Profiles\\P_")); iProfLoE.Append(__destfilename); iProfLoE.AppendNum(__fnext1); iProfLoE.Append(_L("_")); iProfLoE.AppendNum(__fnext2); iProfLoE.Append(_L("_")); iProfLoE.AppendNum(__fnext3); iProfLoE.Append(_L(".dat")); iProfLoE.ZeroTerminate(); \
iFSession.Delete(iProfLog); \
iFSession.Delete(iProfLoE); \
iFileMan->Copy(KProfilerLogFile,iProfLoE); \
iPErr = iFSession.Rename(KProfilerLogFile,iProfLog); \
if (iPErr==KErrNone) \
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("renamed profiler logfile to %s"), iProfLog.Ptr()); \
else INFO_PRINTF3(_L("ERROR %i renaming profiler logfile to %s "), iPErr, iProfLog.Ptr());
#define __INITPROFILER User::LeaveIfError(iFSession.Connect()); iFileMan = CFileMan::NewL(iFSession);
#define __CLEANUPPROFILER delete iFileMan; iFSession.Close();
#else // we dont use profiler, blank dummy defines
#define __STOPPROFILER(__destfilename, __fnext1, __fnext2, __fnext3);