author Matt Plumtree <>
Fri, 23 Apr 2010 17:57:02 +0100
changeset 39 a4b63488e0b0
parent 0 5d03bc08d59c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revise some of the compositor performance improvements to improve correctness. Implement pixel blending using a variation of Jim Blinn's no-division blending algorithm. Move transparency type simplification further up the composition code. Remove some unnecessary fields. Output to YUV implementation needs revision as it is actually converting from YUV (copy of source conversion code).

! Printer driver file for HP laser printers

Resources Pcl5Resources
    Reset               "<27>E"
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! 0o - Portrait
! 0e - top margin to zero
! 0C - VMI to zero
!<27>9 - clear horizontal margins
!<27>(0N - ISO 8859-1 Latin 1 character set
    PreAmble            "<27>&l0o0e0C<27>9<27>(0N"
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Translates Telephone
    5:35  ! must ensure width of 5 = width of 35

FontInfo Courier10 
    MaxNormalCharWidth 25
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    CodeSection 0:255

FontInfo Courier12 
    MaxNormalCharWidth 30
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FontInfo LinePrinter9 
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FontInfo CgTimesStd
    MaxNormalCharWidth 188
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      0:207   1:207    2:207    3:207    4:207
      5:104  ! telephone character must be the same as # (35)
      7:69   ! non-breaking hyphen must be the same as hyphen (45)
      9:61   ! tab must be the same as space (32)
     10:207   11:150   12:150   13:104
     14:69   ! potential hyphen must be the same as hyphen (45)
     15:61   ! non-breaking space must be the same as space (32)
     17:150   18:150   19:108   20:104   21:104   22:207   23:150   24:150
     25:150   26:150   27:150   28:184   29:150   30:150   31:150   32:61
     33:69    34:96    35:104   36:104   37:184   38:161   39:69    40:69
     41:69    42:104   43:184   44:69    45:69    46:69    47:69    48:104
     49:104   50:104   51:104   52:104   53:104   54:104   55:104   56:104
     57:104   58:69    59:69    60:207   61:184   62:207   63:92    64:184
!    A        B        C        D        E        F        G        H
     65:150   66:131   67:142   68:154   69:131   70:123   71:150   72:154
!    I        J        K        L        M        N        O        P
     73:69    74:81    75:146   76:131   77:188   78:154   79:150   80:119
!    Q        R        S        T        U        V        W        X
     81:150   82:138   83:111   84:131   85:154   86:150   87:196   88:150
!    Y        Z
     89:150   90:134   91:69    92:69    93:69    94:104   95:104   96:104
!    a        b        c        d        e        f        g        h
     97:92    98:104   99:92   100:104   101:92   102:69  103:104  104:104
!    i        j        k        l        m        n        o        p
    105:58   106:58   107:104  108:58   109:161  110:104  111:104  112:104
!    q        r        s        t        u        v        w        x
    113:104  114:77   115:81   116:58   117:104  118:104  119:150  120:104
!    y        z
    121:104  122:92   123:92   124:104  125:92   126:104  127:207  128:142
    129:104  130:92   131:92   132:92   133:92   134:92   135:92   136:92
    137:92   138:92   139:58   140:58   141:58   142:150  143:150  144:131
    145:138  146:184  147:104  148:104  149:104  150:104  151:104  152:104
    153:150  154:154  155:104  156:104  157:154  158:182  159:104  160:92
    161:58   162:104  163:104  164:104  165:154  166:104  167:104  168:92
    169:104  170:184  171:184  172:184  173:69   174:85   175:85   176:207
    177:207  178:207  179:207  180:207  181:150  182:150  183:150  184:105
    185:207  186:207  187:207  188:207  189:105  190:104  191:207  192:207
    193:207  194:207  195:207  196:207  197:207  198:92   199:150  200:207
    201:207  202:207  203:207  204:207  205:207  206:207  207:104  208:104
    209:154  210:129  211:129  212:129  213:58   214:70   215:70   216:70
    217:207  218:207  219:207  220:207  221:104  222:70   223:207  224:152
    225:104  226:152  227:152  228:104  229:152  230:115  231:106  232:122
    233:154  234:154  235:154  236:104  237:150  238:105  239:104  240:72
    241:184  242:104  243:183  244:104  245:104  246:184  247:104  248:104
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FontInfo CgTimesItalic
    MaxNormalCharWidth 170
    Ascent 167
    CodeSection 0:255
      1:207    2:207    3:207    4:207
      5:104  ! telephone character must be the same as # (35)
      7:69   ! non-breaking hyphen must be the same as hyphen (45)
      9:61   ! tab must be the same as space (32)
     10:207   11:150   12:150   13:104
     14:69   ! potential hyphen must be the same as hyphen (45)
     15:61   ! non-breaking space must be the same as space (32)
     17:150   18:150   19:103   20:104   21:104   22:207   23:150   24:150
     25:150   26:150   27:150   28:184   29:150   30:150   31:150   32:61
     33:69    34:100   35:104   36:104   37:184   38:161   39:69    40:69
     41:69    42:104   43:184   44:69    45:69    46:69    47:69    48:104
     49:104   50:104   51:104   52:104   53:104   54:104   55:104   56:104
     57:104   58:69    59:69    60:207   61:184   62:207   63:104   64:184
     65:127   66:127   67:138   68:150   69:127   70:119   71:150   72:150
     73:69    74:92    75:138   76:115   77:170   78:138   79:150   80:127
     81:150   82:127   83:104   84:115   85:150   86:127   87:170   88:127
     89:115   90:115   91:69    92:69    93:69    94:104   95:104   96:104
     97:104   98:104   99:92   100:104  101:92   102:58   103:104  104:104
    105:58   106:58   107:92   108:58   109:150  110:104  111:104  112:104
    113:104  114:81   115:81   116:58   117:104  118:92   119:138  120:92
    121:92   122:81   123:92   124:104  125:92   126:104  127:207  128:138
    129:104  130:92   131:104  132:104  133:104  134:104  135:92   136:92
    137:92   138:92   139:58   140:58   141:58   142:127  143:127  144:127
    145:138  146:184  147:104  148:104  149:104  150:104  151:104  152:92
    153:150  154:150  155:104  156:104  157:151  158:183  159:104  160:104
    161:58   162:104  163:104  164:104  165:138  166:104  167:104  168:104
    169:104  170:184  171:184  172:184  173:69   174:96   175:96   176:207
    177:207  178:207  179:207  180:207  181:127  182:127  183:127  184:105
    185:207  186:207  187:207  188:207  189:105  190:105  191:207  192:207
    193:207  194:207  195:207  196:207  197:207  198:104  199:127  200:207
    201:207  202:207  203:207  204:207  205:207  206:207  207:104  208:104
    209:148  210:127  211:127  212:127  213:58   214:70   215:70   216:70
    217:207  218:207  219:207  220:207  221:104  222:70   223:207  224:152
    225:104  226:152  227:152  228:104  229:152  230:115  231:106  232:126
    233:150  234:150  235:150  236:92   237:115  238:105  239:104  240:72
    241:184  242:104  243:182  244:104  245:104  246:184  247:104  248:104
    249:104  250:2    251:73   252:73   253:73   254:104  255:104

FontInfo CgTimesBold
    MaxNormalCharWidth 196
    Ascent 167
    CodeSection 0:255
      1:207    2:207    3:207    4:207
      5:104  ! telephone character must be the same as # (35)
      7:69   ! non-breaking hyphen must be the same as hyphen (45)
      9:61   ! tab must be the same as space (32)
     10:207   11:150   12:150   13:104
     14:69   ! potential hyphen must be the same as hyphen (45)
     15:61   ! non-breaking space must be the same as space (32)
     17:150   18:150   19:119   20:104   21:104   22:207   23:150   24:150
     25:150   26:150   27:150   28:184   29:150   30:150   31:150   32:61
     33:69    34:96    35:104   36:104   37:184   38:169   39:69    40:69
     41:69    42:104   43:184   44:69    45:69    46:69    47:69    48:104
     49:104   50:104   51:104   52:104   53:104   54:104   55:104   56:104
     57:104   58:69    59:69    60:207   61:184   62:207   63:104   64:184
     65:150   66:138   67:150   68:150   69:138   70:127   71:161   72:161
     73:81    74:100   75:161   76:138   77:196   78:150   79:161   80:127
     81:161   82:150   83:115   84:138   85:150   86:150   87:207   88:150
     89:150   90:138   91:69    92:69    93:69    94:104   95:104   96:104
     97:104   98:115   99:92   100:115  101:92   102:73   103:104  104:115
    105:58   106:69   107:115  108:58   109:171  110:115  111:104  112:115
    113:115  114:92   115:81   116:69   117:115  118:104  119:150  120:104
    121:104  122:92   123:104  124:104  125:104  126:104  127:207  128:150
    129:115  130:92   131:104  132:104  133:104  134:104  135:92   136:92
    137:92   138:92   139:58   140:58   141:58   142:150  143:150  144:138
    145:150  146:215  147:104  148:104  149:104  150:115  151:115  152:104
    153:161  154:150  155:104  156:104  157:163  158:182  159:104  160:104
    161:58   162:104  163:115  164:115  165:150  166:104  167:104  168:104
    169:104  170:184  171:184  172:184  173:69   174:88   175:88   176:207
    177:207  178:207  179:207  180:207  181:150  182:150  183:150  184:105
    185:207  186:207  187:207  188:207  189:105  190:104  191:207  192:207
    193:207  194:207  195:207  196:207  197:207  198:104  199:150  200:207
    201:207  202:207  203:207  204:207  205:207  206:207  207:104  208:104
    209:148  210:137  211:137  212:137  213:58   214:80   215:80   216:80
    217:207  218:207  219:207  220:207  221:104  222:80   223:207  224:162
    225:115  226:162  227:162  228:104  229:162  230:115  231:116  232:126
    233:150  234:150  235:150  236:104  237:150  238:105  239:104  240:72
    241:184  242:104  243:183  244:104  245:104  246:184  247:104  248:104
    249:104  250:23   251:73   252:73   253:73   254:104  255:104

FontInfo CgTimesBoldItalic
    MaxNormalCharWidth 184
    Ascent 167
    CodeSection 0:255
      1:207    2:207    3:207    4:207
      5:104  ! telephone character must be the same as # (35)
      7:69   ! non-breaking hyphen must be the same as hyphen (45)
      9:61   ! tab must be the same as space (32)
     10:207   11:150   12:150   13:104
     14:69   ! potential hyphen must be the same as hyphen (45)
     15:61   ! non-breaking space must be the same as space (32)
     17:150   18:150   19:131   20:104   21:104   22:207   23:150   24:150
     25:150   26:150   27:150   28:184   29:150   30:150   31:150   32:61
     33:81    34:108   35:104   36:104   37:184   38:161   39:69    40:69
     41:69    42:104   43:184   44:69    45:69    46:69    47:69    48:104
     49:104   50:104   51:104   52:104   53:104   54:104   55:104   56:104
     57:104   58:69    59:69    60:207   61:184   62:207   63:104   64:184
     65:138   66:138   67:138   68:150   69:138   70:127   71:150   72:161
     73:81    74:104   75:138   76:127   77:184   78:150   79:150   80:127
     81:146   82:138   83:115   84:127   85:150   86:138   87:184   88:138
     89:127   90:127   91:69    92:69    93:69    94:104   95:104   96:104
     97:104   98:104   99:92   100:104  101:92   102:73   103:104  104:115
    105:58   106:58   107:104  108:58   109:161  110:115  111:104  112:104
    113:104  114:81   115:81   116:58   117:115  118:92   119:138  120:104
    121:92   122:81   123:104  124:104  125:104  126:104  127:207  128:138
    129:115  130:92   131:104  132:104  133:104  134:104  135:92   136:92
    137:92   138:92   139:58   140:58   141:58   142:138  143:138  144:138
    145:146  146:192  147:104  148:104  149:104  150:115  151:115  152:92
    153:150  154:150  155:104  156:104  157:151  158:184  159:104  160:104
    161:58   162:104  163:115  164:115  165:150  166:104  167:104  168:104
    169:104  170:184  171:184  172:184  173:81   174:92   175:92   176:207
    177:207  178:207  179:207  180:207  181:138  182:138  183:138  184:105
    185:207  186:207  187:207  188:207  189:105  190:105  191:207  192:207
    193:207  194:207  195:207  196:207  197:207  198:104  199:138  200:207
    201:207  202:207  203:207  204:207  205:207  206:207  207:104  208:104
    209:148  210:137  211:137  212:137  213:58   214:80   215:80   216:80
    217:207  218:207  219:207  220:207  221:104  222:80   223:207  224:152
    225:104  226:152  227:152  228:104  229:152  230:115  231:106  232:126
    233:150  234:150  235:150  236:90   237:127  238:105  239:104  240:72
    241:184  242:104  243:183  244:104  245:104  246:184  247:104  248:104
    249:104  250:18   251:69   252:69   253:69   254:104  255:104

FontInfo UniversStd
    MaxNormalCharWidth 188
    Ascent 167
    CodeSection 0:255
      0:207   1:207    2:207    3:207    4:207
      5:131  ! telephone character must be the same as # (35)
      7:69   ! non-breaking hyphen must be the same as hyphen (45)
      9:69   ! tab must be the same as space (32)
     10:207   11:150   12:150   13:104
     14:69   ! potential hyphen must be the same as hyphen (45)
     15:69   ! non-breaking space must be the same as space (32)
     17:150   18:150   19:110   20:131   21:131   22:207   23:150   24:150
     25:150   26:150   27:150   28:207   29:150   30:150   31:150   32:69
     33:69    34:104   35:131   36:131   37:207   38:158   39:69    40:69
     41:69    42:131   43:207   44:69    45:69    46:69    47:69    48:131
     49:131   50:131   51:131   52:131   53:131   54:131   55:131   56:131
     57:131   58:69    59:69    60:207   61:207   62:207   63:108   64:207
     65:154   66:131   67:146   68:150   69:119   70:115   71:154   72:150
     73:58    74:115   75:138   76:111   77:188   78:150   79:158   80:123
     81:161   82:134   83:134   84:131   85:150   86:150   87:207   88:150
     89:142   90:127   91:69    92:69    93:69    94:131   95:104   96:131
     97:111   98:119   99:111  100:119  101:111  102:77   103:119  104:119
    105:50   106:50   107:111  108:50   109:181  110:119  111:119  112:119
    113:119  114:73   115:104  116:77   117:119  118:115  119:181  120:115
    121:115  122:100  123:92   124:104  125:92   126:131  127:207  128:146
    129:119  130:111  131:111  132:111  133:111  134:111  135:111  136:111
    137:111  138:111  139:50   140:50   141:50   142:154  143:154  144:119
    145:177  146:204  147:119  148:119  149:119  150:119  151:119  152:115
    153:158  154:150  155:122  156:131  157:160  158:207  159:131  160:111
    161:50   162:119  163:119  164:119  165:150  166:85   167:85   168:108
    169:104  170:207  171:207  172:207  173:69   174:115  175:115  176:207
    177:207  178:207  179:207  180:207  181:154  182:154  183:154  184:105
    185:207  186:207  187:207  188:207  189:129  190:129  191:207  192:207
    193:207  194:207  195:207  196:207  197:207  198:114  199:154  200:207
    201:207  202:207  203:207  204:207  205:207  206:207  207:128  208:121
    209:150  210:119  211:119  212:119  213:51   214:58   215:58   216:58
    217:207  218:207  219:207  220:207  221:105  222:58   223:207  224:158
    225:127  226:158  227:158  228:119  229:158  230:115  231:119  232:126
    233:150  234:150  235:150  236:118  237:141  238:129  239:129  240:72
    241:207  242:106  243:207  244:130  245:130  246:207  247:129  248:131
    249:129  250:25   251:81   252:81   253:81   254:104  255:104

FontInfo UniversItalic
    MaxNormalCharWidth 188
    Ascent 167
    CodeSection 0:255
      1:207    2:207    3:207    4:207
      5:131  ! telephone character must be the same as # (35)
      7:69   ! non-breaking hyphen must be the same as hyphen (45)
      9:69   ! tab must be the same as space (32)
     10:207   11:150   12:150   13:104
     14:69   ! potential hyphen must be the same as hyphen (45)
     15:69   ! non-breaking space must be the same as space (32)
     17:150   18:150   19:114   20:131   21:131   22:207   23:150   24:150
     25:150   26:150   27:150   28:207   29:150   30:150   31:150   32:69
     33:69    34:104   35:131   36:131   37:207   38:158   39:69    40:69
     41:69    42:131   43:207   44:69    45:69    46:69    47:69    48:131
     49:131   50:131   51:131   52:131   53:131   54:131   55:131   56:131
     57:131   58:69    59:69    60:207   61:207   62:207   63:108   64:207
     65:154   66:131   67:146   68:150   69:119   70:115   71:154   72:150
     73:58    74:115   75:138   76:111   77:188   78:150   79:158   80:123
     81:161   82:134   83:134   84:131   85:150   86:150   87:207   88:150
     89:142   90:127   91:69    92:69    93:69    94:131   95:104   96:131
     97:111   98:119   99:111  100:119  101:111  102:77   103:119  104:119
    105:50   106:50   107:111  108:50   109:181  110:119  111:119  112:119
    113:119  114:73   115:104  116:77   117:119  118:115  119:181  120:115
    121:115  122:100  123:92   124:104  125:92   126:131  127:207  128:146
    129:119  130:111  131:111  132:111  133:111  134:111  135:111  136:111
    137:111  138:111  139:50   140:50   141:50   142:154  143:154  144:119
    145:177  146:204  147:119  148:119  149:119  150:119  151:119  152:115
    153:158  154:150  155:122  156:131  157:160  158:207  159:131  160:111
    161:50   162:119  163:119  164:119  165:150  166:85   167:85   168:108
    169:104  170:207  171:207  172:207  173:69   174:115  175:115  176:207
    177:207  178:207  179:207  180:207  181:154  182:154  183:154  184:105
    185:207  186:207  187:207  188:207  189:129  190:129  191:207  192:207
    193:207  194:207  195:207  196:207  197:207  198:111  199:154  200:207
    201:207  202:207  203:207  204:207  205:207  206:207  207:128  208:121
    209:150  210:119  211:119  212:119  213:51   214:58   215:58   216:58
    217:207  218:207  219:207  220:207  221:105  222:58   223:207  224:158
    225:127  226:158  227:158  228:119  229:158  230:115  231:119  232:126
    233:150  234:150  235:150  236:115  237:142  238:129  239:129  240:72
    241:207  242:106  243:207  244:130  245:130  246:207  247:129  248:131
    249:129  250:16   251:81   252:81   253:81   254:104  255:104

FontInfo UniversBold
    MaxNormalCharWidth 188
    Ascent 167
    CodeSection 0:255
      1:207    2:207    3:207    4:207
      5:131  ! telephone character must be the same as # (35)
      7:69   ! non-breaking hyphen must be the same as hyphen (45)
      9:69   ! tab must be the same as space (32)
     10:207   11:150   12:150   13:104
     14:69   ! potential hyphen must be the same as hyphen (45)
     15:69   ! non-breaking space must be the same as space (32)
     17:150   18:150   19:115   20:131   21:131   22:207   23:150   24:150
     25:150   26:150   27:150   28:207   29:150   30:150   31:150   32:69
     33:69    34:108   35:131   36:131   37:207   38:158   39:69    40:69
     41:69    42:131   43:207   44:69    45:69    46:69    47:69    48:131
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FontInfo UniversBoldItalic
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    217:207  218:207  219:207  220:207  221:105  222:58   223:207  224:158
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    233:150  234:150  235:150  236:115  237:142  238:129  239:129  240:72
    241:207  242:106  243:207  244:130  245:130  246:207  247:129  248:131
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TypefaceFonts Courier
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TypefaceFonts Univers
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