author Faisal Memon <>
Fri, 13 Aug 2010 15:24:50 +0100
changeset 147 af143508cc47
parent 0 5d03bc08d59c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Prune down surface manager. Interface bit moved to surfacemanager_api. Implementation bit moved to

// Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description: 
// graphics-wserv-genericplugin-load-nonnga.script
// Tests the generic plug-in framework
// The test is fully automated.

LOAD_SUITE	t_wservgenericpluginserver_nonnga
DELAY		5000

//!@SYMTestCaseID			GRAPHICS-WSERV-1841-0001
//!@SYMPREQ					1841
//!@SYMTestCaseDesc			Control of CWsPlugin loading from WSINI.INI			
//!@SYMTestActions			tests alternative fader specified by an ID and alternative 
//!							render stage specified by TYPE in wsini.ini file are loaded
//!@SYMTestStatus			Implemented
//!@SYMTestPriority			2
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults	Alternative plugins are loaded as specified. 
//!							Window created in screen 0 is faded with custom fader and 
//!							two lines are drawn on the left top window by custom render stage.
//!@SYMTestType				CT
RUN_TEST_STEP 100	t_wservgenericpluginserver_nonnga T_WServGenericpluginStepLoad graphics-wserv-genericplugin-nonnga.ini graphics-wserv-genericplugin-0001

//!@SYMTestCaseID			GRAPHICS-WSERV-1841-0002
//!@SYMPREQ					1841
//!@SYMTestCaseDesc			Test that plugins can be specified on a per-screen basis through WSINI.INI file
//!@SYMTestActions			Create modified WSINI.INI file which specifies different fader and render stage
//!							plugins to be used on screens 0 and 1.
//!@SYMTestStatus			Implemented
//!@SYMTestPriority			2
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults	Both sets of plugins are loaded, and the correct plugin is used on each screen.
//!							Windows created in different screen are faded with different color.
//!							Windows in screen 0 have two lines drawn on left top window by custom render stage 
//!							while windows in screen 1 use standard render stage.
//!@SYMTestType				CT
RUN_TEST_STEP 100	t_wservgenericpluginserver_nonnga T_WServGenericpluginStepLoad graphics-wserv-genericplugin-nonnga.ini graphics-wserv-genericplugin-0002

//!@SYMTestCaseID			GRAPHICS-WSERV-1841-0003
//!@SYMPREQ					1841
//!@SYMTestCaseDesc			Passing data to CWsPlugin on construction through WSINI.INI file
//!@SYMTestActions			Create modified WSINI.INI file which specifies a test plugin to be loaded, 
//!							and contains a section for that plugin containing a DATA variable.
//!							TestFader_Data plugin is used for this test
//!@SYMTestStatus			Implemented
//!@SYMTestPriority			2
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults	The plug-in is loaded as specified. 
//!							Window created in screen 1 is faded by fader with fading option set in WSINI.INI.
//!@SYMTestType				CT
RUN_TEST_STEP 100	t_wservgenericpluginserver_nonnga T_WServGenericpluginStepLoad graphics-wserv-genericplugin-nonnga.ini graphics-wserv-genericplugin-0003

//!@SYMTestCaseID			GRAPHICS-WSERV-1841-0004
//!@SYMPREQ					1841
//!@SYMTestCaseDesc			Integer and string attributes in WSINI.INI file can be read from CWsPlugin. 			
//!@SYMTestActions			Create modified WSINI.INI file which specifies a test fader to be loaded to screen 0.
//!							Specifies integer and string variables for default, custom, and screen sections
//!@SYMTestStatus			Implemented
//!@SYMTestPriority			2
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults	Alternative plug-in is loaded as specified and attributes can be accessed from plug-in.
//!@SYMTestType				CT
RUN_TEST_STEP 100	t_wservgenericpluginserver_nonnga T_WServGenericpluginStepLoad graphics-wserv-genericplugin-nonnga.ini graphics-wserv-genericplugin-0004

//!@SYMTestCaseID			GRAPHICS-WSERV-1841-0005
//!@SYMPREQ					1841
//!@SYMTestCaseDesc			CWsPlugin can gain information about closing windows using MWsWindow interface.
//!@SYMTestActions			Create modified WSINI.INI file which specifies a test renderer to be loaded.
//!							Register CWsPLugin as eventhandler receiving EWindowClosing events.
//!@SYMTestStatus			Implemented
//!@SYMTestPriority			2
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults	Plugin can access information about closing windows through MWsWindow interface.
//!							Windows with different size and position are created and closed in screen 0.
//!@SYMTestType				CT
RUN_TEST_STEP 100	t_wservgenericpluginserver_nonnga T_WServGenericpluginStepLoad graphics-wserv-genericplugin-nonnga.ini graphics-wserv-genericplugin-0005

//!@SYMTestCaseID			GRAPHICS-WSERV-1841-0006
//!@SYMPREQ					1841
//!@SYMTestCaseDesc			CWsPlugin can obtain instance of another CWPlugin.
//!@SYMTestActions			Create modified WSINI.INI file which specifies a test renderer, test fader, and service plug-in to be loaded.
//!							Service plugin offers elementary service to other plug-ins.
//!@SYMTestStatus			Implemented
//!@SYMTestPriority			2
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults	Test fader can access information set in service plugin by test renderer.
//!@SYMTestType				CT
RUN_TEST_STEP 100	t_wservgenericpluginserver_nonnga T_WServGenericpluginStepLoad graphics-wserv-genericplugin-nonnga.ini graphics-wserv-genericplugin-0006

//!@SYMTestCaseID			GRAPHICS-WSERV-1841-0100
//!@SYMPREQ					1841
//!@SYMTestCaseDesc			Negative tests for control of CWsPlugin loading from WSINI.INI			
//!@SYMTestActions			Modify WSINI.INI file that specifies the below plugins to be loaded and check the log file.
//!							1. Fader without ID or Type for identification in wsini.ini file.
//!							2. Fader with mismatch UIDs in wsini.ini file.
//!							3. Fader which leaves from ConstructL.
//!							4. Render stage factory which responds incorrectly(return NULL) to ResolveObjectInterface method call.	
//!							5. Render stage factory which returns NULL from CreateStageL method.
//!@SYMTestStatus			Implemented
//!@SYMTestPriority			2
//!@SYMTestExpectedResults	1. Fader without ID or Type for identification in wsini.ini file is not loaded.
//!							2. Fader with mismatch UIDs in wsini.ini file is not loaded.
//!							3. Fader which leaves from ConstructL is not loaded.
//!							4. Render stage factory which responds incorrectly(return NULL) to ResolveObjectInterface method 
//!							call is created without effect.	
//!							5. Render stage factory which returns NULL from CreateStageL method call is 
//!							created without effect. 
//!@SYMTestType				CT 
RUN_TEST_STEP 100	t_wservgenericpluginserver_nonnga T_WServGenericpluginStepLoad graphics-wserv-genericplugin-nonnga.ini graphics-wserv-genericplugin-0100