Export missing vgcontext*.h headers and remove libvgi.mmp due to collision with KhronosRI.
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
day = 01
expected = true
hour = 12
microsecond = 555555
minute = 30
month = 10
opcode = ECmdGeneralAnimate
second = 20
year = 2008
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
opcode = ECmdGeneralClient
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
expected = true
opcode = ECmdGeneralFlashStateOn
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
opcode = ECmdGeneralPanic
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
opcode = ECmdGeneralScreenDevice
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
expected = 2
interface = 0
opcode = ECmdGeneralExtendedInterface
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
interface = 1
opcode = ECmdGeneralExtendedInterface
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
interface = 2
opcode = ECmdGeneralExtendedInterface
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
interface = 4
opcode = ECmdGeneralExtendedInterface
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
opcode = ECmdGeneralWindowExtension
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
expected = 2
opcode =ECmdGeneralNumOfExtInterfaces
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
opcode = ECmdGeneralEventExtension
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
getevent = true
opcode = ECmdGeneralGetRawEvents
getevent = false
opcode = ECmdGeneralGetRawEvents
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
getevent = true
opcode = ECmdGeneralGetRawEvents
opcode = ECmdGeneralPostRawEvent
rawevent = EButton3Up
expected = true
opcode = ECmdRetrieveResult
getevent = false
opcode = ECmdGeneralGetRawEvents
opcode = ECmdGeneralPostRawEvent
rawevent = EButton3Up
expected = false
opcode = ECmdRetrieveResult
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
Code =EKeyEnter
opcode = ECmdGeneralPostKeyEvent
session =ws
windowgroup =wingp
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
expected = ESyncNone
opcode = ECmdGeneralSync
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
animsync = ESyncNone
opcode = ECmdGeneralSetSync
expected = ESyncNone
opcode = ECmdGeneralSync
animsync = ESyncFlash
opcode = ECmdGeneralSetSync
expected = ESyncFlash
opcode = ECmdGeneralSync
animsync = ESyncSecond
opcode = ECmdGeneralSetSync
expected = ESyncSecond
opcode = ECmdGeneralSync
animsync = ESyncMinute
opcode = ECmdGeneralSetSync
expected = ESyncMinute
opcode = ECmdGeneralSync
animsync = ESyncDay
opcode = ECmdGeneralSetSync
expected = ESyncDay
opcode = ECmdGeneralSync
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
animsync = ESyncNone
opcode = ECmdGeneralSetSync
interval = 4
opcode = ECmdGeneralSetInterval
expected = true
opcode = ECmdRetrieveResult
interval = 1
opcode = ECmdGeneralSetInterval
expected = true
opcode = ECmdRetrieveResult
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
animsync = ESyncNone
opcode = ECmdGeneralSetSync
interval = 4
opcode = ECmdGeneralSetInterval
interval = 0
opcode = ECmdGeneralSetInterval
expected = true
opcode = ECmdRetrieveResult
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
animsync = ESyncNone
opcode = ECmdGeneralSetSync
interval = 4
opcode = ECmdGeneralSetInterval
expected = true
opcode = ECmdRetrieveResult
interval = -4
opcode = ECmdGeneralSetInterval
expected = true
opcode = ECmdRetrieveResult
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
animsync =ESyncFlash
opcode = ECmdGeneralSetSync
interval = 1
opcode =ECmdGeneralSetInterval
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
animsync = ESyncNone
opcode = ECmdGeneralSetSync
interval = 4
nextinterval = 2
opcode = ECmdGeneralSetNextInterval
expected = true
opcode = ECmdRetrieveResult
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
animsync = ESyncFlash
opcode = ECmdGeneralSetSync
interval = 1
nextinterval = 1
opcode = ECmdGeneralSetNextInterval
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
animsync = ESyncNone
opcode = ECmdGeneralSetSync
interval = 4
nextinterval = 0
opcode = ECmdGeneralSetNextInterval
expected = true
opcode = ECmdRetrieveResult
interval = 4
nextinterval = -2
opcode = ECmdGeneralSetNextInterval
expected = true
opcode = ECmdRetrieveResult
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
expected = EEventDirectScreenAccessBegin
notification = 1
opcode = ECmdGeneralRegisterForNotis
ws = ws
dsa = dsa
scrdev = scrdev
win = win
ws = ws
reason = ETerminateRegion
expected = true
opcode = ECmdRetrieveResult
expected = EEventDirectScreenAccessBegin
notification = 0
opcode = ECmdGeneralRegisterForNotis
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
expected = send message
message = send message
opcode = ECmdGeneralMessage
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
mode = EColor64K
blue = 0
green = 0
red = 0
ws = ws
bitmap_id = 0
file_name = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded = FALSE
use_rfile = FALSE
bitmap = bitmap
opcode = ECmdGeneralDuplicateBitmapL
expected =false
flags =EIncludeSprite
rect1_bottom = 100
rect1_left = 0
rect1_right = 100
rect1_top = 0
rect2_bottom = 100
rect2_left = 200
rect2_right = 300
rect2_top = 0
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
mode = EColor64K
blue = 0
green = 0
red = 0
bitmap_id = 0
file_name = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded = FALSE
use_rfile = FALSE
opcode = ECmdGeneralDuplicateBitmapL
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
mode = EColor64K
blue = 0
green = 0
red = 0
ws = ws
bitmap_id = 0
file_name = \graphics\wserv\test_RWsSprite_bitmap.mbm
share_if_loaded = FALSE
use_rfile = FALSE
opcode =ECmdUtilEatupMemory
bitmap = bitmap
opcode = ECmdGeneralDuplicateBitmapL
opcode =ECmdUtilFreeEatenMemory
expected =true
flags =EIncludeSprite
rect1_bottom = 100
rect1_left = 0
rect1_right = 100
rect1_top = 0
rect2_bottom = 100
rect2_left = 200
rect2_right = 300
rect2_top = 0
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
mode = EColor64K
blue = 0
green = 0
red = 0
ws = ws
font = font
font_height = 150
font_name = Arial
font = font
opcode =ECmdGeneralDuplicateFontL
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
mode = EColor64K
blue = 0
green = 0
red = 0
opcode = ECmdGeneralDuplicateFontL
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
mode = EColor64K
blue = 0
green = 0
red = 0
ws = ws
font = font
font_height = 150
font_name = Arial
opcode =ECmdUtilEatupMemory
font = font
opcode =ECmdGeneralDuplicateFontL
opcode =ECmdUtilFreeEatenMemory
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
mode = EColor64K
blue = 0
green = 0
red = 0
ws = ws
font = font
font_height = 150
font_name = Arial
font = font
opcode =ECmdGeneralCloseFont
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
opcode = ECmdGeneralReplyBuf8
slot2 = test1
slot3 = test2
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
opcode = ECmdGeneralReplyBuf16
slot2 = test1
slot3 = test2
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
animsync =ESyncDay
expected =true
opcode =ECmdGeneralSystemTime
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
animsync =ESyncMinute
expected =true
opcode =ECmdGeneralSystemTime
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
animsync =ESyncSecond
expected =true
opcode =ECmdGeneralSystemTime
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
animsync =ESyncFlash
expected =true
opcode =ECmdGeneralSystemTime
ws = ws
clienthandle = 1
ws = ws
handle = 3
parent = wingp
expectedFlushstate = false
newFlushstate = true
ws = ws
filename ={default_wserv,def_anim_plugin}
animdll =animdll
anim =anim
param =10,10;20,0;0;20,20;255,0,0;2,4;
type =EKWindowAnim
win = win
animsync =ESyncNone
expected =true
opcode =ECmdGeneralSystemTime